On July 2 about 2 p.m., Lyon County Sheriff's deputies responded to a 911 call reporting a possible intoxicated person on Ky. 1055 between Perry Springs Road and Ralph Beatty Road. *** The Lyon County Sheriff's Office no longer should be seen as a "stepping stone" move for Nevada police officers building a career in law enforcement but as a department serving its community in a meaningful way, Sheriff Brad Pope says. Lyon Sheriff's Office Welcomes Two New Deputies Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. The Club is located at 3590 Arrowhead Drive. Take the opportunity to learn about it and its builders on what promises to be a beautiful Sunday afternoon in Mills Park. In 2007, Chief Mudd left the LPD and started working as an EMT, Firefighter, and Police Officer at the Louisville Airport. This will allow the community to access information provided by the Lyon County Sheriffs Office outside of social media. Sheriff Brent White reported Deputy Aaron O'Leary and Eddyville Police Officer Josh Travis were dispatched to a complaint about a motorist driving the wrong . In August of that year, Jeremy Random led officers on a chase in Fernley that resulted in deputies firing at and striking him. Lyon County Sheriff Join the team where YOU can make a difference in Lyon County! Sheriff Frank Hunewill said he cannot comment on the matter until the investigation is complete. He has a criminal justice degree from ECTC and started his police career at the Leitchfield Police Department in 1997. Two family members went to Newman Regional Health by private vehicle after a crash in north-central Lyon County on Sunday. Bethlehem Lutheran School would like to announce that after 41 years of service in education and 21 years as principal of Bethlehem Lutheran School, Mr. Lonnie Karges is retiring at the end of the 2022-2023 school year. The Lyon County DA can be contacted at the following numbers: in Dayton at (775) 246-6130, in Fernley at (775) 575-3353, and in Yerington at (775) 463-6511. Also inside the truck at the time of the wreck were Rees wife, 59-year-old Dixie Rees, and their daughter, 18-year-old Kate Rees. Here is the Carson City area road report for the week of May 1-7, 2023. Contact the county courts? your inbox every day. Hunewill said the employment of the officers involved in the shootings will be determined after the investigations. Preliminary investigation revealed that on March 2, 2023, at approximately 6:17 p.m., the Nevada State Police responded to a reported crash at the location of US50 and Nye Lane in Carson City. 425 Mechanic Responding deputies were informed that a pre-teenage female had been approached by a male adult who called her to his vehicle. Anyone who has any information regarding her whereabouts is asked to contact the Lyon County Sheriff's Office at (775) 463-6620 or at detective@lyoncounty.org Callers may also remain. An investigation to identify the driver began. Pair in custody after fleeing from Lyon County sheriff's deputies in Sheriff of Lyon County, Iowa Upon arrival, it was determined that a pedestrian was attempting to cross US50 southbound lanes from Nye Lane not in a crosswalk. You will meet CVCTs new director, Toni Tomei. Deputy Rafferty was raised in Grayson County. There are patrol deputies on the SRT (Special Response Team), Clandestine Laboratory team, and bike patrol. 52 Sheriff Most Wanted Alert If you have any information about the whereabouts of these subjects, please call the dispatch center at (712) 472-8300. In August 2017 Lt. Poteet retired from the Louisville Metro Police and in November 2017 joined the Grayson County Sheriffs Office where he remains on the job today. A crash was reported just before 6 p.m. at upper Spooner Junction on Highway 50. Admission is free. Its not the first time the department has had back-to-back shootings but is the first time that Hunewill can recall people being killed in back-to-back incidents. Every year we hear of incidents where acts of violence occur at criminal trials, child custody hearings and even at the offices of the tax collectors. Jonas is an exchange student from the Czech Republic. Debra Soule, Arts & Culture Programs Manager, had the vision. She enjoys doing crafts and spending time with her 2 grandsons. Mission Statement As a leader in public safety, we are committed to protecting and serving with honor, courage, and integrity in the fight against crime, and to work relentlessly toward making our community safe for the people of Lyon County . We are expecting this to launch in June. One of her two dogs and some personal belongings were inside, and the vehicle had sustained heavy damage, according to the sheriffs office. Take me out to the ballgame - and support Lyon County Senior Services all in one trip! Norder began with GCSO