That's the abiding memory of the first ever Monsters Of Rock festival in 1980. Andrei Orlov, a music critic and writer, said the decision to let AC/DC play in Moscow reflects not only the liberalizing effect that President Mikhail S. Gorbachev has had on most aspects of life here but also a long overdue recognition of popular reality. Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions. For Those About to Rock: Monsters in Moscow - Wikipedia We missed Guns N Roses over the train being held back because of another train with soccer fans somewhere along the way. 1992 Embroiled in controversy over his song "Cop Killer," Ice-T doubles down by appearing in a police uniform on the cover of Rolling Stone.More. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. You just had to go with it. Monsters Of Rock (@MonstersOfRock) / Twitter Not from PTPP. I went back a few more times, including 1996 (Kiss was back! Guns n Roses at Donington '88 - The Triumph and The Tragedy Because of my messing and actually getting drunk on the train up from London they had to mind me all day. A much older guy stood behind me and braced his arms on the barrier, protecting me, I was able to catch my breath and am forever grateful to him. Monsters of Rock - Wikipedia I was 18 years old in 1988 and well on the way to being an alcoholic. Clssico como Enter Sandman, Creeping Death e Fade To Black entregar um timpano escapamento e, na poca do lendario no centro das atenoes, a noite j cimentado o seu lugar na historia do rock. Heavy Metal Merchandise Collectors Gallery ‐ TSHIRTSLAYER, we are the worlds largest community of heavy metal tshirt, patches and battle jacket (kutten) collectors in the world, show your collection, maybe even buy, sell or trade a few nice items. #metallica #monstersofrock #music Metallica Monsters of Rock 1991 Moscow - Russia01.- Enter Sandman 1:0002.- Creeping Death 6:2603.- Fade To Black 14:1404.- Harvester Of Sorrow 21:45 05.- Sad But True 28:0206.- Master Of Puppets 34:1207.- Seek And Destroy 38:0508.- For Whom The Bell Tolls 46:4009.- One 51:5510.- Whiplash 1:00:0711.- Last Caress 1:05:1012.- Am I Evil? Donington Park was unknown as a major location but its location in the East Midlands next to the M1 and A42 allowed for better transportation to the site from around the country. I attended this event. Creeping Death Related Links. ", The concert was not the first time Western heavy-metal acts have played Moscow. Monsters of Rock Nuremberg 1983 Setlists | The crowd would surge from side to side and you had no choice but to go. 2018 The RIAA certifies the Eagles Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975 at 38 million units, making it the best-selling album of all-time in America, besting Michael Jackson's Thriller by 5 million (another Eagles album, Hotel California, is third with 26 million). Some woman told me to shut up at one point but I just moved down and carried on. Film by Time Warner. Answer (1 of 3): The reports say out of an estimated 1.6 to 2 MILLION people at the Monsters Of Rock concert at Tushino Airfield in Moscow, September 28, 1991, that headlined AC/DC, and featured Metallica, Pantera, The Black Crowes, Motely Crue, and Queensryche, there were only 54 casualties. I can understand the feeling other commenters here had. This wasn't a Metallica headline show this was a part of a series of festival called Monsters of rock (eventually became download festival) Soviet Union: Moscow, Tushino Airfield - 28 September 1991 AC/DC Metallica Pantera The Black Crowes E.S.T. Boot but definitely a nice one. I'll never forget that day those two young men went to a concert and never went home again. 2005 On what would have been Phil Lynott's 56th birthday, a concert is held in Dublin featuring Thin Lizzy members Brian Downey, Scott Gorham and Brian Robertson. 1:07:5113.