Home of the world's largest radio/scanner frequency database Celebrating 20 years of no ads and no subscriber fees. Emergency relief funds are now available for those needing financial assistance for housing and utilities due to the impact of COVID-19. Lists all the articlesabout frequencies used by national, regional, state, and/or local (not just state-level) military entities in United States, as submitted by the members. I designed this search to be simple and quick. Product Reviews Public safety dispatcher: $44,928 per year, up to $57,372, Senior public safety dispatcher: $52,108 per year, up to $66,539, Public safety dispatch shift supervisor: $60,161 up to $76,822. please send an e-mail to the WEBMASTER. 10, NEW 25-CH CORDLESS (BASE TX) /49.280 ch. For kindergarten through second grade, we use a short animated video emphasizing how and when to use 911. Thank you all for your replies. If Lincoln Fire is using Phase 2, that should be submitted to the database. Candidates must be successful in each phase of the process and may be eliminated or disqualified at any point for failure to meet the criteria. These are another resource that an SRS user may use to communicate with a non-SRS user who may be using UHF or 700/800 MHz instead of VHF. The Scanner page contains an almost-live audio stream of the local public safety radio channels around the Kearney/Buffalo County Nebraska region. To view frequencies with a statewide area of operation, leave the county field blank. Users should be directed to a working channel as listed below., Note: UCALL is reserved for monitoring and remains silent, except for making initial contact. This category has the following 60 subcategories, out of 60 total. An employee will receive an additional $1,167 annually after completing the tenth year of service. Kearney/Buffalo County Public Safety Scanner | KE0TCF.radio is designed for and maintained by members of the Ozark Amateur Radio Club (Ozark I hope it is useful to you. Shared nationwide for fires etc., narrowband analog & p25, 216.0 - 216.1 WILDLIFE TRACKING TRANSMITTERS, *USCG DIST 11(LONG BEACH)/DIST 5(PORTSMOUTH) SECONDARY, *USCG DIST 7(MIAMI)/DIST17 (JUNEAU) PRIMARY, *USCG DIST 14 (JUNEAU)/DIST 8 (NEW ORLEANS) PRIMARY, *USCG DIST 3(NEW YORK)/DIST 11(PT.REYES CA) SECONDARY, *USCG DIST 1 (BOSTON)/DIST 11 (LONG BEACH) PRIMARY, *USCG DIST 1 (BOSTON)/DIST 13(WARINGTON OR) SECONDARY, *US NAVY HARBOR COMMON - MCMURDO ANTARCTICA, *USCG SEARCH & RESCUE, MARINE AERONAUTICAL SAR, *USAF MCCLELLAN AFB SAN FRAN, ANDREWS, CROUGHTON UK, *USCG AIR-GROUND HELICOPTERS, *US CUSTOMS, *USN GUAM JOINT MIL EMERGENCY DISASTER NET (S. PACIFIC), *USAF HILL AFB (OGDEN, UTAH) RANGE CONTROL/NORAD, *USN (VIRGINIA CAPES, VA) FLEET AREA CTRL/SURVEILLANCE, US MILITARY - LETTER GROUPS, ETC. EDACS. 2, NEW 25-CH CORDLESS (HANDSET TX) /43.82 ch. As well as Reg4/Statewide Interop, SWI4, IDPH, IDNR4, and Air Methods. The card set is used as a backup method to the computer program. The EMD program consists of either a set of protocol cards or a computer program called ProQA that directs the dispatcher to ask the caller a series of questions based on the nature of the medical emergency. You can set the trunking tables to default with a P25 system. These links change page section content below, Any crime involving weapons (guns, knives, clubs, etc), Domestic violence, in-progress or threatened, Anytime a suspect is still in or near the area, A description of the suspect, including clothing, Whether a weapon was involved and, if so, what type, A description and direction of travel of vehicle if one was involved. Emergency Communications | 911 Center - City of Lincoln, NE State dispatch centers coordinate assignment of the 16 EVNT talkgroups for specific events and time periods. Voted #1 Best Radio Website (2009 Users Choice Award) Forums Map Search Database Search Live Audio Alerts Wiki Click on Attach files and Open the zipped file. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. NE State Patrol (Nebraska) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference Menu NE State Patrol (Nebraska) Last Updated: May 1, 2021, 5:13 pm The majority of communications now takes place on the statewide trunked radio system. 