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3 Comments OCS accomplishes this mission by building the foundations of professional OFFICERSHIP Leadership, Profession of Arms, Academics and Fitness. Prior Military Service / Active Duty Students. If you are lucky, a. The path to becoming a Navy Officer includes attending Navy Officer Candidate School. Weapons and blades, to include letter openers. 0 Comments What is the Navy Officer Candidate School (OCS)? Following is a brief overview of the training during each week of Army OCS: Week 1-3 Initial Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) Individual Skills Obstacle/Confidence Course Leadership and Ethics 6-mile Foot March Leader's Reaction Course Map Reading and Navigation Week 4-6 6- and 9-mile Foot March Military History 1 Comment o Both sports bra and brassiere shall be white or wearers skin tone when worn with white shirts or should be white or wearers skin tone when worn with yellow PT top. Individuals who arrive earlier than the Saturday of their check-in weekend will not be provided housing by Officer Training Command Newport. For information on specific programs and their requirements, please click the below link, contact your nearest Navy Recruiter, or send an email toocsquestions@navy.mil. Bring any necessary items for your religious practice. 0 Likes, Posted by Mike Cunningham on February 3, 2020 at 2:15pm 2 Comments 1. Engineering, aerospace engineering, aviation, or another special duty are typical designations. Glencore Plc's attempt to seal mining's biggest deal in a decade has thrust Chief Executive Officer Gary Nagle into center stage. You will have the opportunity to generate a Military Power of Attorney free of charge after reporting to OTCN. Family travel arrangements for those who plan to attend the graduation reception and graduation should be made well in advance. While things had changed a bit from the time he went through OCS, it did provide me with a VERY accurate portrayal of what to expect. The Fort Lauderdale Council of the Navy League honored Fleet Week Port Everglades Sailors and U.S. Marines during an Enlisted Person of the Year banquet, Apr. 2. NavyDads can only succeed with your help. It is recommended that women arrive with hair as close to their natural color as possible to forgo compliance issues. We receive no outside funding and every dollar you donate helps us cover operating costs and helps keep this site running. USPS Pictorial Postmarks to Commemorate 31st Annual Fleet Week/Broward 1 Comment (Driver's license and state identification can be copies. 0 Likes, Posted by Chris Koning on February 9, 2020 at 3:54pm $91,431.08 Avg. All documents must be original or court certified copies. All earrings must be 4-6mm (1/8 - 1/4 inch). Good luck! 2 Likes, Posted by Thomas ODonnell on January 10, 2021 at 3:00pm The 10-week training, which went into effect on Jan. 3, incorporates two weeks of life skills and mentorship, said Rear Adm. Jennifer Couture, commander of Naval Service Training Command, said during a press briefing on Friday. Yearly Pay w/ Benefits. Please see the following for further information on required documents: Check what original documents you need to get your Common Access Card (Military ID): Week Two: Navy Boot Camp Timeline at a Glance | Military.com Recommend updating Page Two via SGLI Online Enrollment System (SOES via MilConnect) prior to arrival at OTCN. Navy Officer Candidate School (OCS) is one of four officer training schools located at Naval Station Newport in Rhode Island. Chow hall is now relaxing (relatively). Uniform card is issued to cover purchases and the candidate is responsible to pay off the balance at the time of out-processing. By contrast, the Navys Officer Development School is for newly commissioned officers. US Navy OCS Training Plan - Mountain Tactical Institute It may not display this or other websites correctly. You will arrive on Saturday in time to receive the evening meal (not later than 1500). Naval Station Newport Base Map- Provides Naval Station Newport base layout and location of OCS check-in and base hotels. NavyDads mission is to Provide Support, Encouragement, and Knowledge to Sailors and their Families throughout their Journey together in the United States Navy. All Rights Reserved. DOD Safe Helpline - Sexual Assault Support, Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate Locator - Family Advocacy Program, Wounded, Ill or Injured, & Their Caregivers, Connecting with Kids in a Disconnected World Book, Expanded Access at Commissaries, Exchanges and Recreation Facilities Fact Sheet, Military OneSource NonMedical Counseling, Spouse Education and Career Opportunities, Emergency Contacts for Disasters & Evacuations, First five processing days: medical and dental exams, administrative screenings, inoculations, uniforms, Physical Training: one-hour daily workouts, six days a week training alternates between cardiovascular endurance and strength and conditioning, Navy Physical Fitness Assessment: must pass in sixth week of training to graduate from boot camp. Mostcandidates stay at the BOQ; however, it is not required. Survivors Guide to Navy Officer Candidate School. they are going to yell at you and make you push but if you didn't know that already you're in for trouble Alot of things are primarily dependent on your DI. 0:51. Active Duty Obligation. 