Her friends reject her, and she feels alone. Podfic Length: 3-3.5 Hours. They told her to get out of their lives since they had no use for a homework helper any more. It's a story of how the Weasleys pay for their enslavement of a (now deceased) Hermione. Hermione/Seamus. Ill get to the bottom of you. Hermione thought giving the book a grin. A long time ago he was called Harry Potter. Draco and Hermione (Dramione) Warner Bros. The Fates could have worked with Harry Potter, son of James Potter but when the chance came to steer Loki into Lilys path so they might conceive a child together? Things were definitely about to get much less boring. What the hell were you thinking!" Previously named Get Me Out of Here. Blaise married someone else because she was a Mudblood. My biased self considers those as 'Coming To Your Senses' fics. Hermioneblack Stories - Wattpad A few childisms, but ok for a quick read. "They executed that plan of theirs perfectly. This is the story of Hermione Esmeralda Granger, only heiress to the Granger family name and the wealth and power that comes with it. Ce texte est une mini-fic crite lors de la participation lASPIC (Ateliers Scripturaux Promouvant l'Imagination et la Crativit) organis par le serveur Discord Potterfictions. Im in a prison cell., You arent me. Superman looked at him in silence for several seconds. Name me one instance where Weasley and I argued and you supported me. Not a designation coupled with a false identity. What did I have to do to get you to listen to me? Dyslexia is NOT a mental illness and can be overcome! Willow Potter has always been different. We all could see how you felt about my brother and he about you, it was so obvious. Hermione's Secret Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction But she learn that none of it mattered because she was exactly who she was meant to be, and if that meant she preferred button up shirts and loving women, thats exactly who she was going to be without putting the pressure of any further labels on herself. Hermione's New Job Chapter 1: Hogwarts Express and Ron, a harry potter Have you thought about why he might be trying to get close to you?" ON HAITUS (not for long, though, I reckon). Everyone else knew about it, and many years later Harry and his friends visited Japan and the U.A, which they met the Pro-Heroes. He wants her back. "I'll talk to you again when you've seen sense. The ICW -or- The International Confederation of Wizards' high court decided to not trust Albus Dumbledore any longer after the Triwizard fiasco and sent some of their own to keep an eye on him and fix up all of Britain's Ministry of Magic's mistakes. This is gonna be a wild ride for everyone. Harry is growing into a ruthless business woman, especially with a government who doesn't want to go to war, Gellert prefers to think of brainwashing as enlightening the modern youths, Albus and Aberforth and Harry are very close, Harry is protective of her family and friends. In using her blood to return Voldemort is magically forced through a change that leaves him an ally rather than an enemy. The player was a child, but a genius, perhaps even one on his level. But Hermione was never one. Hermione was not only intelligent but had a work ethic that beggared belief; she was polite and had been Minerva's only choice for Gryffindor's prefect this year. An IA feeling emotions for both his maker and his IA companion. Harry face darkened and he moved away from her. The woman that ventures back west brings with her change and a blood-stained flag, bearing the mark of a spider. I want to open it, Hermione thought nearly opening the book before stopping herself. Prompt: Harry becomes the Master of Death on one condition. 48K, last update March 2005. They thought Hermione betrayed them, and chased her away. He looked up into the mirror again, but her eyes were still focused on the scenery. The Two of the go to Gringotts and discover that not all is as it seems. Please consider turning it on! However the downside is the requirement that her last name was changed back to Black." "Really, so Hermione here is not a Granger," Bill mused. This is either going to be my greatest triumph or most humiliating defeat. Tom thought, alone but not forgotten as the brilliant mind of his opponent whirled under her curly brown hair. WIP. At first, he didn't respond. The other houses often stood by and watched. There are many forms of magic not easily explained. Similar but it was less embellished, less precise, more severeand therefore more terrifying. We all made mistakes and nothing I do or say will change what happened. Vous pouvez nous rejoindre via le lien suivant : https://discord.gg/5FHmSpEfvh, Mes personnages imposs sont : Dramione, Blaise Zabini et la Grosse DamePrompt 1 : Memory Loss (perte de mmoire)Prompt 2 : Smut with plotMes mots imposs : Dessert / Obligatoire / Montagne / Timbre / Mouiller / Silencieux. 48K, last update Dec 2006. Fred/Hermione. Harry always sticks by Hermione even though Ron or Ginny do not. Hermione must admit that Horcrux hunting is much easier when you have a family, that family's gold and connections and future knowledge of where said Horcruxes are. new employee and the son of the victim.Dramione, partly from their POV, partly from an outside perspective! She had no answer. Soon they realized that it was true and Umbridge had declared that ALL the activities at the School were banned! 