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Why do you think that is? Award, and the final two goals are the focus of the Try Out! Explain to the girls that advertising experts have the job of selecting pictures to place in ads and on packaging for girls to see every day. Do you give yourself a thumbs-up when you do something that makes you feel good? Beth Anne:Respect your own heritage. What worked well for you? Sense of Self -the collection of traits or characteristics that describe you. Journey Book $7.00 Bundle and Save Imagine being chosen to attend a meeting of kids from across the United States interested in helping people get along better. And look beyond stereotypes that you might learn from TV and books and magazinesor even from adults. Gather magazines/newspapers, pencils, coloring utensils, sharpies, scissors and paper. Ask girls to brainstorm different ways they can stop prejudice and discriminatory behavior. _______________________________________________________________________, How will we invite our audience? Making fun of other people doesnt make me feel good.. To save time on the Try Out! Who is shown using the product in these images? People working together towards a common goal helps reduce prejudice. Very true, Jenny. 3 Time Required: 15 minutes Opening Session Materials Journey Books for the Girl Scouts who ordered theirs during Registration Girl Scout Promise and Girl Scout Law written on large paper (or poster board) Masking tape or other means to post the Girl Scout Promise & Law posters Copies of the words to "Yes She Can" The Its Your Story Tell It! Adult Journey Guides - Agent of Change, Get Moving, and aMUSE Girl Journey Books - Agent of Change, Get Moving, and aMUSE Girls Guide to Girl Scouting for Juniors GSUSA Website - www.girlscouts.org . What about the roles you gave other girls? And sometimes its people I really want to get to know better and then I think Ive put up a barrier. The other girls try to find her and when they do, they join her in the hiding place. award, the girls will learn more about stereotypes and bias. This guide includes many, but not all of the badge and award options for Girl Scout Juniors as well as downloadable activity plans. Anyway, lets go over our rules. There are annoying people of all racesbut its more of a respect thing. Bronze. The aMUSE Junior Girl Scout Journey requires the girls to earn the three different awards. Your scouts will gain an understanding for their limitless potential. The girls can add a feeling they have about stereotypes. Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance and Girl Scout Promise 3. VC9EPTCKXR aMUSE (Journey Books, Junior 3) ~ eBook Other Kindle Books Monkeys Learn to Move: Puppet Theater Books Presents Funny Illustrated Bedtime Picture Values Book for Ages 3-8 Createspace, United States, 2015. There is an intersection near our school where a lot of accidents occur. I will (1)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, (2)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, ____________________________________________________________, SignatureDate, ________________________________________________________________________________, WitnessWitness, Organize a park clean up with your neighbors, Assemble and five first-aid kits to flood victims, Teach younger kids about severe weather procedures and have them help you make first aid kits for flood victims, Mentor younger girls on healthy friendships, Make and donate blankets to an animal shelter. We find it most helpful to pair badges when we have a month or two to complete a journey. Award, the next two goals main focus is the Speak Out! The seller has not uploaded any pictures. Same goes for the journey award badges. They create posters and/or speak during school announcements with tips and tools for their peers. Includes certificates for ALL NEW awards: Business Jumpstart, Democracy, STEM Career Exploration, Automotive Engineering and Cookie Entrepreneur pins.One *full . Ask each girl to share three things her inner critic might give a thumbs-up to AND one of the three things her inner critic might give a thumbs-down to. Define how she acts when things go well for her and when things dont go so well, When the story begins, show that something important is about to happen , or have something dramatic already happening. Bernadette:Exactly! Thats why its important not to stereotype people. ______________________________________________________________________, Where will we present our project? While on the geocaching site, be sure to find a Travel Bug and follow its trip on a map. The scouts will need to explore an animals habitat which would work nicely on a hike or visit to a local park. And respect yourself. Brainstorm roles that women and girls have in todays society on a large sheet of paper. Add to Cart Quick View. Provide these to a local daycare or early childhood center. Who is in the background? Maybe there is a stereotype that has been applied to them or that they have put on others. Any problems? I think you have to feel comfortable about yourselfwho you arerespect your own backgroundfeel pride in it. Your scouts will gain an understanding for their limitless potential. Finally, the scouts will need to learn more about endangered animals in The Arctic Circle, The Gulf of Mexico or the Amazon Rainforest. Below we include our Junior Girl Scout Agenda for the aMUSE Journey in a Day. I have them right here. Did your girls love the journey as much as ours? Book Condition: New. Then they will explore the different leadership skills that are needed to be successful in a specific role. Social Butterfly Junior Badge dives into the etiquette and manners of the day. Quick Draw 10 minutes: Say a role and the girls have 15 seconds to draw the first picture that comes to mind. PDF VIRTUAL AMUSE JOURNEY (JUNIOR) - Peachtree City Girl ScoutsSU 617 Did you ever have to give up on a role you wanted and try something else? After each girl chooses a role, ask her to jump into the spotlight and act out the role quickly, in just five-ten seconds as the other girls try to guess what role