0 Likes, Posted by Chris Koning on February 9, 2020 at 3:54pm Try to arrive at the seawall to check in, around 1030. Navy OCS Physical Fitness Requirements - SportsRec Week 5: Catch bronchitus and pink eye simultaneously. Required for students with spouses and dependents. The first week of Officer Candidate School is easily the most difficult. Birth certificates and social security card for all dependents. What is the Navy Officer Candidate School (OCS)? For instance, aviators will continue to flight training. military and civilian. While he never actually served in the US Military, he has a passion for writing about military related topics. Students must review each section for applicability and required documentation. Week 4: Re fail RLP because you argued with the drill instructor about dirt in your locker (DUMBASS). 0 Likes, Posted by Mark Poindexter on December 17, 2019 at 2:36pm However, they will be stored permanently for the duration of your 13-week training if no ROM or isolation is required. Notify all necessary financial institutions that you will be at a military training command and unable to utilize double authentication measures (cellphone number / text with password, email confirmation etc.). 2 Comments DD-4, Record of Enlistment (for all enlisted service), This document can be pulled from the member's BOL (OMPF)(, Last Personnel Service Department(PSD) Point of Contact info (POC Name/Phone/Fax/and Address). During the third phase of training (Senior Officer Candidate Phase), men will be allowed to start growing their hair out. Not all students are medically cleared for their Naval community when they report to OCS. Student naval aviators (1390) shall serve a minimum of 8 years on Active-Duty from the date of designation as a naval aviator (1310). https://www.public.navy.mil/netc/nstc/otcn/index.aspx, https://www.public.navy.mil/netc/NSTC/otcn/ocs.aspx. 0 Comments OCS Graduation Ceremonies are typically held in Kay Hall at 1000 on Fridays. 7. Selected Officer Candidates are required to watch the most recent, official video in preparation for the program. The following website provides information on the Newport Area and can help in locating services. RLP Inspection Week: Your RLP inspection will occur Thursday of this week. Updated: 01 May 2023, 06:35 AM IST Livemint Premium Online applications for the recruitment of civilian personnel . You will go outside for 60 minutes for physical training (PT), twice a day, weather permittingas cold as 20 degrees F and as warm as 85 degrees F, with possible snow/rain. The Graduation ceremony lasts approximately 60 minutes. 4. After completing OSC, officers continue their education in their field. Came back through Navy OCS two years later for spec war. Meals are only offered three times a day, and food is not allowed in the barracks. You will remain in your current lodging until check-in at Nimitz Hall on Saturday morning. Marriage certificate, birth certificate, social security cards. Photo copies, NRD copies, and notarized copiesWILL NOTbe accepted. Also, candidates learn Naval history and advancements in navel technology since 1775. Navy OCS prepares you to assume the responsibilities of a naval officer and helps you develop to your fullest potential. Contraband is defined as any item that is prejudicial to the good order and discipline, health, welfare, or safety of any candidate at OCS. There are three phases in the twelve-week course. Sailors interested in becoming a Commissioned Officer in the United States Navy can obtain program information from the Enlisted . Seal Officer Assessment and Selection | Sealswcc.com Women: Upon arrival at OCS, you will be required to maintain a hairstyle in accordance with Officer Candidate Regulations (OCR). With the per diem mode of payment, the, Navy does not gather receipts; the rate is an all-inclusive rate to cover all of your, expenses. OCS has changed a lot, but is still the same (if that makes any sense). Acceptable documents are original social security card, birth certificate, and United States Passport. Its purpose is to develop qualities important to your success as an officer, including: Additional details regarding these programs are available at this Navy Recruit Training Command website. During the first week of training, candidates will be required to pass an initial Navy Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) to determine suitability to initiate physical training. 27, during a ceremony held at . In this phase, candidates are not Candidate Officers. 