- Battery 1:12:34James Hetfield: Vocals / GuitarsKirk Hammett: GuitarsJason Newsted: BassLars Ulrich: DrumsThis is the largest crowd Metallica has ever played for with an estimated 1.6 million people! Monsters of Rock was the first major festival event at Donington Park. The Fall of the Soviet Union in rare pictures, 1991 At the time, Metallica was riding the huge success of the so-called Black Album. They made a rock documentary about it calledFor Those About to Rock, and every time I see it, I get goosebumps. The 50-mile stretch on Interstate 65 starts at his childhood home of Georgiana and ends in Montgomery, the site of his grave. Best known at Led Zeppelin's lead singer, he wins the Album of the Year Grammy for Raising Sand, his 2007 collaboration with Alison Krauss. Pantera's "Cowboys from Hell" performance is featured as a playable song in the video games Guitar Hero Smash Hits and Rock Band 4. I was eventually lifted to safety over the barrier by security. I was there that day myself and a friend was right at the front standing underneath where slash was to the right side of the stage, we were getting that pushed into the security bars so much we couldn't breathe, and we were both pulled out by security, it was scary, I was 18 at the time. It was ridiculous how poor and corrupt and wrecked the whole country was. Jason Newsted, Metallica's bassist at the time, admits as much. Following the tragedy, the band make attempts to curtail the crowds at their shows. Monsters Of Rock .Castle Donington 1991. - Uk rock festivals almost forgot how awesome pantera was. MONSTERS OF ROCK OFFICIAL on Instagram: "On this day in 1960, Steve Also on the bill: Nirvana. Copyright 2023 Dell Technologies. 22 August 1992 (this was also broadcast live on Radio 1), 4 June 1994 (another festival broadcast live; highlights were transmitted in 1995 and 1996). In 1991, around 1.6 million people gathered for Metallica's "Monsters of Rock" concert in Moscow and There We're Total Of 0 Deaths. This is the Monsters Of Rock concert held in the year 1991 in Moscow. This is by far the best concert video I ve ever seen. In the 2005 Half Man Half Biscuit song "Mate of the Bloke" on their album Achtung Bono, the protagonist sings of legal action taken against him by More O'Ferrall for spraying the legend "in church hall if wet" onto a billboard for Monsters of Rock. They gave us a tent to stay in and a half a bottle of tequila, and that's all we got that day, and that was fine with us. 53 !!!! I went to the gig with my buddy, the two of us from Southern Ireland. I was 20 and I was there, travelling from France as my 2 favorite bands, KISS & Maiden, as well as DLR and Helloween, were playing that year. Thankfully her and her friends were all ok. My heart goes out to the families who lost their children that day, May they R I P. Sadly my girl died from cancer in 2007 but I was so blessed to have those extra years with her. Things you wish you did for metal when you were young.. It was terrifying and we struggled to get out of it. These artists shook the world by rising from the ashes, From Alice in Chains to Temple of the Dog, Avenged Sevenfold singer gains audience with Metallica's founding duo in classic story, From Prague's Pankrc Prison to LOG's 'VII: Sturm und Drang', Deicide, Death, Morbid Angel and more tell the story of one of heavy music's most game-changing movements, How Seattle rock giants proved the comeback was real with one of their heaviest records. O disco tambm oferece um olhar para os esforos do exrcito russo para tentar adiar o concerto. of crowd attendance was estimated to be somewhere between 150,000 to 500,000. With the ground wet and a record crowd of 107,000 at the festival, the surge of bodies during the set causes the two fans to be trampled or crushed to death. Highly awesome crowd - yet I probably never will get into 90s-Pantera i have the VHS tape at homei know the concert..or at least this Tape - it was insaneyes :(. 