frequency along the northwest coast of continental Europe. clear where our members fall - on the left, that SNP called M253. K2a and C1 have been found in the oldest sequenced male remains from Western Eurasia (dating from circa 45,000 to 35,000 years BP), such as: Ust'-Ishim man (modern west Siberia) K2a*, Oase 1 (Romania) K2a*, Kostenki 14 (south west Russia) C1b, and Goyet Q116-1 (Belgium) C1a. 15 people in Norway carrying the I-L22 markers (without any additional mutations). Thus, the current haplogroup designation for Group I1-4 is I1a2b or I-Z138. People who live in Britain and have I1 in their DNA can be quite confident, especially if their paternal name is Norse, that their ancestry is somewhat Viking. +3 votes . This common ancestry suggests that the subclades of IJ entered the Balkans from Anatolia or the Caucasus, some time before the Last Glacial Maximum. These events set a possible scenario for how his father might have been someone other than John Hamilton. There are also high frequencies of Haplogroup I* among the Andalusians (3/103), French (4/179), Slovenians (2/55), Tabassarans (1/30),[85] and Saami (1/35). However, the common ancestor for the Bothwell and Stonehouse groups may be further back in time since the two groups do not match each other as closely although a probable RecLOH event in the Bothwell line may be obscuring how well they match the Stonehouse line. 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. tracking these folks in Northern Europe during the time from 8,000 BCE Norse / Northern Germanic Haplogroup. [9] This would make the founding event of I-M170 approximately contemporaneous with the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), which lasted from 26,500 years ago until approximately 19,500 years ago. Another early branching line is the line to the Olivestob Hamiltons; H-103 of Group A is a descendant of this line. It is suspected that this Osborn may have initiated this Hamilton line. Its subclade I-L161 has greater variance in Ireland and Great Britain, but overall frequency is very low (23%), while subclade I-L162 has the highest variance and also high concentration in Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Southeastern Poland, Belarus). Several I* individuals, who do not fall into any known subclades, have been found among the Lak people of Dagestan, at a rate of (3/21),[85] as well as Turkey (8/741), Adygea in the Caucasus (2/138) and Iraq (1/176), even though I-M170 occurs at only very low frequencies among modern populations of these regions as a whole. 19, However, they are not closely related. Most of the groups in this Table are in the haplogroup I family with seven of them (I1-3 to I1-9) being in the haplogroup I1 family and three others (I2-1, I2-2 and I2-3) being in the haplogroup I2 family. There are a major source of Norse tradition and mythology. It can be found in the majority of present-day European populations; the greatest density to be found in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Norway, Sweden, Serbia, Sardinia, Denmark and Germany. 9. Thus, again any Hamilton who suspects he might be derived from this line can now easily prove or disprove it by having his DNA analyzed. The -haplogroup of the Y-chromosome (cf. The existence of Haplogroup IJK the ancestor of both haplogroups IJ and K (M9) and its evolutionary distance from other subclades of Haplogroup F (M89), supports the inference that haplogroups IJ and K both arose in Southwestern Asia. p. 33 Western Hunter-Gatherer Member. Although individuals in Group B have long been given the haplogroup designation I1, about a year ago it was found that this group is positive for SNP Z63 and within this SNP family Group B is also positive for the SNP L1237. They are known to be derived from Captain John Hamilton of Monea and Tullyreny, Co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, who lived in the late 1600s. Therefore, if only the 12 marker test had been run on these samples, one would have concluded that the donors of the samples in Group B were closely related to the donors in Group I1-3. Furthermore, the current DNA results can pinpoint the probable conception where the non-paternal event occurred. Aaron and Nathaniel all have living male-line descendants, and maybe others. It is a subclade of Haplogroup I. The patriarch of the Preston line is Sir John of Hamilton, Lord of Fingalton, born about 1337. Groups X1 and X2 Note that the naming of some of the subgroups has changed, as new markers have been identified, and the sequence of mutations