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When your daughter joins our Lower School, she gets the benefit of hundreds of big sisters to look up to and aspire to be. Greenwich Academy does not discriminate on the basis of I am the adult who is there to know her as a student and as a person, to challenge her, to teach her to self-advocate, and to help clear a path when needed. Go Gators!. AIYANNA, Page not found Instagram Then, in 1900, a Greenwich Academy English teacher founded the Brunswick School for Boys. Whether they're doing marine biology at Woods Hole or they're meeting people who were on the front lines of the Civil Rights Movement, we want the girls to have an education that feels personal and alive and asks, "What's next?". As advisors, we are the ultimate advocates for the girls our advisory. Hannah Strasser Contact Information. I feel like theres no better way to learn those lessons than through athletics and PE because every game, practice, and class is about success and failure, and what you learn from that, and how you move forward. Trustee Board Meeting Minutes January 2019, Trustee Board Meeting Minutes November 2018, Trustee Board Meeting Minutes January 2018, Trustee Board Meeting Minutes November 2017, Trustee statement of intent for supporting the achievement of race equity, December 2021. Lower School Parent Meeting Margaret is an exceptional leader, community builder, and problem solver with a diverse and distinguished career in education spanning both universities and independent schools. Keith Richards seen in Stamford, Linda McMahon in Fairfield Fiona will Chair the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee from January 2021. In 7th grade weve been working on how to take notes, to review our work, to make flashcards, and different study methodsnow I feel ready for 8th grade. Greenwich Academy - Wikipedia Kay Reiter, Sandusky County Commissioner, was reelected as Chair of the Board. Your care and efforts were no doubt a reflection of your love for GA and the GA girls, and our common desire to see our school continue to grow, innovate, and educate the women leaders of tomorrow. The Search Committee will review candidate files, interview the most viable candidates, speak with multiple references, and make a final recommendation to the Board of Trustees. Kheri Tillman and Tim van Biesen 78 likes, 4 comments - BPL Presents (@bplpresents) on Instagram: "The People's Ball is TONIGHT! COLLEGE COUNSELOR 2021-22 SCHOOL PRESIDENT. VISUAL ARTS DEPARTMENT CHAIR By Group VI, teaching history is very much about teaching the girls to become analytical thinkers, and how to present their ideas both orally and in writing. W. Robert Berkley, Jr. of W. R. Berkley Corporation (WRBC) in Greenwich, has been elected chairman of the Greenwich Hospital Board of Trustees. Greenwich Academy Alumnae News - News - GA Connect Since 2004, GAs gross endowment has grown 115%. number: 206396759. Here are some documents that relate to Trustee activity and governance. Facebook GA strives to engage girls from a broad range of backgrounds and one third of students identify as people of color. We look at the voucher program available in Florida. Greenwich Academy is a purposeful, joyful, and supportive community whose mission is reflected in our motto, Toward the Building of Character. ADVISOR Going to robotics Worlds has been the absolute highlight of my middle school experience. Email contact available with a Pro subscription, Legal name of organization: Greenwich Academy, Kindergarten, Nursery Schools, Preschool, Early Admissions (B21). ANDREW ARAMINI, Our achievements even in just the past three years have been extraordinary. They become so much more independent. Similarly, our financial aid program has increased by 30%, providing so many young women the benefit of a GA education. Board of Trustees elects officers - terra.edu Thomas Pellechi, MD individual basis. My advisory and I are a team and I know I play a crucial role in making her experience the best it can be. Fiona has extensive finance leadership as was the former Director of Finance at University of Arts SU and Syracuse University, London. Connections Fall 2014 by Greenwich Academy - Issuu At UH I have responsibility for implementing employability innovations to support UHs strategic priorities, a key one being improving employment rates. With spring break around the corner, we wanted to provide an update on the head search process and what to expect in the coming weeks. I love that you can mention Charter Day to any alum and it would make them smile, it would be a happy memory. DOMINICK MICIOTTA '91, of Greenwich, Connecticut is a leader in strategic marketing and operations, as well as in higher education marketing and enrollment management. Whether its her focus on recruitment and retention or growth in GAs professional development program, she has supported the faculty and staff so that they can best teach and support the girls. 