Slag glass is often used as a catch-all term for any type of pressed glass that is opaque and colorful, but not all glass that fits this description is true slag glass. Sowerby in Gateshead, England is believed to be the first glass foundry to create slag glass. Lighting FixturesPettingell-Andrews Company, c. 1910, Gas and Electric LampsWelsbach Company, c. 1910. She has also managed an online antiques community. Ph.D. antiques appraiser Dr. Lori reveals tips to tell if the piece you think might be Tiffany glass is really slag glass used for that lamp shade or other p. How to Identify Vintage Lamps | Urban Americana By clicking Accept, you agree to our website's cookie use as described in our Cookie Policy. Determining slag glass worth will vary in difficulty depending on what you're looking for. If youre looking to add some character to your home with slag glass, heres how to identify slag glass. A similar look was created around the same time by U.S. manufacturers Northwood and Dugan. Hopefully, these tips will help make your search for slag glass a successful and enjoyable experience. McCrory and Kresge also were major customers. 17 1/2" diameter 24" high. Topped by an Art Deco style marbled yellow art glass shade. In some of the most stunning lighting pieces, small pieces of the slag glass were laid out in a metal framework. Vintage Slag Glass Lamp Antique Boudoir Lamp Slag Glass Lamp Arts & Crafts Lamp Art Nouveau Vintage Lamp Ornate Lamp 5 out of 5 stars (115) $ 375.00. At first they painted glass blanks from other glass makers, but started making their own glass when they became unable to buy the materials they needed. Slag is the byproduct of steel production. Tiffany Floor Lamps. The lustrous glass often had threads of glass in contrasting colors pulled through the surface to form a feather shape. Polly Pocket: History & Value of Barbies Biggest 90s Rival. 7 Avon Collectible Bottles Worth Thrifting. This is because the top manufacturers of the day often did leave any identifying brand marks on the fixtures. It should not have white streaks mixed into the color, nor should it be one solid color. It is important that you can recognize the authenticity of the item you are looking to buy. Because of this, there is always a distinctive bump, indentation or spot where the glass was cut from the stem after it was shaped for the lamp. Slag glass producers mark their products with the companys initials or the companys logo. Rubber and vinyl coated wires were not used until the post-World War II era. Estimate $400/600 Sold with Premium 258.30 Closed October 27, 2022 171. 1930s Traditional Slag Glass Lamp; Share. In this case slag, a by-product from iron smelting, is mixed into the molten glass before pressing. Outstanding full floral Duffner and Kimberly dogwood lamp. Search Alerts. L. G. Wright Glass - Guide to Value, Marks, History - WorthPoint Would anyone know the company that might of cast this lamp base? 1930s Traditional Slag Glass Lamp | Chairish Have any questions? According to the Glass Encyclopedia, Slag glass is made by mixing pulverized silicate slaginto glass-pressing. 1230C - 10 1/4 Ceramic Green Tone Vase Lamp. Fenton, Mosser, Boyd Glass, and Summit are some of the common, modern, U.S. manufacturers of slag glass. early 20th, FIGURAL SLAG GLASS LAMP. When identifying slag glass, look for a marbling effect. This glassy residue would vary in tint and colordepending on the minerals and chemicals used in steel production, resulting in a glossy, opaque, marbled effect. Slag glass, also commonly known as Malachite glass, is pressed glass made in the same way as Milk glass, but with coloured streaks to create a marble effect. Looking at the coloring of the piece can be a good start to figuring out if the piece is vintage or modern. While collectible, the price range varies greatly depending on the item and manufacturer. Instead, the glassmaking duo from Pennsylvania combined two colors of molten glassone white and one opaqueto create the same marbled effect. Look for manufacturing labels and company embossed stamps and raised imprints on the lamp. An antique piece from the UK would typically have one of these markings: While American vintages would bear the marks of: Be sure to check out this comprehensive guide on antique glass markingsto know what to notice when appraising an antique piece of glass. Ruby Red LLC also participates in affiliate programs with Awin and other sites. Slag Glass information from the Glass Encyclopedia Its important to note that newer slag glass pieces may not have as much character or value as older ones. They bring a sense of the past into a home and they add a pop of color. With these tips in mind, you should be able to know how to identify slag glass. EARLY 20TH CENTURY SLAG GLASS LAMP | Pricing Guides Dictionary & Values A Fenton hobnail 4 1/2-inch vase can go for $15 to $50. Avon calling. You can find antique slag lighting fixtures for sale on websites such as Etsy for as low as $20 or as much as $16,000. Can you Tiffany Lamp Sells High Michaan's Auctions in California . Prof. Busch working group is focused on solid metallic glass and biomaterials. Antique Slag Glass Lamp, 8 panel umbrella. Slag glass is also sometimes used to refer to marbled glass pieces that didnt technically use slag as an additive. This roughness is caused by the recycled materials that make up slag glass, making it different from smooth stained or flashed glass. Answer: The opaque bent panels of pressed glass with the creamy, golden swirls in your lamp are typically referred to as slag glass. Mosiac glass is sometimes used interchangeably with slag glass, although there are some technical differences. Vintage Swag Green Slag with Amber Glass Drop Light, Pendant Hanging Lamp . Step 3. Tiffany lamps are famous for the vibrant colors and varied textures used in the glass design. Opalescent or iridescent glass can be worth more. (See below for more info on marks.) Vintage slag glass is a lot more restrictive in color options than recently produced pieces are. -Cracked, repaired, or otherwise damaged shades have virtually no value. You can determine antique slag glass with a few steps: Slag glass antique items can run anywhere in value from a low of $50 to a high of $1,500. The chart below highlights some recently sold slag glass items. This$13,464 pair of slag glass lampson Etsy is one example, along with this complete setfrom the Hilltop Steakhouse in the United States, being sold for an even $15k on eBay. 3. In addition to some examples shown below on this page, you can also search our price guide for your own treasures. Most homes in the late 19th century and even some older homes today could be found using a slag glass lampshade as decor. Where the slag is really concentrated it will appear milky white. Production of slag glass originated in late 19th century England. What is Slag Glass? Price Guide and History - Invaluable M.L. Challinor would instead combine two colors of molten glass. This created the marbled effect and bright variations in color that make slag glass so unique. Add to Favorites Tiffany Style Bent Glass Tulip Green and Beige Slag Glass Hanging Lamp Ceiling Fixture Restaurant Light 18.5" w x 11" h 5 out of 5 stars (218 . What Is Slag Glass? Theres a fairly large price range for slag glass, with intricate vintage lampshades fetching the highest price. Slag Glass Identification and Valuation - Antique Answers Wonderful petite, Original 1910-1920's slag glass lamp, shows, REVERE Copper and slag glass lamp, its faceted. The term slag glass is often used interchangeably with the terms flashed glass and stained glass. However, slag glass is a type of stained glass made from recycled materials. The price of slag glass ranges considerably from five dollars for small slag glass pieces, to antiques that would garner hundredsif not thousands of dollars. Some later manufacturers include Boyd, Imperial, and Westmoreland. Dont confuse newer pieces with older, vintage ones. Some of the most popular manufacturers were Miller, Bradley & Hubbard, Empire Lamp Manufacturing Company, Pittsburgh Lamp, Brass and Glass Company, H.E. Start architect Friedrich Joachim Stengel has shaped Saarbrcken's cityscape like no other. This list is limited to only a few results.Many more items are available to our members through our 6 Tips for Identifying Fenton Glass. Generally only old lamps feature a brass collar. Slag Glass Lamp, Arts & Crafts era, geometric, EMPIRE LAMP CO. SLAG GLASS LAMP bronze base. IDENTIFY SHADE DESIGNS Slag glass was also created by taking two colors of glass and combining them to create what was called "mosaic glass" in 1902 in Pennsylvania by glassmakers Thomas Dugan and Harry Northwood. This byproduct can then be pulverized and used as a glass additive. Vintage lamps will show typical signs of aging, such as patina on the metal . Overview. The wiring is not original to the lamp; originally it would have had cloth covered wire. It has a unique, earthy appearance and can be found in a variety of colors. I use this term only because it has become a widely known, accepted, descriptive term for pressed opaque glass with swirls or streaks, even though the likelihood of it containing any slag is remote. Compare the texture, pattern, and color of the glass with known slag glass pieces to differentiate it from other types of opaque glass. Large Signed Rousseau Art Nouveau Figural Lamp w/ Slag Glass Petal Shade. Love Immortal: Antique Photographs and Stories of Dogs and Their People. Telling the difference between streaks achieved by adding slag versus mixing in white-colored glass is a fairly