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These midrashic expositions cast Rachels act in a positive light. Rachel: The Epitome of Motherhood - Bereishit (Genesis) - Parshah - Chabad The uncertainty arises from the unknown time between Jacob leaving Paddan-aram and arriving in Ephrath which was presumably at least 2 years (with Bethel in between) and when Joseph was 17 years old. The Rabbis ask why Jacob buried Rachel on the road to Ephrath, and not in the Cave of Machpelah. Zavada, Jack. In another tradition, Rachel stole these idols so that they would not reveal to Laban that Jacob had fled with his wives, his children and his flocks (Tanhuma,Vayeze12). The competition between Rachel and Leah did not cease upon Rachels death, and is reflected in the question of the birthright: which of the firstborn of Jacobs wives would receive the birthright, Reuben or Joseph? Some criticized Leah, for by her actions she exhibited ingratitude to Rachel. Yet another tradition asserts that this was not stated to Rachels credit, and confirms the fact of her barrenness. TheA type of non-halakhic literary activitiy of the Rabbis for interpreting non-legal material according to special principles of interpretation (hermeneutical rules).midrash portrays Rachel as a prophetess, and her statements and the names she gave her sons contain allusions to the future. According to these first two traditions, Naphtalis name portrays an experience undergone by Rachel. Another tradition has Leah herself being responsible for the change. Whatever the case, she died young. lxx. He therefore went before her, stood up to his full height and hid her from Esau. Jennifer Grey Talks Her 'Friends' Role, Explains Why She Couldn't According to a third tradition, Jacob wept for grief, for he realized that after he kissed Rachel people were whispering to one another: Why has this one come, to teach us this indecent behavior? The midrash comments that after the world had been struck by the Flood, the nations of the world hedged themselves against illicit sexual behavior [i.e., they accepted all manner of sexual prohibitions] (Gen. Rabbahloc. DAY 34: Jacob Was 84 Years Old When He Married Rachel And Leah Themidrashstates that Leah carried a male fetus in her womb during her seventh pregnancy. "teaching," "study," or "learning." Jacob was 147 years old when he died, Gen 47:28. Jacob protested, and Laban answered that local custom did not permit a younger sister to marry before the older sister. xxxi. 1-min read. When those seven years were completed and the time came for my marriage to my husband, my father advised exchanging me with my sister. Rachel asked Leah for a portion of them, and Leah protested that Rachel already had the favor of Jacob, and now was asking for a supply of the one thing that each woman supposed would make her fertile. 3 When all the flocks were gathered there, the . How old was Jacob's age when he married his wife in the Bible? A compilation of the commentary and discussions of the, Matriarchs: A Liturgical and Theological Category, Modesty and Sexuality in Halakhic Literature, The Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women, Copyright 19982023, Jewish Women's Archive. Other Rabbis found fault with Rachel and maintained that because Rachel made light of her right to lie with the righteous Jacob, which she sold for the mandrakes, she was punished by not being buried together with him. Have an update or correction? 1) is only once (Gen. R. xlv. Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women. Even when he came to bless her son, he made him [Joseph] secondary to her. Tadshe, in Epstein, "Mi-admoniyyot ha-Yehudim," Supplement, p. The Rabbis were concerned with the nature of this kiss, which they regarded as an improper act. How old was Jacob when he married? - The Bible Made Plain 10). The contention between the two women did not cease even after Rachels death, and arose again as regards the seniority of Jacobs sons: who would be considered the firstbornthe son of Leah, or of Rachel; and similarly, regarding the origin of Elijah, the harbinger of the Redemption. So after the ceremonial week of the wedding to Leah was over, Rachel married Jacob, becoming his second but most-loved wife. Only now, upon the birth of Naphtali, did Rachel sense that she had regained her former standing. How Old Was Jacob When He Married Rachael? The Rabbis learned from this that whoever makes a vow and delays fulfilling it will bury his wife (Lev. In the morning, Jacob discovered he had been tricked. This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Rachel-biblical-figure, McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia - Rachel. l.c.) When Rachel saw that she did not bear children, she followed in the footsteps of Sarah: just as she [Sarah] had been built (i.e., had children) through her rival wife [Hagar], so too, this one [Rachel] would be built by her rival wife [Bilhah] (Gen. Rabbahloc. How Old Was Jacob When He Married? - Bible Study Jacob labored 14 years to win Rachel in marriage. When Naphtali was born, Rachel