2 Comments Wed - PFA 1.5 miles. You will quickly realize how much extra luggage you will be leaving with and this causessome problems when traveling by air. 2 Comments Use your preferred relay service, or dial 711 then 988. The following items are specifically identified as contraband and if brought on to the premises they will be confiscated and discarded. You will beassi, The Ninth Week of Navy OCS Electric razors are authorized. Most students will need to pay out-of-pocket an additional $1,500. If your recruiter hasnotprovided any of these documents, please contact him / her. The first week of the program is Indoc week. There are three different avenues of approach for the Navy Officer Candidate School. There is no one path for those who complete the Navy Officer Candidate School. Navy Aviation Officer Candidate (AOC) - navycs.com Navy Officer Candidate School (OCS) is one of four officer training schools located at Naval Station Newport in Rhode Island. PI and Navigation test: This is another busy week with your 8th week PI and Navigation test occurring. Vitamins. 2 Comments After fulfilling all requirements for the Navy and as an officer, you can apply for Officer Candidate School. Looking to improve your Officer Candidate School (OCS) Test scores? However, do to ever changing circumstances, save your hotel, gas, and foodreceipts as they may be taken on the first day. Spouse's original unexpired identification card. Welcome to Officers Candidate School, Naval Station, Newport, Rhode Island. Every day you make it through OCS is 90 days minus 1 more to ENS-ville. Navy Officer Candidate School (OCS) Guide: What You Need to Know 3 Comments Nonetheless, having your own vehicle will be very beneficial duringthe last phase of training and when you are leaving after commissioning/graduation. Upon successful course completion, officers will receive an active-duty commission and receive PCS orders to their first Public Affairs. 0 Likes, Posted by Mike Cunningham on January 15, 2020 at 1:23pm Officer Training Command Newport - OTC Staff - Navy Candidates not able to meet these minimum physical standards will struggle to complete the course in the allotted time. Information and support for service members and their families. A professional Naval Officer must be physically strong and resilient ready to LEAD/sustain a culture of fitness in an austere and challenging sea-duty environment. receipts as they may be taken on the first day. If you intend to use your GTCC for PCS/travel expenses, ensure your losing command puts your card in both PCS and MISSION ESSENTIAL statuses. Two forms of identification. 0 Likes, Posted by Fernando Bolano on March 17, 2020 at 2:36pm You obtain a CNA from NGIS and Navy Lodge which authorizes you to go out in town if they do not have sufficient space for you to use their lodging. 0 Likes, Posted by Mike Cunningham on February 3, 2020 at 2:15pm Also, those who have a positive alcohol test are screened for dependency issues and might face separation, as well. Representing Army, Navy and Air Force, the 40-member Australian contingent flew in to London late last week from Anzac Day commemoration services in France, Turkiye and Australia. 5 - 7 sports bras designed for high impact sports. All recruits will also get hands-on technical training in the following areas: Basic seamanship: line handling, shipboard watch standing, getting a ship underway and back to port safely as a team, Firefighting: five days of classroom and hands-on fire team training, Water survival: techniques for surviving at sea, staying afloat in open water without a personal floatation device, swimming 50 yards, five-minute prone float, clothing inflation, Weapons training M9 service pistol and M870 shotgun, Antiterrorism and force protection training, That you have the skills, discipline and core values to be a sailor, Performance under pressure and in adverse conditions. Any and all prescription medication to include birth control. Navy Officer Candidate School Phases There are three phases in the twelve-week course. To join the Navy, all members must meet some basic expectations: For instance, members must be between the age of 17 to 39. You'll have a three mile individual effort run every week, and various formation runs everyweek. 1 Like, Posted by Mark F Durovka on March 22, 2021 at 8:46pm OCS Delayed Entry Program Guide Provides information on OCS, Navy Core Values, general information, rank and insignia, qualification standards, and physical fitness standards. Candidates are allotted 10 to 20 minutes for health and hygiene in the morning period. Staff WILL NOT, NOR WILL YOU ALLOW staff including Candidate Officers (aka CANDIOs) to take originals of your vital documents. Liberty begins at 1830 (assuming your duties are taken care of). 0 Likes, 2023 Created by E.G. Those websites are pretty outdated. ), Extra bags/luggage for items accumulated throughout training. Please note, women with hair longer than a bob are only authorized to wear their hair in a bun until the final phase of training. Navy OCS prepares you to assume the responsibilities of a naval officer and helps you develop to your fullest potential. 