1942 Soul superstar Isaac Hayes is born in Covington, Tennessee. Nrnberg, Zeppelinfeld 4 September 1983, Sweden: Stockholm, Rsunda Stadium 25 August 1984, West Germany: Karlsruhe, Wildparkstadion 1 September 1984West Germany: Nuremberg, Zeppelinfeld 2 September 1984, Sweden Stockholm, Rsunda Stadium 23 August 1986, West Germany: Nuremberg, Zeppelinfeld 30 August 1986West Germany: Mannheim, Maimarktgelnde 31 August 1986, Italy: Reggio Emilia, Aeroporto di Reggio Emilia 26 August 1987, West Germany: Nuremberg, Messegelnde 29 August 1987West Germany: Pforzheim, Stadion im Brtzinger Tal 30 August 1987, West Germany: Schweinfurt, Mainwiesen Gelnde 27 August 1988West Germany: Bochum, Ruhrland Stadion 28 August 1988, Netherlands: Tilburg, Willem II Stadion 4 September 1988, Italy: Modena, Festa de l'Unit 10 September 1988, Spain: Pamplona, Plaza de Toros 17 September 1988Spain: Madrid, Casa de Campo 18 September 1988Spain: Barcelona, Plaza de Toros 22 September 1988, France: Paris, Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy 24 & 25 September 1988, Sweden: Stockholm, Stockholm Globe Arena 21 August 1990, West Germany: West Berlin, Waldbhne 23 August 1990, West Germany: Dortmund, Westfalenhallen 25 August 1990, Netherlands: Utrecht, Stadion Galgenwaard 26 August 1990, Italy: Bologna, Arena Parco Nord 30 August 1990, West Germany: Mannheim, Maimarktgelnde 1 September 1990, Note: This particular show was promoted as "Super Rock 1990". Pantera in Russia: See Amazing Photos From Iconic 1991 Monsters of Rock Metallica Creeping Death Monsters Of Rock Live Moscow 1991.Metallica Live In Mosca!Est fatto la storia del metallo quando si sono esibili al Festival di prim. . The two sad deaths will never be forgotten by anyone there, but Monsters of Rock was how a festival should be. I was there. All Rights Reserved. 1994. Only later I learned that 2 people has died, and I remember thinking - I should have had the same fate unreal. Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons - What Lies Beneath. S o even though it was the beginning of a new decade ,unlike the Reading festival, which had moved in new directions there wasn't a great deal of change in the musical philosophy regarding lineups at Donington. And I'm still getting people telling me how intense that show was. Metallica would later guest star on the 2006 Simpsons episode "The Mook, the Chef, the Wife and Her Homer.". On September 28, 1991, the Tushino Airfield in Moscow hosted the Monsters of Rock international music festival. It was over crowed and complete carnage. Monsters of Rock is a hard rock and heavy metal music festival. Add Setlist. Take a break." Cancellation happened again in 1993, and in 1997. Bare chested and painted in tattoos, the lead singer for a Texas heavy-metal rock group named Pantera gazed over a sea of tens of thousands of screaming Soviet fans sprawled over the Tushino Airfield Saturday afternoon and said that he was moved. In 1991, around 1.6 million people gathered for Metallicas Monsters of Rock concert in Moscow and There We're Total Of 0 Deaths. Ozzy Osbourne and Kiss co-headlined with Kiss being the final band on stage. And automated cameras on booms dipped and curled above the crowd at Tushino, a sprawling and little-used military air base in northwest Moscow. Own a Metal TShirt? [citation needed], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}525040N 12016W / 52.8444N 1.3377W / 52.8444; -1.3377, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Plaque in honour of Monsters of Rock co-founder presented at Download | NME.COM", "When Heavy Metal Thunder Rumbled in Moscow", "Monsters of Rock . In the summer of 1991 Pantera were hard at work on the follow-up to their creative and commercial breakthrough album, Cowboys From Hell, when an offer came in that they could not refuse: to open for Metallica and AC/DC at the Monsters of Rock festival in Moscow, Russia. And it was so perfect!". Monsters of Rock in Moscow '91 - YouTube For Those About to Rock: Monsters in Moscow also offers a look at the efforts of the Soviet Army to try to postpone the concert (not on the original VHS . Additionally the site ground level sloped which allowed for a better viewing for the audience throughout the site. That was also for me the chance to see GNR - which I haven't heard music from yet-, and more importantly to me afterward: to discover a band that will become one of my top 10, Megadeth. Heavy-Metal Groups Shake Moscow - The New York Times The Haiku Thread - Share your original Haiku. I had very sharp elbows that day. That day still haunts me. You could feel poor, unfortunate people under foot that had fallen but were completely and utterly powerless to help them. Tushino Air Field, Moscow, Russia Metallica Setlist at Monsters of Rock Russia 1991 Death Angel release their debut album 'The Ultra-Violence'. How would you guys like to open for Metallica and AC/DC in Russia?" They had repeatedly paused while fans were extricated from the crush, and played slower numbers when they returned to the stage after the ambulance crews attended to the victims, but it is only after the show has finished that they learn of the full, tragic circumstances. 