Avada bird dogs - Georgia Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Breeders Introduction to Crate Training. Meet Dunfield Tollers a small team of huge Toller lovers that has been in the breeding business for over twenty years! Founded in 1884, the not-for-profit AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health, and training information for all dogs. 4. They Are the Smallest of the Retriever Breeds. (The sale of our pups is reported income, and therefore under Canadian Federal & Provincial laws we must charge BC sales tax and GST as this applies to live animal sales. You're gonna love a Toller for its brilliant, energetic personality, and its uniquely-shaped, medium-sized body. Copyright 2017 Neverland Tollers All Rights Reserved. Its a life philosophy that teaches us dogs are more valuable than we could ever think of. A Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever may be right for you if you want a dog that is. They have a fanatical drive to work, and an abundance of energy. Medical research services for injury, disease and senior care. Did I say highly intelligent again Yes, Tollers learn wickedly fast and they remember things that are important to them. They Have the Longest AKC Breed Name - The Nova Scotia Duck. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers are active dogs that do best in homes with owners that can fulfill their exercise needs. Their nose either matches the color of their coat or is black. They are exceptionally intelligent and athletic and can excel in a variety of dog sports and activities. RedMoon Tollers is one of the few U.S.-based breeders located in Northern California. Because theyre retrievers, Tollers are also valuable to hunters for their willingness to enter the water and bring in downed waterfowl. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers aren't the most vocal dogs, but they'll still alert their owners when they feel it's necessary, and they may bark when excited about other animals or new people outside. Also, theyre handled by humans from the moment theyre born, so the socialization is covered, too! Originally bred in Yarmouth County, which is located at the southern tip of Nova Scotia, it was officially recognized by the Canadian Kennel Club in 1915. All puppies will be introduced to crate training. Our puppies are only sold only to approved homes, and there is a thorough screening process for each applicant starting with SuperNovas Puppy Questionnaire. Tollers are great communicators, and they love deeply. This breed sheds twice per year, so owners should expect to increase its brushing schedule during these seasons to control stray fur around the house. The processing fee is $60 CAD (non refundable.). We have been involved with Tollers for almost 20 years and breed our dogs on a very limited basis. These little red shadows are first and foremost dedicated family companions who excelin hunt, therapy, obedience, scent work andperformance. When your Toller looks into your eyes, you can see their intelligence and you know they love you (or maybe they are hungry, or want outside, or youve hidden the ball again.) Dog training with them will be a delight because they learn so fast. While the breed has existed since the 1800s in Canada, the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever is still a somewhat rare dog breed in the United States. A layover in Calgary was welcomed to stretching her legs and a potty break in the doggie bathroom at the Calgary Airport. This breed also does well with cats when introductions are made properly, though because of its origins in hunting, it still retains a prey drive and may be inclined to chase smaller animals. Because Tollers run as much as they swim when "tolling," they are smaller and more agile than most other retrievers. puppy reservation Our Methods Puppies are only sold to approved homes. Our goal as a breeder is to produce top quality healthy Tollers with excellent temperament and true to the breed standard. RC Tollers, CKC Registered,Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. Puppies will go home with a Puppy Package which includes a puppy collar, leash, rubber toy, treats, poop bags, food & water bowl, and a litter-scented blanket and information so you can continue their training. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Dog Breed Information Usually standing under 20 inches tall and weighing less than 50 pounds, the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever is also known as the Little River Duck Dog for good reason. We start the SuperNova Puppy Training Program at 3 days old and work with each puppy daily until they leave for their forever home at age 8-9 weeks. Tollers are happy, friendly dogs by nature, however they can become cautious if not socialized and exposed to new and different things especially from a young age going forward. You dont have to worry about their puppies being of great health; they truly are, and RedMoon even has health testing results to confirm this claim. Here, you can find the top six breeders of the Toller breed in the USA and Canada. Males are 18-21 inches and females 17-20 at the withers, with medium bone and weight proportion to the height and bone of the dog, which makes them the smallest of the retriever breeds. Guarantee that breeding stock is clear of any non-breeding agreements. Our goal is to breed healthy, quality and versatile puppies that are able to excell in all areas of performance. Tollers are so loyal and so in love with their family members that they follow them around like shadows in pretty red coats! Please read through this page and our other page of FAQs before considering a Toller puppy from Daintree. Free Training Seminars covering everything from Dock Diving to basic to competitive obedience. Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information. Thank you for your interest in a Daintree Duck Toller. So, now that you know which Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever breeders to trust, will you go out and get a Toller? If you can no longer care for your dog, we ask that you contact us. Our puppies go on to work in therapy, hunting, scent detection, competitive obedience and, most importantly, as family companions. Afterwords Tracy used everything she'd learned of me to pick the specific puppy that was right for me and my lifestyle and so far she has chosen perfectly. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Basics. The Puppy Culture Program for Puppy Owners (excellent information), The Art of Raising A Puppy, by Monks of New Skete, How To Be Your Dogs Best Friend, by Monks of New Skete, What is included with a SuperNova Puppy:. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Dog Breed Info | Petfinder We got our first Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, "Tia" UKC CH INTER-CONTINENTAL CH NC NI NE UCD UNJCH CA PTA URO2 UAGII URATS AKC GRCH CH Keepsake Kd's Let The Games Begin CD PCD BN GN RA NA NAJ NAP NFP NF NJ-R CAA TDI THDN RATI RATS BCAT CGCA CGCU SPOT-ON ORT1 NW1 L1I NTD TKN DJ FDC, 10 years ago. If you love the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, you may also like these similar breeds: There are plenty of different dog breeds out there that can join your family. About Us | Privacy Policy | Terms | Affiliate Disclosure | Contact 2023 PupVine. It is. Daintree can offer advice on most dog-related issues. Purchaser cost of a SuperNova puppy is $3900 CAD plus shipping if applicable. We want you, your family and your puppy to be successful in your relationship with one another, and to have a lasting bond. Do you have questions about our breeding program? We enjoy competing and/or participating in many different performance sports. They dont breed for profit their love for dogs keeps them going. Woof! They are knowledgeable about the history and health of the breed. We are proud owners and breeders of the versatile Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. ), but monitor your dog's weight closely and reduce treats if they begin gaining too much. All rights reserved. Interested in Canine Nutrition, vaccine protocols or how to save money at your vets? Puppy Culture Explained - HERE. Kennel owned by brother-in-laws Jim Jeffery and Douglas Coldwell. Continue to strengthen your bond through an activity that is suited to both you and your dog e.g. As a result, we produce a very limited number of puppies per yearfrom parents who are proven both inthe show ring and in performancecompetitions. We are proud owners and breeders of the versatile Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever At Forest Cove Tollers our breeding program focuses on excellent structure, strong working ability and great temperaments. On top of this she also gave me plenty of advice and provided me with everything I would need to care for my new puppy for a few days so the transition would be as smooth as possible. Sure, no one gets a Toller to keep intruders away and serve as an alarm. Susqudilla Kennels - Breeder, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Duck Tollers A duck tolling retriever is the World's best mood-lifter! Check with the breeder for up-to-date information on puppy availability. There is never a dull moment with a Toller. She provided me with tons of helpful information that I would need after I'd gotten my puppy, as well as things I would need to know and do before that time so I was fully prepared and confident. Grooming a Nova Scotia Duck Toller is similar to caring for other retrievers. She has successful accomplished 34 CKC titles so far across her dogs with a dedication to earning more. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Breeder - SeaTerrace We take great pride in our breeding program. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers - Toller Dog Breeder We are now pre-booking a limited number of reservations. They Are the Smallest Retriever Breed. A must see if visiting Nova Scotia. They commit to health testing so their Toller puppies come with CERF, OFA, and Optigen test results. Potential owners should be aware that Nova Scotia Duck Tollers are a very high-energy dog breed that needs lots of attention and mental stimulation each day, and without it, they may find entertainment elsewhere by becoming destructive around the house. Apply annually and pay a fee to be listed. Tollers remained a secret of Nova Scotia hunters for years, though they were eventually recognized by the Canadian Kennel Club in 1945. Owners, with persistence, can train their Toller not to scream. All rights reserved. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers: What's Good and Bad About 'Em Check out nine fun facts you might not have known about this sporting breed. Unvaccinated- First shots are not given prior to departure- the latest research suggests that 9 weeks is too young to vaccinate so we provide detailed vaccination instructions and can provide a letter of explanation for your veterinarian. We are a breeder of Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers and are passionate about promoting this wonderful little red dog that originated in Nova Scotia over 100 years ago. We are so proud and extremely honoured to say our Foundation Female is LittleRivers Promise & Hope, bred by Douglas Coldwell of Little River Kennels, in Blomidon, Nova Scotia. We focus our attention on these special puppies from birth, using the most current rearing and development techniques (including Puppy Culture) available to create dogs who are extremely trainable and resilient to stress. About Avada bird dogs. Raised in our home in sanitary conditions, Purchase contract, bill of sale & adoption certificate, Head start on potty training and introduction to litter box & pee pads, Basic obedience training using positive reinforcement. If you have any questions, you can visit our FAQs or contact us here. The reason why theyre so successful lies in the fact that Roaneden is home-based and completely devoted to each puppy. Learn more about the program expertsHERE. It would be ridiculous to pass on a chance of getting a Toller. Cannoli and Hamiltons Apple Dumpling Gang, born November 2020. Whats so interesting about this breeder is that they dont have a numbered waiting list. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers (often shortened simply to Tollers) are sport dogs at heart with intelligence, affection, and an affinity for self-assured independence. At least an hour per day of activity will keep this breed happy and healthy. Although we have many years of experience in dog related activites, our interest in the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever began in the early 1980's. We began our love of Tollers in . We put our love and dedication into breeding dogs that exceed our expectations. These sweet little gundogs are being raised not only as companions, but also as excellent hunting dogs for waterfowl, as well as working tasks like dock diving, agility, etc. Much like a fox, the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever employs quick movements that attract the attention of prey and lure them out into the open. Responsible breeders strive to maintain high standards by testing their dogs before breeding, which helps them avoid passing problems down to puppies. Theyre working dogs with great energy levels. The breed was developed in the community of Little River Harbour in Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, Canada, around the beginning of the 19th century, to toll waterfowl and as an all-purpose hunting dog. She has worked in Veterinary Clinics and Zoos all over the world, is aCertified Obedience Trainer and an active member of the Oshawa Obedience Club. In the 1960s, Tollers made their way down to the United States, though they werent officially recognized by the AKC until the mid-1980s. They are alert but not hyperactive, and can adjust to many circumstances. Training a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever can be a challenge. We do not have any immediate plans for a future litter at this time. If youre interested in getting this purebred, AKC- and CKC-approved pooch, then youll need a good source. Name a health testing program, theyll have certificates for it! Tollers are emotionally and physically sensitive: You have to be careful with how much pressure you apply in training. Not to mention the raw feeding! Last Update: November 8th, 2022 They're a bit more stubborn than other popular retrievers, but with consistency in training, their eagerness to please can help them learn desired behaviors at home. If we don't pay breeders who do it right, we will only be left with breeders who do it wrong. Dunfield Tollers still breeds only occasionally, and not for the sake of. The American Kennel Club, Inc. 2022. New owners can watch the puppies grow through pictures that I post weekly. . advanced obedience, agility, confirmation, field events, dock diving, scent training, SAR work, or therapy dog training such as Therapeutic Paws of Canada. SeaTerrace Tollers Reg'd Kennel was registered with the Canadian Kennel Club in 2009, and all of our puppies are registered under that Kennel name. Vaccinations - Our Veterinarian recommends puppy vaccinations should be given at either 12 weeks or when the Mothers natural immunity she givens her pups has waned. Still, its nice to have a dog that will let you know somethings wrong the moment he senses it. This will give you the foundation you need for success and long happy relationship with your dog. Theyre a proud AKC Breeder of Merit, and they breed to improve the breed and bring the best of both worlds: beauty and brains. Their rich experience hasnt pushed them out of their comfort zone. We arecommitted to producing structurally sound, intelligentand healthy Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers. Tollers arent as strong as Dobermans, but they still make excellent watchdogs because theyre so alert. SuperNova Duck Tollers is registered with the Canadian Kennel Club and. These health clearances give the best possible chance of breeding healthy puppies. Why are you interested in Red Shadow Kennels? For more info, check out our about us page. What type of Performance Sports or Mental Stimulation do you plan to do with your pup? 1 was here. Throughout the rest of the year, brushing these dogs a few times each week should usually keep shedding under control. As for whether that personality brings joy to your life or stress, it all depends on what youre looking for in a family dog and what lifestyle you can offer these feisty furballs. Play fetch with a tireless Toller until your right arm falls off, and he will ask you to throw left-handed. They come from dna health tested (through UC Davis)and cleared parents. AKC is a participant in affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to akc.org. Here are the top three reasons why a Toller might not be the right pup for you. (Example, if there is a pup that is suitable for breeding, they will go to someone looking to purchase a puppy on a breeding contract, etc). ~Josh & Margot (SuperNovas Texas Bluebonnet). This breeder takes really good care of their puppies, making sure every puppy is matched with the right owner. Jump Start Socialization: Our puppies are socialized with adults, children, dogs and cats. Puppy Culturehas brought together a team of leading breeders, veterinarians, and behaviorists to explain the science behind WHY Puppy Culture works so well. The Red Shadow Kennel truly bought me with their motto. She was willing to be flexible and accommodate my wishes to meet her at the airport in Kelowna, which required a bit of a drive for herself, since I live far from Vernon and had to fly to the area to meet her. The puppies are documented here with daily updates on progress, photos and videos. Our Mentor, Doug Coldwell highly recommended Til Niquidet of Pikkinokka Kennels. With extensive experience inEmergency Medicine, Canine Reproduction, Early Development,Canine Nutrition and Vaccine protocols. No new applications until 2025/01/01 All rights reserved. Failure to properly socialize Tollers at a young age may result in aggressive, destructive, or timid behaviour in maturity. ), Deposit: Once approved we will require $500 deposit to secure your puppy. https://www.akc.org/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Breeders in Oklahoma. Our dogs are all family members first; they live in our home and are our close companions. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever: Info, Pictures, Facts Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Puppies For Sale - AKC PuppyFinder
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