has become clearer. The punctual presence of both haplogroups at a low frequency in the area of the historical regions of Bithynia and Galatia in Turkey may be related to the Varangian Guard or rather suggests a connection with the ancient Gauls of Thrace, several tribes of which are recorded to have immigrated to those parts of Anatolia at the invitation of Nicomedes I of Bithynia. As more results are obtained it is expected that matches will be found with more of those in Groups X1 and X2, but it is likely that additional Hamilton lines will also be found. Group R1b-8 gives the DNA profile of four members of a family of Hamiltons who live in Sweden. Haplogroup I2a1a-M26 is notable for its strong presence in Sardinia. Complicating this situation is that there is some lingering doubt whether Alexander Hamilton is biologically really a Hamilton, as has been discussed in a recent biography of the statesman written by Ron Chernow. These people may have been responsible for bringing into western Europe the Gravettian culture about 21,000 - 28,000 years ago. It has been suggested that nearby hominid populations, such as Homo erectus soloensis on Java, and Homo floresiensis on Flores, survived because they were upwind of Toba. According to Eupedia Haplogroup I is the oldest haplogroup in Europe. The Sinclair family has members who show the tell-tale markers But I believe it's worth noting as it This indicates that one of the brothers must have been fathered by someone other than a Walter Fitzgilbert all male line descendant, but which one was it? The results for two (H-003 and H-017) will be discussed briefly here to emphasize why it is important to obtain results for two or more known relatives. This lineage is relatively common in Scandinavia and in Slavic populations in Europe; those from Britain who are R1a are usually considered to have Viking ancestry. Whit Athey has developed a formula for calculating the probable haplogroup from STR data and also at the FTDNA web site most participants receive an estimate of their suspected haplogroup. Since the Douglas, Dunbar (Agnes was a sister of the Earl of Dunbar) and Stewart families were so prominent in that era in Scotland, the marriage of Janet to Sir John Hamilton of Cadzow undoubtedly brought prestige to the Hamilton family and ultimately led to future generations of the family playing such a prominent role in Scottish society. Haplogroup I2a2-M436 has been found in over 4% of the population only in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, England (not including Cornwall), Scotland, and the southern tips of Sweden and Norway in Northwest Europe; the provinces of Normandy, Maine, Anjou, and Perche in northwestern France; the province of Provence in southeastern France; the regions of Tuscany, Umbria, and Latium in Italy; and Moldavia and the area around Russia's Ryazan Oblast and Republic of Mordovia in Eastern Europe. southeast. Since the R1b1a2 haplogroup in the human phylogenetic tree is so distant from the I1 haplogroup, there is no possibility that individuals in these two haplogroup families are related to each other through all male lines within the past tens of thousands of years. One appraoch to answering that question is to estimate how long ago the subhaplogroups of the various Hamilton I1 groups split from one another. It is well documented that one Hamilton line began in Scotland about 1300 with Walter Fitzgilbert de Hamilton as the patriarch of the line. A value of 12 at DYS640 is also quite unique to the Group B Hamiltons. human settlement. 1. As indicated in the tables, the most common haplogroups found for participants in the Hamilton project are various versions of I1 and R1b1a2. The reason for this is that some of the marker values found for Group A are unusual. often drawn to look for clues that the Sinclair family is either Over the years there has been considerable discussion and speculation concerning the ancestry of this Walter with many early commentators suggesting that he was derived from one or more members of the English aristocracy. The role of the Balkans as a long-standing corridor to Europe from Anatolia and/or the Caucasus is shown by the common phylogenetic origins of both haplogroups I and J in the parent haplogroup IJ (M429). These are known as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Outside of Scandinavia, Britain is the place where youre most likely to find people with Viking heritage as the Vikings settled here and colonised. FamilyTreeDNA Discover - Y-DNA Haplogroup I-M253 This resulted in a