1997 The "Hank Williams Memorial Lost Highway" is dedicated in Alabama, where the singer was born. Spain: Barcelona, Plaza de Toros 14 September 1992Spain: San Sebastin, Veldromo de Anoeta 17 September 1992Spain: Madrid, Las Arenas Plaza de Toros 18 September 1992Spain: Zaragoza, Municipal Tent 19 September 1992, Brazil: So Paulo, Estdio do Pacaembu 27 August 1994, Chile: Santiago, Estacin Mapocho 1 September 1994, Argentina: Buenos Aires, River Plate Stadium 3 September 1994, Brazil: So Paulo, Estdio do Pacaembu September 1995, Chile: Santiago, Teatro Caupolicn September 1995, Argentina: Buenos Aires, Ferro Carril Oeste Stadium September 1995, Brazil: So Paulo, Estdio do Pacaembu 24 August 1996. Fade To Black Soviet rock fans attend a concert in Moscow on September 28, 1991. Monsters of Rock '91 is a hard rock/heavy metal tour festival that American heavy metal band Metallica played on, it would be their fourth time on the tour. Two years earlier, the Eagles hit #1 with a song with the same title. 30 years ago Metallica played in Moscow for 1.6 million people The ceremony takes place in Montgomery (the state capitol), with Hank Williams Jr. on hand to speak. September 28, 1991) (Audio Preview) 1,382,881 Strong and counting. Read their recollections below. In 2012, Harlan Hendrickson teamed up with Larry Morand and Mike London to launch the "Monsters of Rock Cruise",[18] which is a multi day music cruise celebrating the Castle Donington festival. Get the Metallica Setlist of the concert at Donington Park, Castle Donington, England on August 17, 1991 from the Monsters of Rock 1991 Tour and other Metallica Setlists for free on! The Voyager 2 space probe is launched, carrying with it a "Golden Record" of sounds and images representing Earth. Yeah, I think your band name is cool and I really like the way it looks on the back of your vest. In 2012, Revolver talked to Pantera singer Philip Anselmo, bassist Rex Brown and drummer Vinnie Paul about the story behind their masterpiece, Vulgar Display of Power. He was sleeping on his bunk bed without safety . In 1991, around 1.6 million people gathered for Metallica's "Monsters 11 000 Russian soldiers were at the area to secure law and order. It later branched into other locations such as the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Sweden, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the United States, and the Soviet Union. Loasby was an established and successful promoter working that year on the Rainbow UK tour and penned the festival as the final show of the tour for the band to headline. Monsters Of Rock .Castle Donington 1991. There were nearly twice as many camera operators on and near the stage at any point than there were musicians. We had grown up in the clubs and played every cover tune you could imagine before we landed a deal in '89. Metallica - Monsters Of Rock, Moscow 1991 - YouTube A 30 year anniversary special highlighting Moscow's Monsters of Rock festival, featuring Metallica's all-time best performance, plus zero fatalities resulting from their tragic death at this rock festival 30 Years ago.As part of the Monsters of Rock international music festival taking place in Moscow on September 28, 1991, the Tushino Airfield was transformed into a nightclub. Metallica - Black Album Tour Rehearsal . That was the opportunity to lift the others that were being trampled up and get them to safety and make my own escape away from the front. An absolute mayhem, this concert was headlined by professors of Heavy Metal like