Rankings are based on the opinions of Barron's and this ranking may not be representative of any one clients experience. Financial Advisors must be under the age of 40 as of August 2013. This ranking is not indicative of the Financial Advisors future performance. This ranking is not indicative of the Financial Advisors future performance. REP. magazine and WealthManagement.com do not receive any compensation from the financial advisors, participating firms, affiliates or the media in exchange for rankings. Investment performance is not a criterion. Securities Agent: PA, OR, NY, NV, NM, NE, NC, MI, MD, IL, ID, HI, GA, FL, CT, CO, CA, AZ, WA, VT, VA, UT, OH, TX, TN; General Securities Representative; Investment Advisor Representative. Barrons is a registered trademark of Dow Jones & Company, L.P. All rights reserved. Investment performance is not a criterion. Nominated advisors are then asked to complete an extensive survey. A sub-segment of the questions was used to determine eligibility for the Top 100. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC is not affiliated with Barron's. This ranking is based on quantifiable and objective criteria, including, but not limited to, AUM, compliance record, years of experience, AUM growth rate, industry certifications and online accessibility. REP. Magazine's Top 40 Wirehouse Advisors Under 40 2013. Source: planadviser.com (May 2011) awarded in 2011. Source: Forbes.com (Feb 2021) 2021 Forbes Best-In- State Wealth Advisors rankings awarded in 2021. Neither Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC nor its Advisors have paid a fee in exchange for this listing. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC is not affiliated with Barron's. Washingtonians They Know Money bases its ratings on quantitative and qualitative criteria, including, but not limited to: surveys to Washington-area financial professionals, nominations submitted to them by firms based upon assets under management, degrees, and certifications. PBEC: Executive Profiles: Jack Wadsworth The rating is not indicative of the advisor's future performance. Neither Morgan Stanley Smith Barney nor any of their Financial Advisors pay a fee to the Maryland Daily Record in exchange for the rating. Ratings are based on the opinion of the Financial Times and may not be representative of any one clients experience nor indicative of the financial advisors future performance. Incorporated, Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia Limited, Chairman of Morgan Stanley India Securities Limited and Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia (Taiwan) Limited until November 30, 2000. Advisory Director at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter John S. Wadsworth Jr., left, Chairman, President, and CEO of Federated Department Stores Inc. Terry. This ranking is based on in-person and telephone due diligence meetings to evaluate each advisor qualitatively, a major component of a ranking algorithm that includes client retention, industry experience, review of compliance records, firm nominations, and quantitative criteria, including assets under management and revenue generated for their firms. This ranking is not indicative of the Financial Advisors future performance. This ranking is not indicative of the Financial Advisors future performance. 2018 NAPA Top DC Advisor Multi-Office Firms. Investment performance is not a criterion because client objectives and risk tolerances vary, and advisors rarely have audited performance reports. He has also developed, a venture capital business under the banner of Manitou Ventures. Neither Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC nor its Financial Advisors or Private Wealth Advisors paid a fee to Barron's to obtain or use the ranking. Neither Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC nor its Financial Advisors or Private Wealth Advisors paid a fee to NAPA to obtain or use the ranking. This ranking is not indicative of the Financial Advisors future performance. Of those nominated, On Wall Street bases its rankings on quantitative and qualitative criteria. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC is not affiliated with SHOOK Research LLC or Forbes. Neither Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC nor its Financial Advisors or Private Wealth Advisors paid a fee to NAPA to obtain or use the ranking. It is based solely from a set of quantitative variables and information from a survey supplied by the advisers themselves. Neither Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC nor its Financial Advisors or Private Wealth Advisors paid a fee to Barron's to obtain or use the ranking. Source: Barron's.com (February 2013) Barron's Top 1,000 Financial Advisors: State-by-State ranking awarded in 2013. As your personal wealth grows, so does your ability to create positive change for the organizations and causes important to you. Chris is dedicated to serving the specialized needs of successful professionals, business leaders and families living in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. 2018 Five Star Wealth Manager Award This award was issued in 2018 and based on the evaluation process below. A sub-segment of the questions was used to determine eligibility for the Top 100. 