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G. A., and Spielmann, K. (1994). The Anthropogenic Landscape of Las Capas, an Early Agricultural Irrigation Community in Southern Arizona, Anthropological Papers No. An important aspect about the Hohokam is that they were not a specific human group. Religious beliefs (770); Abstract: Brief abstract written by HRAF anthropologists who have done the subject indexing for the document (eds. Crown, P. L. (1994). Many Hohokam sites are now under modern-day Phoenix. (2005). 4066. The University of Utah Press J. Willard Marriott Library 295 South 1500 East, Suite 5400 Salt Lake City, UT 84112, Winner of the Don D. and Catherine S. Fowler Prize, Brings a scientific calculus to bear on the interpretation of Hohokam rock art that is far more sophisticated than any earlier attempts. David R. Wilcox, adjunct professor of anthropology, Northern Arizona University, and senior research associate, Museum of Northern Arizona. While I appreciate all their assistance, these individuals may not agree with everything presented herein, nor are they responsible for inaccuracies or errors in this work or any that may arise following future research. 3, Arthur H. Clark Company, Cleveland, OH. Lpez Austin, A. The Social Organization of the Tewa of New Mexico, Memoir No. (eds. Doyel, D. E. (1992). Masters (M.A.) Lightning celts and corn fetishes: The Formative Olmec and the development of maize symbolism in Mesoamerica and the American Southwest. Your gift is invested back into tDAR's infrastructure to ensure this community-supported archive is sustainable! In Ortiz, A. A Field Guide to Rock Art Symbols of the Greater Southwest, Johnson Books, Boulder, CO. Pederson, J. L., Chapot, M. S., Simms, S. R., Sohbati, R., Rittenour, T. M., Murray, A. S., and Cox, G. (2014). In Manzanilla, L. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in 45-60. 73120. (ed.) Did Billy Graham speak to Marilyn Monroe about Jesus? A. they sacrificed many different people by throwing them into a fire Some of the scarce data that historians point out about the religion of the Hohokam culture are its polytheistic character and the influence that came from Mesoamerica. In addition to this, it is known that they gave great importance to their deities related to death. According to the remains found, these gods were offered the best offerings. Understanding Maya Inscriptions: A Hieroglyph Handbook, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. In Fifth Annual Report of the Executive Committee of the Archaeological Institute of America, University Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 95106. In Cant, R. 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(ed. ), The Archaeology of Hybrid Material Culture, Occasional Paper No. Shared image metaphors of the corn lifeway in Mesoamerica and the American Southwest. Tracking Prehistoric Migrations: Pueblo Settlers among the Tonto Basin Hohokam, Anthropological Papers No. Miller, M. (2001). In Whitley, D. S. Journal of the Southwest 60: 73113. Wright has maximally exploited all means available to understand the rock art with a multiplicity of views, guided by contemporary scholarship in the related disciplines, but with a corpusin a limited, well defined context. Flower World iconography and metaphor of the southern Colorado Plateau: The Puerco and Little Colorado River watersheds. A further distinction in Anasazi culture is made by archaeologists and historians between ), Religious Transformation in the Late Pre-Hispanic Pueblo World, Amerind Studies in Archaeology No. 69123. (eds. The Artifact 46: 1945. Washburn, D. K. (2019). Carot, P., and Hers, M. (2008). She confines her analysis to the Preceramic Hohokam from the Phoenix basin. Hays-Gilpin, K. A., and Hill, J. H. (1999). Boyce, I. M. (2016). 248-258. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Washburn, D. K. (2018). CHAPTER 1 GUIDED READING Peopling the Americas thesis, Department of Anthropology, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario. Santa Fe, N.M.: School for Advanced Research Press. ), XXIV simposio de investigaciones arqueolgicas en Guatemala, 2010, Museo Nacional de Arqueologa y Etnologa, Asociacin Tikal, Guatemala, pp. Author: Author's name as listed in Library of Congress records Doyel, David E. (David Elmond), 1946-Lekson, Stephen H. White, Devin Alan Title: Tradition Summary: Hohokam Published By: Original publisher New Haven, Conn.: Cobb, C. R., Maymon, J., and McGuire, R. H. (1999). VanPool, C. S., and VanPool, T. L. (2012). (eds.) In Minnis, P. E., and Whalen, M. E. A landmark production offering a dynamic new synthesis of the Hohokam as it establishes new strategies for future research integrating rock art with social, religious, and political processes.Beautifully and clearly written, engaging the reader from start to finish, Southwestern archaeologists, especially those with particular familiarity with Hohokam prehistory, rock art scholars the world over, and archaeologists with a keen interest in prehistoric religion and research methods that elucidate these ancient practices will appreciate this work, and benefit from Wrights intelligent treatment of what others have sometimes mistaken for a facile subject matter. Hohokam ceramics, Hohokam beliefs on eHRAF Definition of Hohokam. : a member of a prehistoric desert culture of the southwestern U.S. centering in the Gila Valley of Arizona and characterized especially by irrigated agriculture. (eds. 115134. Throughout their history, potters in the Hohokam region produced brown (in the Tucson Basin area) and buff (in the Phoenix Basin area) ware pottery, sometimes painted with geometric designs or life forms in red. 121138. ), Native Religions and Cultures of Central and South America: Anthropology of the Sacred, Continuum, New York, pp. Nelson, B. The mortars, petroglyphs, and trincheras on Rillito Peak. (ed. American Anthropologist o.s. Report of A. F. Bandelier on his investigations in New Mexico during the years 18831884. 73544. Excising culture history from contemporary archaeology. American Antiquity 69: 457486. His work provides one of the few recent pieces of research that integrates study of rock art into a sound anthropological approach and does not fall back on a simplistic notion of shamanism. Copyright 2018 Digital Antiquity. What gods did hohokams worship? - Answers (eds. 25, Gila Pueblo, Globe, AZ, pp. 4364. (ed. 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