on May 1, 2017 after serving 23 years as a police officer in the State of Wisconsin, with nearly 20 years served at the Lafayette County Sheriff's Office on patrol. Lyon County Sheriff Anyone who has any information regarding her whereabouts is asked to contact the Lyon County Sheriffs Office at (775) 463-6620 or at detective@lyoncounty.org. Prayers by Dr. Ken Haskins, Captain Immanuel Beeson, Christy Ramsey, Rebecca Watkins and Micheal Hurlbert. Sheriff | Lyon County, MN I have received more feedback regarding this issue than I initially anticipated. Norder attended the Blackhawk Technical College in Wisconsin for Police Science and Supervisory Management. Norder was previously an instructor in defense and arrest tactics, ground defense and Taser for the Southwest Wisconsin Technical College for over 16 years, as well as a D.A.R.E. When not at work, Stewart enjoys spending time with his wife and three children. NowTown Network sites: She serves court papers as well as conducting office business. According to Lyon County Sheriff's Deputy James Baker, 60-year-old Brian Rees was driving a 2013 Toyota Tacoma at 2:25 p.m. when, due to drowsy driving, drifted off the road and into the east . A state fund used to grant compensation to victims of crime is at risk of being insolvent during the upcoming two-year budget period if additional money is not added to address a dwindling pot of federal dollars. 4:45 pm Sunday: Reported injury crash north of Emporia under investigation. For additional information call (775) 882-9904. Details on the cases will not be released until the investigations are complete. The Lyon County Sheriff's Office says with the public's help, they were able to identify and locate the driver of a specific vehicle in a possible child abduction attempt. Any person entering the Lyon County Courthouse is subject to besearched for weapons or other prohibited items (see more details in the FAQs section). Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Photos of the vehicle along with a press release issued Saturday morning can be found here. The Lyon County Sheriffs will begin raising money to purchase as many quality backpacks as possible. - Nike Toni Riess was located alive and careflighted to a Reno area hospital. Here's how you can support local journalism. She enjoys spending time with her family, attending her sons soccer and football games at the Grayson County High School and her daughters orchestra concerts. We have Highway 56 and Highway 50 crossing the county east and west with Highway 99 north and south. At approximately 11:05 a.m. on April 27, a California Highway Patrol (CHP) officer from the South Lake Tahoe office was working in Alpine County when she observed a gray van approaching from the opposite direction at a high rate of speed, estimated at 85 mph. LYON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE PROTECTING AND SERVING SINCE 1861 . He enjoys hunting and shooting. Carson City sheriff's deputies make DUI, warrant related arrests Its the European dream, playing American Football.. The next Carson City Board of Supervisors meeting will be held on Thursday, May 4 beginning at 8:30 a.m. in the Bob Crowell Boardroom of the Community Center, located at 851 E. William Street. According to Sheriff White, both . On Tuesday morning, the Lyon County Sheriffs Office received a report that Nike Antonia Riess, 30, of Stagecoach, was missing. Instructor for Lafayette County. She left the Douglas County Target around 7 p.m. and was later seen in Stagecoach at around 10:30 p.m., where she told someone she was looking for one of her dogs. Let us know what's going on! Lance is an excellent student, a dedicated athlete and a future engineer. Chief Jarrod Mudd was born and raised in Caneyville, KY. Deputy Newton is from Bullitt County where he graduated from North Bullitt High School and then went on to the University of Kentucky where he obtained a Bachelors Degree in Forestry. The Lyon County Sheriff's Office has added two new deputies. Below are a list of events that happened during the week, and events that are helping to shape the future of the Lyon County Sheriffs Office, and Lyon County: - The agreement on the zero tolerance policy with the Lyon County School District is going well. We have 12 deputies and 3 sergeants assigned to the patrol division. Courthouse Deputiesperform specialassignmentsas a Hostage Negotiator, a Bike Patrol officer, aSimunitions Instructorand a Firearms instructor in addition to their regularly assigned dutiesat the Courthouse. Audition dates have been extended for Social Security a play by Andrew Bergman. Deputies conducted an investigation, processed the scene and began searching the area for the suspects. Lyon County deputies arrest man for open murder following active An excellent way to get rid of cheatgrass after it has sprouted is to use a string trimmer or mower and cut it down before it starts to dry out and drop more seeds. The generosity for pets in need is truly heartwarming. Home | Lcsonv The next Town Hall meeting is happening in Yerington, on April 27th at 6:00PM. Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection District and the USDA Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit are scheduled to continue burning piles along the East Shore beginning Monday, May 1. Cost to attend is $15 each and includes breakfast. The Dayton Justice court is located at 235 Main Street in Dayton and their telephone number is (775) 246-6233. Contact. Reference case #23LY01601. Employment Opportunities | Lyon County Sheriff's Office EMS crews from Emporia, Allen-Admire and Reading responded. While processing the vehicle, it was discovered both suspects were in possession of loaded handguns with removed serial numbers. So the next time you are briefly delayed getting into the Courthouse, please remember; the Courthouse Deputies are doing this to protect YOU, knowing that anyone with a gun bent upon violence will be delayed. The Foundation for Carson City Parks and Recreation is holding its first open house of 2023 at the historic Wungnema House this Sunday, April 30, 2023, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. MINDEN The Rotary Club of Minden invites all golfers and their families, community members, and friends, to participate in the Minden Rotary Giving Cup Golf Tournament on May 20, 2023 at Genoa Lakes Golf Club. PDF Kansas Association of Kansas Sheriffs Kansas Peace Officers Chiefs of Lyon County SO uses dogs to search intermediate school backpacks 425 Mechanic The vast majority of the feedback has been positive. Lyon County Sheriff's Office (Nevada) Lyon County Sheriff's Office - Nevada | Yerington NV One man was killed, and three officers were suspended following a Jan. 16 shooting off Cardon Lane in Yerington. Deputies | Lyon County Sheriff's Office | Lyon County, Iowa Sgt. New sheriff, new direction for Lyon County | Serving Carson City for The suspect advanced on the deputies and pulled his gun before being shot. Nevada deputy kills suspect in another regional police shooting Amy Alonzo covers Mason Valley and rural Nevada. Lyon County Sheriff's Office - Nevada | Yerington NV - The Board of County Commissioners approved the purchase and creation of the Sheriffs App. Carson High Athletics is pleased to announce the hiring of Steve Nichols as the new Head Varsity Girls Basketball Coach at Carson High School (CHS). - I spoke to the Board of Directors, of Night in the Country in reference to launching our Junior Deputy Program. Lyon County sheriff's report | News | heraldledger.com Ifunable to clear the metal detector, a non-intrusive handheld detector will be used. Lyon County has 33,339 residents and an area of 855 square miles which includes 1,500 miles of roadways. In 2013 Stewart was elected as Sheriff of Lyon County. The Courthouse Deputies provide security for all court hearings, from traffic court and small claims to murder trials. The Carson City School District is asking local community members to attend the quarterly Community PLC (Professional Learning Community) meeting scheduled for Wednesday, May 3, at 6 p.m. inside the Carson High School Library. Pull out the golf clubs and get swinging at the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce's 30th Annual "Making A Difference" Golf Tournament to be held Friday, June 2, 2023 at the Arnold Palmer designed Dayton Valley Golf Course. A Stagecoach woman missing for two days has been located. We also have portions of Interstate I-35 and the Kansas Turnpike (I-335). Eddyville Man Facing Multiple Charges After Lyon County Pursuit Courthouse Deputies areour first line of defense against these tragedies. The Courthouse Deputies provide security for all court hearings, from traffic court and small claims to murder trials. Like alldeputies, theyalso perform other duties or special assignmentsfor the Sheriffs Office. Carson Now reader Kim Nehrboss-Allen snapped this amazing aerial photo of the Carson River on Friday. Courthouse Security iscomprised of Sheriffs deputies assigned to the Lyon County Courthouse. Carson City News - Carson Now He says Deputy Carroll is a certified officer previously employed by the Paducah Police Department and recently with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Lyon County Deputy James Baker says the crash happened inthe 2500 block of Kansas Highway 99 shortly before 2:30 pm. Theyconduct threat evaluations and implement risk mitigation policies and procedures. CARSON CITY, Nev. (KOLO) - Thursday afternoon, The Professional Firefighters of Nevada (PFFN) held a