5 Perryridge Road Greenwich, CT 06830203-863-3000, The Yale New Haven Health and Greenwich Hospital Brand. GA provided an environment in which I felt comfortable to be myself, and it transformed me into a strong, independent woman. US FILM & ART TEACHER This year, I am looking forward to standing up for others and sharing ideas that will keep our school inclusive, spirited, and memorable. That kind of transformation happens every year, but it's still unbelievable to see. A GuideStar Pro report containing the following information is available for this organization: This information is only available for subscribers and in Premium reports. Greenwich Academy is a top rated, private, all-girls school located in GREENWICH, CT. Educational Philosophy & Programs Greenwich Academy seeks to develop independent women of courage, integrity, and compassion. Subsequently, I gained a Masters degree and a Doctorate in Education from the Institute of Education. The Full-time Officers become Trustees as part of their paid role at the Union; the others volunteer their time. The Greenwich Library Board of Trustees elected new officers at their meeting in May. Member Board . MS DRAMA TEACHER VARSITY VOLLEYBALL COACH. The best part of GA is the teachersthey make learning so much fun. GA was an early member of Maker Nation, opening the Engineering & Design lab in 2013. Today Greenwich Academy is thriving, and there will be many opportunities to thank all of you whose support and partnership have made this possibleparents who care so deeply for their daughters, amazing alumnae from all over the world, dedicated trustees, tireless GAPA volunteers, and loyal friends of the school. Since then, and in my additional roles as Leading the Way Campaign co-chair and, beginning this year, as board chair, I have come to consider Molly a friend, and my admiration for her has grown exponentially. Whats it like to go to Greenwich Academy? David Corkins '84 Charter Trustee . Sharing these fundamental values and working, learning, and growing together over the past 18 years has been the realization of my lifes dream. At our age, members of the Class of '48 have an abundance of free timeand Joyce Van Denburgh Doty, MFA '50, made excellent use of it with a detailed response to the Share Your News form.. Perhaps invigorated by the oxygen she uses (though she never smoked, she presumes she inhaled others'), she goes beyond her own TV watching of both old black-and-white shows and modern news to . Mark Chrostowski, MD Although admission to the Academy is competitive, A primary goal is to make the search process as transparent as possible, with opportunities for community updates and feedback along the way. Thats just in the water at GA. SARAH MALIAKEL06, Here, you'll find that girls are the leaders around the schoolhouse and our campus is palpably buzzing with excitement for learning. People that viewed Greenwich Academy also viewed these schools: The nearest high school, elementary school and preschool to Greenwich Academy is. Later this summer the board of trustees will announce the formation of a committee to ensure a thoughtful and seamless transition. In Group VIII, I teach them about the skeletal system so they have an understanding of the key features of joints, bones, ligaments, tendons, and how all these components work together. And as an English teacher, advisor, and coach, I get to know the girls in many different ways. The expectation and the reality of our department is that everyone is generous with their ideas, time, and resources. One of my goals is to bring together like-minded kids from across the area to work on these meaningful issues. Whether or not youre interested in theater, and whether or not you are comfortable being on stage, public speaking is something that will be required of every one of our students through their education and careers. My thesis focused on Student Voice. The Board must do so in the best interests of the full GA community, by gathering input and perspectives from all stakeholders. Im helping the girls work on these skills now, teaching them to get comfortable with standing up in front of an audience and speaking. Greenwich Hospital Pamela Jensen, President of Regional Acute Care - Ohio and Support Services at ProMedica, was appointed Sergeant at Arms. The Search Committee is a sub-committee of the Board of Trustees and is charged with engaging and learning from all constituents to define the qualities required of the next Head of School. In addition, our search consultants from RG175 will be on campus February 9-11 to conduct interviews with faculty, administrators, trustees, parents, alumnae, and students, the results of which will provide valuable information used to write a position statement. She was understood as an individual from the outset and the school continues to evaluate and help navigate her academic, extracurricular, and social worldsand shes an incredibly happy middle schooler because of their efforts. Dear Greenwich Academy Community: - Greenwich Academy - Facebook Trustee Board - Greenwich Students' Union Linda McMahon speaks during a ribbon cutting ceremony for Sacred Heart University's new . Board of Trustees - Franklin Pierce University Greenwich Academy, Inc. - GuideStar Profile This account is not monitored 24/7, is not reviewed by a medical professional nor does it create a doctor-patient relationship. As a consultancy focused exclusively on leadership and governance at independent and international schools, in the past five years alone, RG175 has completed more than 120 leadership searches for schools such as Lake Forest Country Day School (IL), Shady Hill School (MA), Shipley School (PA), St. Lukes School (CT), St. Marks School (TX), University School of Nashville (TN), American International School of Johannesburg, and American School of Dubai. During college and after college, I realized very quickly that the education I received at Greenwich Academy would be my most valuable asset. Teachers believe in them, classmates cheer them on, learning and ambition know no bounds. Gibbons was elected to the Connecticut General Assembly six times and served . Our faculty will go to great lengths to support a student in the college processthe depth of care is astonishing to me. Research Group 175 Selected for Head Search, From Molly H. King & Andra Winokur Newman 95, https://greenwichacademy.zoom.us/j/86715051259. Co-Chair, Board Search Committee, Tim van Biesen P 19, 