felt that her competition with her sister had reached a point of equilibrium. Before she died, she said that the child should be named Ben-oni, or "son of my pain." Some midrashim view the name given by Rachel to her son Joseph as a prophecy for what would befall his descendants. The Rabbis claim that Rachel did so for the sake of Heaven. Thus she would be eighteen years of age when she married. Answer (1 of 5): How old was Jacob when he married his wife in the Bible? In Brief. When Joseph was born, Rachel stated(Gen. 30:24): May the Lord add [yosef] another son for me. TheLit. Rachel Stevens has shut down ex-fianc Jeremy Edwards's claim that she cheated on him. The regimen of rituals, songs and textual readings performed in a specific order on the first two nights (in Israel, on the first night) of Passover. Who is Rachel in The Bible? So lonely was she that even the Lord took notice of it and blessed her with many children as consolation. In the four years following their marriage, Leah had four sons; Rachel had none. When Abraham was about 100 years old, he and his wife Sarah had a son who they named Isaac. This midrash bore a message of consolation to the Rabbis and the Jews of their time, since, for the Rabbis, Esau symbolized the Roman empire. The Rabbis learn of Gods retaining the key of the woman giving birth from Rachel, of whom it is said: Now God remembered Rachel; God heeded her and opened her womb(BTTaanit2ab). Today the site is surrounded by an armed fortress and under heavy guard. In yet another exegetical understanding, Rachel said: May the Lord add another son for me for exile, because the ten tribes were exiled beyond the Sambatyon river, while the tribes of Judah and Benjamin were dispersed throughout all the lands. [2] Jacob had traveled a great distance to find Laban. Rachel is first mentioned in the Hebrew Bible in Genesis 29 when Jacob happens upon her as she is about to water her father's flock. At Naphtalis birth, Rachel said(Gen. 30:8): A contest of God, a fateful contest I waged [naftuleiniftalti] with my sister; yes, and I have prevailed. Themidrashgives four different interpretations of this name. Gen. 33:2relates: putting the maids and their children first, Leah and her children next, and Rachel and Joseph last, to which the midrash comments: The more behind, the more beloved(Gen. Rabbah78:8). Did I not go to Laban only for Rachel? 13b; B. These two exegetical positions derive the word akarah from ikar. The first view maintains that even though Leah had children, Rachel continued to be the beloved and preferred wife, which was expressed in the running of the household. Rachel - Wikipedia 31 December 1999. RACHEL, JACOB in the BIBLE. Famous love story with passion, tragedy. Jacob was quite old compared to other generations when he finally married. The proverb teaches that we should not be surprised by this similarity, since Rachel was exceedingly beautiful, so was her son. She raised Joseph and Benjamin as if she were their mother(Gen. Rabbah84:11). Rachel's words at the birth of Joseph, "The Lord shall add to me another son" (Gen. xxx. When Laban caught up with them, he searched for the idols, but Rachel had hidden the statues under her camel's saddle. According to the Rabbis, Laban would not have succeeded in deceiving Jacob without Rachels involvement. (Genesis 32:24-30 ) The story of the birth of Benjamin and the death of Rachel follows this narrative directly and is continuous with it. Although Rachel died young, the Rabbis indicate her positive influence on her descendants, even long after her passing. Jacob was on his way back to his native country when Rachel died while giving birth to her second son, Benjamin. B. Notwithstanding this, Rachels exemplary deeds caused the seniority to return to her. The reason for this was Josephs fear that Esau would see Rachel and desire her. Rachels merit continued to aid Israel even many years after her demise: when the exiles from Judah (after the destruction of the First Temple) passed by her tomb, she aroused Gods mercy to forgive them; He heeded her, and promised her that He would return them to their land. [9][10][11], Last modified on August 11, 2016, at 17:07. Rachel knows that she is Jacobs true intended bride. I buried her there, alongside the road to Ephrath, near Bethlehem." 2 Jacob was a short distance, about two-thirds of a mile, from Ephrath. Those were the last children she would have. Jacob marries Rachel the daughter of Laban | Bibleview R. Judan's opinion, however, was that Rachel died before Leah because, although she was the younger sister, she spoke before Leah when they were addressed by their husband (ib. When Jacob first met Laban (his mother's brother), he immediately fell in love with his younger daughter Rachel. Now that you have sinned, the birthright has been given to Joseph, the priesthood to Levi, and kingship to Judah (Gen. Rabbahloc. Gen. 29:1011tells how Jacob watered Rachels flock, and then kissed her and wept.

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how old was rachel when she married jacob