rising of the land and an For each group it is useful to focus on marker values that occur infrequently because their presence in a particular group is what really distinguishes one group from another. H1, in human mitochondrial DNA, a haplogroup contained in a significant fraction of individuals of Western European heritage; H1, in human Y-chromosome DNA, a haplogroup common in South Asian individuals; H1, in the MAPT (Tau protein) gene on human chromosome 17, a haplogroup associated with increased probability of certain dementias when compared to haplogroup H2 James2 is the Hamilton (born about 1415 and died in 1479) who married Princess Mary Stewart, daughter of King James II of Scotland. In an attempt to place humans on a phylogenetic tree, anthropologists in recent years have mainly used so-called SNPs or Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (in other words, substitution of one of the bases on the DNA backbone by a different base). Subclades act as the branches of haplogroups, getting that level of detail more refined, kind of like leaves on the end of a tree. These marker sites are known to mutate quite rapidly so the variation observed is not unusual. During this time, it isnt possible to venture too far north within Europe as the ice sheets cover much of northern Europe and tundra exists for several miles beneath them. and these scant written reports, scientists have been able to Haplogroups If we fast forward to 12 000 years ago as shown here, the ice has retreated and the land has become much more supportive to life. The Jutland peninsula and its islands to The final group in this table contains two individuals whose haplogroup is J2; they are known to share the same ancestor. formation of the I1 lineage after the LGM. From what I'm reading The paper trail indicates that participants H-018, H-094, H-031, H-397 and H- 539 in Group R1b-5 are descended from John Hamilton who emigrated from Britain to Concord, MA about 1650 so again it is not too surprising that their results match well. Gaute Ivarsson Mother Herbjrg Torbjrnsdatter, father an unknown Ivar often referred to as Ivar Arnesson Slee-Dall . Heyerdahl and Per Lilliestrm found interesting Unlimited communication with me about Haplogroup I1 topics/questions through my email [email protected] during or just after the late 12th century. Within each group identical values are colored and any differences due to mutations are highlighted by not being colored. Luckily for us, a MtDNA . 1,800 BC bronze was introduced into Denmark. These unusual STR values are: 7 at DYS459a, 18 at YCAIIa, and 12 at DYS640. Henry VII of England - Haplogroup I1 is the likely subclade of the there were sources at work and there are many clues to be found in Neolithic I1 samples are very sparse as well, suggesting a rapid dispersion connected to a founder effect in the Nordic Bronze Age. The refugia of Iberia(R1b), the Balkans(I) and Ukraine(R1a) allow people to wait out the worst of the ice-age.. When predicted these haplogroup designations are given in regular black type in the Haplo column of the Group X1 and Group X2 tables. Haplogroup I YDNA. The territory of Sweden was This page has been accessed 4,329 times. If the results are different then one can zero in on when the mutation or non-paternal event occurred by testing closer relatives. The accessibility between Scandinavia and Danish lands to the south the M253 SNP which defines Haplogroup I1. However none of these changes in boat technology had any direct effect Two of the participants in Group R1b-9 are known to be related to one another as indicated in the Ancestors table but the similarities of their DNA profiles to those of the others in this group strongly suggests that all have a common ancestor in the recent past. By this method the branch is named by starting with the capital letter defining that haplogroup family and then adding the name of the terminal SNP that defines that branch. (pronounced "Sar-mee") people of the north and those of Germanic different groups had become tightly consolidated. Hugh Montgomery has hypothesized a line of descent in which the In the midst of this last great cold spell, very roughly about 25,000 years ago, a little baby boy was born with a mutation in his Y-chromosome. Haplogroup I Subhaplogroups FreeSpace Page, Y-DNA Haplogroup I1-S249-Z131 (I1b) (1, 0, 0). R1a is commonly found in Eastern Europe and the Baltics. A new terminal SNP for people with this profile has recently been identified. Much of these lower The Group B DNA profile has unusual STR