I do think 2020 was just reducing physical contact for Covid. I have had many friends (sadly) leave their religious faiths, but it seems only Latter-Day Saints care enough to stick around and blog, gossip, speculate, comment, rehash, reassign, and reassault those who simply enjoy their religion. They certainly dont address my primary concerns with the templethose concerns being (1) sexism, (2) polygamy, (3) heteroexclusivity, (4) pledging loyalty to the institution of the Church rather than to God, (5) temple recommend & tithing gatekeeping / exclusion mechanisms, (6) vestiges of penalty oaths and non-ancient Masonic practices, (7) genuine confusion about what the temple endowment adds to baptismal covenants (or otherwise what it has to do with the teachings of Jesus Christ), and (8) a complete lack of interest in inheriting kingdoms and principalities and having endless posterity. Therein, Mormons are instructed that the knowledge, tokens, and signs obtained within the temple will provide passage through the veil into . For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online, First Presidency Letter: Adjustments in Temple Ceremonial Clothing. I asked my bishop about some of the specifics of the initiatory ceremony based on what I had read and he outright misrepresented the ordinance, and then shamed me for questioning such a sacred thing. And it is those important differences those things that make the cosmos go around that are reflected in the ordinances having to do with celestial marriage. Inasmuch as were here having a new experience with no memory of our deep past it is only logical that the gospel is bound to come to us in the abstract. Sure, it *could* be, but it shouldnt be the default assumption. . 30 45 minutes would be even better! Photo by Ravell Call, Deseret News. Their stake president is their ecclesiastical leader. Disavow and disaffiliate. They seem neutral at best to me. Thanks for a great post, as usual. I like the idea of persisting to the end in a journey with a wonderful end, a patient line-upon-line journey. After reading Elisas OP, I realized just how far from the temple I am, and always have been. If someone wants to spend their time, energy, and resources, attending a house of worship, pledging to keep religious commandments, remain faithful to their spouse, and share their talents to bless other peoplewhy are there so many skeptics and non-believers trying so heartily to dissuade them? Just one month later, he announced the Ephraim Utah Temple. One woman said she was encouraged to see that Peter is shown giving the token to Adam, and then to Eve in turn, which is more direct than she remembered. Believe in women more, Jack. I still have questions about some of the symbolic actions. The motions of how my life would be taken if I revealed anything was just so cultish. I may change my mind, or not. Leavitt, who served three terms as Utah governor, succeeded Ron Jarrett in the role. If you would like to stay on the page you are viewing please click Cancel. . To sum up, (1) our LDS concept for covenant is limited, incomplete, arguably misleading, and (2) to carry satans symbol right into the celestial room is an abomination.. Whatever they do is too little too late and probably misses the whole point anyway, sort of like closing the barn window after the animals all walk out the open door. Women are irrelevant to whats necessary for church structure. Even so, I would say that it at least places her at the center of creation inlieu of of anything else that might be said (about the arrangement). You may also like:3 lessons one young mother was reminded of while watching the Friend to Friend event. Small changes to the creation narrative. The Lord gave us mortal bodies and a temporal salvation as an escape from the telestial fig fruit trap. By wearing the fig emblem of Satan/Cain throughout the entirety of the presentation of the endowment, we symbolically reject the sacrifice the Lord made in order to give us earth, embodiment, and resurrection. No reconciliation. Dont we have a Father who knows us as individuals? 5) Im not aware of the covenants changing in any significant way, so Im not sure this question really applies. I guess no one has to wonder if they are going to be asked to be the witness couple. This explaining of the symbolic meaning in the temple ceremony is something the church has been refusing to do, which sometimes causes offense when people apply a negative meaning instead of a positive one. I went to the temple this year for the first time in some years. It feels like a fancier version of the language that has been used by male Church leaders (and their female lap dogs) all of my life to keep women in their rightful (lesser) place. The 2019 version? Here I had spent years trying to decipher the symbolism behind the signs (cup, squares, etc) only to find out they are vestigial remnants of the penalties. Patriarchy in and of itself is not evil. When it is all made up anyway, it makes no difference to reality. I appreciate your engagement on this topic. Keep the comments and analysis flowing, please. I stood there in shock thinking, The book was dead right. A textual reading is quite clear. If