Brentwood, CA 94513 925-513-6440 Phone | 925-513-0696 Fax . Transportation - Heritage High School Click on the link below to download the transportation contract. Director of Transportation Art Loft/National Art Honor Society Advisors: Ms. Laprade and Ms. Sergent, Black Student Union (BSU) Advisors: Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. Yearby, Chinese Culture Club Advisor: Ms. R. Rodriguez, Class of 2023 Advisors: Mr. Beyer and Mr. Bonnie, Class of 2024 Advisors: Mr. Guerrero and Ms. Klinger, Class of 2025 Advisors: Mr. Petures and Ms. Sergent, Class of 2026 Advisors: Ms. Favalora and Mr. Jeffery, CSF (California Scholarship Federation) : Ms. Pedrotti, Dance Team Advisor: Ms. C. Kardasopolous, FCA Club (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) Advisor: Mr. Folgelstrom, FESU (Ethiopian/Entrean Student Union Advisor: Alexander, Gender and Sexuality Alliance Advisor (GSA): Mr. Lim, Hip Hop Dance Team Advisor: Ms. Pennington, HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America) Advisors: Ms. Tolvtvar and Ms. Thacker, NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Advisor: Ms. Morgan, NHS (National Honor Society) Advisor: Ms. Lynch, Rally Squad (Cheer and Dance) Advisors: Ms.Raudebaugh and Ms. Barmann, Rugby Club (Boys/Girls) Advisor: Ms. Lee, S Club (Soroptimist Club) Advisor: Ms. Yancey, Science Olympiad Advisors: Leong and Rodriguez, Society of Literary Analysis Advisor: Ms.Rowland, Super Smash Brothers Advisors : Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, Video Productions Club/ Advisor: Mr. Guardado, Youth Wellness Association : Advisor M. Sanders, Rising Stars (Theater/Performing Arts) / advisor: Fallows, District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC), Heritage Mission Statement, Vision Statement ans School-wide Learner Outcomes, Heritage High School Handbook Summary Sheet 2021-2022, How to Create a Quiz (web-based) in Microsoft Forms, How to effeciently collect and organize e-mailed homework, How to email parents and students in Aeries (so you can send Zoom codes), How to turn your PDFs and workbook pages into editable Google documents, How to upload a file as a hyperlink from Office 365, If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may. Heritage High School Home - Frisco Independent School District (951) 765-5100 x5801. This is the disclaimer text. Edna Hill middle school. The Honor Troupe distinction recognizes troupes with tremendous achievements both. This is the disclaimer text. 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM (Friday). Phone: (951) 940-5447, Business Hours: within their school and their community and who maintain a high level of excellence, Duet Acting: 1st Place 4-Way Tie Overall, *Jack and Kaleigha also received the Judges Choice for duet acting and were honored to perform their. Heritage High School Heritage High School. You may come to the Administration building anytime Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:00am - 3:00pm. Edna Hill Middle School John Beck. Game Stats Season Stats Perris, CA 92570 District Calendars - Bell Schedule; Calendar for the Year; Campus Map; Course Catalog; Daily Announcements; . Committed to focusing its resources on the achievement of academic and personal success for all students. Bell Schedule / Bell Schedule - Liberty Union High School District Get in Touch. Menifee, CA 92585 Every bus rider must complete this form and they are responsible for abiding by these rules. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. Unless specifically stated otherwise, this site and all related work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Student Services Director,255 Guthrie Lane Brentwood, CA 94513 (925) 513-6300 . or perceived age, ancestry, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity or expression, genetic information, maritalor parental status, medical condition, national origin, political affiliation, pregnancy and related conditions, race, religion, retaliation, sex (including sexual harassment),sexual orientation, Vietnam Era Veterans' status, or, association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics or any other basis prohibited by California state and federal nondiscrimination. This is a secure Staff Intranet content page and cannot be viewed by the public. About Us / Homepage - Williamson County Schools You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please do not hesitate to email our athletic director, Nate Smith. 26001 Briggs Road Menifee, CA 92585 . Email Us. performing, we participate in fun, group activities and, We would love to have you join us for our. Make changes to the header and footer on the "Edit Header and Footer" tab on the left. The District contracts with the Hemet Unified School District to provide student transportation including home-to-school, special education, field trips and athletic events. hb```,B cbO . D EdsU 8k$a{~OQ I&w+ JLW5IZ` 4KI' J0o@~CE:"/l(/H_+ %%EOF Students complete 90-540 hours of sequenced . Heritage High School / Overview Our School Bell Schedule Bell Schedule. Phone: 925.634.0037. Bristow Middle School Monday - Friday 8:00 AM- 4:00 PM, 155 E 4th Street 0 Most important information regarding our athletic department can be found in the links to the far right, or in the 'Pages' dropdown on mobile devices. You may come to the Administration building anytime Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:00am - 3:00pm. 9:00 AM - 4:25 PM. This is the disclaimer text. Opened. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Heritage High School - Brentwood, California - CA | GreatSchools Art Loft/National Art Honor Society Advisors: Ms. Laprade and Ms. Sergent, Black Student Union (BSU) Advisors: Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. Yearby, Chinese Culture Club Advisor: Ms. R. Rodriguez, Class of 2023 Advisors: Mr. Beyer and Mr. Bonnie, Class of 2024 Advisors: Mr. Guerrero and Ms. Klinger, Class of 2025 Advisors: Mr. Petures and Ms. Sergent, Class of 2026 Advisors: Ms. Favalora and Mr. Jeffery, CSF (California Scholarship Federation) : Ms. Pedrotti, Dance Team Advisor: Ms. C. Kardasopolous, FCA Club (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) Advisor: Mr. Folgelstrom, FESU (Ethiopian/Entrean Student Union Advisor: Alexander, Gender and Sexuality Alliance Advisor (GSA): Mr. Lim, Hip Hop Dance Team Advisor: Ms. Pennington, HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America) Advisors: Ms. Tolvtvar and Ms. Thacker, NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Advisor: Ms. Morgan, NHS (National Honor Society) Advisor: Ms. Lynch, Rally Squad (Cheer and Dance) Advisors: Ms.Raudebaugh and Ms. Barmann, Rugby Club (Boys/Girls) Advisor: Ms. Lee, S Club (Soroptimist Club) Advisor: Ms. Yancey, Science Olympiad Advisors: Leong and Rodriguez, Society of Literary Analysis Advisor: Ms.Rowland, Super Smash Brothers Advisors : Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, Video Productions Club/ Advisor: Mr. Guardado, Youth Wellness Association : Advisor M. Sanders, Rising Stars (Theater/Performing Arts) / advisor: Fallows, District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC), Heritage Mission Statement, Vision Statement ans School-wide Learner Outcomes, Heritage High School Handbook Summary Sheet 2021-2022, How to Create a Quiz (web-based) in Microsoft Forms, How to effeciently collect and organize e-mailed homework, How to email parents and students in Aeries (so you can send Zoom codes), How to turn your PDFs and workbook pages into editable Google documents, How to upload a file as a hyperlink from Office 365, To directly access the weekly athletic schedule, please go directly to our. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Director of Transportation. ifty-three student Thespians from Heritage and Freedom High Schools, had previously auditioned and was selected for, and acted the role of, in the closing All Festival Event presentation of. laws respectively. Mascot. If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. Student ID cards will be required and used as a students bus pass. Heritage - Google Sites Shadow Visits are once a month through April. The mission of Heritage High School is to inspire and prepare students to demonstrate strong character, leadership, accountability, scholastic excellence, and service to others. Activities. . Email Us. The mission of Bristow Middle School is to provide a safe and nurturing environment with high academic goals and behavioral expectations for all students supported by staff and the Bristow community. Brentwood Embraces Students Together (BEST) Group Departmental Contact Information Feedback Site Info & Contacts Guide to the IEP Process Special Education Eligibility Categories and Criteria Referral, Assessment and Placement Service Delivery Options for Preschool Students Service Delivery Options for School Age Students Service Locations Heritage High School - Liberty Union High School District Please note that items such as flowers, balloons, and gifts will not be accepted for delivery to students by the HHS staff. Brentwood, California 94513 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM (Monday - Thursday) Please note that you must still contact the Transportation Department at (951) 943-6640 to register and ensure space on the bus. club meetings on Thursdays at lunch in Mr. Fallows's room, LG104! Bell Schedule Bell Schedule Common Core Resources Common Core PPT Common Core Standards . To directly access the weekly athletic schedule, please go directly to our weekly schedule page. 26001 Briggs Rd Menifee, CA 92585 Phone: (951) 940-5447. Business Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM (951) 765-5100 x5880. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, For students attending middle school: three (3) miles, For students attending high school or alternative education school: five (5) miles. Student Services Director,255 Guthrie Lane Brentwood, CA 94513 (925) 513-6300 . (951) 765-5100 x5880. Liberty 35 Heritage 28 Final Box Score All Contest Videos Nov 5, 2022 @ 4:25am Stats Updated Liberty's stats have been entered for the 72-0 win vs. To be eligible for bus transportation, students must reside beyond the Districts minimum transportation distances listed below. . Not all bases of discrimination will apply to both educational services and employment. Special Education External Study and Task Force, Local Accountability Plan (LCAP)/Strategic Planning, Parent Leader Information from Business Services, Strategic Action Planning/Local Accountability Plan, School Accountability Report Cards - SARC, Building Blocks - Colonial Life/Basic Pacific, Brentwood Embraces Students Together (BEST) Group, Special Education Eligibility Categories and Criteria, Service Delivery Options for Preschool Students, Service Delivery Options for School Age Students. If you are not able to register your student in person during these times, please contact the registrar at to make an appointment. There are no fees for eligible students receiving transportation services. TVL Finals. Library Website. May 4. A separate bus pass is not required. Inquiries regarding nondiscrimination and civil rights should be directed to the District's Title IX Coordinator: Kirsten Jobb, Student Services Director,255 Guthrie Lane Brentwood, CA 94513 (925) 513-6300. In accordance with new California law, the bell schedules for all MUHSD sites will start at 8:30 AM, beginning with the 2022-23 school year. 101 American Avenue Brentwood, CA 94513 Phone: 925.634.0037 Heritage High School | Littleton Public Schools 8352 0 obj <> endobj Out of 44 schools and 774 performances, Heritage earned the following. Phone: (951) 943-6369, Business Hours: If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. Payments to Nutrition Services will be done through the Nutrition Service Department. Athletics - Main Page / Welcome - Liberty Union High School District Out of 44 schools and 774 performances, Heritage earned the following honors: California State Thespian Honor Troupe (1 of 2 Troupes honored). To file a complaint, please utilize the Uniform Complaint process or call (925) 513-6300. Please visit the Student Services page of the Brentwood Union School District website to view the Family Life link which contains grade level folders of Family Life PowerPoints . Other Questions. Assistant Director of Transportation. Since opening the season with a home loss to perennial state powerhouse Archbishop Mitty, the Heritage girls basketball team has run off four victories in a row, after defeating James Logan at home on Wednesday night. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). ,)'PnN3^z+@tx5s\.t({d$B'PR-Vkj'3End bl 2022-2023 EHMS Bell Schedule.pdf (PDF) 60 Years of Yearbooks . Michael Fogerty. Fax: 925.240.0662. Weekly Schedule : April 24th, 2023 - April 28th, 2023. Get Directions. HERITAGE HIGH SCHOOL ON LINE PAYMENTS Heritage High School has an online credit/debit card option for student fees/fines and other school related purchases. Thank you for helping to ensure the regular, on-time attendance of your students at Heritage High School. Home; . Heritage High School Handbook Summary Sheet 2021-2022; How to Create a Quiz (web-based) in Microsoft Forms . Heritage High School / Heritage HS Calendar - Wake County Public School The Riverside TransitAgency (RTA) does provide some fixed route services in and around the Perris Union High School District area. View the 2022-2023 Bell Schedules for MUHSD School Sites. Calendar - Heritage High School About Our School; Bell Schedule and Calendars; Careers; Contact Us; Enrollment; . In addition, Kaleigha Sioson had previously auditioned and was selected for, and acted the role of, Emma in the closing All Festival Event presentation of The Prom.. Special Education External Study and Task Force, Local Accountability Plan (LCAP)/Strategic Planning, Parent Leader Information from Business Services, Strategic Action Planning/Local Accountability Plan, School Accountability Report Cards - SARC, Building Blocks - Colonial Life/Basic Pacific, Brentwood Embraces Students Together (BEST) Group, Special Education Eligibility Categories and Criteria, Service Delivery Options for Preschool Students, Service Delivery Options for School Age Students. Art Loft/National Art Honor Society Advisors: Ms. Laprade and Ms. Sergent, Black Student Union (BSU) Advisors: Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. Yearby, Chinese Culture Club Advisor: Ms. R. Rodriguez, Class of 2023 Advisors: Mr. Beyer and Mr. Bonnie, Class of 2024 Advisors: Mr. Guerrero and Ms. Klinger, Class of 2025 Advisors: Mr. Petures and Ms. Sergent, Class of 2026 Advisors: Ms. Favalora and Mr. Jeffery, CSF (California Scholarship Federation) : Ms. Pedrotti, Dance Team Advisor: Ms. C. Kardasopolous, FCA Club (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) Advisor: Mr. Folgelstrom, FESU (Ethiopian/Entrean Student Union Advisor: Alexander, Gender and Sexuality Alliance Advisor (GSA): Mr. Lim, Hip Hop Dance Team Advisor: Ms. Pennington, HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America) Advisors: Ms. Tolvtvar and Ms. Thacker, NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Advisor: Ms. Morgan, NHS (National Honor Society) Advisor: Ms. Lynch, Rally Squad (Cheer and Dance) Advisors: Ms.Raudebaugh and Ms. Barmann, Rugby