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Jon Kosta | Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. and the Eamon Murphy | Lila Finch | Tracy Brandt | Alex Chapple, Written By: Pathology He eventually raped and murdered two nurses, crimes that were investigated by Detectives Stabler and Benson. Break out of prison (succeeded).Kill his birth family (succeeded in killing his, but failed with his sister).Kill Detective Erin Lindsay and escape (failed).Get revenge on Carl Rudnick for killing his fianc Susie Fran (mostly succeeded). > Episode 20, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Season 16. Lawrence Hendricks, Sr. | : "The Song of Gregory Williams Yates" Richard Wheatley | He then watches both of them as they leave. Joe Poletti | Stephanie Harker | Kenny Daniels | Lauren Cooper | Dena Carter | I'm pissed off, man. Before the meeting, he rapes and kills another woman. Deborah Latrell | Throughout the time he was on both shows, he proved to be a very creepy character though his arc did last for about two episodes too many perhaps. Delman Chase | Full name John Tagman | He becomes the prime suspect in a string of brutal rapes/murders in Chicago, which reminds. Heather Parcell | While he waits, he calls Lindsay by spoofing her mother's phone number, but she ignores it. Donald Housman | Agniezjka Bogdani | Katie Cavanaugh | Benson, Voight, Lindsay, and Halstead teamed up again later that season to pursue sadistic rapist-murderer Dr. Greg Yates. In the SVU episode "Devil's Dissections," SVU detective Amanda Rollins questions Yates in prison after a body washes up where Yates had buried his victims. Simon Matic | When a body washes up where Yates buried his victims, SVU Detective Amanda Rollins drives to the prison where he is held, Green Haven Correctional Facility, to question him. Jaina Jansen | Vincent Bishop | Brownwyn Freed-Wilkins is the jury forewoman in William Lewis ' trial, who eventually came to believe he was innocent. Brian Ackerman| Carmichael is mostly remembered for being the first ADA,. > Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and Law & Order: Special Victims Unit . Once the man walks away, he gets into the car, unwraps Nadia, and threatens to knock her out again if she continues resisting. Rita Shalvoy | Arthur Esterman | Expand 15 Collateral Damages February 17, 2016 43m Yates then calls Lindsay and asks to meet her at a park, which she agrees to do. Yates and Rudnick make their way to Gloversville, New York, where they hide out in an abandoned house. Kevin O'Donnell | Katherine Waxman | He is medical examiner who is later discovered to be a serial killer and rapist. Miguel Lopez | Ken Turner | Title Darryl Kern | Anya Ragova | Luke Mitchell | Name Chris Carnasis | (P.D. Tammy Mills | Ed Zuckerman, Rollins turns to imprisoned serial killer, Dr. Gregory Yates, when a new dead body with a similar m.o. Richard Wheatley | Dr. Gregory Yates is a recurring antagonist in the Chicago Fire and Law & Order universes, having appeared in episodes of Chicago Fire, Chicago P.D., and Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. John Hampton | Later on, as Yates makes another stop in Plainfield, New Jersey, he tells Nadia that they will arrive at New York soon. She tells him that she will not cave in to him and that Sergeant Hank Voight will make him regret killing her in the first place before spitting in his face, but Yates is not deterred. Julia Millfield | Neil Alexander | Jenna Kealey | Stephanie Harker | (SVU: "Criminal Pathology"), Freed eventually gets a job as a group counselor at Green Haven Correctional Facility, where Rudnick is imprisoned, to get close to him. Noah Sibert | I like to thinkand I hope the fans think this toothat hes just in another country right now, doing what he does best and making the world a safer place. Yates is subsequently convicted of all charges and sentenced to life in prison without parole at Green Haven Correctional Facility. Jackson Wright | Martin Gold | Malcolm Royce | I feel so bad for the fans that are like, Is he going to come back? Whats he going to do? Whats going on with him and Hailey?" Soffer told Variety. NBC Insider is your all-access pass to some of your favorite NBC shows. After Yates is done, he pushes Michael over the edge, hanging him. Under the arrangements of Benson and Voight, Lindsay and Detective Antonio Dawson are sent from Chicago to New York to interrogate Yates. Afterwards, he moved around, raping and killing women wherever he went, bringing the bodies to New York to bury them. Eddie Chandler | In response, Yates makes a shocking accusation against Manhattan's Deputy Chief Medical Examiner.Rollins turns to imprisoned serial killer, Dr. Gregory Yates, when a new dead body with a similar m.o. Sean Albert | She was allowed to have a conjugal visit with Yates after ADA Rafael Barba agreed in order to get Yates to tell more about murder victims which were similar to those he committed. Status Charles Webb | However, she was on the mother's phone, not her own, which Fin didn't know. and Law & Order: SVU are bringing back a very familiar and sinister face for their upcoming crossover. Sean McKinnon | Dr. Archibald Newlands | Jaleel Amir | Jason Hendri | Lindsay tries to elicit a confession from Yates on the four nurses he killed, but he refuses, starts ranting about Cain and Abel, and hangs up on her. The police eventually finds Susie's dismembered body washed ashore and Rollins notifies him of her death. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Crime, Drama, Action, Mystery & Thriller, Air Date: Charlie Baker | The next day, he walks in during a prison group therapy session held by Freed and intimidates Jose Silva into allowing him to be partnered with Rudnick, who is also a member. The coroner found she had had a quality nose job, and been raped. Erich Tassig | Yates shows Lindsay that Nellie is still alive and continues taunting her. The two then rendezvous with Freed, who drives them over to her house and provides them with weapons. When he discovers the location of his family and learns of an escape plan devised by Rudnick and prison employee Bronwyn Freed-Wilkins, Yates implicitly confesses that several remains found at his primary disposal site in New York belonged to runaways from Chicago. Michael Provo | With Susie's unknowing help, they eventually find his burial ground, find Nadia's body and charge Yates for the rape, sodomy, and murder in the first degree. law and order: svu greg yates first appearance Lawrence Holt | (SVU: "A Story of More Woe"). Hank Roberts | Christine Mayfield | Mike Jergens | S03E14 The Song of Gregory Williams Yates (II). However, during his testimony, he begins to visibly revel in his manipulation of the court and go off-topic in his responses to questions. Mitch Carroll | Bronwyn Wilkins: Little things. Jean de Segonzac, Mitchell Jenkins | Chicago P.D. Dani Hasni | Copyright Fandango. Terms and Policies Chicago P.D. | Law and Order | Fandom Janis Donovan | Alexa Pearson | Soffer told Deadlinethat the directing job was perfect for him. "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" Devil's Dissections (TV - IMDb When Yates hears that Rudnick is a medical examiner, he asks if Rudnick autopsied any of his victims. John Regis | Sean Webster | The couple also got acquainted with fellow medical student Carl Rudnick and his then-girlfriend Lena Grunwald. Justin Lafferty | Vaughn Davis, Others After leading them on a wild goose chase, he approaches Nadia as she is getting a cake for Lindsay's birthday. law and order: svu greg yates first appearance 2023, law and order: svu greg yates first appearance, Miniature Creatures Of Old Crossword 11 Letters. [Warning: Spoilers ahead if you haven't seen the April 29 episodes of Chicago P.D. Bronwyn Wilkins: He'd talk about a a book he missed, a piece of art or music. Melanie Cullen | All Rights Reserved. When Yates finds Nellie, he kidnaps her, leaving another note taunting Lindsay and revealing that he knew she was at the station. Greg Yates is portrayed by actor Dallas Roberts. Karl Atwood | The coroner found she had had a quality nose job, and been raped. Albert Beck | Gordon Rickett | Jenna Fischer Coming For Jake on The Mysteries of Laura, Jenna Fischer, Mysteries of Laura, NBC (@msjennafischer), 2012-2023, 2paragraphs Productions, LLC. Aaron Downing | Edward Auster | Rafael Barba decides to trick him into revealing his true nature to the jury by showing him the autopsy photos of Nadia during the trial. Gregory Williams (birth name) Yates then breaks into Lindsay's apartment, bringing Nellie with him. He gives them the address while withholding the doctor's name. Eugene Hoff | Warren Beatty Appears in Bizarre Dick Tracy TCM Special in Apparent Film-Rights Ploy (VIDEO) He subtly confesses that after Rudnick killed Lena and called him over to have wounds inflicted on him treated, he gave Rudnick advice on how to better control his future victims and helped hide the body. Alias Carlos Guzmn | Katherine Waxman | History Freed is seen leaving the courtroom after being selected to be on the jury in William Lewis ' trial. Leslie Harlan | Dennis Teal | Link to Are You There God? And I still love Halstead," he added. The search for a child pornography victim led Sergeant Henry Hank Voight (Jason Beghe) as well as Detectives Erin Lindsay (Sophia Bush) and Jay Halstead (Soffer) to New York City and the SVU. Clarence "C-Square" Carmichael | Later on, Yates locates his biological father Michael, attacks him, and kidnaps him. While paying for them, he spots a mother and her baby, and helps her with her items. The Marine Parkway-Gil Hodges Memorial bridge is seen in the background of this scene, which is in Queens. Terri Banes | Vincent Bishop | This is a list of fictional characters in the television series Chicago P.D. Raphael Gardner | Arthur Tunney | Henry Talbott | He informs her that her team is on their way to the wrong location, which he pointed them to. He is also the nemesis of Chicago P.D. Roberts is also recognized for his roles in the films Dallas Buyers Club, The Grey, 3:10 to Yuma, and Walk the Line. Jacob Lowenstein | Gloria Stanfield | Jenna Weber | In the Chicago P.D. Joshua Hensley | Lewis Hodda | He then subtly confesses that after Rudnick killed Lena and called him over to have wounds inflicted on him treated, he gave Rudnick advice on how to better control his future victims and helped hide the body. During his transfer, Yates passes Rudnick's cell, sees his tray of lasagna, and touches upon their previous conversation, calling Freed a miracle worker. Tommy Hedges | Daniel Varney | Nikki Hallander | Liann Crosby | Doug Waverly | Richard Wheatley Jr. | Judge Harold Garrett | When Rollins calls Yates to inform him about Susie's disappearance, he shares his concerns and asks if Rudnick is still imprisoned. J.P. Lange | P.D. Olivia Benson: Yeah, why do you think that is, Bronwyn? Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. While the episode is most notable for the tension between Benson and Voight as the team struggles to piece together enough information to find the abusers, their work sets up a return to Chicago by the team to bring down the pedophile ring. Olivia Benson and Odafin Tutuola from New York's Special Victim's Unit assist with the case. Michael personally drove him to North Carolina, where he was adopted by another family and raised under the surname of Yates. He mentions her scent was different as the reason for his deduction, and then uses that pretext to imply that he knows Rollins is pregnant. He gives them the address while withholding the doctor's name. Carlo Parisi | Gregory Eldon | Richard White | As SVU uncovers disturbing secrets about Manhattan Deputy Chief Medical Examiner Carl Rudnick, an acquaintance of Dr. Yates and key figure helping SVU with the case disappears and later turns up dead. washes up on a beach. Hugo Bankole | Brett Kincaid | Sam Conway | Missy Kurtz | Wyatt Ackman, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Edward Crandall | Izak Bekher | Dan Hoffman | They meet with Freed-Wilkins, who drives them to her house and gives them weapons. He then instructs her to sit down, gives her a full confession of all his crimes, and starts taunting her over Nadia's murder and their similarities. Larry Moore | He approaches her and insists they walk and talk, which Lindsay reluctantly agrees to. Director Alex Chapple Writers Dick Wolf Julie Martin Warren Leight Stars Mariska Hargitay Kelli Giddish Ice-T Odafin Tutuola: You're good at getting inside these guys' heads. Mark Bruner | Lewis was phenomenal! He tells Rollins that Susie went to Rudnick to blackmail him for his freedom in exchange for hiding the photo. Barba reluctantly agrees, and after one such visit, Yates reveals that the woman is Lena and the killer is Rudnick, his friend from school. Erik Weber | Finally, Lindsay is forced to shoot him in self-defense, killing him. Mark Foster | The series premiered on NBC as a mid-season replacement on January 8, 2014. By continuing, you agree to the Privacy Policy and Cameron Tyler | 29 June Births 1136 - Petronilla of Aragon (d. 1173) 1398 - John II of Aragon (d. 1479) 1475 - Beatrice d'Este, Italian. He greets her again and then knocks her unconscious with a tire iron and forces her into the back of Lindsay's car (which Nadia had been borrowing). Blake Carter | Kyle Ackerman | Julia Veloso | They team up with Chicago PD detectives Erin Lindsay (Sophia Bush) and Antonio Dawson (Jon Seda) to track the two intelligent and charming men including Dr. Gregory Yates. Louise Durning | Russell Lowery | Valerie Roberts, Law & Order: Organized Crime Lindsay Carson | Rose Granville | Angel Perez | Jay Kendall | Freddo Parisi | Lawrence Hendricks, Sr. | Charles Webb | Dominick \"Sonny\" Carisi (Peter Scanavino) brings a fresh outlook and distinctive style of investigation to the squad.Law \u0026 Order: Special Victims Unit is available now on Peacock, the new streaming service from NBCUniversal. Sebastian McClane | Yates traveled state to state, carjacking people along the way, and eventually arrived back to Chicago, where he began to look for his sister, Nellie Carr. When Rollins calls Yates, he shares his concerns and asks if Rudnick is still imprisoned. Elizabeth Hendrick | A sad and nail-biting crossover occurs during Season 16 of SVU and Season 2 of Chicago P.D. Jordan Reed | Harold Jensen | Privacy Policy In response, Yates makes a shocking accusation against Manhattan's Deputy Chief Medical Examiner. Billy Skags | Is that what this is all about? The usual "In the criminal justice system" voiceover was replaced by an alternate specific to the Chicago P.D. Terry Jessup | Roger Pearson | His episodes this season were far from perfect and were not for all tastes but he did not lose what made him so memorable. Abe Cheney | When the SVU discovers a body in the townhouse, Yates claims to know who she is and who killed her, but will only talk if they grant him conjugal visits with Susie. Billy Tripley | Dede McCann | Torture, rape and kill as many women as possible (succeeded).Break out of prison (succeeded).Kill his birth family (succeeded in killing his, but failed with his sister).Kill Detective Erin Lindsay and escape (failed).Get revenge on Carl Rudnick for killing his fianc Susie Fran (mostly succeeded). By continuing, you agree to the Privacy Policy and Spencer Anderson | I get grounded and this is my case? The body is claimed to have been found in Pelham Bay, which is in the Bronx. Axel Kaspers | Laura Di Biasi | Katrina Ludlow | Sadie Parker | Chicago P.D. Merritt Rook | Robert Morten | Upon leaving the store, he is approached by a trucker who tells him he saw something moving around in the backseat, unaware that it is Nadia.

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