2020 NAPA Top DC Advisor Multi-Office Firms. Barrons is a registered trademark of Dow Jones & Company, L.P. All rights reserved. Source: ft.com (Sept 2016) 2016 Financial Times 401 Top Retirement Advisors awarded in 2016. With the world becoming a smaller place and with China playing a larger role in the world economy, learning how to work with China is becoming critical for businesses in the US, whether they know it or not. The list is drawn solely from a set of quantitative variables and information in the survey supplied by the advisers themselves. Source: napa-net.org (March 2021) awarded in 2021. This ranking was determined based on an evaluation process conducted by the Financial Times during the period from 6/30/15-6/30/17. For more information, see www.SHOOKresearch.com. This ranking was determined based on an evaluation process conducted by SHOOK Research LLC (the research company) in partnership with Forbes (the publisher) during the period from 9/30/18 - 9/30/19. Ratings are based on the opinion of ISS Media and may not be representative of any one clients experience nor indicative of the financial advisors future performance. Nominations from the list were provided by NAPA Broker-Dealer/RIA Firm Partners. Barrons is a registered trademark of Dow Jones & Company, L.P. All rights reserved. Ratings are based on the opinion of the Financial Times and may not be representative of any one clients experience nor indicative of the financial advisors future performance. These criteria are utilized for each of the categories in which this award is given. Rankings are based on the opinions of Barron's and this ranking may not be representative of any one clients experience. Source: Forbes.com (Sept 2019) 2019 Forbes America's Top Wealth Advisors ranking awarded in 2019. This ranking was determined based on an evaluation process conducted by Barron's during the period from Sept 2007 - Sept 2008. Manitou Ventures has made 14 early stage technology investments half in China and half in US all with a China theme. Between July and October 2021, Coalition Greenwich interviewed 811 individuals from 661 of the largest tax-exempt funds in the United States, including corporate and union funds, public funds, and endowment and foundation funds, with either pension or investment pool assets greater than $150 million. This ranking is based on in-person and telephone due diligence meetings to evaluate each advisor qualitatively, a major component of a ranking algorithm that includes client retention, industry experience, review of compliance records, firm nominations, and quantitative criteria, including assets under management and revenue generated for their firms. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC is not affiliated with Barron's. Source: Barron's.com (February 2015) Barron's Top 1,200 Financial Advisors: State-by-State ranking awarded in 2015. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Integration. The FT 400 is based on data gathered from advisors, broker-dealer home offices, regulatory disclosures, and the FTs research. This ranking was determined based on an evaluation process conducted by ISS Media utilizing data from responses to the PLANADVISER Retirement Plan Adviser Survey as of Jan/Feb 2020. Investment performance is not a criterion. Rankings are based on the opinions of Barron's and this ranking may not be representative of any one clients experience. The rating is not indicative of the Financial Advisors future performance. Investment performance is not a criterion. This ranking is not indicative of the Financial Advisors future performance. This ranking was determined based on an evaluation process conducted by ISS Media utilizing data from responses to the PLANADVISER Retirement Plan Adviser Survey as of Jan/Feb 2022. Investment performance is not a criterion. Rankings are based on the opinions of Barron's and this ranking may not be representative of any one clients experience. Neither Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC nor its Financial Advisors or Private Wealth Advisors paid a fee to Barron's to obtain or use the ranking. This advisor, in addition to the award recipients, was one of approximately 500 financial advisors who were selected by their firms to attend the eighth annual Barrons Winners Circle Top Women Advisors Summit, hosted by Barrons magazine, to promote best practices in the industry and the value of advice to the investing public. 2018 Barron's Top 50 Institutional Consultants. But their relationship is strained to the point where they are both seeing other people. He's a father to young children - Jack, Ben and Amber - and is married to Amanda. Nominees were required to submit responses to an application comprised of a series of quantitative and qualitative questions about their experience, size and composition of their practice, awards and recognitions, and industry contributions, which were then reviewed by a panel of senior advisor industry experts, who, based on those criteria, and following a broker-check review, selected the top women advisors. Source: Barron's.com (July 2010) 2010 Barron's Top 100 Women Financial Advisors ranking awarded in 2010. The invitation-only conference was held virtually. Rankings are based on the opinions of SHOOK Research LLC and this ranking may not be representative of any one clients experience. Mr. Wadsworth joined Morgan Stanley as a Managing Director in 1978. Once weve discussed and refined your plan, we identify the specific investments to support the recommendations we presented. This ranking is not indicative of the Financial Advisors future performance. Investment performance is not a criterion. Investment performance is not a criterion. The invitation-only conference was held at The Breakers in Palm Beach, Florida, from December 4 to 6. Investment performance is not a criterion. Nominees were required to submit responses to an application comprised of a series of quantitative and qualitative questions about their experience, size and composition of their practice, awards and recognitions, and industry contributions, which were then reviewed by a panel of senior advisor industry experts, who, based on those criteria, and following a broker-check review, selected the top young advisors. Rankings are based on the opinions of Barron's and this ranking may not be representative of any one clients experience. This ranking was determined based on an evaluation process conducted by SHOOK Research LLC (the research company) in partnership with Working Mother Magazine (the publisher) during the period from 3/31/20 - 3/31/21. This ranking is based on in-person and telephone due diligence meetings to evaluate each advisor qualitatively, a major component of a ranking algorithm that includes client retention, industry experience, review of compliance records, firm nominations, and quantitative criteria, including assets under management and revenue generated for their