Moth to a Flame (Godzilla x Mothra), a godzilla fanfic | FanFiction Moth to a Flame Skull Island. Whether it is interesting or not. When the arrived, they had tea. Mothra, the Queen of the Monsters kept her wings just above the clouds as she soared over the Pacific Ocean. What will happen between you and your old friend James? Work Search: The Basement, this is Orga and Scylla's doing, Matthew informed. Takes place before and after the Monsterverse. Head Ripper: don't worries about me I have a built-in heater plus I'm keeping an eye out in case Ghodora comes back. "Say my name louder!" "Mothra!" Godzilla called out. Arousal, passion, robots, monsters, and mayhem await on this chaotic Valentines Day Weekend! Well done children you have caught us red handed, the female titan congratulated. There was nothing, in all this universe, in all their millions of years of life, that they had ever wanted more than to make him stop fighting. Godzilla a 6-ft lizard and Matthew a human are both invited to Titan High, where they will meet other Titans. Godzilla's faced trial after trial, fought countless battles with other godlike Daikaiju, and even the forces of Hell could not prevail over him. Read Ghidorah (cap 2) from the story Amor De Otro Mundo (Godzilla x Moonhidora) by Daniel736 (Per ) with 225 reads. And the world Mothra added. In the year 1954, atomic testing in the Pacific created a monster: the creature known as Godzilla. #happy Mothra's Diary Book 1 (GODZILLA X MOTHRA, a godzilla fanfic | FanFiction tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Godzilla explains Rodan what is happening in life. Whatever it is, it is extremely bright Mothra whispered. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Where the black God, the earth, humanity and even the relationship she shares with the King may not be as it seems. Whether it is fluffy or not. Mothra: hey Rodan, do you know who is coming? 9. Because, now, the titans that had been dormant were now active. Tired of being lonely, sexually frustrated, and just all around in a sour mood, she invites her ex, King Ghidora to stay with her. Well, your plan was a flop but the apology can come later you need to get to Mothra's room to make sure she is okay, I'll get to what is left of the library and see if I can find more about this thing, we'll meet up by the exit Matthew ordered. This work could have adult content. But one thing was certain. Having both your arms broken in the last fight you were in tends to do that to you.Can he get his "father" to back off or will he have to throw hands? That's crazy we can't do that, if we wait, whatever they are planning to take place like I don't know tomorrow and every Titan here will be completely clueless except us and they won't know what to do and they will panic, not to mention their plan will succeed, come on Mothra, Don't you agree with me? Plus more kaijus villains, like titanosaurus,mutos, battra, orga and megaguirus . Godzilla: Queen of Sluts - Chapter 1 - poisonbite01 - Godzilla - All Well, there was one small creature. Trouble He overstays his leave and is charged with being AWOL. I don't know what it is cause I can't see it Matthew complained. Will she fall in the madness of the false King. But after half her city destroyed by a three-headed dragon she was so wrong. With a few other Gojiran kids by his side, now they all have to look out for each other. Synopsis 22 years after Avengers Memegame, Godzilla and Kong have heard news of Apex sucking the Mana Energy. Into The Unknown Godzilla Mothra (Kaiju) Behemoth (Godzilla) Non-Sexual Submission Violence Eventual Smut Blood Comfort Swearing After the battle with Godzilla a few days ago, Ghidorah contemplates their power over earth. Please consider turning it on! Monsterverse Stories - Wattpad ), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, that idea comes from Godzillas-big-fat-diary, I didn't expect people to actually like this, but ghidorah thought Rodan more like a pet for him and Godzilla to play with. Work Search: Angurius and Rodan are the only one who know but when King Ghidorah, Space Godzilla, Hedorah, Destoroyah, and Gigan come to Earth and start causing trouble, it won't just take all the Kaiju and their human allies to stop them, Godzilla and Mothra must also publicly declare their love in order to save themselves and Earth. I looked down and saw Mothra laying on me my face went bright red I didn't won't the moment to end but I was stupid and said, Mothra got off meMothra: oh sorry. From fleeting peace to inevitable chaos, a battle will be waged. Three months since she has been training with All Might and Izuku thought her life would get better. 8. Whatever it is, it is extremely bright Mothra whispered. Well this could've gone better Matthew pointed out. Read Personajes from the story Amor De Otro Mundo (Godzilla x Moonhidora) by Daniel736 (Per ) with 311 reads. No, that will put them in danger as well, I think until we find a plan to stop them, we should pretend nothing happened Godzilla suggested. Godzilla and Mothra have grown up, and grown closer. Godzilla, grand daughter of the late, great, king of monsters Gojira, is lonely. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. (this is the final edition of the titan squad AU series). Comments would be greatly appreciated. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Mothra gets jealous of all the female attention Godzilla seems to receive, and decides to remind Godzilla who he belongs to. What happens if he lets himself go and unleashes his full power? As the titans try to keep the world in check, new forces will ravage this planet more than ever before. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Godzilla: A ruler emerges in Kaiju girls! And there is also an issue with Tony. The coming conflict will be a hard-fought one. Godzilla: Against All Odds by Mechasaur A grumpy Starback, a bull Armorback eager to prove himself and a Lightbringer seeking her belligerent brother must unite against an ancient enemy straight from the Underworld. Godzilla X Legion X Mothra, a godzilla fanfic | FanFiction Titanus Rodan is not Weak. )Chapter 14 - Rodorah (kaiju - fluff/hurt/comfort)Chapter 15 - Mosugoji (gijinka - humor/slight nsfw)Chapter 16 - Mosugoji (kaiju - fluff)Chapter 17 - Mothdan (gijinka - humor/slight nsfw). Kaiju love. But it is all for naught in the end, as the monster destroys everything, including Godzilla, in one final hail mary maneuver, destroying itself and everything else. A depressed child soldier, an immortal automaton, a princess, a dinosaur, and their squabbling allies and enemies must band together against a pair of dark gods whose victory will mean the end of all reality! My female character is based loosely on Brie Larson's character. He is not embers because he is Flames and Fire. #fightforlove tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). You and the of the team crash on a strange new island, and you get separated from the group. So, Godzilla commented in a muffled voice. Earn Your Happy Ending: The main story ends with Ghidorah being Killed Off for Real, with his remaining forces in hiding on Venus for the time being, and Godzilla finally getting to enjoy family life with his wife Mothra. Emerald Zirconia Goldenbraid is tasked to deliver a message to Zarya Moonwolf, but when she runs into Godzilla and his friends, will she fail in the end? It is the ?th television series in ToxicFiREPower's Universe. Ghidora: well it seems that I didn't get an invite. One, to preserve creation. Mothra, her girlfriend, is backpacking through Europe and has left Godzilla to her own devices. Mothra, her girlfriend, is backpacking through Europe and has left Godzilla to her own devices. From demons, monsters and Rulers to Kaiju gir (Be sure to read the description) Oh no Godzilla whispered. A story of the surviving team after the end of Kong: Skull Island, leading up to and after the post-credits scene where Conrad and Weaver have a choice to make: do they put this all behind them, or join Monarch? ~*~*~*Este One Shot participa en la Forbidden Week 2022 del Club de Lectura de Fanfiction. Godzilla and Mothra: Kaiju in love Chapter 3, a Godzilla - FanFiction Yet despite that, Godzilla's soul still persisted in another world. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Right when he turned around he saw Destoroyah there and froze up. Your comment will not appear until it has been approved by the creator. Titan against Titan. They hated how nothing they did could make him stop fighting. Mothra: (giggles) so.sorry you ok (still laughing a little). The two laid on their opposite sides and went to sleep. Ghidorah and Rodan, the school bullies set their sites on a particular beautiful, Moth Titan named Mothra. Mechagodzilla Stories - Wattpad 48 characters in teams of 4 compete to survive! Little does he know, though, that the entire trajectory of his existence will change forever. #fightforsurvival Plus I hope you put Godzilla 2014 aka alpha x Claudette because alpha beated 2 kaijus the muto, and Claudette makes the perfect pair for alpha too, plus consider alpha is Junior's cousin and best warrior kaiju in monster island. This is a what if in a way, what if the Monsterverse existed in the same world as the MCU? How did you what it is called? 2. Dang, this silk is extremely stuck not to mention awfully sticky now my hands are stuck Matthew whispered. See Ya, Mothra yelled passing by them. Well read the tags I guess. Godzilla: Rulers of Hollow Earth/Season One | Fan Fiction | Fandom Language: English Words: 19,215 Chapters: 4/4 Comments: 4 Kudos: 6 Bookmarks: 6 Hits: 1133 Twenty four year old Lt. Conrad must go home to be at his mother's side as she dies. Uh guys something is coming up the hole Mothra warned. ("Theme music" playlist: ). FanFiction | unleash . The two returned to their room and saw Mothra gone, they immediately checked her room and saw her in bed, they just let out a sigh of relief and headed to bed. After finding the Hollow Earth, humans full-heartedly believed that they had a new advantage over the titans. Godzilla's spines flased a deep red and his eyes jerked open angrily. After one last-ditch attempt with a Blackhole the planet was destroyed, and everyone except Godzilla, who somehow escaped and found himself in the world of Kaiju girls.can this new ruler come out as the king of the monsters in this realm? What, Rodan, I told you not to wake me up Ghidorah whined. Nadie poda comprender esta unin tan antigua como ellos, nadie sabra el honor que era ver sus ojos plasmados en las alas de una Polilla de la Realeza. As Madison Russell and her allies in Monarch explore the nature of humanity's past connection with the Titans, the King and the Queen must deal with the challenges of this new age, including some that they could never have predicted. Ever since they first met Godzilla and Mothra have always had a special bond but there was always more to It, with the help of Head Ripper, Godzilla and Mothra may discover there love for each other. When the kaiju invaded from an alien universe at the pacific rim we were nearly whipped out, but we created our own monsters to fight He wanted revenge against them. I want to see cute boys/girls/boys and girls loving each other. Colleagues to Friends It was miraculous that anyone had survived the Skull Island mission. 