she doesnt defer and speaks up too much about that he can release her as well. One was not having a direct relationship to God, but only knowing him through my husband. Or teach literacy skills to children. You may also like:A gift to the Master: 20 years of Tabernacle Choir Christmas magic. As COVID-19 restrictions diminish in various areas and temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints continue to increase operations, Latter-day Saints are reminded of previously announced adjustments to temple ceremonial clothes and the availability of new styles. Going to respond to some below, but first, some additional thoughts on changes that I have in reflecting: I think the changes are actually kind of negative. Still the same length. Prior to the open house, media and invited guests toured the building, including 15 members of other faiths. It represents the potential to bring forth lifeeven eternal lives, if you will. Wouldnt that previous language suggest that the revision also relates to husbands, ie, marriage? Ive tried! Learn More about Temples. Years later, this elder (who, incidentally, is now deceased) came to me and admitted that the blessing had come from him, not Father, and begged my forgiveness. The 65,000-square-foot store is located at Cypress Creek Parkway in Houston, just 15 minutes away from the Houston Texas Temple. Elder David A. Bednar addressed Latter-day Saints in Italy and Germany in September, making him the first senior Church leader to travel on assignment internationally since the pandemic. I came home in shock. And because I am a MORO (Mormon of Record Only, less Mormon even than a PIMO) I just dont care about small changes to the temple ceremony. You are about to access Constant Contacts (http://visitor.constantcontact.com). The further I dug (and asked many questions of others IN the temple), the more I realized no one else had any better understanding than I did, although opinions abounded. (3) D&C 132 is not about monogamous sealings, full-stop. I guess it helps me have more empathy for how liberals might have felt during the administration of right wing conservative Ezra Taft Benson. Recognizing the fundamental differences between men and women is not sexism. The missionaries received a week of online instruction from home before their in-person training. Let me share an example: almost 30 years ago, a man I know was a full-time missionary when President Hinckley gave a General Conference talk about the women of the Church. I think its going to be a terrific help for folks new to the temple. @decay, that may be the case. I appreciate the effort at improving informed consent, and making the whole experience somewhat less coercive by explaining the covenants up front. . 1. That would certainly give an incentive for lots of males to go to the temple more often. . Heck, even the First Vision falls into that category! My recommend lapsed during COVID, and I no longer attend church. If you are uncomfortable with our discussion with various points of view discussed, please dont log on. How is that for exalting fatherhood? As a wife and a mother of 5 sons I find your comments about men to be denigrating to both men and women. For me, it didnt matter how much the ceremony wording changed over the years, my first experience always played through my mind when I went to the temple. New changes to Latter-day Saint civil marriages - The Salt Lake Tribune Im overjoyed, James Sutherland, a choir member and committee member who helped organize the choirs safe return to singing, told Deseret News. At this point I will never go to the temple again. Finally, I think you may also have misunderstood my statement about the new and everlasting covenant. You do have a point that some people actually prefer the ritualistic elements, and it does sadden me that those analogies are no longer as apparent. Indeed, similar to my post from last week (sorry, I guess its week two of downer posts from me), there is little that could be done to the temple ceremony in anything resembling its current iteration that would seem meaningful to me so I honestly just dont care. To skip the meat offering is unrighteousness. 7) No effect. Most of us havent. Sorry folks use that stupid down-thumb social-blog-control mechanism, I like your comments. But, since I picked a husband that would not ask me to obey him if I didnt agree, I wasnt too worried with that. Isnt it great when can disagree without being disagreeable? In making that determination, we recommend that, where possible, they counsel with a competent medical professional about their personal circumstances and needs, the statement reads. If everything in the temple werent so very rigid and formalized, this isnt the sort of change that youd even notice. I think we see things pretty wildly differently and thats ok. It becomes the mans choice whether to treat us well in their decision making or choose to delegate any decisions to us. I didnt even know, for about 20 years, that there had ever been any changes! President Russell M. Nelson recently celebrated the reopening of every temple that isnt under construction or undergoing renovations. Those who wish to apply as a senior service