Pantera, METALLICA, AC/DC and other bands like E.S.T (local Russian band) and The Black Crowes. Seeing as how they were in the studio working on the album when they took a break to play Monsters of Rock, the epic gig came up in our convo. Get Pantera colored vinyl, collectible magazines, apparel, mini guitars and more at Revolver's shop.. The band are devastated when they hear about the deaths. By the time Iron Maiden played (who followed Kiss, following David Lee Roth) it had calmed down. 1992 Sting marries Trudie Styler at their estate in Wiltshire, England. The Russian government had invited Time Warner Company to stage the free show on Tushino International Airport. More than 100,000 fans show up to hear. The entire 1990 festival was simultaneously broadcast live on BBC Radio 1, which had previously recorded many festivals for later broadcast. It would also feature the band's first concert in Russia, famously taped on A Year and a Half in the Life of Metallica. Guns N' Roses have built a reputation for rowdy live shows - in 1987 Axl Rose was arrested backstage in Atlanta after assaulting a security guard, and just a month earlier in New York State the crowd had come close to rioting at their first two outdoor shows this is their third. And it would invigorate the group, who returned home and completed the work-in-progress album, which would become known asVulgar Displayof Power and be widely hailed as their masterpiece. 1977 The Voyager 2 space probe is launched, carrying with it a "Golden Record" of sounds and images representing Earth. 2012 A Green Day version of the video game Angry Birds is released, featuring Billie Joe Armstrong, Mike Dirnt and Tre Cool as green pigs. This form needs Javascript to display, which your browser doesn't support. 2016 Tom Searle of the band Architects dies of skin cancer at age 28. So to say this was one of the most important concert/festival I experienced (with 300+ shows attended in my life at today's day) is no exaggeration. Monsters of Rock Karlsruhe 1984; Monsters of Rock Nuremberg 1984; Monsters of Rock Nuremberg 1986; Monsters of Rock Mannheim 1986; Monsters of Rock Nuremberg 1987; Monsters of Rock Pforzheim 1987; Monsters of Rock Schweinfurt 1988; Monsters of Rock Bochum 1988; Monsters of Rock Munich 1991; Monsters of Rock Berlin 1991; Monsters of Rock Hanover . Somehow everything was all right and the show was not over.For those about to rock that day. REX BROWNThat was a big boost and it gave us a taste of where we wanted to be. Why was there so much of bloodshed in monsters of rock concert in The trauma of that day has haunted me for many many years. In the summer of 1991 Pantera were hard at work on the follow-up to their creative and commercial breakthrough album,Cowboys From Hell, when an offer came in that they could not refuse: to open for Metallica and AC/DC at the Monsters of Rock festival in Moscow, Russia. So Phil Anselmo, Dimebag Darrell, Rex Brown and Vinnie Paul packed their bags and jetted over to the former Soviet republic to test their mettle in front of 500,000 fans. Texan upstarts took a break from recording 'Vulgar Display of Power' to play in front of 500,000 fans in Moscow. Staring out into the crowd was blinding. Although the bad weather exacerbated the problems, making it difficult for security staff to extract the fans, questions are raised about whether the band incited violence. Feel extremely lucky that I didnt come to any harm that day. Privacy Policy. I understood that the most important thing was to stay on your feet, not easy in these 'waves' that seemed to push the top half of your body but you couldn't follow with your legs, that's how many people went down. I loved a bit of GnR but I think I might have needed the loo when they were on. In 1984 and 1986 the festival branched into Sweden. Replies 1. bskor. FROM MTV HEADBANGERS BALL1991 Castle Downington Monsters Of Rock Turin AirfieldAC/DC--METALLICA--MOTLEY CREW--BLACK CROWS--QUEENSRYCHE Making it impossible to go into busy/crowded places. Myself and a few friends, all aged around 18, went on a coach trip to, what was for me at least, our first "big" concert. Sep 28 1991. 