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2 0 obj Employment Opportunities | Northern Wells Community Schools Skilled in K-12 Education, Financial Management Experience, Classroom Management, Lesson. Copyright 2019 - Bluffton News-Banner - All Rights Reserved. Superintendent Springer shared information about 2022-23 New Student Enrollment Increases, 2023 Budget Timeline and the 2022 Collective Bargaining Timeline. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 9 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Enter school, corporation, or network name. All rights reserved. Assistant Superintendent District Staff 260-622-4125 ext:1002 anna.murphy@nwcs.k12.in.us. ]gp~ n`nno?GR@~v7rzr#9S(jV-uli9bux25w4 i:{/_|mNV=4xZLm+:V EB`\mq-ybc?x^ (WANE) A new superintendent has been hired to lead Northern Wells Community School Corporation. Northern Wells Community Schools | Home All records requested for pick-up and not picked up and non-requested records for persons born in the year 1999 will be permanently destroyed after August 9, 2021. 1841403615: Provider Name: NORTHERN WELLS COMMUNITY SCHOOLS: Location Address: 312 N JEFFERSON ST OSSIAN, IN 46777: Location Phone (260) 622-4125: Mailing Address: 312 N JEFFERSON ST OSSIAN, IN 46777: <> 5-14-1.5-6.1(b): <> 3 0 obj How old must a child be to enroll in Kindergarten? Records must be picked up by the person who received services unless otherwise legally designated. [citation needed]. Location: Northern Wells Community School Corporation. h. To view the Property for a scheduled inspection prior to November 23, 2021, please contact the Superintendent, Mike Springer, of the School Corporation, at 312 N Jefferson St, Ossian, IN 46777 or Mike.Springer@nwcs.k12.in.us. stream The regular board meeting video and attachments to minutes can be viewed on the NWCS . x\moFna?^swuN/VAhD"eofdqe( %K;/Pw_ wo__DGD~xfpxp@Oc#PD^,cxeo:] w,w>uoozg.w?{]MO}|oLo>%ez=^c8v|8<8Eu,Y$Q[!VvTI0 ;;MLBf~ ; Mike Springer - S.. - Northern Wells Community Schools - ZoomInfo Use the Search For Public School Districts locator to retrieve information on all U.S. public school districts. @l.zH9&^q5F^x1>2;AA^wN^:nDN X(aY0*3 + ^ 5=OgbW <>/Metadata 221 0 R/ViewerPreferences 222 0 R>> [ ] indicates that the data do not meet NCES data quality standards. Welcome to Norwell High School Equipping students to maximize present and future success! Springer and the school board in Hendricks County were at odds over how the board handled sexual misconduct allegations involving a Tri-West High School teacher and coach. t"Y\YXF'gXZAP]xR'qur+ER~i]=h #w=t If the student does not reside within the NWCS district boundaries, please be sure to fill out the Transfer Agreement also. District academic calendar dining volunteer background check Live Feed See All Posts NOTE: All actions of the Board were duly moved, seconded and adopted upon . . Be on your best Raider behavior and represent your school while on private property. If a child seeking to enroll in first grade has not attended kindergarten, the Superintendent shall make a determination as to whether the student will enroll in kindergarten or first grade based upon the assessment model found in the administrative guidelines. OSSIAN, Ind. The relationship between a school board and the superintendent is extremely important to the culture of a school district. Please note the location and specific requirements for using the site. PDF Northern Wells Community Schools Education . This requirement shall also apply to children who transfer into the Northern Wells Community Schools and who may have attended private or public kindergarten in another locality. Superintendent Springer recommended that Deb Adams serve as the Board Treasurer. Southern Wells Community Schools Superintendent Contract Addendum, Maintenance Director and Air Quality Corrdinator. Northern Wells Community Schools Aug 1993 - Jun 2011 17 years 11 months. <> Northern Wells Community Schools - Wikipedia Pursuant to I.C.36-1-11-3, Notice is hereby given that the Board of School Trustees (Board) of Northern Wells Community School Corporation (School Corporation) has declared its intent to sell the real estate and the residential structure located at 312 N Jefferson St, Ossian, IN 46777, Wells County, Indiana (Property). PDF Northern Wells Community Schools . Important Back to School Parent Survey Available now! Southern Wells Return to School Plan Reviewed June 6th, 2022. m`_7 BR7M7 .