He drinks, smokes, and even takes horse tranquilizers, while surrounding himself with a not very wholesome group of people. Along the way, we find out that a little Sylvia goes a long way, that George Thorogood has a secret life, singing hateful religious songs, and that you should never trust a Mann with the middle name of Junius!! Once in prison, the crazy continues with an escape, where causes more trouble, then the whole story ends in a great big surprise! Along the way, we find out that most of northern Nevada is made up of trailer parks, that some things are just as bad to admit as murder, and that sometimes things don't always end up the way we thought they would!! He ex? Other than working as a stand-up comedian James also works as a podcaster and currently hosts three podcasts. Latest was #377 - A Deadly Love Hexagon - Hope, Alaska. Along the way, we find out that a jet ski is a bad sign for a grown man, that some people just need a reset button, and that torture is considered legally heinous!! A nice couple ends up dead, and the police race against time to try to find him, after he's kidnaped several women, and may be holding them, alive!! Along the way, we find out that Blazing Saddles tactics can work in actual war, that you shouldn't ask too many people to kill your spouse, and that sometimes less clues equal more facts!! This week, in Fallsington, Pennsylvania, an odd feud develops among two young men, who grew up raised as almost brothers. #296 - The Minister's Wife Is Filthy - Trinidad, Colorado - Podcast Was the victim taken away by a police detective? The son, a 17 year old dropout, turned welder comes home to a bloody scene, that looks like it's straight out of a horror movie. Collapse below . This week, in Sequim, Washington, a wild scene unfolds with the backdrop of drug dealing, boat sinking, karate weapons, and many ostriches & emus running around. This week, we look at the out of the way town of Gatesville, North Carolina, where many people witness the build up to a vicious double murder, but that's only the beginning Did DNA finally exonerate the man who confessed, or did it just cement his guilt? Did they do it alone? In court, precedents are set, and things devolve into just as much of a mess as everything else is in this story!! An unknown enemy? Over a dozen kids come out to look, poke the body with a stick, and even steal a radio station's patch off her discarded jeans. This week, in Fletcher, Vermont, a very manipulative man, likened to Charles Manson, and Hitler by a psychiatrist, seems to be able to get anyone to do anything he wants. This week, in Trinidad, Colorado, a minister's wife has an appetite for certain things. Along the way, we find out that Wal-Mart Supercenters are preferable to history, that the age of seven may just be a little too young to start drinking straight whiskey, and you don't HAVE to kill in the worst way humanly possible!! Comedy and History podcast featuring James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman . Along the way, we find out that just because the town is named after you, doesn't mean you aren't trash, that some people have the capacity to inflict absolute horrors upon others, and that we have the best audience in podcasting!! The only thing investigators have to go on were rumors of her appearance at a party, the night before, which leads to a story, so terrible, that it can hardly be believed. This week, we look at the picturesque town of Golden, Colorado, where a career con man took his crimes to the next, brutal level, leaving the town in shock over the gruesome results.Along the way, we find out that beer can build a town, that there are klansmen in the mountains, and how many quilts you actually need to have is to warrant an entire museum!! The house also becomes a center for vicious & bloody murder, including bathtub dismemberments, and backyard cremations. This week, in Raeford, North Carolina, a family in crisis is the perfect prey for a predator, who moves in, and disrupts any potential harmony. Along the way, we find what time of year is "trailer season", what makes a person leave a bad review for a police station, and what kind of soda you drink while taking a break from multiple murders! Along the way, we find out that people sometimes speak in a confusing way in west Texas, that dry humping your cousin isn't a proper Christmas activity, and that you can't prepare for something you didn't mean to do!! Along the way, we find out that everyone can't wait to pretend to be Custer, that no one falls into water & strangles themselves, and that burned cookies are never cause for violence!! Along the way, we find out that once a company leaves town, the town shouldn't still be named after them, that some people take small slights VERY seriously, and that it's hard to deny what you've done, when the murder weapon has your name on it!! This week, in Lafayette, Indiana, a terrible, hideous murder makes investigators look in the wrong place, for a minute, before the culprit becomes very obvious. Both podcasts air weekly and have been rated a 4.9 out of 5 stars. When she is finally found, she happens to be in the main suspect's backyard. He wasn't some boring, old timey guy, though. A very strange story!! Welcome to Small Town Murder!! Along the way, we find out that people used to be willing to fight over paperwork, that 74 degrees is the perfect temperature for a criminal evacuation, and if you get arrested for murder, don't tell everyone you meet that you did it!! From there, they make deadly new secrets, as a couple, leaving four people dead, in their wake. The whole thing is a mess of nepotism, and disaster!! A Man Of Violence - Brandon Browner. On iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts#. Otherwise, it's just a mess!! But