firms. Maine, U.S., Marriage Index, 1892-1996. Neither Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC nor its Financial Advisors or Private Wealth Advisors paid a fee to SHOOK Research LLC to obtain or use the ranking. In our initial conversations, we talk about your family and personal aspirations. Neither Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC nor its Financial Advisors or Private Wealth Advisors paid a fee to the Financial Times in to obtain or use the ranking. Rankings are based on the opinions of SHOOK Research LLC and this ranking may not be representative of any one clients experience. John Watson - Managing Director, Tactical Opportunities - LinkedIn Rankings are based on the opinions of SHOOK Research LLC and this ranking may not be representative of any one clients experience. Investment performance is not a criterion. Rankings are based on the opinions of Barron's and this ranking may not be representative of any one clients experience. REP. magazines Top 50 Wirehouse Women, October 1, 2014. Neither Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC nor its Financial Advisors or Private Wealth Advisors paid a fee to SHOOK Research LLC to obtain or use the ranking. The award is based upon a recipients application and not upon any qualitative or quantitative criteria relating specifically to ones position as a Financial Advisor. 2020 Financial Times 401 Top Retirement Advisors. Source: Barron's.com (March 2016) Barron's Top 1,200 Financial Advisors: State-by-State ranking awarded in 2016. The rating is not indicative of the Financial Advisors future performance. Nominations from the list were provided by NAPA Broker-Dealer/RIA Firm Partners. The rating is not indicative of the Financial Advisers future performance. Nominees were required to submit responses to an application comprised of a series of quantitative and qualitative questions about their experience, size and composition of their practice, awards and recognitions, and industry contributions, which were then reviewed by a panel of senior advisor industry experts, who, based on those criteria, and following a broker-check review, selected the top young advisors. Ratings are based on the opinion of NAPA and may not be representative of any one clients experience nor indicative of the advisors future performance. On Wall Streets Top 40 Under 40 asks brokerage firms to nominate their top young brokers. A sub-segment of the questions was used to determine eligibility for the Top 100. This evaluation was not based on a specific time period, but was conducted by Five Star Professional (FSP) that considered, among other factors, the following: 2022 Forbes America's Top Wealth Advisors. Source: Barron's.com (June 2023) Barron's Top 100 Women Financial Advisors ranking awarded in 2023. Source: Forbes.com (Sept 2018) 2018 Forbes America's Top Wealth Advisors ranking awarded in 2018. John Wadsworth Email & Phone Number - Morgan St.. | ZoomInfo Source: Workingmother.com (October, 2017) 2017 Working Mother Magazine & SHOOK Research's Top Wealth Advisor Moms ranking awarded in 2017. For more on methodology please go to www.ft.com/reports. Rankings are based on the opinions of Barron's and this ranking may not be representative of any one clients experience. Jonathan Pruzan - Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC is not affiliated with SHOOK Research LLC or Forbes. Ratings are based on the opinion of the Financial Times and may not be representative of any one clients experience nor indicative of the financial advisors future performance. 48 year old Detective Sergeant John Wadsworth is a man who is losing a grip on all aspects of his life. Source: ft.com (Apr 2020) 2020 Financial Times 400 Top Financial Advisors awarded in 2020. Barrons is a registered trademark of Dow Jones & Company, L.P. All rights reserved. We learn about the hopes and dreams you have for your future and the legacy youd like to leave. This ranking is based on in-person and telephone due diligence meetings to evaluate each advisor qualitatively, a major component of a ranking algorithm that includes client retention, industry experience, review of compliance records, firm nominations, and quantitative criteria, including assets under management and revenue generated for their firms. Explore ideas and inspiration with captivating, original lifestyle stories created exclusively for Morgan Stanley clients. This ranking is based on in-person and telephone due diligence meetings to evaluate each advisor qualitatively, a major component of a ranking algorithm that includes client retention, industry experience, review of compliance records, firm nominations, and quantitative criteria, including assets under management and revenue generated for their firms. Source: ft.com (Apr 2018) 2018 Financial Times 400 Top Financial Advisors awarded in 2018. Neither Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC nor its Financial Advisors or Private Wealth Advisors paid a fee to the Financial Times in to obtain or use the ranking. $30 After December 15 Our investment platform offers a thoughtful approach for those seeking to invest more deliberately in social and environmental causes. REP. magazine and WealthManagement.com do not receive any compensation from the financial advisors, participating firms, affiliates or the media in exchange for rankings. Source: ASPPAs ASPPA 401(k) Leadership Award is designed to acknowledge a specific accomplishment and/or contribution by an individual or group of individuals within the 401(k) industry. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC is not affiliated with SHOOK Research LLC or Forbes. Nominees were required to submit responses to an application comprised of a series of quantitative and qualitative questions about their experience, size and composition of their practice, awards and recognitions, and industry contributions, which were then reviewed by a panel of senior advisor industry experts, who, based on those criteria, and following a broker-check review, selected the top young advisors.
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