1995 was not officially billed as 'Monsters of Rock' but as 'Escape from the Studio' due to Metallica's decision to headline while recording the Load album. Guns and Roses changed slots at the last minute to play early allowing Them to leave for other avenues of entertainment which they admit to in their BBC documentary. Add it to the Gallery. More than 1,000 militiamen were on guard around the stage, and more were hidden in trucks parked farther away. This is generally successful, although in 1991 when Axl Rose storms off stage after being photographed by a fan in St. Louis, there is another riot which causes thousands of dollars worth of damage. In 1991, around 1.6 million people gathered for Metallica's "Monsters The festival had been held in parallel in West Germany from 1983 to 1991. Metallica Wiki is a FANDOM Music Community. Amenities were few theirdressing room was just a tent in a field but the brash Texan band didn't give a fuck. Monsters of Rock 1991 Aug 17, 1991 Derby, England, United Kingdom Added by Concert Archives 3. In 1988, the festival occurred for the first time in France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands. She knew Id do exactly that. We want photos of your heavy metal tshirts to keep for future generations! They are listed with the headlining band first, followed by the reverse order of appearance by the other bands.). In future years the stage is moved from the bottom of a slope and further measures are taken to reduce the mud. Italy: Reggio Emilia, Arena Festa Nazionale Dell'Unita' 12 September 1992. In 1995 the festival found itself in a similar situation until Metallica agreed to play with the condition of the band having control over the event and naming it "Escape from the Studio". This was the first year that two stages were used. 16. Derbyshire .UK. (All posts are Copyright by their TSS Member under creative commons 3.0). Eric Bell, the original lead guitarist with Thin Lizzy, and Gary Moore share the lead on the classic "Whiskey In The Jar.". To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them. I was tall enough and strong enough to look after myself, but saw plenty of others who were struggling, especially those shorter. If Guns & Roses handnt decided to play early no one would have died. AC/DC, Metallica, the Black Crowes, and Pantera all performed, while the metal band Electro Shock Therapy represented the Soviet Union. 1983 Taco's cover of the Irving Berlin song "Puttin' On the Ritz" reaches #9 on the Hot 100, making the 95-year-old Berlin the oldest living songwriter ever to land a Top 10 on that tally. On September 28th, 1991, Pantera played one of the most legendary performances of their legendary career: the groove-metal juggernaut's iconic set at Moscow's Monsters of Rock, the first outdoor rock festival ever held in the former Soviet Union.Going on well before headliners Metallica and AC/DC, the Texans took the stage in front half a million fans (and hordes of Russian military police . Get the setlist from Metallica's concert at Monsters of Rock at Tushino Air Field in Moscow, Russia on September 28, 1991. The couple first met in 1977 when Sting was a struggling musician and Trudie was trying to make it as an actress. The ones that could be pulled up from the ground between surges were limp as rag dolls and completely caked in mud. Thi. Guests on the show have included of AC/DC, Kiss, Van Halen, Motrhead, Cinderella, Ozzy Osbourne, Bon Jovi, Cheap Trick, Mtley Cre, Ratt, Slayer and Poison. There were zero deaths at the 1991 Metallica show. What was to follow was harrowing and traumatic. Former Metallica bassist Cliff Burton was only 24 years old when he died in a tragic bus crash on September 27, 1986. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I was also there, 18 years old and down at the front. Enter Sandman West Germany: Dortmund, Westfalenhallen 2 September 1983 Kaiserslautern, Waldstadion am Erbsenberg 3 September 1983 The were relentless and kept coming. But the thing is, we always kicked ass live. Saxon wrote the song "And the Bands Played On" about their appearance at the 1980 festival. 