when one of them is murdered in a bloody, hideous scene, it becomes a huge mystery. It's a bad person, being pursued by inept people, and it makes for one of the craziest stories that we've ever done!! Along the way, we find out that being awake for 3 weeks can have an effect on your judgement, that there is definitely such thing as too much meth, and that 12 feet isn't deep enough to hide your problems!! A very crazy story, that needs to be heard, all the way to the end!! Along the way, we figure out exactly who is running the tilt-o-whirl, the wrong way to try to get a threesome going, and how much moisturizer a person should take while fleeing from a murder. This week, in Murdock, Nebraska, a horrible & bloody scene is discovered, in a rural farmhouse. This week, in Belmont, New Hampshire, a couple's fiery relationship causes everyone around them concern, until the whole thing erupts, taking down others in the process. Pure crazy!! The murder is as cold blooded as it gets, with the murder coming after the victim begging for mercy. It's a mess, and we try our best to put the pieces together, but did they end up with the right people on the end? This week, we take a peek at the run of the mill town of Washington Terrace, Utah, where possibly one of the worst people to ever exist, commits the ultimate acts of depravity, and savagery, while causing the whole world to take notice of the aftermath. When the other missing person is found, it's a most brutal scene, sending investigators in every direction, looking for body parts & evidence to put away a multiple time violent felon! It's a mess of horrors & stupidity!! This sounds great, until everyone comes up missing. Along the way, we find out faeries may not need a whole festival, that when someone says that they're Satan, maybe you should listen to them, and if you want to kill yourself, there are easier ways than having the state do it!! In the end, the case is solved like no other before, with doggy DNA! On iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcast. Along the way, we find out that Delaware needs more restaurants, that growing up in the modern age, without indoor plumbing seems to lead to bad life outcomes, and that the fatter you are, the less drop you need when they hang you! Buckle up! A list of 88 suspects yields no results, until 4 young boys are kidnapped while hitchhiking, and the whole thing takes a bizarre turn. This week, in Little Compton, Rhode Island, a brutal killing is discovered, and the fact that there is an open hole, in the victim's home, literally everyone is a suspect. Will they get the death penalty?? Next thing you know, someone is bleeding out, and a multi county manhunt starts! A crazy story!! This all leads to an elaborate plot, featuring just about every local dirtbag imaginable, including members of a local biker gang, named "Toot", and "Critter". This week, in Mt Zion, Illinois, the discovery of a human head, wrapped in 2 layers of plastic & duct tape, leads to the search for the killer of a young woman, with modeling aspirations, and a young son. When a teenage girl is found dead, in the woods, police think they may have another one of The Green River Killer's victims on their hands, but figure out quickly that it's something completely different. How many times does it take to kill an unsuspecting person? Was it a callous act of violence, or a very horny accident?? Along the way, we find out that there are farms in New Jersey, that if a strange man says one of your cows are loose, don't believe him, and that no one believes you when you pretend to be in shock, after confessing to a murder! Along the way, we find out what parades are absolutely necessary to a town, how easy it can be to take over someone's entire life, and what bones are simply too big to belong to rabbit! One night someone decides to bash this woman's head in, leaving her nearly unrecognizable, and the crime scene streaked with blood. A secret that can't be taken back. This week, in Amityville, New York, two people find love, and appear to be living the American dream, until some problems begin to arise. Along the way, we find out that charity events make bad comedy gigs, that you shouldn't try to get everyone you know to kill your wife, and that murder is apparently harder than it seems!! Murder is just the tip of the iceberg. Unfortunately, it ends in a terrible slaughter that leaves everybody baffled, and horrified. A stranger? This all falls apart when two terrible people turn the whole place into a smoldering bloodbath. It's a twisted tale of stolen drugs, spurned advances, and revenge. But just when you think it's all settled, more crazy rears its head!! Friends, school, activities, and even a boyfriend. This one is particularly brutal, but also pretty hilarious!! You will after you hear this! Along the way, we find out that hard work can sometimes get you even more hard work, that a judge & prosecutor probably shouldn't be related, and that some people actually compete to be the most evil!! This week, in Brownstown Township, Michigan, a seemingly normal situation spins very quickly out of control, when a person begins to believe that other people may be possessed by demons and we all know there's only one way to get rid of the demons, and that's murder! Along the way, we find out the true agenda of halibut, how hard police actually look for a missing Alaskan, and the true extent of the "anything goes" policy of trash collectors! Was this a bloodthirsty monster, killing for nothing but the thrill? Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! This starts a mystery that travels across several states, and brings us to some of the most troublesome, awful people that can be imagined. 