missionary or as a senior missionary can do so at SeniorMissionary.ChurchofJesusChrist.org. Why do you think they were not made in 2019? Read more reactions from the tour at Deseret News. I have to give the church some points for trying to respond to criticisms about the temple regarding informed consent and sexism. As for hearkening, I sorry you feel my assessment to be mental gymnastics. Even then many members there sacrifice greatly just to buy (then eventually replace) their own temple garments, buy food for the trip, etc. As someone who enjoys doing family history I now find it ludicrous to be doing all these ordinances for the dead for which we can only do a chip of the iceberg. I wouldnt trade it for anything this world has to offer. (I see where it can be misinterpreted that way, but as far as I can see, thats not what the text actually says. My earlier response and appreciation was for you. And mimicking slitting my throat and disemboweling myself, this is worse than creepy. On August 6, Mike Leavitt was called as president of The Tabernacle Choir. 1) No effect. I thought well why didnt they specify that? I felt pretty invisible as a woman in the endowment , especially as Eve never said a word after leaving the Garden. The prophet prayed to seek revelation about it and change was made. Think thats where I am now. First Presidency announces changes to temple endowment ceremony, citing Elisa, thanks for your civil response. By creating this site, I hope to discourage researchers from using temple exposs produced by individuals and organizations hostile to Mormonism. And it is in being one that both the woman and the man inherit all things together. For example, it talked about how the veil symbolizes Christ, one person reported, and how we have to go through Christ in order to get to God. She said that segment drew upon a passage in the Book of Hebrews. I havent been to the temple for over a decade. That actually should be included in temple prep classes. The Choir, Orchestra, and Bells on Temple Square are tested for COVID-19 every time they rehearse. We either believe Jesus and follow him, or we follow the brethren and do what they tell us we need to do instead of what Jesus told us we needed to do. Making amends in an unapologetic world: No forgiveness for institutions incapable of public repentance. A letter signed by the First Presidency was sent on Wednesday, June 30, 2021, regarding civil marriage. The church wants to believe women are equal to men in our faith. deductible, Report a missed paper by emailingsubscribe@sltrib.comor calling801-237-2900, For e-edition questions or comments, contact customer support801-237-2900or emailsubscribe@sltrib.com. I have not attended in three years and will surrender my recommend after a certain wedding I am waiting for. Say it. And on top of that were not really obeying obedience per se. I suggest you read the three articles Elisa posted in her first response to your comments. The gospel and the temple bring me abundant peace and radiant joy. I tried to ask and got told my being so bold as to ask was a bad attitude and would take me straight to hell. It makes men better men. But I hope to never endure another endowment session. But I no longer warp my vision to see things differently than they are. The Church officer is legally authorized to perform a civil marriage in the jurisdiction where the marriage will take place. The 94-year-old temple had been extensively renovated over the past few years. Thats how the adversary does his work. Read the manifesto when polygamy was ended. 5 intriguing changes to early Church handbooks, 3 lessons one young mother was reminded of while watching the Friend to Friend event, Reminisce over bygone Church pageants and try out for the Nauvoo cast, What I learned about the limitless power of the Spirit during my virtual vacation to Church historic sites, A gift to the Master: 20 years of Tabernacle Choir Christmas magic, Is there precedent for the First Presidencys involvement in encouraging members to be vaccinated? Ill admit that it felt a little weird the first time, but I knew the guy very well, so we pressed ahead. To me, the fig leaf is one of the only symbols in the temple of the Goddess Wisdom, who is our mother in Heaven. She showed him that her shoes were worn out and asked for a new pair. My understanding is they were designed to minimize contact during Covid but Ive not seen explanations or attended. Providing 15 minutes warning on covenants isnt meaningful. I was more shocked that I had to covenant to OBEY my husband. ) I tried to understand and all I got were platitudes at best and treated like I was evil at worst. Some didnt know where my homeland of Canada was. I also realized after reading this blog post that I havent talked to any Millennials or Gen Zers about their temple experiences, and I wonder how these modifications have changed the temple experience for them. Why does Jesus curse it before entering Jerusalem? that places the woman on a more sacred footing than the man Pedestal much? The emphasis of covenantthe higher lawis responsibility for one another. How do you see Adam and Eve as obviously different in some of their functions?