11 000 Russian soldiers were at the area to secure law and order. . Until a few years ago, AC/DC and its music were formally banned in the Soviet Union. This is a digitized version of an article from The Timess print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. Seems everyone is looking for it, man, looks killer and that thor and omen patch uufff hahahahha looks familiar. Then some f**cker decided to pinch my Maiden hat from behind me in the crowd. After a lengthy press-fueled feud culminates in simultaneous singles releases, The Emotions hit #1 in the US with the disco track ". for them to be able to pull that off! 1995. He didn't know if he'd be able to find anything to drink over there. Van Halen was supposed to be the headliner, but it never became official or happened. An outstanding success from the offset, the festival continues to this day having increased to a three-day event with five stages, though as of 2008 the event has been relegated outside of the track. This concert is special because prior to this concert Russia was going thru a civil war sort of a thing and the young triumphed over the old (K.G.B troops). I was only 13 and went on my own. Metallica's 1991 Concert & Tour History | Concert Archives The crowd attendace was absolutely phenomenal. When Vixen was done playing and things calmed down we slowly made our way out of that mess and found a safe area to sit a couple of hundred yards back. Sign up to get the latest from Revolver, straight to your inbox. We weren't one of these fluky studio bands that got popular. [3] Monsters of Rock returned the year after with a limitation to the crowd of 75,000.[4]. Guests on the show include everyone from AC/DC, KISS, Van Halen, Judas Priest, Motrhead, Cinderella, Ozzy Osbourne, Bon Jovi, Cheap Trick, Mtley Cre, Ratt, Dio, Y&T, Guns N' Roses, Slayer and Poison. ---- It was originally held annually in Castle Donington, England, from 1980 to 1996, taking place every year except 1989 and 1993.It later branched into other locations such as the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Sweden, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the United States, and the Soviet Union. This concert featured Aerosmith, Ted Nugent and AC/DC.). I was down in the mosh pit for mega death and got a punch in the nose and a nose bleed. Cheers to all!! We were ready for war and we were bringing it to you. These poor people were passed over our heads to the front. God this has brought back so many memories. I was stood way back dodging plastic bottles with god knows what in them. In total, the event was attended by over 1.6 million people - a record at the time - and was promoted as a celebration of democracy and freedom. All Rights Reserved. . See the article in its original context from. Harvester Of Sorrow Copyright 2023 by Project M Group LLC. Rubles were worth nothing. Argentina: Buenos Aires, Vlez Srsfield Stadium 12 December 1998, Argentina: Buenos Aires, River Plate Stadium 14 May 1999, Marilyn Manson was going to appear at the festival, but they were forced to cancel due to the Columbine High School massacre, Italy: Como, Stadio Sinigaglia 13 July 2004, Argentina: Buenos Aires, Ferro Carril Oeste Stadium 11 September 2005, Chile: Santiago, Pista Atltica Estadio Nacional 13 September 2005, Spain: Zaragoza, Feria de Zaragoza 18 June 2006, Spain: Zaragoza, Feria de Zaragoza June 2007, Chile: Santiago, Pista Atltica Estadio Nacional 1 April 2008, Spain: Zaragoza, Feria de Zaragoza July 2008, Brazil: So Paulo, Anhembi Convention Center October 2013, Brazil: So Paulo, Anhembi Convention Center April 2015, Brazil: Curitiba, Pedreira Paulo Leminski 28 April 2015, Brazil: Porto Alegre, Estdio Passo d'Areia 30 April 2015, Argentina: Buenos Aires, Ciudad del Rock 2 May 2015, Germany: Sankt Goarshausen, Loreley Freilichtbhne 17 June 2016; Bietigheim-Bissingen, Festplatz am Viadukt - 18 June 2016, Argentina: Buenos Aires, Tecnopolis 4 November 2017, Colombia: Bogot, Estadio El Campn 15 April 2023, Brazil: So Paulo, Allianz Parque 22 April 2023.
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