Nicolas jumped to the more present day pressing matters of what I know of as ascension from my holistic training, David Wilcock, and Cosmic Disclosure education. Being a biological organism is so cool. She meant so cool like the slang term for the best thing around. The shuttle things looked like public transportation and reminded me of the hybrid electric busses in Seattle, but these were much more fancy. I was about to explain to him why I didnt like the food, but just then Muffin jumped up on the bedside table. Thank you again for sharing this, as it definitely helps understanding more on my path.I hope to read more (nice) experiences in the future from you . If I find myself in a similar situation, Ill know how to process it mentally without undue emotion. I figured thered be no harm in asking the public near the street corner front entrance on the roof. Just eat something, drink something, and go back to sleep. The undertones of this seemed to me to be, Were obviously not trying to drug you here. I looked into the office building next door to the building I was on. In the room are the waves from hundreds of different radio stations, but your radio is tuned to just one frequency. I knew the iPod showed the correct time because it was also the same time on my computer. I put the monkey on the hospital bed as I took out a package of food from the box. This was the opposite side of the bed where the food box was mounted and here there was a small square table with three drinks on top. I realized this strange land was actually a different timeline than my own. Now it is acceptable and understood for those with an open mind. The bowl material felt like one of those plastic or commercially compostable disposable bowls. I just figured this nurse was a hybrid between one of those greys and an insectoid. I was a little scared at first, wondering how I was going to get out of the bedroom or if theyd intentionally trapped me in for some reason. Now I work about 60 hours per week, 7 days per week, and make the same income one person should be making with one full time job. He had used it as a metaphor so I could see how positive things in his timeline seem to be negative ones in my timeline. On my right was an older woman leaning against a column on the wall, just observing everything that was happening in the room. They seemed so mean, secretive, deceptive, and sly. I figured my watch was running out of battery even though it appeared to be working normally. Maybe they even had the movie, The Island, in Nicolas timeline but it was a very happy, positive, benevolent movie. BridgET (as she is on her website to bridge our world with ET) claimed that there is a benevolent human-alien hybrid children program. I got the sense that he didnt know what to do about me so he was going somewhere else to find out. I looked back at them, wondering why theyd done this, but they were acting like they were trying to pretend nothing had happened. I got the sense that even if the disclosure happened before Eisenhower, they still had to elect another president because thats how they were so used to doing things. I thought, So what if they still have souls. She seemed responsive, but she didnt say anything. The truth about extra terrestrials and flying saucers. I found it interesting that Nicolas called them UFOs to describe them before the disclosure, and he called them flying saucers to describe them after the disclosure. He also talks about what is going on in Coreys present life in his contacts with terrestrials and non-terrestrials. The domain of relativity is nothing less than the entire cosmos. I figured machine peoples meant that the people were biological, organic people with souls but with more qualities of a machine than I was used to, like they didnt have to eat or sleep but they could if they wanted to. Over the next month I had a very strange attitude and self esteem issue about this thing. It certainly looked like the life was almost gone out of her, but that there was still hope that she could actually heal up and get better once they sent her back home to her timeline. By now I knew that she could possibly be talking about non-fiction issues having to do with alien abduction and human-ET hybrid children. They were living in a post disclosure society and I was living in a pre disclosure society with candidates for president like Hilary and Trump. I had no clue where I actually was so I said, If something happens in my country while Im here, would you tell me about it? I knew that telepathy was real and could be possible, unlike some people from my native timeline. It was almost like he was trying to prove a point. Perhaps somehow there was something more I could do to fix other timelines where I was damaged. I put the computer back to sleep and wanted to know where Anaheim was so I looked on the internet. #top10 #ParallelUniverse #alternateDimensions Top 10 People Who Visited A Parallel Universe 223,662 views Mar 1, 2020 Top 10 People Who Visited A Parallel Universe Subscribe To Most Amazing. They always wore regular civilian clothing, nothing that seemed out of the ordinary to me- denim or polo type shirts, sometimes checkered, with kaki pants or jeans. The monkey looked at me with the kind of look on his face as if to say, Is it better now? Right after I said that, the virtual reality shut down and we were back in the normal hospital room as it had always appeared. In our society, we do not widely