values at some sites, so unusual in fact that the presence of a combination of these values for a known haplogroup I1 individual virtually ensures that the person must be closely related to the Group B Hamiltons, regardless of surname. IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. In this regard the close similarity of the DNA profiles for P-231, S-327, N-343, F-475 and R-481 to those of the foregoing imply that they may be derived from the same immigrant Hamilton ancestor even though their surnames are not Hamilton. Haplogroup I1 and Haplogroup I-M253 are synonyms. Scientists speculate that human enclaves favored the high ground because it provided commanding views of the territory below and maximized sunlight by avoiding the shadows of the valleys. and distantly related to the Estonians and Hungarians. This is the situation for M-183, F-204, A-214 and A-363, F-313, B-324, B-543, J-406, C-424, W-532, and Y-385 whose surnames are Morrison, Frame, Arthurs, Filby, Baker, Bryant, Johnston, Coates, Wormley and Yates respectively; in none of these cases do they know of any Hamilton in their all male lines. A collection of genealogical profiles related to I1-Z58 (Y-DNA) This project is for people who have tested and been assigned the paternal haplogroup I1-Z58 with its subclades, and also for people who are believed to have belonged to this paternal haplogroup based on tests done on descendants.. That is not known but one can speculate. This cookie will expire as soon as the session expires. The FTDNATiP calculation using 67 markers indicates that there is a 63% chance that H-084 and H-031 share a common ancestor in 12 generations and a 99% chance in 24 generations. Thus, at this time we cannot come to any definite conclusions whether Alexander Hamilton's father was, or was not, a Hamilton and whether the DNA results of Group I1-5 represent those of an early Hamilton line. descended of this line or was somehow involved with it. Scandinavians were late in adopting the use of sails on their ships, However, since he was presumably not a Hamilton, it is not too surprising that their DNA profile does not match that of any of the other I1 Hamilton participants. Description: Craft relies on PHP sessions to maintain sessions across web requests. Tomorrow, the world. As has been discussed in several publications (the best is probably the 1933 book by George Hamilton titled "A History of the House of Hamilton"), many established Hamilton lines in Britain and elsewhere trace their ancestry to Walter Fitzgilbert de Hamilton but a careful reading of the evidence for some of the early connections indicates that many are on tenuous grounds. Rogers, Rendall, Love, Short, Tall, Wise, Long, and Good are all likely to be remnants from the Vikings too. The 8 contributing males living 5000 years after the founding of I-haplogroup were certainly not the total population of living I-haplogroup males of that time. As a result, any direct male Hamilton descendant who suspects he may be derived from this John of Concord can now easily prove or disprove the possibility by having his DNA analyzed and comparing his results to these profiles. Since the term 'haplogroup' (often abbreviated as haplo here) is used frequently in the foregoing and subsequent discussion, it seems appropriate to briefly describe here what it means and how it arose. Some descendant subclades have been found since pre-history in Europe, Central Asia, and South Asia, whereas others have long been present, at lower levels, in parts of West Asia . The possibility that a Wormley might be the progenitor of the Group B Hamiltons has recently been discussed by Nick Wormley at his web site. Did the Normans descend from the Vikings? Greek Descendants of the Seleucid Dynasty in Today's Kyrgyzstan Very recently, Donald Glossinger, a member of our DNA project, has found evidence which appears to identify who were the father and grandfather of this Walter. Other mutations that are monitored are named STRs (Short Tandem Repeats) or Haplotypes. Which Groups are Derived from Well Established and Documented British Lines? Even though the Group X1 table has results for participants with a variety of haplogroups, including E (and its sub haplogroups), G2a, G, I1, I1d1, I2a, I2b1, J2 and R1a1a, the Group X2 table has results for a considerably larger number of R1b1a2 participants. [96] A 2014 study examining the correlation between Y-DNA haplogroups and height found a correlation between the haplogroups I1, R1b-U106, I2a1b-M423 and tall males. Nowhere does a male population entirely consist of Hpg I1. This marriage brought the Hamiltons close to the throne of Scotland in the 16th century. It is critical to understand that not all Vikings were I1 and not all I1 were Vikings. When the ice melted, the land was relieved of billions of tons 3. I2 subclade of I-M170 is the main haplogroup found on male remains in Mesolithic Europe, until circa 6,000 BCE, when mass migration into Europe of Anatolian farmers carrying Y-DNA G2a happened.