Many commentators now accept that Elvis was worked himself to death in those last seven years - concerts, tours, even recording sessions and that he had other health problems (some of which precipitated the prescription drug use). If Elvis had hated Las Vegas performance so much he could have cut his overheads by passing on buying his own private aeroplane and giving Vegas a miss. Welcome To Elvis Presley's World 44.6K subscribers Subscribe 12K views 1 year ago There is someone is going around saying they r. Fike always insisted that Priscilla's father cornered Elvis into marrying Priscilla. After receiving galleys of the book, I wrote the publisher, pointing out the distortion and insisting on its seriousness. An exile from the real world, Elvis Presley built his own world, and within itwhere the promise was that every fear, pain, doubt, and wish could be washed away with money, sex, drugs, and the bought approval of yes-menElvis Presley rotted. Now after reading this i realise Goldmans book is really just trash and was so glad to read Marion Kiesker completely repudiate Goldmans perversion of the famous line as it was a low moment for me when i read it in the book. Being around a drug addict for years is Hell. When it comes to the unrehearsed, small-combo rockabilly blues of the 1968 comeback TV specialcertainly the most mature and passionate music Elvis ever made, and very likely the best music he ever madeGoldman writes it off as not even worth consideration as a document, reserving his praise instead for the shlocky Broadway arrangements that made the rest of the show so conventional. SHULI announced: "What a kind, funny, and sweet human being. He looks utterly forlorn. "She got upset at Elvis for not paying attention to her so she opened the window and sat on the ledge. Fike spent much of his boyhood in the small town of Mart, Texas, close to Waco, before his family moved, as Elvis's did, to Memphis, Tennessee, to seek work when he was a teenager. I read goldmans Elvis and i loved it even tho i was a fan of Elvis, then i read Guralnicks and i loved that as well. . However, I believe that the stuff which is being trotted out on this site grossly underestimates the amount of hard work Elvis did. . The group of men, and one woman, became known as "The Memphis Mafia", not least because of their black mohair suits, sunglasses at night and black limos. Resend Activation Email. Elvis nickname for Lamar Fike was Buddha and first met Elvis by just hanging out in front of Elvis Audubon Drive home until finally invited by Elvis mother Gladys. Apart from alan fortas, They all lived too be a good age. He continued to sing scores of mediocre songs for the sole reason that the publishing deals were attractive. All of those you mention have made money out Elvis and continue to do so. Lamar Fike - A Tribute - YouTube The word went out that Fike had True, Elvis was not naive, but he was one of the first real multimedia superstars and therefore had little in the way of precedent (no Betty Ford clinics, modern agents, lifecoaches etc) to guide him. Are you sure that you want to report this flower to administrators as offensive or abusive? The email does not appear to be a valid email address. January 21 2011 , a Sad Sad Day. He remained by Presley's side up until the star's death in 1977. Gone and forgotten. The Stanley brothers is another example. The tragic news of his passing has been announced via Shuli, a popular stand-up comic, writer, gamer, and podcaster, along with many condolences by his fans on social media. But there is no point. This memorial has been copied to your clipboard. The Myth Behind the Truth Behind the Legend: Albert Goldman's 'Elvis If you want to help support the channel: $kyleslingoVenmo @Slinky8If you like what you see please hit the subscribe butto. Please check your email and click on the link to activate your account. Fike was 75 years old. Continuing with this request will add an alert to the cemetery page and any new volunteers will have the opportunity to fulfill your request. There is no need to feel revolted: American culture has never permitted itself to be exemplified by Elvis Presley, and it never will. Don't judge me. cemeteries found within kilometers of your location will be saved to your photo volunteer list. But, Larry, I think you have to go to the cause, not just the effect. It is altogether fitting and proper that this be so, because as a redneck, as a hillbilly, as a white boy who sang like a nigger, Elvis Presley was never permitted to join the culture that has never permitted itself to be exemplified by what he made of it. Haunting Elvis theory claims singer was destined to die young due to His friends and family were reliant on him because they had joint roles as employees. Like Elvis, they will live on in our hearts, by memory, video, and audio, forever. You are only allowed to leave one flower per day for any given memorial. Outside of Red West, Lamar