18K. And who put her's and Tom's names into the blasted cup?! Hermione doesn't intend to forgive either. Draco gets a personal robot for his 11th birthday. Back at Ollivanders with Hagrid, Harry starts changing things rapidly, especially since he ran into his soulmate - Hermione. Tell me how do I forget? That was an opportunity to tempting to let pass. Hermione could feel herself blushing when she's with Harry without him noticing. Rated T for Voldemort-ness. I should have known by the look on her face when I told her I never wanted to see her again, she looked crushed like I had just told her that her parents had been brutally murdered or something, and she even had told me that she had the best news for me, she was glowing, and now I'll never know what it was.". Hermione starts off friendless, because you have to be friends with someone before you can be betrayed by them. Strangely, inter-house unity seemed to have improved, much to Dumbledore's pleasure and Hermione's despair "I'm transferring schools," Hermione said. 51 Best Harry Potter Fan Fiction Stories - Cross Overs, Dramione My studies will not be a problem, sir. Hermione said dryly. With allies old and new at her side she will stand against any threat. Hermione Granger/Harry Potter - Works | Archive of Our Own It was one of the reasons why it took her a while to accept her sexuality, not wanting to fulfil peoples expectations of being stereotypical, or a sporty butch. They're getting married at Christmas." Now, youll have to follow their adventures of being given side eyes from the public, creeping out those new to them, being far more mature than any 13 year olds should be, and somehow alliancing themselves with the Goblins. Over the summer Hermione Granger was bitten by a vampire. Old scores are settled but new enemies gather their forces, determined to crush the new British Ministry. But the struggle continues. Why do the headmaster's eyes twinkle? the one where draco has a birthday unlike any other. You did not allow me to investigate, nor did you allow me to defend myself," Hermione said harshly. "I couldn't imagine," he began slowly, "that you had the capacity for murder, not to sound derogatory, of course. The last time Harry and Ron saw Hermione Granger was Graduation Day. Hermione loved Harry. Hermione Granger stands face to face with him.the most powerful dark wizard ever, the enemy of her best friend, the man who's a huge threat to the entire UK. Yes, she was a fucking clich. I was falling for Draco Malfoy; it was not supposed to happen ever! Hermione starts to question Snape's guilt. - "How many years has it been since you were last exposed to my wand?". Fortunately, Snape and Draco are on her side. Believing this to be a sign of Draco's loyalty, The Dark Lord is proud of the young man's efforts. "Why couldn't you have just done what Ron has done. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. They do not care about you beyond what you can do for them. So fuck expectations, she was Ginny fucking Weasley and they will have a stellar night tonight. Hermione Granger is framed for a crime she did not commit. "So I could end up in America with no money and no wand to live as a whore? Oh, and Death forgot to tell them that theyd be traveling back in time. He used to have a true name too. Hermione knew her words would wound him, but her anger was building and she felt the need for vengeance even stronger now. She started to have sex with her father at the age of thirteen. "I've just come from having dinner with him." He had seen Superman on the TV ever since he could remember, hed never expect to find out that the man was his father though. Complete. When the Dark Lord uses her blood in his resurrection this inheritance and the meddling of The Fates will see him forever changed. But no book could have prepared her for what happened on her trip to the ocean with her parents the summer before her sixth year. I almost died protecting them all and all I get is a knife in my back!. In the case of Hermione and Draco it isn't even an option. by hermeres. Petunia Evans never married Vernon, and never had any kids. They were trying to keep her safe. This started as a Drabble on Twitter and evolved into a full story. 5K, complete. After Voldy's defeat, the world of Hogwarts' students seems to drastically change. She returns to her parents home, pregnant, while Draco is sent to Azkaban. Compulsion? Harry took Ron on the Horcrux Hunt, leaving Hermione behind. () A Night To Remember by Pixiedustqueen333. I never thought we needed you, and I only agreed to be your friend because Harry felt bad about what we'd said to you back in first year, not because you're interesting or personable. No longer a Mudblood by MistressMalfoy. And some of the stories ring true everywhere, regardless of what or who they are._. Harry looked at her. * What Time Can Never Heal by M0jojojo. When they are forced to work together over the Gem Murders case, can the past be forgotton? Understood? After a disastrous cataclysm befalls the Wizarding world in early '97, Hermione is the lone survivor willing to fight on. Dark Angel by BeautifulBlackRose. Harry lives with his Aunt Petunia, working to make