0 Likes, Posted by Jeff J Sperekas on June 25, 2022 at 7:33pm I read Heath Alvarez's website at least 10 times before OCS, and let me tell you: It DID NOT HELP. Anticipate $3,500 or more out-of-pocket expenses for uniform components and for misc. U.S. Navy Pay and Benefits | Navy.com This is the period where you can finally attend to personal matters. All required or requested contact information must be available in hard copy (written format). NOTE: This GTCC action must be done every 120 days in order to maintain your MISSION ESSENTIAL status until you reach your ultimate PDS. Once you arrive, you will go through in-processing. Navy Fleet Week Fort Lauderdale 2023 Ship Arrivals Best practice is to bring hard copies ofalldocuments that will be required and would normally be accessed via NSIPS. Recommended for all students(available for purchase at the Navy Exchange on base. If you are lucky, a new class will come in this week, taking some of the attention off of you. Back to Navy OCS Discussions Survivors Guide to Navy Officer Candidate School "The First Week of OCS" The first week of Officer Candidate School is easily the most difficult. IIT Delhi, Indian Navy, list of job openings to apply for this week 2 min read. Though this first week is difficult, reading thisinformation will help you immensely and hopefully prevent you from becoming acasualty of Poopie Week (indoctrination week). At five-and-a-half weeks: Battle Stations program begins. How long is Navy OCS? Afterward, the next five weeks are considered phase two. Use this list to bring all necessary medical records to speed up your medical qualification process. Afterward, officers move into their new positions as respected and confident Navy officers. Further, OCS develops officer candidates to perform capably under pressure and in adverse conditions while testing and strengthening their time management skills and confidence. Under a bright blue spring sky, members of Australia's Federation Guard joined thousands of British and Commonwealth troops preparing for this weekend's Coronation of King Charles III and The Queen Consort. Navy Officer Candidate School - What to Expect, How to Apply Navy Boot Camp is the first step in turning you into a sailor with all the skills to perform in the fleet. Navy Fleet Week Fort Lauderdale 2023 Ship Arrivals [Image 4 of 7] FORT LAUDERDALE, FL, UNITED STATES 04.23.2023 Photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Zachary Behrend Commander, Navy Region Southeast There are alot of things that are still getting worked out up here. 58 138 comments Best Add a Comment Tjaden4815 5 yr. ago Congrats on surviving. Image: Wikimedia.org The first week begins with your arrival at the Great Lakes RTC located north of Chicago, Illinois. The Navy will pay for your, travel to Newport; however, do not expect to be reimbursed for expensive hotel rooms or, expensive meals. Commissioned Officers make up the leadership and management teams of the Navy and Navy Reserve. Prior to arrival, verify that Navy Department Awards Web Service (NDAWS) accurately reflects all awards received (individual and unit level). CHARLOTTE, N.C. (WBTV) - Black Restaurant Week in the Carolinas is back for its third year, although the Black Restaurant Week campaign itself is celebrating eight years. Trips to the Navy Exchange may be made after the first week of training. If you are prior enlisted or entering through a college, program (NUPOC, BDCP, etc.) 2 Comments Communicate with your OCS point of contact if you experience travel delays or expect to be late. Know what to expect and arrive ready for Navy training. Becoming an officer in the Navy means that you need a good GPA, solid A's and B's in science and math courses, and be an over well adjusted / well rounded individual. Latest ActivityNewest DiscussionsMost Popular, Weeks 10-12 of Navy OCS Naval Education Training Command regularly produces videos of the OCS experience. With some DI's week 8 still closely resembles week 2 as far as the suck factor. As mentioned before, the Staff Corps are already professionals in their field. Naval Seamanship: Drill Evaluation is held in this week. 0 Likes, Posted by John W Hensman on October 9, 2021 at 4:21pm The naval Officer Candidate School is demanding and challenging. ASVAB Scores For Air Force Jobs: All 130+ For 2022, How To Choose The Right Military Branch For You. Navy Fitness and Nutrition Guide Provides information on fitness and nutrition that will help ensure selected candidates arrive at OCS healthy and ready to train. This challenge helps candidates develop their potential and qualities that best represent the Navy. Its a seven-week program. https://www.cac.mil/Portals/53/Documents/required_docs.pdf, DD214 Checklist for AD Sailors and Any Prior Military Service, INDOC Summary Information Sheet Checklist, Joint Service Transcript (https://jst.doded.mil/official.html), Verification of Military Experience and Training (VMET) (https://milconnect.dmdc.osd.mil/milconnect/public/faq/Training-VMET), List of Uniform Items Purchased Upon Check-In, www.redcross.org/get-help/military-families/emergency-communication.html, https://netc.navy.mil/Commands/Naval-Service-Training-Command/OTCN/OCS, For technical issues contact: NSTC webmaster, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. 