Fike was with Elvis the longest and he remained close to him until Elvis passing. Close this window, and upload the photo(s) again. Lamar first met Elvis in 1954 and began working for him in 1957. But because the book is having its intended impact, and because Elvis Presley is so large a figure, intertwined with the lives of millions of people in ways that have hardly begun to be examined, a good deal is at stake. Friends Remember Elvis Presley | Part 2 | Elvis Articles Having already disposed of the Myth that Elvis absorbed, and transformedintegrated into his personal culturethe spirit of unfettered Pentecostalism, Goldman turns to the great question: How did Elvis learn to sing black?. Ultimately they were all as bad as one another, none of them being of any real benefit to Elvis. I got fired about 500 times, but it's all part of it. Hello truthseeker1, some people have a need to take Elvis Presley the supreme singer and entertainer and morph him into Elvis Presley the supreme being. The afternoon show footage is wonderful and electrifying : Here is Elvis in his prime rocking and rolling in front of 11.000 people. EIN has been officially notified that one of Elvis' very best friends Lamar passed away very peacefully last night, Friday, January 21. I know that Marty once said that he was almost as bad as Elvis. Are you adding a grave photo that will fulfill this request? Mother of girl who died while hiking, warns of exploring alone Sorry! Larry L Fike (1934 - 2003) - Caldwell, TX - AncientFaces Larry Fike . Why, every weekend people got killed down on Beale. What about Sam Thompson? It doesnt tell what happened to them, but it lists some info & their nicknames. Missouri State Highway Patrol - Crash Reports was intended to aid Elvis rather than a tawdry attempt to gain revenge with royalties added - who's naive? Goldman certainly had a way with words, so much so that even factual inaccuracies read like artistic licence..Charlie sugar sweet maybe, but he earned his money on stage.. mikee - exactly. But it broke a taboo: Elvis had big personnal problems " Something was rotten in the kingdom of Denmark". On the contrary, he was one of the most honest of his entourage and almost the only one who confronted Elvis on his drug addiction. An Exclusive Interview with EIN. He jeopardised the security and happiness of them all by lapsing into drug abuse. Photos larger than 8Mb will be reduced. When he asks poignantly, "How do you save a man from himself? Lamar Fike Interview Part Two - An EIN exclusive Interview Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? I learned a long time ago not to beleive everything you read or hear. The Memphis Mafia - What Happened to Them ? Fike began working for him for no pay Elvis preferred to tip his entourage with flash cars or houses for their parents. As for Lamar, maybe you're right, I wouldn't know, but certainly, I wouldn't compare him to Red West. He and . Lamar passed away very peacefully, Friday, January 21. He had something in between that made the blues sort of different Always he had that certain humanness about him that Negroes like to put in their songs. Goldman presents himself as a hipster (in fact he is a hippie, in the fifties meaning of the term: one whose only interest is to appear hipper than anyone else in the room), and perhaps to the hipster, who alone comprehends the primal genius of the black man, all non-hipster ofays are racists, but Sam Phillips was one of the great pioneers of racial decency in this century. Rosa Sanchez. The preachers cut up all over the place, jumping on the piano, moving every which way, Elvis told an interviewer in the mid-fifties. I think it might be good to listen to "Walk a Mile in My Shoes", and imagine what it was like for the Memphis Mafia - people who relied on Elvis for employment and a social structure - watching him throw his life away together with everything that gave structure and purpose to their lives. Failed to delete flower. I dont believe Sam ever used that word in his life, and he certainly never used it to me.. The same goes for backstage meetings, he likes to sit backstage quietly alone to prepare himself for the show. Becoming a Find a Grave member is fast, easy and FREE. As for Kentucky Rain, let's give Lamar the credit for it. I taken him to the Hotel Improvement Club with me, he told Margaret McKee and Fred Chisenall, authors of Beale Black & Blue, and he would watch the colored singers, understand me, and then he got to doing it the same way as them. In later years, Lamar Fike returned to Nashville to work as an assistant to record producer and label executive Jimmy Bowen, most notably during Bowen's tenure as the head of Capitol Records, 1989-1995. While most of Elvis is written in the voice of the hipster (theys many a crazy, likah drinkin pill-poppin countrah boy that kin get hissef jes as racked-up n ragged as the craziest coon on Beale Street), in the addled syntax of a person who