1.77 m). Was it the husband, looking for revenge, or some other random very sick person, with a bloodlust, and a penchant for humiliation!! Was the kidnapped man in on the scheme? This week, we check out Three Points, Arizona, where three people moved, to escape prison in another state, and ended up entangled in a disastrous mess of inept murder plots, and finally, very bloody results. If we wouldnt want to listen, how could we expect anyone else to? You definitely want to hear this one all the way to the end!! Investigators have nowhere to look, but luckily for them, the murderers tell plenty of people about what they did. This week, in Donalsonville, Georgia, a strange group of dangerous people escape from a work camp, and end up on a rural farm, looking for gas & money to head to Mexico, in order to "live the good life". He says that he is, in fact, an international assassin, hired out by both the government, and a mysterious operation called "The Company". In the end, will he get a last meal, or a life in prison? Crime in Sports started in early 2016, and the guys worked their way into the ears and hearts of listeners around the world - in early 2017, Small Town Murder hit the iTunes charts . But there are many unanswered questions, like how one of the people died, and who killed them. As police try to solve the mystery of where she could be, many questions arise Mostly, does this have anything to do with a sexually adventurous married couple she knows? This week, we bring you an extra special bonus episode!! In the end, the most primitive form of justice prevails, and we're not even sure we feel bad about it! He also finds time to go on a crime spree that earns him several nicknames. It all comes to a head, one afternoon, when a major confrontation takes place, in from to their 15 year old son and everyone is armed! On top of all that, there is a walled off, secret basement tomb that needs to be excavated!! A small town police force allows the case to go cold, but when it's finally looked at, again, there is a new theory, and suspect, after years of suspicion & gossip being pointed at he husband. He was born in the United States of America. Until one day, when he has a complete breakdown, going on a spree that ends up with a trail of terrorized people, and two dead people, one of which is missing half of a head. Brutal crimes from a terrible person. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Is he being railroaded, or have his actions railroaded others? Is it the husband, who has been having a filthy affair with a teenage McDonald's drive thru worker? If I am being honest, I don't know how I ended up here. We can't say "why??" This week, in Okarche, Oklahoma, a pleasant & picturesque family dinner is interrupted by a lost drifter, knocking at the door. The accountant thinks life can't get any better, until his actions are brought to light, leaving only one way out a brutal murder. Send us a tip using our annonymous form. This week, in Gainesboro, Tennessee, a strange family love love triangle, involving some unlikely participants leads to turbulent relationships, uncomfortable holidays, and eventually murder. Amazon.com: Small Town Murder : James Pietragallo Jimmie Whisman Along the way, we find out that breakfast is an important meal in the south, that having a vampire name doesn't make you an actual vampire, and when a pair of twins want blood, no one is stopping them!! To a man who has some odd beliefs when it comes to pyramids, mountains, and his own name. Is he possessed by a "supernatural wolf" that is controlled by the color yellow? It looks like the beginning of uncovering the depths of a serial killer until it all stops cold. This causes widespread fear, until another young woman is attacked, then it turns into complete panic. They get away with this, several times, until it all comes crumbling down. He turns out to have quite the past, since his mother was burned to death, in the family pig sty. Along the way, we find out that every town has something to complain about, that if your dog brings home a leg, you should maybe ignore it, and that some people are even sicker than you thought possible!! Phoenix, AZ, is where James Pietragallo lives today. It will come as no surprise to anyone that this doesn't work out well, but that's only the beginning, as the legal waters are muddier than a Georgia swamp! When their secret son doesn't want to be adopted by his new (but real) father, bitterness grows in the home. Along the way, we find out that Michigan loves maple syrup, that too many people in the same living space can lead to violence, and that testifying against your own mother might not be cool!! This week, in Gunnison, Colorado, a happy go lucky young man disappears into thin air, and his friend wonder if he left to build a better life, or if someone in his family might be hiding the truth from them. So much crazy!! Can he survive with his aura being drained? When she is found, murdered horribly, attention immediately focuses on her boyfriend, and his best friend, who claim they were just drinking beer, and searching the trailer for a missing snake. This week, in Cincinnati, Arkansas, a love triangle, featuring very unlikely participants leads to a brutal murder, an inept cover up, and a completely unsatisfactory investigation. A bloodbath, that the murderer calls an"accident". This week, in Greenwood, Florida, a local rivalry is heated up when there are accusations of affairs, and worse. A young, rural Mississippi man does the unthinkable, and pays the ultimate price. Along the way, we find out that people in Idaho really do have a lot to do with potatoes, that sometimes, even a liar can be telling the truth, and that you shouldn't ask everyone that you've ever met, to help you dispose of a body! The excuses are weak, and so is the defense, but just when you