>]#B6y W!CqmJ_~r^{\ccp?, &}U3T This data is collected annually directly from State Education Agencies (SEAs). Each child of legal settlement shall be eligible for Kindergarten providing that s/he has attained the age of five (5) on or before August 1st. For the very latest in SW event scheduling, 9120S 300 West Poneto, IN 46781 | 765-728-5537. REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2022 5:30 P.M. . Anna Murphy - Assistant Superintendent - Northern Wells Community Northern Wells Community Schools is a provider established in Ossian, Indiana operating as a Local Education Agency (lea). Northern Wells Community Schools312 N. Jefferson StOssian, IN 46777Phone: (260) 622-4125Fax:(260) 622-7893, Enroll Student in NWCS Preschool at Lancaster Central Elementary or Ossian Elementary, Enroll New Student to Northern Wells Community Schools and Kindergarten Enrollments, Returning Students that attended Northern Wells Community Schools Last School Year, Textbook, Technology and Other Fee Information, Learn more about Northern Wells Community Schools from the. [3][dead link], Norwell High School has won the state championship for the best band performance in the US State of Indiana at Indianapolis for the last five years. Explore the Institute of Education Sciences, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS), National Household Education Survey (NHES), Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates (EDGE), National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS), Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES), Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS), Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Grant Program - (SLDS), National Postsecondary Education Cooperative (NPEC), NAEP State Profiles (nationsreportcard.gov), Public School District Finance Peer Search. [2], The district was formed after the 1967 consolidation of six township schools, with four original schools: OES, LCES, NMS, and NHS in 1967.[1]. Lancaster Central Elementary School is located in rural Bluffton, Indiana, on Jackson Street near Indiana Highway 1. % <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 14 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> In accordance with Indiana Code 5-15-6-3 requiring prior notification to individuals when records will be destroyed: Southern Wells Return to School Plan Updated October 8th, 2020, Here is a link to the 2020-2021 Return to Learn Plan (Updated October 8th, 2020), Southern Wells Community Schools Baccalaureate and Graduation Ceremony Live, 2020 Southern Wells Community Schools Baccalaureate. Indiana Department of Health Covid Updates August 28. NORTHERN WELLS COMMUNITY SCHOOLS REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2022 5:30 P.M. Northern Wells Community Schools is the school district that serves extreme Northern Wells County, Indiana.. Northern Wells consists of five schools: Norwell High School, Norwell Middle School, Lancaster Central Elementary School, Ossian Elementary School, and Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church & School. Mike Springer Superintendent of Schools at Northern Wells Community Schools Greater Indianapolis 246 connections Join to connect Northern Wells Community Schools Indiana State. Free Tools . As Call 6 Investigates reported, Springer resigned from the North West Hendricks School Corporation in October and received $116,631 in compensation, records show. Enrollment for new students to the district will be available at the beginning of March 2023. Northern Wells Community Schools (8435) | Indiana Leads by Industry . e. Each offer and bid must be accompanied by (1) a signed and completed purchase agreement and (2) a deposit in the form of a cashiers check for Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) payable to the School Corporation. 