7, NEW 25-CH CORDLESS (BASE TX) /49.160 ch. TERT is a national initiative created to provide personnel to support Communications Centers either in-state or out of state during times of disaster such as Hurricane Katrina, where employees are overwhelmed, affected by personal loss or both. The Lincoln Emergency Communication Center/911 continues its tradition of community involvement by providing presentations to schools and community groups, as well as scheduling tours of the 911 Center upon request. H, *US AIR NATL GUARD AEROSPACE RESCUE & RECOVERY, ch. Scanner Frequencies. Your control channel and alternate frequencies are incorrect. EVNT Event Talkgroups (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 3 )) || Donate This Twitter feed is embedded here as an additional resource/insight into local happenings. Frequency Sampler -- Nebraska Statewide Listings Police: 42.300 42.460 42.660 155.475 452.250 D.O.T. To view frequencies with a statewide area of operation, leave the county field blank. Ability to think and act quickly and calmly in emergency situations. // --> , A list sorted by frequency can be 433-435 ATV REPEATER, CONTROL LINKS, ETC. Adams Antelope Arthur Banner Blaine Boone Box Butte Boyd Brown Buffalo Burt Butler Cass Cedar Chase Cherry Cheyenne Clay Colfax Cuming Custer Dakota Dawes Dawson Deuel Dixon Dodge Douglas Dundy Fillmore Franklin Frontier Furnas Gage Garden Garfield Gosper Grant Greeley Hall Hamilton Harlan Hayes . Arthur. The critical requirement of this class is receiving calls for emergency service and dispatching emergency service units on a regular basis. *USN ATLANTIC/PACIFIC FLEET, *CAN. System users are provided a complete standardized programming template (fleetmap) that organizes all these resources.. To listen using other methods such as Windows Media Player, iTunes, or Winamp, choose your player selection and click the play icon to start listening. Public Safety. 1, NEW 25-CH CORDLESS (HANDSET TX) /43.74 ch. State dispatch centers and local PSAPs monitor the ROC CALL talkgroup in their respective State Patrol dispatch region ("A" through "E", and "H"). ROC CALL is the hailing talk group used to initiate contact, then users should move to ROC 1 or ROC 2 to continue the conversation. 88B - GPS AIS (collision avoidance) data, 216 - 217 MHZ LPRS (LOW POWER RADIO SERVICE), 217.0125 - 217.9875 AMTS COAST TX (25 KC STEPS) (/219-220), 219.0125 - 219.9875 AMTS SHIP TX (25 KC STEPS) (/217-218), 225 - 1000 MHZ P-BAND (SOMETIMES CONSIDERED 200-400MHZ), 328.6 - 335.4 Glide slope transmitters (paired w/localizers 108.100-111.950mhz), 399.9 - 400.05 RADIONAV-SATELLITE (EARTH TO SPACE), 400.15 - 401 METEOROLOGICAL/SATELLITE (SPACE TO EARTH), 401 - 403 METEOROLOGICAL/SATELLITE (EARTH TO SPACE), 614-698 mhz will be 5G cell phones (year 2021 and later), 746 - 806 POSTED FOR RE-ALLOCATION TO LMR, 764-776 Output for 700mhz trunk systems (794-806mhz in), 794-806 Input for 700mhz trunk systems (764-776mhz out), 800 MEG BAND MOBILE TX 806.0125-823.9875 (/851.0125-868.9875), FIRST CHANNEL IN EXPANDED 832-CHANNEL CELLULAR BAND ch. The statewide system is P25 Phase I which your scanner can receive. This page is outdated. Consider becoming a feed provider for this area. F *NOAA AIRCRAFT (USB)*NOAA NATL HURRICANE CTR AIR-GND, ch. F045 *USAF ANDREWS AFB,*RAF STRIKE CMD DISCRETE, ch. When calling from a cellular phone or remote location, be aware of mile markers, streets and cross streets, so we can better pinpoint where the emergency is. VICTORIA RESCUE CNTR. Incident dispatching provides new avenues for career development while enhancing the dispatcher's role within the public safety system. 185 talking about this. I was in the Denver area recently and was listening to FRCC, a 700mhz simulcast system and needed to apply attenuation at times, but the site was only a couple miles away from my relative's house. This is the Red Oak, Iowa Amateur repeater covering Southwest Iowa. Please see Additional Details for frequency and channel info. For additional information, please see the latest National Interoperability Field Operations Guide (NIFOG), National Interoperability Frequencies User Radio Programming Guide, Note: VCALL is reserved for monitoring and remains silent, except for making initial contact. 2. Sharon Codr serves as our NE-TERT State Coordinator. Other. The Lincoln North and South sites will be OK. What programming software are you using? Receives calls for police and sheriff services; obtains information from caller regarding the emergency or non-emergency situation; dispatches appropriate police or sheriff unit(s) for the Lincoln Police or Lancaster County Sheriff Departments; maintains status monitor of police and sheriff units in and out of service; conducts radio checks according to established procedures to verify officer safety. Suddenly, surprisingly, the engine turns into the parking lot and parks right in front of the crowded restaurant where youre eating. // -->