Club (Boys/Girls) Advisor: Ms. Lee, S Club (Soroptimist Club) Advisor: Ms. Yancey, Science Olympiad Advisors: Leong and Rodriguez, Society of Literary Analysis Advisor: Ms.Rowland, Super Smash Brothers Advisors : Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, Video Productions Club/ Advisor: Mr. Guardado, Youth Wellness Association : Advisor M. Sanders, Rising Stars (Theater/Performing Arts) / advisor: Fallows, District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC), Heritage Mission Statement, Vision Statement ans School-wide Learner Outcomes, Heritage High School Handbook Summary Sheet 2021-2022, How to Create a Quiz (web-based) in Microsoft Forms, How to effeciently collect and organize e-mailed homework, How to email parents and students in Aeries (so you can send Zoom codes), How to turn your PDFs and workbook pages into editable Google documents, How to upload a file as a hyperlink from Office 365. 26001 Briggs Rd Menifee, CA 92585 Phone: (951) 940-5447. Business Hours: Please email ahead of time for an appointment to ensure availability. Liberty High School (Brentwood, CA) Varsity Football - To file a complaint, please utilize the Uniform Complaint process or call (925) 513-6300. Heritage High School. On 11/4, the Liberty varsity football team won their away conference game against Heritage (Brentwood, CA) by a score of 35-28. *:%0 {X Heritage High School. To file a complaint, please utilize the Uniform Complaint process or . News Article - Heritage High School 925-513-6440 Phone | 925-513-0696 Fax, Non-Discrimination Statement The Brentwood Unified School District (BUSD) is committed to ensuring equal, fair, and meaningful access to employment and education, services. Schedule - Liberty Lions (Brentwood, CA) Varsity Football 23-24 Heritage High School will create an effective and dynamic cross-curricular learning community that promotes the mastery of state content standards. Krey Elementary - School Loop Click this LINK for dates and registration. Art Loft/National Art Honor Society Advisors: Ms. Laprade and Ms. Sergent, Black Student Union (BSU) Advisors: Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. Yearby, Chinese Culture Club Advisor: Ms. R. Rodriguez, Class of 2023 Advisors: Mr. Beyer and Mr. Bonnie, Class of 2024 Advisors: Mr. Guerrero and Ms. Klinger, Class of 2025 Advisors: Mr. Petures and Ms. Sergent, Class of 2026 Advisors: Ms. Favalora and Mr. Jeffery, CSF (California Scholarship Federation) : Ms. Pedrotti, Dance Team Advisor: Ms. C. Kardasopolous, FCA Club (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) Advisor: Mr. Folgelstrom, FESU (Ethiopian/Entrean Student Union Advisor: Alexander, Gender and Sexuality Alliance Advisor (GSA): Mr. Lim, Hip Hop Dance Team Advisor: Ms. Pennington, HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America) Advisors: Ms. Tolvtvar and Ms. Thacker, NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Advisor: Ms. Morgan, NHS (National Honor Society) Advisor: Ms. Lynch, Rally Squad (Cheer and Dance) Advisors: Ms.Raudebaugh and Ms. Barmann, Rugby Club (Boys/Girls) Advisor: Ms. Lee, S Club (Soroptimist Club) Advisor: Ms. Yancey, Science Olympiad Advisors: Leong and Rodriguez, Society of Literary Analysis Advisor: Ms.Rowland, Super Smash Brothers Advisors : Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, Video Productions Club/ Advisor: Mr. Guardado, Youth Wellness Association : Advisor M. Sanders, Rising Stars (Theater/Performing Arts) / advisor: Fallows, District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC), Heritage Mission Statement, Vision Statement ans School-wide Learner Outcomes, Heritage High School Handbook Summary Sheet 2021-2022, How to Create a Quiz (web-based) in Microsoft Forms, How to effeciently collect and organize e-mailed homework, How to email parents and students in Aeries (so you can send Zoom codes), How to turn your PDFs and workbook pages into editable Google documents, How to upload a file as a hyperlink from Office 365. Important Links. Heritage High School . 101 American Ave. Brentwood, CA 94513 (925) 634-0037 . Home -Merced Union High School District area in order to view this page. 2023 Perris Union High School District. 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM (Friday). Get Directions. area in order to view this page. To file a complaint . Riverside Transit Agencyfor Public Schools. A copy of this document must be on file in the Transportation office. 1150 Forestville Rd, Wake Forest NC 27587. Game Stats Season Stats Bell Schedule - School Loop Heritage Shadow Days! Important Links. Spring Swim Waiver Test California State Thespian Honor Troupe (1 of 2 Troupes honored). As you continue down the right side of this main page, or straight down on mobile devices, you can also read about many of the exciting accomplishments of our programs and student-athletes. (925) 513-6300Phone | (925) 634-8583Fax, Non-Discrimination Statement The Brentwood Unified School District (BUSD) is committed to ensuring equal, fair, and meaningful access to employment and education, services.
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