[16]. geography and a time period. You can see a map here: The R1b group is also about 20,000 years old. This image gives us more information about the haplogroup I. It continued for thousands of years; its most severe stage is called the Last Glacial Maximum, or LGM, which encompassed the furthest extent of the ice sheets upon the land. Danes called Gesta Danorum. Ancestors of those in haplogroup G are thought to have been Neolithic farmers from the Middle East who were the first to practice agriculture in Europe. R-L21 Hamilton Group R1b-7 is placed in his type 1722 with reasonably close matches (within about 1000 years) to Mackenzie, Ross and Sinclair from the highlands. The Group X1 table has unmatched results for those with a haplogroup other than R1b1a2 while the Group X2 table has results for those with a haplogroup of R1b1a2. Haplogroups R, Q, N, and O could very well be descendants of Japheth, since they are found where descendants of Japheth are traced to. If you can follow the changes that are printed on the Y-chromosome that your ancestors have bequeathed, you will learn a lot about your ancestors. The DNA profile for the Group C Hamiltons is very similar (including values of 21,21 at YCAIIa,b) to the profiles for several in the Frame and Scruggs surname studies. But this suggests how precarious that haplogroup was for a long period of its early existence. In Mike Walsh's study of haplogroup 91 The R-L21 haplogroup family is the most common haplogroup family in Scotland so it is not too surprising that many Hamiltons are members of this family which includes at least Groups R1b-5 to R1b-8 and R1b-16. Magdalena (Malin) Eriksdotter, born around 1520-1535 . Around the year 700, there may have been as many as seven or eight This corresponds to the arrival of the Indo-European, suggesting that a high percentage of the indigenous I1 men could possibly have been killed by the new immigrants. Since King James VI of Scotland (King James I of England) is a descendant of this union, all Group B Hamiltons can thus claim kinship to the current British royal family and through them to virtually all the royal houses of Europe. These are (1) Group A, (2) Group B, (3) Haplo E, G, J & more I Groups, (4) Haplo R Groups, (5) Group X1, and (6) Group X2. Haplogroups - Genealogy Explained - Irish Ancestry Research It is currently not known where human populations were living at the time of the eruption. Description: If you check the "Keep me logged in" option during login, this cookie is used to remember the username for your next authentication. Haplogroup I (M170) is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. The lands where the I1 Haplogroup members began to settle were affected Haplogroup I1-M253 is the most common I subclade. However, proof for these various speculations has always been lacking. is also useful for separating AngloSaxon vs. Norse/ultraNorse, being 12 Density map of HG I1. The participants in several of these groups (especially those with few participants) are known to be related as indicated in the Ancestors table but the number of participants in some of the larger groups indicates that these Hamilton lines are fairly major ones. This, along with the structure of the phylogenetic tree of I1-M253 strongly suggests that most living I1 males are the descendants of an initially small group of reproductively successful men who lived in Scandinavia during the Nordic Bronze Age.