her life better in any way he can. Features a competent, intelligent Harry with some awesome gadgets. Beneath Your Window Chapter 1: The End, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction Yes, she easily got irritated but she rarely lost her temper. She doesn't want to either, she feels betrayed and abandoned. Betrayed!Hermione Fics: pstibbons LiveJournal She is retrieved by a corporate empire and given a new life in a Mission Impossible like team that carries out various unethical activities all over the world until one day, her past is discovered and she has to return or so they say. When Harry and Ron chucked her into Azkaban after the Final Battle, she promptly pulled a Sirius, escaping and fleeing the country. "It's not them, that I can't forgive but myself." Thats what she could give, could carve out for herself in the dark, socked feet against stone floor as she crept along the passageway. No one had heard from or even seen Andromeda since announced her relationship with a muggleborn wizard and ran off almost two years ago to be with him. When Draco is asked to torture the young witch and doesn't, Voldemort's pride soon turns to betrayal as he finds himself searching for a means to completely punish the offender. The Ravenclaws, who had always been angry with a Gryffindor beating them all academically, were positively delighted with the chance to taunt the girl. Dumbledore looked away, unable to look further. Don't tempt me.". (Note: This story is a WIP. Yeah, well Im not you. Hermione begins her sex-craved adventure at a young age. Short Summary:Harry escaped the Dursley's at the age of five. Im just weird, I guess.. Hermione didn't bother to reply. Isolation by Bex-chan - This romantic AU has been reviewed over 16,000 times and takes place in the moments after Half-Blood Prince. And then I grew up. DISCONTINUED. Let's Start Again! Hermione interrupted her. Please consider turning it on! She gets pregnant exiled from the Wizarding World only to have to return whe her daughter gets her letter. Ron too. The Slytherins, regardless of her true loyalties, treated her as they always did, and jeered at her for having no friends, not even snivelling Longbottom. Ron is the one who's emotionally stable for once- oh dear, Dark Wizard Tom (in case you guys didn't notice that yet), references made to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, One-sided Tom Riddle/Harry Potter - Relationship, one-sided Gellert Grindelwald/Albus Dumbledore, Hold Your Breath Stupidity Might Be Catching, no one knows everything just a tiny bit of some things. "Why couldn't you have just done what Ron has done. Hermione has a secret that she has never shared with any of her other friends. Hermione Granger had never had a friend until Hogwarts. Something Hermione Granger least expected when her grandmother informed her of her Veela ancestry, was that she would find her mate at the most unfortunate time: while being brought in as a prisoner to Malfoy Manor.She also never expected Draco Malfoy to be her mate, but she would be damned if she let anyone touch him now that she knows. People, or should she say Wix, were guilty of oversimplifying, excluding, or brushing right past valuable information that could make all the difference to someone like Hermionea muggleborn. Harry ran his hand through his hair in slight distress. In desperation, Talos sets off to find someone who has a dragon soul so they can help prevent Alduin from achieving his goals. At best, you remained neutral - when you knew I was right. Dumbledore was wrong, Potter was dead. Walking into the face of death is not something many people willingly do. Its why she liked books so much. She didn't know just how stellar it would turn out though, especially with the gorgeous barmaid who smelled of aniseed and oranges, her favourite fruit. 32K, last update Sep 2004. She is picked up off the streets to become an assassin for the Ministry. In the afterlife, she meets Draco. Can Hermione and Severus keep their bond a secret from everyone else that could jeopardize his position as a Spy? Everyone loves Hermione except Harry and Ron, who think she's ordinary and plain. And I cant even consider going muggle because my family will not take me in! Now she's on the run, hunted by those she once called friends and allies. You are a mere stepping stone on the way to a much greater goal. Long and completed Harry x Hermione : r/HPfanfiction - Reddit However, one letter would never receive any of this attention it was destined to meet and would remain in the owlery, collecting dust in its forgotten state. Why does the letter have no return address? Harry introduced Hermione to a guy who then forces her into an abusive marriage. Hermione Granger - a bookworm and a little bit insecure girl. They were meant for her to be unseen, to be quiet, unknown, unheard, but in her eyes they were a sanctuary, a house of her own within the palatial manor. Huffing in disgust, Fred continues, "She had her name ruined. No one expected the docile small boy who looks and acts more like he is an abused princess from a fairy tale. Her husband, Draco Malfoy, constantly called her out for her Slytherin traits. 