dictates rather than writes (envying what is beyond one), or in the tones of a man who simply cant be bothered with decent language when the subject of that language is so obviously contemptible (What really bugged Elvis was that they could never find one of those trick cars, like they have in the circus), here Goldman slips easily into the simultaneously vague and definitive cadences of the social scientist. Lamar's wishes to be cremated will be carried out and the Brown, Owen, Brumley Funeral Home, Ft. Worth are handling his funeral. A memorial service will be held in Mart, Texas, one of Lamar's boyhood homes at a date to be announced.Lamar was 75, hewas born in Cleveland, Mississippi on November 11, 1935. I think that would have contributed to his health, and the shows would surely be more exciting. Fike was born in Cleveland, Miss., on Nov. 11, 1935. In addition to James Fike, he is survived another son, John Fike, of Nashville, Tenn. A memorial service is set for Feb. 26 in Mart, a town about 25 miles east of Waco. Right here, you have the essence of the book. Lamar's gone now so, please, respect for the dead, ladies and gentlemen. The West's and Dave Hebler suffered in a similar way at the hands of Steve Dunleavy when the book "Elvis What Happened?" I told Elvis she was going to jump and he said, 'no she won't. Fortis - Get a grip. The promised scandal is there in plenty, and because of the saintliness in which Elvis was wrapped throughout his lifetime, it still has punch. Published by The Times-Picayune on Feb. 18, 2011. This flower has been reported and will not be visible while under review. Those of us in the Memphis Mafia who remained his friend are greatly saddened by the loss of yet another member of our close group. May G-d Bless his Soul and may he Rest In Peace. Marty". Death location . At the end of January, something like nine weeks after they met, Elvis gave her an eleven-and-a-half-karat diamond ring. Lamar Fike was one of Elvis Presley's career-long entourage who became the singer's friends, foils, scapegoats, bodyguards, road managers, lighting technicians, punchbags, babysitters (for the . Hang on a second. To see the Elvis House in Waco click here: https://www.theelvishouse.comTo see Richard Crofts Channel The Elvis Workshop click here: The Memphis Mafia was the nickname given by the media to a group of Elvis Presley's friends, associates, employees and cousins whose main functions were to accompany, protect, and serve Presley from the beginning of his career in 1954 until his death in 1977. Until Now! But people people went wild over him., Nat D. Williams, the unofficial mayor of Beale Street, was also a history teacher, a newspaper columnist, a disc jockey, and emcee at the Palace Amateur Nights on Beale Street. You'll never stop people fudging that fact because you'll never stop the need to hero worship that some people displace onto Elvis Presley. Lamar is probably best known to most fans as the 'big' guy of the former Memphis Mafia. Following their return, he became Presley's tour manager.Beginning in 1961, he alternated between being in Presley's camp and serving as the road manager for Brenda Lee. Please refresh the page or navigate to another page on the site to be automatically logged inPlease refresh your browser to be logged in, Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile, Lamar Fike was one of Elvis Presley's career-long entourage who became the singer's friends, foils, scapegoats, bodyguards, road managers, lighting technicians, punchbags, babysitters (for the singer himself) and procurers of girls, pills or sweets. If I played Devil's advocate, I think I'd say a few things in his defence. Who betrayed the other there? What on earth does EPE have to do with Elvis' friends and why should they even care? names.html. Great story teller, probably the best of the bunch. Unfortunately he did not improve and was sent back to the hospital about a month ago. Finding strong reason to believe that Bob Lee Smith, Elviss maternal grandfather, may have married a first cousin, Goldman gravely informs his readers that genetics may explain why the children of Bob Lees brothers and sisters turned out well, whereas Bob and [his wife] Doll produced children who exhibited an abnormally high incidence of addiction to drugs and alcohol, emotional disorders and premature death. Goldman turns his tricks well. Again, you may be right. You must realise surely that Elvis lived through an era when legal drugs were considered the answer to everything, it was a full ten years after Elvis' death that the full dangers of a chemical/synthetic existence became apparent. Larry King: Marty, did you ever say to him, Elvis, you're gaining a lot of weight, . According to Fike and Wood, however, Elvis's manager, Tom Parker, "the Colonel", who preferred to keep his client as the world's most eligible bachelor, managed to edge Wood out of Elvis's life. You need a Find a Grave account