shes playing. Online Only. Have the girls add one or more of their thumbs-up items with a word, image or color. Plus, as you earn one of Girl Scoutings highest awards, youll change your corner of the worldand maybe even beyond. She runs her own graphic design companyand shes 78! Andrea:That was what I was always taught by my parents and teachersall people are basically the same. Figure out what happens next. We will present both methods below for Girl Scout Leaders and their troops to choose the best way to meet the Girl Scout Junior aMUSE journey requirements. All three awards give you the chance to do big things while working on an issue thats captured your interest in a big way. How did the girls who played boys feel? 216 x 216 mm. Junior Amuse Journey Guide to read. Well, no one is saying you have to like everybody. Were here to make a plan to fight prejudicestarting with ourselves and then working in our communities. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for aMUSE (Journey Books, Junior 3) by Andrea Bastiani Archibald - contributor,Valer at the best online prices at eBay! And we havent even been here a minute. This means somebody may be coming to sit on your lap from the seat to your left. Junior aMUSE Journey Book $7.00 Cadette MEdia Journey Book $7.00 Senior GIRLtopia Journey Book $7.00 Senior Sow What? Find places where different people can work together. The scouts record specific women or girls that the know, or heroines that they have learned about, the roles these women or girls have in society, and specific behaviors that support each role. All Italians are stylish and sophisticated. Ask the girls to define stereotypes and generate a list of stereotypes on the whiteboard (use the example list if they get stuck). And when you start in your neighborhoodswell, then you are making the world better, too. Put your plan in motion - each girl is expected to put in about 20 hours. How do stereotypes hurt those who believe them? Junior aMUSE Journey Activity Plan 2 Purpose: When girls have earned this award, they'll understand how stereotypes affect roles. Help your scouts to see that not everyone will agree on what is or is not beautiful. Ask the girls to look at themselves and think about what they see. What were some steps the group thought would help fight prejudice? Next, ask girls to take turns choosing an item and lacing it in one of three piles: products for girls, products for boys and products for both boys and girls. The Try Out! Bernadette:Like making the neighborhood better! When we limit the roles people can play - even in our minds - we put people in a role we choose for them, rather than a role they choose for themselves. Here are some questions you might pose to the group: -------------------- Speak Out! Begin by having the girls sit in a circle (outside if its nice!) Take a few moments after the short lesson to process the responses of the boy and girl students. This continues until all girls have found the fugitive. Then its easier to speak up. Yvonne:Right! When her time is up, have the girl say who guessed her role correctly or call out what her role was. Which stereotype on our list limits you and other girls the most? Ask girls to fill in the blanks by choosing two different actions they will take to stop prejudice and discrimination. Girls will use these 15 minutes to decorate their prop box and think about items to include. These awards are placed together on the front of your sash. What each person says is important, so give each other the chance to speak. Have the girls choose one or two fo the roles (chosen by them, for them or one they want to try) and turn it into something on their projecta word, picture, color, shape (literal or interpretation). Junior Planning Guide - Girl Scouts River Valleys Volunteers aMUSE Junior Journey Award Set. The whole group is meeting for the first time. When we limit the roles people can play - even just in our minds - we put people in a role we choose for them, rather than a role they choose for themselves. Kristin:Ill start. But, because were starting with uswhats insidewe thought it was important that what we say in this room stays in this room. CreatingButterflies is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. The girls can use these roles in Role Charades. __________________________________________________________________________, Whats our call to action? Thats part of the problem: jokes that make fun of people because of their race or because of anythingage, gender, abilities. What each person says is important, so give each other the chance to speak. That is what we call Stereotyping! Honest _____________________________________________________________________________, Fair ________________________________________________________________________________, Friendly _____________________________________________________________________________, Helpful _____________________________________________________________________________, Considerate _________________________________________________________________________, Caring ______________________________________________________________________________, Courageous _________________________________________________________________________, Strong ______________________________________________________________________________, Responsible for what I say and do _______________________________________________________, Respect for myself and others __________________________________________________________, Respect authority _____________________________________________________________________, Use resources wisely _________________________________________________________________, Make the world a better place ___________________________________________________________. 2) Your girls match roles to the leadership skills that support the specific role. Which of these women play more than one role? Usually includes the social expected behavior that a person in the specific job or function would complete. Andrea:And dont think someone is poor or homeless because she is lazy.

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