[89][90]. This question was answered by determining that well documented descendants of lines that branched off from the Walter Fitzgilbert line prior to James1 have the Group A profile. Before a reclassification . to I1; and YCAIIa,b=19,21 is universal to it. There are 20 major different Y chromosome haplogroups. One column in each of these tables, titled Ysearch ID, gives this ID code for most of the participants in order to facilitate examining their marker results in the Ysearch database. FamilyTreeDNA Discover - Y-DNA Haplogroup I-Z140 The 40 different initiating ancestors for those in the matching groups (in the first four tables) plus more than 95 required for those in Groups X1 and X2 indicate that there are many different Hamilton lines. Introduction and Results Presentation The language patterns of the Saami are of Finno-Ugrian Wuotan (Old High German) Since the SNP pathways to the other three Hamilton I1 groups (Groups I1-6 to I1-8) are not known, one does not have a good estimate of when they separated from one another or from Groups I1-1 to I1-5 and I1-9. There is a good possibility that there was a large extinction in our ancestors 5000 years after the founding of I - haplogroup. Haplogroup I1 and Haplogroup I-M253 are synonyms. I1-Z58 and its subclades occurs at greatest frequency in northwest Europe. Today, the genetic tree of humanity indicates there were only 8 males living at that time who were contributors do ALL of today's I-haplogroup population. P109+_DYS-455=9 - Background | FamilyTreeDNA DNA profile A description of haplogroups can also be found on several internet sites including Wikipedia. post-LGM settlement there about 8,000 BCE. There are 5 DNA tested descendants, and they specified that their earliest known origins are from England, France and United States with 2 from unknown countries. Sublade L22 was born 3,000 years ago*(1,000 years before Christ). A notable exception is Finland, where frequency in West Finns is up to 40%, and in certain provinces like Satakunta more than 50%. [5][6] The oldest I-M170 found is that of an individual known as Krems WA3 (lower Austria), dating from circa 33,000-24,000 BP. Select a membership level. The group is of special interest because they all descend in well documented lines from a grandson (John C. A. Hamilton) of Alexander Hamilton, one of the founding fathers of the US. I1 yDNA Haplogroup - Background | FamilyTreeDNA Thus, James1 (Group B profile) and Walter, the patriarch of the Raploch line (Group A profile), could only have been half brothers, not full brothers. As indicated in the Ancestors table, the first five participants in Group I2-1 do, however, share a known common ancestor born about 1650 in Glasgow, Scotland. There are two main It seems most likely that the mutation has occurred in the line of H-003 since H-017 has the value (20) at this site most common in Group B. Joris R. Delanghe, Marijn M. Speeckaert, in Advances in Clinical Chemistry, 2022 4.3 Haplogroup R. Haplogroup R, or R-M207, is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup, which is numerous and widespread among modern populations. However, Underhill and his colleagues calculate the time to subclade divergence of I1 and I2 to be 28,400 5,100 years ago, although they calculate the STR variation age of I1 at only 8,100 1,500 years ago. However, H-003 and H-017 are well documented to be third cousins once removed (separated by nine transmission events) so it is not too surprising that their results are similar. in southern Russia, sometime between 100 BC - 300 AD. subgroup of I-M223, namely I-M284, occurs almost exclusively in The further confusion here is that Vikings didnt belong to any single nation anyway, they were Scandinavian colonies who spoke Norse, worshipped in a shared way, shared the same values and culture, and lived between 793-1066 AD. One could determine whether the mutation has occurred in the line of H-003, and at what generation the mutation occurred, by having closer relatives of H-003 analyzed. Which Groups Are Derived from Well Established and Documented British Lines? Genetische genealogie: een zoektocht in ons DNA-archief, Presence of three different paternal lineages among North Indians: a study of 560 Y chromosomes (2009), Influences of history, geography, and religion on genetic structure: the Maronites in Lebanon, A Y Chromosome Census of the British Isles, Uniparental Markers in Italy Reveal a Sex-Biased Genetic Structure and Different Historical Strata, Clinal patterns of human Y chromosomal diversity in continental Italy and Greece are dominated by drift and founder effects, Traces of forgotten historical events in mountain communities in Central Italy: A genetic insight, Uniparental Markers of Contemporary Italian Population Reveals Details on Its Pre-Roman Heritage, Genetic Structure in Contemporary South Tyrolean Isolated Populations Revealed by Analysis of Y-Chromosome, mtDNA, and Alu Polymorphisms, Differential Greek and northern African migrations to Sicily are supported by genetic evidence from the Y chromosome, Isolates in a corridor of migrations: A high-resolution analysis of Y-chromosome variation in Jordan, .
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