to continue. Elvis, Elvis Presley and Graceland are trademarks of Elvis Presley Enterprises. And as I said before Elvis never had the rehab facilities that the current crop rely on. Lisa Marie Presley's Cause of Death Revealed. Elvis Presley's songs are unforgettable - they have stood the test of time, especially his singles of the 1950s, a decade in which he had a song at No. Join thought-provoking conversations, follow other Independent readers and see their replies. "He had a terrible temper. Thanks colin for info. After Red West, he was the longest tenured of the Memphis Mafia members.He remained by Presley's side during the star's Army service in Germany. Hello, I don't know how much Lamar was responsible for negative reportage about The King. There is first of all dope, Herculean quantities of it; then sex, orgies, and homemade pornographic videos piled uponfetishes, phobias, and neurotic dysfunction; then violence, a much thinner theme, but including accounts of cruelty, gunfever, and gunplay; then fat, then wasteall of it testimony to a schizophrenia as out of control as it was cossetted. Marty. The "lure", according to Fike, worked next time around and Elvis and Wood became lovers. Goddards Kallikak family functioned as a primal myth of the eugenics movement for several decades, Stephen J. Gould writes in The Mismeasure of Man. Lamar Fike: That's one of the most important things that history has . Lamar was also very close to Elvis' mother. Officially, Elvis' death--at age 42--was attributed to "cardiac arrhythmia" brought on by an irregular heartbeat caused by "undetermined causes." In initial interviews, Elvis' personal. I have little stomach for any more: for an accounting of Goldmans countless factual errors (Hank Williamss death dated in the wrong year; James Meredith, who has surely suffered enough, being killed in 1969 at Altamont rather than Meredith Hunter), misspelled names, songs placed in the wrong movies, or the dismissal of James Brown as an African witch doctor and of Roy Brown, the voice behind B. He died Friday, January 21, according to fellow Memphis Mafia member Marty Lacker. From my point of view, the debate about Elvis, on the one hand, and the Memphis Mafia, on the other, has become wrongly polarised. publishing company until Presley's death in 1977. 12:15 PM at the "Gravesite", final words and the Interment of his Ashes. It is hard to know where to begin: the torrents of hate that drive this book are unrelieved. King, Bobby Blue Bland, Elvis Presley, Clyde McPhatter, and Jackie Wilson, as a mediocre bluesman. One can pause and say that Goldman has done useful work elaborating the truth about Colonel Parker (though he is not the first to reveal that Parker is a Dutchman rather than the West Virginia carny Parker has always made himself out to be), and about Parkers long-term mismanagement of Elviss career; one can say that the opening chapters of the book, set late in Elviss career behind the walls of Graceland and inside the Hilton International Hotel in Las Vegas, while clearly composites, are effectively creepy. Goldman notes, for example, that it is a prime Presley Myth that Elvis took much of his style from free-wheelingPentecostal preachers. Cause of Death: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Sonny West - died 24th May, 2017, in Nashville, Tennessee, aged 79. Lamar will be missed. I agree with what Tony and dgirl were trying to say here. Playing concerts for seven years from 35-42 should not kill you. There is a problem with your email/password. Colonel Parker or Elvis? It was Fike, too, who had introduced Presley to a girl called Anita Wood, whom the singer dated for five years until 1958 and who Elvis's mother hoped would be her daughter-in-law. brilliance of Greil Marcus and Peter Guralnick, whose definitive two-part biographies on Elvis are the Failed to delete memorial. Lamar Fike, assistant to Elvis Presley: born Cleveland, Mississippi 11 November 1935; died Arlington, Texas 21 January 2011. Among Fike's recollections was the actress Natalie Wood drinking with Elvis in his penthouse at the Beverly Wilshire hotel in Los Angeles. Fike became an intimate member of the Memphis Mafia, whose relationship to Presley was described by one writer as "like a football scrum after a loose ball." He also appeared in the documentaries The Elvis Mob (2004) and All the King's Men (1997). I really think it's disrespectful and a bit twee to cast him as a naive, pitiable little boy incapable of making choices. But personally Ill never forgive you for the horrible Goldman book. Another sad loss for the Elvis world, God Bless you Lamar. I guess I learned from them. Why would Elvis lie? And from then on a constant stream of undermining & twisted facts were published & paraded by this man. He is survived by two daughters Angie and Sheri Lacker of Memphis and one son Marc Lacker (Brenda Stoyka Lacker),.
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