dedication ceremony for a new firefighter memorial on the Capital Complex grounds in Carson City. Compliments, Suggestions, Comments, Concerns. When not working he enjoys hunting and fishing as well as spending time with his wife of 28 years, Melissa and their two children. Several questions have been asked that are personal in nature, which we will not respond to. 97 were here. According to the original report by the Lyon County Sheriffs Office, deputies were attacked by Anderson. In his off-time he enjoys hunting, fishing, camping, and kayaking. I will not discuss her condition, but she is recovering! New, that is to CVCT, Toni has been involved with the theatre for many years and is looking forward to directing this sophisticated comedy. The investigation is ongoing, and no arrests have been made. Lyon County deputies and emergency crews from several county agencies responded to a reported injury crash north of Emporia on Sunday afternoon. They enforce Kansas Statutes,court orders andrespond to all alarms in the building. Lyon County deputies searching for a missing woman continue to find signs of her without finding the woman. As far as busy weeks go, this week has been no exception across Lyon County. "Once on scene, an officer involved. A deputy was shot in his hand and a second juvenile suspect required surgery. Baker says 60-year-old Brian Rees was southbound when he drifted off the highway. She attended WKU where she earned a Bachelors in the Arts with a major in Psychology and a minor in Criminology. Deputies are trained to perform specialized roles for the office. Carson City Sheriff's Office annual Cops and Kids Open House returns Prior to working for the GCSO, Mandy was a pediatric dental assistant. Deputies with the Lyon County Sheriff's Office have identified the person of interest in a possible child luring case in Fernley. Most Wanted | Lyon County Sheriff's Office | Lyon County, Iowa Lyon County Sheriff PO Box 2592PO Box 1122 Wichita, KS 67201Pittsburg, KS 66762 (316) 722- 8433 Kansas Sheriffs (620) 687 1206 Kansas Association of Chiefs of Police PO Box 2163 Hutchinson, KS 67504 242 6565 Testimony in support of HB 2350 Senate Judiciary Committee March 15, 2023 Chairwoman Warren and Committee members, Dpty. Sgt. Inspired by this gripping story, the Disney team created an explosive musical, Newsies, that won multiple Tony nominations and awards. 43 Departments Sheriff Location 410 S. Boone St Rock Rapids, IA 51246 Driving Directions Contact Information (712) 472-8300 (712) 472-2303 (Fax) Civil Division Deputies Jail Job Openings Livestock Owner Notifications Most Wanted News Prescription Drop Boxes Sex Offender Registry Sheriff Sales Lyon Commissioners honor lifesaving deputy, volunteers in flood September 30, 2022 Tammy Hancock News Edge. Officials say he was driving an early 2000's, gray/blue Chevrolet pickup truck that has a quad cab. With overtime, he said. The Carson City Sheriffs Office is investigating a hit and run involving a pedestrian that occurred in the area of Carson St and Robinson St. On 4/28/23, at about 2008 hours, a dark colored sedan was driving westbound on Robinson from Plaza St. In September, Robert Anderson, 43, of North Highlands, Calif., was killed while Lyon County deputies were responding to a domestic violence call in Silver Springs. He was a patrol officer from 1985 to 2000. The suspect is described as a white man in his late 20's to middle 30's, with dark hair and a mustache. He graduated from Grayson County High School in 2010. His pickup went into a ditch and hit a tree line. Carson City responders are enroute to the scene. Contact the Sheriff and Deputies in the Lyon County Sheriff's Office, Rock Rapids Police Department for 4 years, Sioux Center Police Department for 1 years. This will be held at the Pioneer Crossing Convention Center. History | Lcsonv The patrol division is responsible for responding to calls for service, traffic enforcement, crime suppression, and suspect apprehension. Patrol is one of the core functions of the Lyon County Sheriffs Office. Lyon County Sheriff's Office deputies seized more than $77,000 worth of methamphetamine and made four arrests following a traffic stop Sunday in Silver Springs. Deputies apprehended both suspects with the assistance of the Nevada State Police, Highway Patrol. The patrol deputies provide law enforcement and other sheriff's services to the citizens of Lyon County. He is the proud father of two daughters and is a graduate of Grayson County High School. Police did not release any additional information about the. Cope says 38-year-old Justin Smith of Fredonia reported being shot at 625 Road 160 by somebody he knew. Johnson enjoys physical fitness and spending time with his family.
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