difficult task best done by professional vintage glass evaluators. Identification Tips & History Highlights, One of the most unusual types of antique glass that collectors can investigate, Vaseline glass is absolutely fascinating due to its color, history, and radioactive components. Vintage slag glass can be a collectors item, but contemporary versions are also extremely popular and thousands of items on still made today. Antique 1908 Bradely & Hubbard Slag Glass Lamp Signed B&H Arts & Crafts $425.00 $32.52 shipping or Best Offer SPONSORED Large Bradley Hubbard Colorful Slag Glass Shade & Base, Arts & Crafts, Handel Er $1,650.00 $95.00 shipping or Best Offer 14 watching SPONSORED Antique Brass Oil Kerosene Font B&H Bradley & Hubbard Center Draft Banquet GWTW $125.00 Ding dong! This leads to marbling in the colors of the glass. When identifying authentic slag glass, pay close attention to the marbling. SHADE A vintage figural spelter table lamp, the depiction of a young man holding a cluster of grapes. This guide will explain how slag glass was made, when it was popular, and what its worth. New York Art Deco Nude Dancer Spelter. I can best help you after you email pictures To complete your quote for restoration if you include the following. Happy collecting! In addition, slag glass panels were used in lamps, jewelry boxes, and other collectibles. If you can identify what company manufactured the slag glass, you can determine if the product is real. Tiffany, Roycroft or Steuben lampshades made with slag glass can command prices of up to $20,000. Some stained glass pieces may appear very similar to all of the small pieces in beautiful patterns. This marbling is one of the best ways to identify slag glass. Arts and Crafts Limbert Style Slag Glass Lamp The lamps and shades often included intricate bronze and brass metalwork featuring scrolling floral, foliate, relief and decorative patterns. Hold the glass up to a light source, and you should be able to see the light passing through, albeit with a mottled or cloudy appearance. If you're examining a glass kerosene lamp, look for a brass collar. Once you find those marks, research the company to see if they are an authentic brand. Assuming your lamp isn't marked, then we have to move onto other steps to figure out if it is authentic. Did we forget one? Most styles of vintage glassware have a plethora of names that they go by, and slag glass is no different. Color, age, and manufacturer are definitely important in determining the value of a vintage piece. Happy searching for your favorite color of slag glass! During the molten stage, before pressing, glassmakers have the opportunity to add different compounds and ingredients to produce a unique effect in the glass. Vintage pieces can also be commonly found in a dark purple color. 100s Of Great Lamp Sockets - Original Antique Lamp Socket Tutorial Slag glass is named after silicate slag, a colorful material that is a byproduct of molten steel. They still wanted the white streaks, and so they mixed purple glass with a white, opal-y, colored glass. Golden glass pieces should have a translucent, amber sheen to them in order to be authentic. While it may not be as popular as other types of glass, slag glass is beautiful in its own way. They also began producing opaque golden, creamy colored glass known as caramel slag that allowed the passage of enough light to give a room a soft, warm, golden ivory glow. Look for labels indicating the glass is made from recycled materials, such as Cinderella or marble glass.. Antique lampshades are perhaps one of the most common fixtures for vintage and valuable slag glass. Price Guides! The SUCCESS burner was Pilabrasgo's "claim to . Many lamps are marked as much as three times (on the base, shade, and metal fitter rim). However, stained glass will not have any of the milky-colored streaks that slag glass does. Take extra care to avoid leaving any streaks or marks on the surface of the slag glass. If you cant see any light passing through, the glass may be frosted or pressed glass instead of slag glass. Shade measures 7 1/4" x 16 1/2". Most antique slag items are brown, blue, green, or purple. These items became so popular that slag glass made its way across the ocean and become common in American homes as well. Happy cleaning! These patterns are created during the manufacturing process and give slag glass its unique appearance. To do this, you'll need to remove the globe and burner. I enjoyed learning about items she grew up with and collected throughout the years, and recognizing similar items when we would go antique shopping. Glass Type. How to identify a slag glass lamp To differentiate, compare the texture, pattern, and color of the glass to those of known slag glass pieces.
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