1 Comment Navy Boot Camp Schedule Week To Week For 2022 - Operation Military Kids You still do medical Monday, PFA Tuesday, etc. 0 Comments Navy OCS Basic Requirements Question:Where can I find the required documents and materials to bring to OCS for check-in? Powered by, Badges | Navy Officer Responsibilities 0 Likes, Posted by John W Hensman on October 9, 2021 at 4:21pm Foreign documents, not in English, must be officially translated into English by an official translator or translation company. During the final phase of training, men are authorized to style their hair within Navy regulations. The below links provide information on authorized awards and medals from other services for wear on Navy uniforms. Also, the overall score should be high on the ASTB. Usually, officers pursuing careers in specific fields go through this school, including: Each fiscal year there are approximately 20 different class start times for the Navy Officer Candidate School. When applying, the best course of action is to prepare to ensure your application stands out. It is hard due to, the shock and change from being at OCS, not because it is the hardest week of your, training. If so, you need to check out the Mometrix Officer Candidate Tests Secrets Study Guide. Related Article Navy Grooming Standards: Hair, Mustache, and Nail Regulations. This 13 week course is designed to provide a working knowledge of the Navy (both afloat and ashore) in order to prepare you for a commission in the worlds greatest navy. 0 Likes, Posted by Wesley Scott Phillips on January 5, 2022 at 11:37am One primary and one secondary form of identification for use in obtaining Military Identification. Officer Training Command Newport regularly posts photos and updates on OCS classes. Related Article How To Get Into The US Naval Academy: 5 Challenging Steps. 0 Likes, Posted by Fernando Bolano on March 17, 2020 at 2:36pm Permanent Change of Station (PCS) or Reserve Orders with any modifications. Your personal Honor, Courage, and Commitment will be tested at OCS and you will be challenged to live up to the highest standards of these values. Giving a preemptive "This has been discussed ad nauseum on AW.". Students who wish to invite family members that do not have Military ID and are not normally allowed on military bases will need to provide the following information for each guest during week eight of training: Foreign Nationals will also need to provide the following information: If visitors are not on the approved access list, they will be turned away at the gate. Below, accepted future Officer Candidates will find several documents that will assist them with their pre-arrival preparations. Phase 1 The focus of the first phase, which is the first three weeks, is the introduction of candidates to the profession by focusing on discipline, detail, and the creation of a unit. OCS uses the Navy BCA and Physical Fitness standards as defined in OPNAVINST 6110.1J. 1 Like, Posted by Elliott Peigen on September 7, 2020 at 9:56am This site is solely for testing and approving site pages before they are released to the general public. Food and Beverages to include chewing gum. Please be advised, our CO has mandated a significant mitigation that places all incoming personnel into a 14-day Enhanced Social Distancing (ESD) period, which includes possible frequent periodic antigen testing, as well as the possibility of a stringent "Restriction of Movement" (ROM) or isolation period. US military ships dock at Port Everglades as Fleet Week kicks off in If you arrive at OCS out of DOD BCA Standards or fail to meet Satisfactory Medium scores in all three categories of the Navy PRT, you will have three weeks to meet these standards or you will be processed from OCS for attrition. Mental training involves memorization of military knowledge, academic courses, and military inspections. Naval officers are expected to be a model of physical fitness to their sailors and the American public. If you show up at 0800 you will leave the candidate officers more time to, screw with you, but if you are late (after1200) the seawall will be shut down. The first week of the program is Indoc week. 5 Comments If youre on the Navy officer path, youll attend a 13-week course to prepare for an officers responsibilities. These officers receive their commission through a five-week Officer Candidate School or ROTC or by Direct Commission. Check-in will start early the next day and you will receive information and direction for in-processing for training. NavyDads is not affiliated with, the United States Navy and the views expressed here are solely those of our admins / members on NavyDads.Com. The goal of Navy Officer Candidate School is that candidates leave behind the idea of the individual and transition to an identity that is part of a team. . A Limited Duty Officer is typically a former enlisted member of the Navy who have enough training and experience in their field. His response to this question, Marine OCS is harder, but Navy OCS sucks more. class costs. 2020 NavyDads LLC. Photo copies, NRD copies, and notarized copiesWILL NOTbe accepted. The same type of stuff gets accomplished, just in different manners. Week 1: In-Processing Once you arrive, you'll be given Navy -issued clothing and taught the right way to fold and store your new belongings and how to make your bunk.

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navy ocs week by week