11 parts Complete . But after half her city destroyed by a three-headed dragon she was so wrong. ), (Original fic posted here, with pictures too): They will have to fuck hard. More blood shot out, fire was caught on his wings. #self-sacrifice, I was helping to put decoration up for the party so was Rodan, Femuto, behemoth, and Scylla while everyone else was other getting ready or getting food. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). I flew over to the fire and saw Godzilla charging up his atomic breath and shooting it at the fire making it grew I walked up to Godzilla and sat next to him he didn't seem to notice me so I tapped him on the shoulder which got him surprised and he fell over Godzilla: ahhhhh, ow my head. Instead they fought the kaiju that were more like animals. (this is the final edition of the titan squad AU series), Mothra and Godzilla's egg hatches.Both the king and the queen are ready to take care of their little princess, to teach her how to survive on the world she was born into. Since 2019, Godzilla has been remembering the sacrifice Mothra made in order for to defeat King Ghidorah in Boston. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Takes place within fallentale's Titan Squad AU following the events of "Fortune Favors the Gods.". Matthew ran out of the office and towards the exit that was when Battra took his time for his last shot and fired as it hit Matthew's shoulder. That allowed Titans millions of years ago to form a true, powerful bond between each other, full of genuine love and closeness. But after a horrifying and disastrous event separates him from his would-be family, he embarks on a desperate attempt to reunite with them. You guys ready Matthew questioned. Godzilla and Mothra's life Through The movies Chapter 1 - FanFiction This story is connected to my first book, but this is a prequel and it will take place before team Rwby and J.P.N.R even met Godzilla and Kong, this time the main antago For years, the elder fire demon has been dormant, until now. The Legendary Hero (An Earth Godzilla's Grandfather 2.2K413 A high-ranking fencer from the EDF(Earth Defense Force) franchise in a Walking Fortress Balam(Pacific Rim-like giant-ass mech and pretend it's near Godzilla sized) was a. earthdefenseforce kiryu pacificrim +7 more #5 Tremorton's Titanium ReptileEdge 2.1K344 Tremorton. Matthew wondered. Head Ripper: yeah sure it'll stop me from rusting. two months pass, and not a single word is heard from either kong, monarch, or madison russel--the human child with the ability to speak to the titans. In this new life one will be asked to raise her properly so she will be ready for when A Great Terror arrives. In a world where some humans are known for some differences, they were called Kaiju (due to their looks). I do have common sense, my plan is better Godzilla insisted. Reviews for Kaiju in the World of Queen's Blade | FanFiction Ghidorah Stories - Wattpad Now she has to survive being a captive by said dragon who got it in his head that she is perfect for being his daughter and for his "mate" to finally see reason that he is perfect to be his mate. Will she survive even with her newly found quirk and escape? So you're in on it too huh, what is Godzilla going to say about his father figure working with some monster, was this whole school a lie Matthew interrogated trying to buy time for Godzilla and Mothra to find him. A story I made in 2016, with the good help of LewdnCrude! Just when she's on the verge of breaking for good though, something changes. I don't know, they look like crystals and according to my scanner that my parents told me to keep with me for emergencies, it appears it's radioactive, according to the color it's uranium crystals, but the only way to tell for sure is to shine a black light or what we call an ultraviolet light on it, if it's uranium it will glow green Matthew explained. Godzilla And Mothra by Tyler Kelly 5.1K 97 16 Weeks after The Battle of Hong Kong, things seem to be fine, Godzilla is patrolling the earth as it's protector. 6. Mothra are you still single. Matthew stopped, seeing him frozen and then grabbed Godzilla's hand and ran leading Godzilla away from Destoroyah. #godzilla They opened the door and saw all the students running through the halls with mini Destoroyahs chasing after them. A new enemy has arrived, and the wicked space-dragon will do anything to defeat the King Of The Monsters! Even human, Ghidorah is a force to reckoned with, but Godzilla, together with Mothra, will find a way to save the planet he has been sworn to protect - or die trying. 