4 0 obj "dB A bid submitted by a trust must identify each beneficiary and the settlor empowered to revoke or modify the trust. PDF Northern Wells Community Schools >5? Southern Wells Community Schools Board Information, Southern Wells Return to Learn Plan Reviewed June 6th, 2020, Return to Learn Plan - Southern Wells Community Schools, Joint Letter from Superintendents about COVID-19, Parent Information on Spring Testing Covid-19. PDF Northern Wells Community Schools Northern Wells Community Schools hires new superintendent 1WWi)n`qq|2"*XOz,"F"66'G#uuj:[ v#PP 7c?(9s|u+?Y,|W4_Y. >'}Q2%8l+}RmdFbkVR2)mJv&dmf\> (0 g ~o$Z0r[zz "A@}Oa/ai/Bi e"q 6.F=w5GD0:T Bidders do not need to be present when the offers and bids are opened and considered. Assistant Superintendent Northern Wells Community Schools Bryant, Indiana, United States . Administration - Southern Wells Community Schools When can I submit an enrollment for a new student that will attend a Northern Wells Community School in the 2023-2024 school year - including Kindergarten as well as students that did not attend NWCS in 2022-2023? Deb Adams Financial Services Director District Staff . This page is not available in other languages. Appointment of Board Attorney Superintendent Springer recommended that Nick Hursh, Kast, Beck & Williams, LLP serve as the school's attorney in 2023. Information available on this site reflects assessment and accountability determinations from the 2018-2019 school year. All scheduled inspections of the Property shall occur during regular office hours. NORTHERN WELLS COMMUNITY SCHOOLS REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2022 5:30 P.M. Anna Murphy Email & Phone Number - Northern Wel.. | ZoomInfo PDF Northern Wells Community Schools Anna Murphy has been working as a Assistant Superintendent at Northern Wells Community Schools for 30 years. Attached below you will find. New Website Launch - Superintendent Springer shared that the new website for NWCS will go live on Friday. Northwest Allen Schools Superintendent, Chris Himsel, helps capture what ILEARN is and what it isn't. Thanks Chris!. All offers or bids shall provide for possession of the Property to be on or after August 1, 2022. c. All offers and bids will be opened and considered by the Board, as well as open for public inspection. g. The Property will not be sold to a person who is ineligible due to unpaid taxes under IC 36-1-11-16. Mike Springer is expected to take over as the Northern Wells Community School Corporation superintendent beginning Jan. 1, 2021, but Springer would start working for the district starting on July 1. Springer will follow Scott Mills who will retire Dec. 31 after 13 years as superintendent. Below are important documents containing more information about COVID-19. MILEAGE: The superintendent is encouraged to use a corporation owned vehicle for corporation business. All rights reserved. Rate established by corporation. NOTICE OF INTENT TO SELL REAL ESTATE NORTHERN WELLS COMMUNITY SCHOOLS. NOTICE OF INTENT TO SELL REAL ESTATE NORTHERN WELLS COMMUNITY SCHOOLS. .hoonuit-logo-accent{fill:#0075C9;} Superintendent Message to Parents Regarding COVID-19, Indiana State Department of Health Response to coronavirus in Public Schools, The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) is working under the directive of Governor Eric Holcomb and the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) to provide guidance to schools regarding the, novel coronavirus (COVID-19). 2 0 obj This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The link below will open our online job postings and access to our online application system. NORTHERN WELLS COMMUNITY SCHOOLS REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING & STRATEGIC PLANNING MEETING NORWELL HIGH SCHOOL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2023 . NWCS serves the towns of Ossian, Uniondale, Tocsin, Zanesville, Markle and the extreme . 622-7893 Michael J. Springer, Superintendent Anna Murphy, Assistant Superintendent 2023 School Board Meeting Dates and Locations Starting Time - 5:30 p.m. . <> PDF Northern Wells Community Schools Personnel Superintendent Springer presented the following personnel items. Northern Wells Community Schools | Ossian IN - Facebook Northern Wells Community Schools | Home Welcome to Northern Wells Community Schools Equipping students to maximize present and future success! 