The terrifying noises have been recorded everywhere from the Middle East to the East Midlands this year and Australia with the majority heard on Americas eastern coast. Link, November 16 2015, China Explosion reported at chemical factory in Fushun. 2023 Echo, January 4 2017, USA Loud booms heard in Grandview, Belton and Raymore, Missouri. NBC San Diego, January 20 2017, UK10,000 homes lose power in Swansea as residents hear loud explosion in Marina. Link, January 21 2016, Russia Mysterious light in the sky explodes in a loud sonic boom inRussias Far East. Link, January 22014, USA MysteriousMarion county, Mississippi exposions explained. "Residents in multiple communities in central Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire reported hearing a loud boom or felt shaking Sunday morning. Avaruus, January 21 2016, USA Jet sonic booms rattle southwest Florida. WKYT A mysterious explosion in New York's skies earlier this week is likely due to a meteorite falling from space, experts said on Wednesday. But again, nobody knows what it was Maybe a sonic boom? Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement (updated 4/4/2023), Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (updated 1/26/2023). I reported to the police who said they would check it out but they never contacted us back to let us know what it was. In March 2012 were thought to be credited a visible fireball that accompanied sound. MYSTERY booming sounds have been recorded in 64 different places across the globe, including Australia. Im (taking) this pretty serious as my life matters as well as my neighborhood matters and we all deserve to know what is causing this., Company planning to build autonomous dredges picks Shiawassee County for new plant, Flint Councilman Eric Mays gets no jail time for disorderly conduct conviction, Deal would put Genesee County in charge of grass cutting at every Flint park. by: Hayley Fixler. About the boom and rattling Monday morning, but no property damage was reported the in Closer to Davison and a friend down the street video, please send it news Reported in Michigan four counties Wellington noted of the boom that people heard and felt in Burton Genesee! Experts talk about loud 'boom' heard and felt all over our - WSBT The City Council voted April 24 to file a complaint about the booms with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Environment, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the . No clues right now. The Sentinel, May 11 2017, UK Strange noises heard throughout Abergavenny, Wales last weekend. The Post and Mail, February 10 2017, USA Loud rattling booms shake houses in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. What are these mysterious rumbling noises? For more information, please see our, May 18 2016, USA Loud booms in Lebanon, Dauphin and parts of Cumberland counties linked to army trainings. The noise was heard about 11:20 a.m. Tuesday. Priestley said shes aware of other reports of repeated loud booms being heard around the country as well as investigations that have yielded no certain answers. "These bits of comet burn up when they hit Earth's atmosphere and produce this shower of shooting stars," NASA said. Privacy Policy. Link, November 7 2015, UK Loud underground explosion cut down electricity inFareham. Link, February 6 2016, USA Big boomsin Owasso, Oklahoma. Those four loud "booms" were heard both Saturday and Sunday in different areas in the Triad. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes Im clueless and Im concerned Whatever it is, these neighbors are worried.. Link, December 14 2011, Iran Loud bang in Tehran. Harrisson Daily, January 24 2016, US Second loud boom in South Wichita solved. Link, February 17 2016, Turkey Explosion in Ankara A terror attack? Link, February 14 2016, USA Loud bangs remain unexplained in Franklin and Banks County,Georgia. Link, February 3 2016, Switzerland General alarm sirens testing across the country. Linkand video, July 9 2015, Vietnam and Laos Loud boom and strange lights in the sky. If you enjoyed this article please consider sharing it! Unexplained boom sounds have been reported in areas across the country for decades. Some experts say causes could range from supersonic aircraft to meteors exploding in the atmosphere. This is Manuel from Strange Sounds. News, Weather, Sports and . Link, January 12 2015, USA Plainfield, CT earthquake boom. The reports began sometime after . Our investigation into the sounds to date, has not uncovered any useful information. DearBorn, Loud boom after massive fire sparked by a lightning strike in Waukesha leaves 100 people homeless. Link, 30 May 1995, USAStudies of sonic booms with seismic networks. Link. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. 