understand how the physics of such a phenomena works so it is difficult for us to grasp, but Im sure it all makes sense within the laws of quantum physics. More love and forgiveness would definitely be good to stir into this whole pot of oppression and suppression, and after reading this whole document, Im sure you will feel the same way. I should have asked them what hospital I was at too, but all I said was, Ok, like Ok, I can remember that.. I knew the ice in this drink didnt melt like the normal ice I knew of. All this time I had stayed in the same hospital room, but now we were going to go to the roof! One visit helped ancient Atlantians build a great civilization. Might we also exist in multiple states? I knew Nicolas and Peter were up in the control booth of this virtual scene. I had no idea who David Wilcock and Corey Goode were, but the intent of the two men on the show seemed genuine and honest. New theory suggests that we travel to Parallel Universes when we dream Read An Excerpt. According to Corey Goodes information, I am glad I was not what they were looking for, or at least I have no conscious memory of any further testing or programs after that. I immediately looked at my watch to see what time it was. Something about her felt familiar to me and I couldnt explain why. From BridgETs videos in my real life I had learned that some of the aliens we call the greys are actually us in another timeline where they had rendered the surface of Earth uninhabitable by a nuclear war and were forced to live underground for thousands of years. She looked like me, but she was quite a bit taller by several inches. Instead of the sand going down, as it does in an hourglass, the white substance was moving up into the bottleneck and out. For example, you may notice that your cat and its reflection are behaving in a different way in a photo you've just taken. After reading Lambs book I had been considering searching for a hypnotherapist to recall the nature behind two unusual things. I just as easily assumed it was the RA group and the Sphere Being Alliance that Corey Goode talks about, but Nicolas didnt say if that was accurate or not. I was now wearing my normal white hospital clothes. The buildings werent all square, rectangular, and boxy like I was used to. I dont know why, but it is humorous to me, now that I write this document, that Nicolas used this analogy. He had to study it from somewhere, but now he was looking at it through my consciousness as well. Maybe I was just north of Anaheim or in the northern part of the city. The Germans needed the industrial might, power, and access to resources that the United States had, in order to build out their galactic infrastructure with their flying saucers. The puzzled expression on his face had changed. Ive had some resistance to sharing this information openly, perhaps knowing that many may discount such an experience as false, but I assure you that I come to you today with honesty to share what I experienced to the best of my perspective. Imagine that our world in the . Dr. Steven Greer is a well-respected ufologist who made the documentary, Sirius. There are an unlimited number of parallel universes. I thought something about aliens, but this place seemed too normal for that kind of thing. It was very similar with only the tiniest and subtlest differences. Nicolas knew this was all beginning to sound like a very peculiar situation for me, that Me in his regular society had applied to this facility and they somehow had the quantum technology to suck me out of my timeline and into this hospital for healing. Today, many of the worlds top physicists are embarking on this cosmic quest, whose far-reaching reverberations span our understanding of reality and the meaning of existence. I permanently moved from another parallel universe to this one. We ascend up in the octaves of density. It was fascinating technology, I didnt understand how it worked. The shows host, David Wilcock, interviews Corey Goode about his 20 year career in a clandestine space program for the government. So theres a tiny but calculable likelihood that our quantum wave will tunnel its way through space-time and wind up there. I didnt want to be a robot android! She seemed to know more about what was happening than I did though. I thought maybe I should make a YouTube video about it because me in another timeline had made some kind of public videos about timeline experiences or out of time experiences. In a Parallel Universe, Another You As they probe the secrets of the cosmos, scientists question whether our reality is but one in a multiverse. I found a link on my Facebook newsfeed for some free episodes. I had heard of people talking about parallel universes, but I had never heard of similar parallel timeline experiences or abductions. I wrote a book called New Paradigm Planet about a planet Id had in my head since childhood, and they had extra terrestrials visit this planet but I didnt really relate that to my life on Earth. They seemed so nice, and it wasnt weird to them at all that I had just asked this question. There are now some scientific theories that support the idea of parallel universes beyond our own. The only way I know how to describe it is that the boys looked like they had on screen jeans. If you look at a real snakeskin side by side with a high quality photograph or digital image of a snakeskin, even if youre not familiar with technology, you know very well that