think it's all over, a possible surprise from the past surfaces. This week, in Gaffney, South Carolina, it looks like a typical domestic dispute, ended in an unusual way, when a woman is found, naked, and strangled, in the middle of the street. No one claims to know anything, until a shallow grave is found, and the unbelievably terrible murder is uncovered. This week, in Aledo, Texas, a chilling 911 call from an affluent, gated community causes panic, as the police hope that the caller was just playing a prank, but they find the situation all too real. Plans are made for everyone to get together, to move on, and be friends, but it all falls apart, when one of them gets reported as a missing person. A real white knuckle kind of episode! This week, in Rome, Georgia, a picturesque, all-American couple find each other in high school, then get married, start a family, and live happily until things aren't so happy, anymore. This week, in Hillsdale, Wyoming, a sizable group of pretty terrible people, all with nicknames like "Chainsaw", "Bulldog", and "Stash", to name a few, are living life on the edge, in the middle of nowhere. This one starts crazy, and just gets crazier!! Along the way, we find out what goes on at a Turkey Festival, how easy it was to talk your way out of a 1970's murder interrogation, and how close a serial killer came to being released to the public!! Money? This case turns out to be not this killer's only handiwork. Weed? Will he accomplish his goals, or be caught before he can make himself a legend? This week, in Gormania, West Virginia, a young woman runs out the door, after receiving a mysterious phone call, never to be seen again. Evidence doesn't quite back that up, with out of place blood spatter, and even more out of place gravel. This story is a crazy, wild ride, from start to finish! This thing is a twisted, dark mess! Seriously crazy murder plan here! The Minister's Wife Is Filthy - Trinidad, Colorado - Chartable Either way, it goes all the way to the Supreme Court to decide whether the culprit dies, or not! It all ends in a courtroom showdown with the death penalty in the balance. Satan, a black witch, nefarious plots, and rune stone instructions are what follows, turning this into one of the oddest, craziest cases we've covered! The whole thing somehow gets even wilder, when the case goes to court, and the possibility of death by firing squad is introduced!! This week, in Peru, Indiana, an unlikely couple from different sides of the tracks have what appears to be a story book romance until you dig a little deeper, and find some very interesting tales from the past. Along the way, we find out that some people should be court ordered not to interact with each other, that chicken is in no way a sensual food, and that meth is, indeed, the Gatorade of murder!! The married couple, who just got a job as ranch hands at the property next door? Along the way, we find out that quilts take a long time to make, that you can't just fire guns off, at will , and that maybe you shouldn't drive out to the allegedly haunted house on Halloween night!! Along the way, we find out that not all of Maine has that Stephen King book charm, that you can only push people so far, and that thighs are apparently the most easily hidden body parts! Everything was going so well that his nephew soon joined him, and all seemed well. In almost the exact same place. Along the way, we find out about the best small town parade going, how much abuse an adult will take from another adult, and how many people can die right under their nose before some small town police will look into it. Things don't get any less messy in court, as decisions get upheld, and thrown out, seemingly on a yearly basis. Along the way, we find out exactly how big a checkerboard can be, exactly how stupid an excuse for murder can be, and what could be the weakest last meal of all time!! This is all fine until there's an argument over money, and a trip out to the local bars. The question is, why did they commit a most savage & unthinkable acts of violence? The tale the wounded young lady has to tell is a harrowing tale of unthinkable cruelty, and survival. Along the way, we find out that things work differently in the backwoods, that 26 year old men should never go to high school keg parties, and that you should never trust teenagers to keep your murders a secret!! But who was killed? The murder is absolutely crazy, and the explanation is even more insane! Business partners? ', plus the obvious, and intriguing question of 'why would someone do this?'. We now have an answer to that question. This week, we look at the tiny, festive town of Santa Claus, Georgia, where a young man ruins the Christmas season for a whole town, by committing some of the most brutal acts imaginable. Just when you think this one is over More crazy pops up, seemingly from thin air!! The scariest thing is will they ever get out of prison?? Or, is he just another run of the mill awful, greedy & heartless killer?? Is he "The Sun King"? On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wondery, Wondery+, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts! Torture, dissection, and dismemberment, and a brain, jammed into the garbage disposal. This week, in Laurel, Delaware, a skeleton is found, tied to a tree, and needless to say, this freaks out the whole area. This week, in Tellico Plains, Tennessee, when a teenage girl goes missing, the search take investigators deep into the backwoods. Along the way, we find out that there is also desert in Colorado, that unless you get a badge, you definitely aren't a cop, and that it may be a bad idea to just assume you have the power to kill at will!! Did they break up & run in separate directions?
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