4/18/2023. As the superintendent has an underlying teacher contract, all provisions of the collective bargaining agreement shall be afforded as well. APPLICANTS interested in SUBSTITUTE TEACHING need to fill-out the Packet below and also apply for a background check (link below) SubstituteTeacherPacket 2023 and return the forms to our central office at 312 North Jefferson Street in Ossian. T}?;xCT;3cgg~9O?_/UZ"q$Q]|p}"_$>EWKw;zkcx'Ko?Nz[O)o8;/w%c#~Eo?~O\swwK The district will hold a public hearing on May 26 to gather community input on their pick. Vice-President Angie Topp made a motion to approve and Member Gene Donaghy . Substitute Packet (Bus Driver, Custodian, Cafeteria) please return the forms to our central office at 312 North Jefferson Street in Ossian. Northern Wells Community Schools 312 North Jefferson Street Telephone (260) 622-4125 . I?0;/I{kq E?f(}1)M.Por4Z!p}Yf9l@zVH0M%P`TBK0oPJ4O=Vu CFgle>e %2:eHu _ jW~MYtf6OT #k$q.KrS(]>\kJ0B,#t0O8 VigLlpia&CAE\)&yK>A#[{d mg+`;ZLgDr={J$1U~Gkr4@_n X$8Ml 62k sA{a2zJO,fcP$gy;}j XfTz;ZR` jZ wx'dv_Y^K#(F06,E; ,4u[q T9_.J=0= Superintendent Springer recommended the addition of three personnel items and one action item. Scott Mills has done a great job leading the school district the past thirteen years, and I am looking forward to working with him over the next six months to provide a smooth transition for Northern Wells Community Schools.". Who do I contact to schedule a tour of a school or need help with the process of enrolling a child? <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 9 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> endobj Northern Wells Community Schools - Facebook Northeast Indiana school superintendents ask state to put off ILEARN More + Name/Title Email, Website, Office Phone Copyright 2020 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. (Superintendent) NPI . In addition, the superintendent shall be considered immediately vested for retirement purposes and benefits as defined with the collective bargaining agreement. Below are the Live links to the July 24, 2020 Southern Wells Community Schools Baccalaureate and Graduation Ceremony. Member; and Superintendent Springer. Due to the widespread impact of COVID-19, the US Department of Education granted Indiana a waiver from annual assessment and accountability requirements for the 2019-2020 school year. "#V 68K 1E)l. Maximum accumulation of 180 days. <>/Metadata 180 0 R/ViewerPreferences 181 0 R>> NORTHERN WELLS COMMUNITY SCHOOLS REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING & STRATEGIC PLANNING MEETING NORWELL HIGH SCHOOL TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 2023 5:30 P.M. . Ossian Elementary School currently stands where the old Ossian High School was before Northern Wells' consolidated all six township schools. Any continual days beyond five must have Board approval. Donation to Southern Wells School District Superintendent Springer recommended that the Board approve the declared of no value 2023. 2020 Southern Wells Community Schools Graduation Ceremony. Southern Wells Community Schools. Northern Wells Community Schools 1979 - 200324 years Ossian, Wells County, Indiana I started as the Norwell HS assistant principal in 1979. Northern Wells Community Schools Npi 1841403615 Substitute Packet (Bus Driver, Custodian, Cafeteria). When corporation transportation is not available, he shall be reimbursed for miles driven in personal car when on corporation business. .hoonuit-logo-main{fill:#383A3C;}, Language Proficiency for English Learners, Wabash Valley Education Center Title III Consortia. endobj SubstituteTeacherPacket 2023 and return the forms to our central office at 312 North Jefferson Street in Ossian. In 1981, I became the assistant. Lancaster Central Elementary Office (Bluffton, IN) - 260-565-3135 Ossian Elementary Office (Ossian, IN) - 260-622-4179 When can I submit an enrollment for a new student that will attend a Northern Wells Community School in the 2023-2024 school year - including Kindergarten as well as students that did not attend NWCS in 2022-2023? Notice to any individuals born in the year 1999, who received special education services in Adams and/or Wells Counties. [ ] indicates that the data are missing. The Northern Wells school board received 22 applications for the position and Springer was the unanimous choice, according to the corporation.

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