something is different about one of them. Its a lot more flowy and comfortable than conventional clothing and the conventional clothing I was used to seeing Peter and Nicolas wear. The information I came home with from a parallel timeline also seems to be that of benevolent progression of our society and consciousness, which furthers our understanding of our quantum connection to ourselves, our other selves, ourselves in other timelines, and to all that is. Nicolas looked to be about my similar age, in his 30s. They must have their memory wiped so as not to interfere with their free will and regular lives on Earth and can only recall such experiences from the subconscious. Such dreams could also be incoming images from an alternate world where you are . The reason for this conflict is due to the different polarizations of factions of both ET and humans on Earth. I've traveled to parallel universes. The worlds I've seen are I had been here for a few days and I was homesick {or timelinesick?}. I wanted to get out and explore the city, find a library and learn about their culture and history, maybe take one of these public transportation shuttles. The movie, The Island, is very similar to what the Military Industrial Complex would do in our timeline, but they have no MIC in Nicolas timeline. Nicolass mind said, Theres no way that the Military Industrial Complex could have formed in my timeline, (like you know of it as in your timeline). Our Dreams might come from the Parallel Universe | Core Spirit As far as I knew, I was the only child in my second grade getting pulled out of class to go take these special tests. A few were pyramid shaped. I found it strange that it was difficult for me to even judge my own age of these Mes from other timelines. I figured these people must have appearance altering technology like a hologram, and it made sense that he was actually a robot instead of the brown haired, semi-handsome, human in his 30s that I had always known of him to be. Id had that explanation from BridgET. The virtual bedroom shut down and I lost consciousness with it. I was also having some resistance about going back, even though I wanted to, because I wanted myself to remember this wasnt a dream. Sometimes I had to stop and recall the exact order of things because it was like trying to write down every single little detail of a three day vacation in a foreign country. I was in another timeline, but how did it relate to my own, was it in the future somehow? I held the monkey with my left arm, as you would an upright baby, while I opened the lid to a wooden box at the side of my bed with my right hand. I figured Id give it a chance and if I still didnt like it, I didnt have to watch it anymore and could dismiss it as just another piece of conspiracy mumbo jumbo. Keep in mind it had only been within a few seconds that this mental conversation took place. I knew that she was aware this wasnt a dream, and she wasnt going to go home just thinking this was all a dream because it wasnt. Rather, it's a celebration of the show's writing, in particular the . The year was 1955, and newspaper headlines announced the death of a renowned scientist. On the screen was Me trying to talk to Peter! First I wanted to know what years they did RA and the Law of One in his timeline. These universes are all related to ours; indeed, they branch off from ours, and our universe is branched off of others. This time I got out of bed. Garcia's experience was related in 2008 when she made an effort to search for help on the Internet. I vaguely had remembered expecting that something strange might occur since my computer had been acting abnormally. I asked Nicolas, When are you going to send me back? He replied with, Oh, no. He looked like he believed me, but something was still amiss or abnormal about this whole situation. I couldnt see anything in particular that looked like a city landmark. Behind her it looked like there were windows in the room even though it was more dim over where we were in the operating room. I was a little annoyed because I thought I was going to be back home by now. By this time also, Nicolas was finding the mental interaction quite tedious, since he didnt really think all the gritty details about who is who in each others timelines mattered much anyway. When I started watching Cosmic Disclosure, there were only about 5 episodes. It started out in the left eye, but I thought it was so neat I started drawing people with two irises in both eyes. Wanderers are souls who have already graduated in octaves of density, but they incarnate into a lower density for a purpose to serve. Although the Orion Alliance seems to be negative (militaristic, domineering, conquering, enslavement of peoples and their consciousness), they too have some important role to play in our spiritual evolution. I dont think they used money like we do. I read it on Muffins tag, Trumps defeat before you return. Am I going to have to stay here for over a month? He still looked very puzzled and slightly surprised, like he didnt know how exactly to handle or approach the situation. One drink was purple and looked carbonated. It almost reminded me of the reflective material that traffic workers have on their bright colored jackets so cars watch out for them. It seemed that this top secret hoarding of information, knowledge, and technology, the development of the term conspiracy theory, and the growth of the Military Industrial Complex