50K words, last update Dec 2006. Ginny killed Hermione. * That Fateful Day by charlie-is-my-favorite-weasley. WIP. She will learn who her true friends are, and discover exactly what she is capable of in order to truly save the world she was born to lead. Duel Monsters (Anime & Manga) (1), Hermione Granger/Bellatrix Black Lestrange (26), Hermione Granger/Narcissa Black Malfoy (6), Hermione Granger/Andromeda Black Tonks (3), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (19), Draco Malfoy's Concrete Slab of Curiosities, [Podfic] Time and Tide by Misdemeanor1331, Merpeople of the Black Lake Characters (Harry Potter), Order of the Phoenix Bashing (Harry Potter), Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Hermione Granger/Original Male Character(s), Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Original Male Character(s), Theodore Nott/Harry Potter/Charlie Weasley/Original Male Character(s), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter Friendship, Hermione Granger/Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Alecto Carrow/Hermione Granger/Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Gryffindor & Slytherin Inter-House Friendships, Will cover all years of Hogwarts and Post Hogwarts, Bellatrix Black Lestrange & Narcissa Black Malfoy & Andromeda Black Tonks, I don't know what this is but it exists now, HP Creature Fest 2020 - Quarantine Creature Comeback, Hermione Granger/Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Narcissa Black Malfoy/Andromeda Black Tonks, Hermione Granger Scores a Black Sister Hat Trick, Eventual Harry Potter/Severus Snape - Relationship, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, sing it softly, for the song is wild (nobody loves a genius child). I don't deserve to exist. 'A promise is a promise' she said. Nice plot, needs a beta at the start. She was a stranger. Hermione didn't bother to reply. "Oh, really? It was no ones fault that this letter was not delivered, for the letter never had an address in the first place. But it could and there were. I didnt quite fit in the muggle world, but even here, I feel odd and left out._Well then, what is bothering you?What is bothering you, Malfoy? 22K, complete. /rst,rist/nounthe systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. After saving Gabrielle from the lake with the help of his friends, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Luna are awarded the Veela's Gift, meaning they will now have the appearance and allure of a half-veela. Gone was the childish happiness; gone was the want for acknowledgement; gone was the burning desire for adventure. Now four years later after an incident in Diagon Alley the unexpected has happened. Creature Hermione Granger - Works | Archive of Our Own While Harry and Ron search for Horcruxes, Hermione stays behind at Hogwarts. Warning for childism. This a collection of Hermione-centred fics in the Grangerverse where, for a significant part of the fic, someone that Hermione cares about fails to believe her side of the story or hurts her greatly (even if inadvertently or by neglect). An army stands ready to invade Earth with their General come to open the way but Harriet is a woman grown and a witch in her prime. Draco Malfoy a young Slytherin heir who had a massive crush on Harry Potter. () A Night To Remember by Pixiedustqueen333. She and Draco must work together, but they've only seen each other professionally for the last eight years, and Hermione isn't sure she trusts him. 5K, WIP. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Not So Human Nature Chapter 1: Sacrifices, a harry potter fanfic When you submit the form an invisible reCAPTCHA check will be performed. She was obviously a little upset after Ron dumped you, but she soon got over it." The Dumb Trio (Harry, Gin, Weasel) stop being friends with Hermione to keep her safe. They are sent back to stop themselves dying but it's easier said than done. Kidnapped to the magical school his mother once attended.Called by the name Harry Potter, despite that not being his name. Harry Potter is, in truth, the son of the devil and the king of the crossroads demons. I don't suppose I can say much to you that you haven't already said to yourself. Even if I had to help this voluntariness with a bit of persuasion.. There was not a soul in the Magical World that hadnt heard the name Black.It was rather infamous, you see. In her eyes, there was a broken spirit peering out at him. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (61), Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley (17), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (14), Aela the Huntress/Male Dovahkiin | Dragonborn, Male Dovahkiin | Dragonborn (Elder Scrolls), Hermione Granger And The Journals Riddle, Parselmouths & Parseltongue (Harry Potter), Hermione Granger & Draco Malfoy & Pansy Parkinson & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley & Blaise Zabini, It Really Isn't Logical For a Child To Work But You Know The Dursleys, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Original Parkinson Characters (Harry Potter), Reptilia28's Don't Fear the Reaper Challenge, Minerva McGonagall & Severus Snape Friendship, MACUSA | Magical Congress of the United States of America, Hermione Granger/Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter, Gryffindor/Slytherin Inter-House Relationships.
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