21, 27 Greenwich Academy in CT - Niche I wasnt sporty and my parents didnt have sports on their radar, but at GA you try sports. In Memoriam | NYU School of Law The Board of Trustees and Head of School Molly King cordially invite GA community members to the 2020 Virtual Annual Dinner. GA HEALTH & WELLNESS DEPARTMENT GROUP IX ADVISOR Kheri Tillman - Co-Chair, Trustee, Parent 20, 24 It almost goes without saying that as we move forward, we do so from a position of great strength. GA has inspired a love of learning in my daughters. population of students who are committed to the school's high She is the product of an independent school herself, Shady Side Academy in Pittsburgh, PA. Margaret is mother to Sarah and Cameron, and outside of work and family, she is a triathlete and fan of her hometown Pittsburgh Steelers. GROUP VIII ADVISOR . Register now. Brunswick School | Pre-K-12 College Prep School In Greenwich, CT The application deadline for Greenwich Academy is rolling (applications are reviewed as they are received year-round). administration of its educational programs, admission policies, If it is your nonprofit, add a problem overview. Chair, Board of Trustees Molly H. King Head of School, Greenwich Academy Timothy M. Armstrong Chair, Board of Trustees, Greenwich Academy Back Brunswick School Greenwich, CT Upper School 100 Maher Avenue Office: 203.625.5856 Lower School 1252 King Street Office: 203.485.3670 Middle School 1275 King Street Office: 203.242.1202 Pre School Serving as your head of school has meant everything to me. First and foremost, thank you for your participation in the survey administered by search consultants RG175. VAT reg. The search committee has been working with RG175 to identify the head of school candidate who will ensure that GA remains a national leader in the education of girls and young women. Having these skills is incredibly empowering and sets them up to achieve their goals in high school and beyond. Click here to resend it.). Greenwich Academy is a Princeton University feeder based on Top 30 . Sheryl Battles She has articulated to us her belief that working with girls from an early age to find their voices, develop their sense of self, embolden their confidence, and stretch their intellect serves to launch them as leaders. Sign in or create an account to view Form(s) 990 for 2020, 2019 and 2018. GROUP XI DEAN and ADVISOR. Thank you for your support and participation. While Mollys primary focus has been on the people and programs that make GA so exceptional, she has also devoted tremendous energy to the capital projects that have transformed all corners of the campus, benefitting the day-to-day of every GA student. Our athletics program is a direct manifestation of our motto, Toward the Building of Character. On behalf of the search committee, we encourage everyone to engage with this process at this significant time in Greenwich Academy's history. ADVISOR. Greenwich Academy is pleased to announce Margaret Hazlett as the next head of school. And the conversations were having here about diversity, equity, and inclusion are the same conversations taking place at other schools in town. The board is comprised of the three full-time administrative legislators: supervisor, clerk, and treasurer, along with four part-time legislative trustees who are each elected to serve a four year term, which coincides with the presidential election cycle. The Students Union is a democratic organisation run by students for students with over 20,000 members, to represent student views to the University at all levels and to provide support services for its members. Her interest in GA is tied directly to its mission of educating girls and young women with a focus on academic excellence in the context of a character-based education, and we are confident that she will maintain a steadfast commitment to this mission. Her ambition on behalf of the school is boundless, and her desire for every student and every family to feel known, valued, and loved has been her guiding light since she first stepped on our campus. Molly has led Greenwich Academy for 18 years, and the school's growth and success over that period are simply extraordinary. Maybe my favorite part of my work is the tangible impact. While we will continue to have the benefit of Mollys leadership through June 2023, her accomplished and committed administrative team and the entire GA faculty and staff also give us great confidence in a smooth transition. GROUP VII/VIII BOOK CLUB ADVISOR GA is a community of joyous, earnest achievers giving their absolute all in the pursuit of excellence and your commitment to lead purposeful lives is equal in measure with your desire to be good people. I really enjoy connecting with them again in Upper School. RG175 consultants Tony Featherston, Bob Henderson, Debbie Reed, and Rebecca Upham will help guide our process, serve as coaches to our search committee, and recruit qualified candidates. and who do the programs serve? US ENGISH TEACHER My most favorite part of my GA experience, however, is the friendships. Theyve inspired my daughters passion for learning in and outside of the classroom, on the athletic fields, and through community service. We told the advisor for our STEM club that we wanted to learn more about CRISPR, a gene editing tool, not expecting the technology to be available to us. Take part in meetings, elections and networks which steer the course of action for Greenwich Students' Union. Previously, he served on the Advisory Council of the Stanford Graduate School of Business, was a Trustee of Greenwich Academy, and a board member of Right To Play USA.

Hamlin Isd Athletic Director, Articles G

greenwich academy board of trustees 2020