did not happen in Nicolas timeline. After hearing about Corey Goode and David Wilcock, of course I wanted to know about myself in Nicolas timeline. I think theres no point in putting our primitive weapons into space because theres always going to be some other society (or timeline) that has had millions of years more than us to develop technology. It seemed from Nicolas consciousness that he knew who I was talking about, but it could have even been possible that these names were not what he called these people. There were no gritty little details like, How many UFOs does our government have? in Nicolas timeline. Very far off in the distance I saw a giant hoop thing. The lighting in the bedroom was dim but there was plenty of light to see what was going on, and there was very soft faint jazzy music playing. I dont like to call it parallel universes because we all live in one same universe with different facets of the same fractal. Although we should probably all forgive each other and thank everyone for our spiritual evolution, the Orion group is to the people of Earth as the White men are to the Native Americans, but on a cosmic scale. I figured it was like conscious teleportation, and when I tried to think, think, think about me and my body in my bed in my own timeline, it seemed like consciousness teleportation was a natural skill I could actually do but wasnt consciously proficient at. I tried to convince these girls not to let this device scan their head and turn into robots. This is totally not my type! (and they knew it, I knew they already knew what I liked). I said to her, Can I give you a hug? She said, Ok just a bit awkwardly as she stood up from where she was leaning on the wall to humor my request and give me a hug. It wasnt strange to me to find out that me in another timeline has two irises in the left eye. They first arose in the context of quantum. It is going to take quite a bit of reading for you so I can unpack what this mind sending packet from Nicolas was. Im really not going to drink those now. What could possibly happen that youd want to know about while youre here? I discounted it because I was looking for the name of the hospital, which wasnt on this sign. They didnt look like airplanes or round disc flying saucers. Imagine sitting in your living room, he told me, listening to the radio. You can read more by visiting The Big Ideas series page. Step 2: push the seed into the soil and think of your ideal/perfect person. I even had to unpack and absorb it for myself after I got home. Nicolas did not specify whether or not it had been the president who had done this, but when my consciousness wondered about the president, Nicolas said, Eisenhower was our last president elect.. Here is the key: In the same way that quantum theory forces us to introduce multiple electrons simultaneously, applying that theory to the entire universe makes us have to introduce multiple universes a multiverse of universes. I had seen children, the 1-2 year olds at the preschool where I work in my real life, with this same kind of cereal in their lunch boxes. In 2014 I got a strong message through map dowsing that I should move to Sedona Arizona someday, but I discounted it because I didnt want to live in the desert. I was unable to attend BridgETs high vibratory food retreat in Sedona, but I signed up for a different retreat in 2017. In this picture, subatomic particles are just different notes on a tiny, vibrating string, which explains why we have so many of them. My computer was near my bed and was on sleep mode, but it woke up and the screen came on. The next thing I knew, I WOKE UP IN A HOSPITAL! Instead Id call it a parallel timeline, and will refer to it as timelines instead of parallel universes in my experience from now on. Take the electron, a subatomic particle that carries a negative charge. By six or eight I knew how to handle a baby, but I didnt know if this girl was Me from the timeline I remembered or from a completely different timeline. I would propose that others besides myself have also been abducted or taken to parallel timelines with rarely a conscious recollection of the experience. It was like it didnt matter because they were both the same, even our time was the same somehow. By that logic, the solitary bubble introduced by Einstein now becomes a bubble bath of parallel universes, constantly splitting in two or bumping into other bubbles. In order to achieve this, the message from the Blue Avians of the Sphere Being Alliance, which Goode has contact with, says we ought to be more loving and forgiving of ourselves and others and be in greater service to others. This essay is part of a series called The Big Ideas, in which writers respond to a single question: What is reality? It was very strange and I had no explanation for it, but I had been watching Cosmic Disclosure by then and joked with myself about what kind of worm hole portal adventure I must have gotten into that caused the time on my wrist watch to be three hours behind when I woke up. It looked like the kind of cereal that is similar to Cheerios, but a little more puffed. 19 People Who Found a Portal to a Parallel Universe on an Ordinary Day I didnt know if these machine peoples had been created by people from this liberated timeline or if they were native to some other planet and had come to live on Earth after the disclosure, but Nicolas didnt specify.
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