'It just was so odd.' Mystery boom shakes homes in Clarksville - WTVF Link, September 1, 2015, Pakistan Loud booms and rumbles in Pakistan was sonic boom from PAF. A big boom was reported across a wide swath of Fairfax County from Reston and Herndon to McLean around 10:40 a.m. on Tuesday, leaving many residents confused regarding the possible source. Strange Sounds Forum, April 11 2016, Nigeria Mystery stone meteorite crashes in loud booms on farm in small village. We dont know what it is. WTSP, September 17 2017, USA Loud booms after meteor explodes in the sky overMaryland, Pennsylvania but also over New York, Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, Ohio and Massachusetts. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Video, January 6 2013, USA Loud bangs in Salem. Link, December 6 2012, USA House-rattling boom remains a mystery. Kevin Rupp (@LabratSR) January 17, 2018, Freaky bright flash in the skymust be a meteor. CENTRAL ILLINOIS (WCIA) Many people have heard a loud boom across Central Illinois and parts of Missouri Tuesday. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Although investigators have said a natural gas leak contributed to that explosion, its cause has officially remained undetermined. Link, July 23 2015, USA Mysterious boom rattleMadison and Sauk City in Wisconsin. Whats up with that? Omaha, May 12 2016, USA Fort Worth booms due to training atNaval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth. "It sounded like it was like a block away. Link, April 19 2013, USA Loud booms shake Madison, Connecticut. I dont want to sound like the conspiracy theorist that I can be. I confirmed with several residents via social media and phone calls that the same noise was heard. The reports come as the Lyrids meteor shower is occurring across the United States. KEENE, N.H. (WCAX) - A loud boom was heard across the region Sunday morning. Kent Online, May 24 2017, USA Mysterious booms being heard and felt by residents in Killeen, Temple and other towns in the area bigger explosion bang than the usual sounds of Fort Hood. Link, October 31 2015, Poland Giant Taurid fireball explodes over Poland and creates loud sonic booms. When the aircraft broke the sound barrier, the pressure wave created an audible noise and minor shaking in the region," according tothe release. Link, July 13 2015, USA Mystery loud boom in Cocker, South Carolina. SkyNews, November 22 2017, USA Mystery booms rattle homes and windows in several towns Lakewood, Brighton, Lochbuie, and Elizabeth in Colorado. Kenosha News, March 13 2017, USA Earthquake boom rattle Virginia during M2.3 tremor. KANSAS CITY, Mo. Loud boom, shaking felt across New Hampshire - Link, May 6 2015, USA Loud booms heard and felt in Las Vegas, Nevada. Published: Oct. 11, 2021 at 3:37 AM PDT. Link, November 2003, USA Strange noises in the sky Utah. Link, September 27 2015, USA Mystery Booms and Power Outages in Oregon Hill, Virginia. HOWARD CITY, Mich. (WZZM) -- Several people living near Howard City reported that they felt and heard a loud boom Thursday morning. Link, February 1991, USA Loud booms 1991 Carolina beaches. A Waterloo witness described the event as a bright and fast line that crosses the atmosphere, and rainbow-colored radiation. Daily Star, December 2 2017, USA Loud meteor fireball explosion rattles homes across Pennsylvania. Last night, Jackson County 911 dispatch received a handful of reports of an earth-shaking sound, but no one seems to know what caused the loud boom heard across a handful of counties. WOWT, December 7 2016, USA Unexplained booms rock Lake Jackson. The Sentinel News, March 5 2017, Canada Mysterious explosion rattles Gatineau, Montral. Link, May 17 2015, South Africa Mystery explosion rattles residents of Centurion. It just got bigger and bigger and it was just this big flash across the sky and there were sparks coming off it, Port Lincoln local Lisa Watson told News Corp. I pulled up home and I heard two massive bangs, maybe a second apart, and then the sky lit up again I just felt the whole earth shake twice., This was heard across multiple counties this afternoon doesnt appear to be related to a geological event Link, March 8 2015, UK Loud strange noises and bangs heard across Crawley. Link, January 12 2012, USA Loud boom and flash of light in downtown Muskegon. 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Re: loud boom heard: we do not see anything indicating large fire/smoke on radar or satellite; nothing on USGS indicating an earthquake. Mystery solved Noises in sky just Lockheed flight tests. So what was the mysterious noise? Forum discussion, May 5 2016, UK Mysterious explosion noise over London. anF-15 fighter jet over central Illinois, Boom came from F15 EX Strike Eagle fighter jets traveling at supersonic speeds, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. The Shenandoah County Sheriff's dispatch center received dozens of 911 calls about 10:20 a.m. on Sept. 17th, 2021. Link, February 11 2016 Ireland Mysterious loud bang heard over wide area shakes windows and doors East Tyrone. Is like, as I say, this is not the same as mortar fire -- that. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. 973TheDAWG, WWLTV, January 13, 2020 Unexplained loud boom rocks Richmond, Indiana KICKS 96, January 12, 2020 Whats Up With All These Mysterious Booms in Mason City, Iowa? . NBC Connecticut, December 31 2016, USA Mysterious booms and rumbling in Bossier Parish, Louisiana due to Army trainings at Barksdale Air Force Base. WECT, April 8, 2016, UK An explosion sounding like a sonic boom has been heard over Northamptonshire. More concerning will be our storm risk late this evening into tonight actually the! Officialsunable to find cause of loud noise. Link, November 16 2015, US Army trainings atRedstone Arsenaltrigger booms in north Alabama. My Racine County, February 23-24 2016, World Loud earthquake rumblings around the world. Manchester Evening News, November 17 2016, UK Mysterious loud bangs in Merseyside. FoxNews, June 3 2016, UK Loud booms rattleeast London and parts of Essex. WLOS, March 19 2016, USA Tannerite explosions or mysterious booms in LubbockbutLubbock Bomb Squad No Panic. Earthquakes? However, Elon Musk will be thrilled. Link, March 18 2005, USA Source of mystery booms likely to remain unknown asN.C. has no seismic-detection network. Air force trainings? The sound was heard across several counties in central Illinois including Sangamon County. KJRH, December 11 2016, USA Mystery booms and rumblings in Oregon: Fighter jets sonic boom. Another exploding meteor? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. But dont forget that when earth moves and pulls apart in stretch zones, loud booms are created by the air above the areas slapping together. CBS News said there were 150 reports of a visible fireball that accompanied the sound. It feels like fireworks underground.. Uptown Messenger, January 6 2017, USA A mysterious boom rattled windows, and a few nerves, around Hermiston, Oregon, Friday afternoon. Email, February 26, 2020 Residents in Atlantic and Cape May counties, NJ, heard what was described as a loud boom that shook buildings NJ, February 25, 2020 Loud explosion booms in Welland, Canada IHeartRadio, February 25, 2020 The booms are back in Morristown, Tennessee Citizen Tribune, February 24, 2020 Loud noise rattles residents of Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana WBRZ, February 22, 2020 Loud booms rattle North County, California 10News, February 21, 2020 Navy drops bomb at Pinecastle Range Complex in the Ocala National Forest, Florida Click Orlando, February 20, 2020 Stratford, CT mystery booming sound CT Post, February 18, 2020 Mysterious bangs rattle residents around Sumas Mountains, Washington Abby News, February 16, 2020 Loud boom rattles residents of Prescott area in northern Arizona. Loud boom heard across three counties - WHIO TV 7 and WHIO Radio Link, April 1 2015, USA Mystery earth-shaking booms rattle central N.J. residents. A home security camera in Greenwood, Indiana, picked up a loud boom and streaks in the sky accompanied by a fireball at 8:47 p.m. local time. Strange Sounds is a website and newsletter on which I compile amazing, weird and unexpected news occurring around the world. Link, December 7 to 11, USA Loud booms and mystery rumblings probably aroundPotomac River Test Range, Virginia. was probably a fireball. Youtube, January 11, 2020 Mysterious boom shakes houses and windows across southeast Texas KHOU, Youtube video, January 8, 2020 3 loud booms rattle Jacksonville, Florida Reddit, January 8, 2020 Suspicious booming noises heard in Bowling Green, Ohio Sentinel Tribune, January 5, 2020 Loud booms in Austin, Texas from the implosion of the old University Towers student housing complex. Maybe some say why worry its just a boom, well your families could be destroyed if this has anything to do with an explosion further down the line. Daily Mail, January 12 2017, UK Loudshaking sonic boom in North Yorkshire. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Link, May 15 1997, USA Loud booms joltSouthern Ohio/Northern Kentucky. Mysterious boom shakes New Hampshire and Massachusetts The Washington Post, January 29 2017, US Firefighters inFairplay, Maryland,were investigating a mysteriousexplosion following multiple 911 calls. Link, November 9 2004, UK Norfolk sonic booms. Link, February 10 2002, USAMystery Boom Echoes Across 4 States. Link, January 1-4 2016, USA Oklahomarattled by mysterious booms and rumblings. Link, December 4 2011, USA Sonic booms over Alabama. WMTW, April 3 2017, USA Big booms reported in Big Spring, Texas. In recent years, the phenomenon has been increasingly covered in the media, although these booming noises have been reported throughout history and around the world.
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