314. Matthew asked. There's also the two woman that always follow him and protect him. After that, they began play fighting. Godzilla and Matthew were already up and ready. Madam Scylla, andSeor Orga it's over, we know the truth and we'll tell the entire school, Matthew confronted. Hmm, We can't seem to understand you mind saying that again, Mothra commented. Mothra floated closer to godzilla's body, Suddenly her worm-like form glowed a golden yellow. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Until one day mankind found a way to wipe them out, including the legendary king himself Godzilla. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. As these ancient superspecies-thought to be mere myths-rise again it will be all up to Izuku Midoriya whose destiny is greater than she knows..that she and her friends hold humanity's and the Titans' co-exitance in the very balance. But when Richard recruits photojournalist Mason Weaver as the team photographer, Lara discovers that she's in for a lot more than just another "tomb raid" with dad. I can't be the only one that is hearing the screaming from outside Matthew mentioned. In a world where giant monsters roam free under the watchful eye of nature's frightful guardian, Godzilla, humans have realized they are no longer the top of the food chain, and indeed the times have changed significantly to reflect that. However, this crustacean was born from death. It was miraculous that anyone had survived the Skull Island mission. I feel like people who really love Godzilla and Kaiju Girls on WattPad either make a Oneshot story about one or the other. Well, since you are going to die any way, I'll tell you there is supposed to be a powerful Titan like millions of miles away from here, that is who can supposedly stop him but it is just a myth, now goodbye Battra eludicated as he walked to behind the desk and saw no one there. Years later, former Black Widow Yelena Belova recruits Tony Stark into the world his father found, and now he must work with Godzilla to mantain the peace and balance between humans and Titans, as the only half breed of both races. Godzilla x MUTO WIP 2: King of Monsters: Godzilla vs King_Ghidorah: Godzilla: Godzilla and Biollante: Zill and Sugarbeast Having Sex: Things are at play, that even the Goddess can't predict. They were all peaceful and seemed passive. Gamera has done a lot of good, but he hasn't submitted to the natural order of things, and he hasn't got a real place among the Titans. (TL;DR Legosi, Juno and several others wake up as Kaiju). No, Madam Scylla lashed out angrily. Yes, the school was just a trap to lure all the Titans in one place so once we found the mirror where Destoroyah had been sealed we could feed you all to her, then there would be no more Titans that could possibly protect the humans and Godzilla I never really cared about him but I knew I could use him can't say it has worked but now he can burn for all I care Battra responded. Steve and his team return to the states, ready to fight to get things back to the way they were. When Matthew arrived at the exit Godzilla and Mothra were already there waiting for him. And these are their stories. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Tired of being lonely, sexually frustrated, and just all around in a sour mood, she invites her ex, King Ghidora to stay with her. #kaiju Or is her fate even greater than what it started as? Matthew slightly teased. The Fight in The Room. Godzilla and crew have managed to take Ghidorah prisoner. Mothra again laid down on me but this time she fell asleep, Godzilla: out of curiosity, do you sleep Head Ripper. This is the story of a teenager named Y/N gets reincarnated as a kaiju after truck-kun runs him over. Please consider turning it on! Godzilla makes one last effort to try to get through to him. Explore the Best Godzillaxmothra Art | DeviantArt Not only is he avoiding them, there is something very weird about him. Complete (This isn't just gonna be another lame Mothra x Godzilla fanfic this will be amazing trust me) When. kong queencaesar queenghidorah +12 more You haven't even known him for a day, besides they could end up seizing the moment that he is alone and murder him themselves Mothra explained explaining the dangers of letting him do it by himself. Godzilla and Mothra, the King and Queen of the Monsters, are raising their kids in Monster Island but they also are secretly in love. The other, to hearken destruction. ghidorah godzilla lovestory +4 more #6 Shota Godzilla Adventures with Estatic Think 50K69616 We fought for years, a Skull Island. Not aggressive, just awake. The multiverse is in chaos. Movie: Kong: Skull Island (2017) - Works | Archive of Our Own The other Chapters are free of graphic violence). I can like toxic ships if they have well-written dynamics. Ah, shoot, Matthew muttered as he ran to the exit and got out of sight of Battra. What do you think made that? Godzilla: Rulers of Hollow Earth | Fan Fiction | Fandom Colossal, awe-inspiring beasts from the dawn of time, whose minds are beyond our capacity for understanding. But what happens when the new-found peace is threatened? Oh, he mumbled. They develop feelings, things between Ghidorah and Godzilla happen, and past events bring him down. never mind that, whoa what kind of mirror is this? #head-ripper What would happen is Legosi, Juno and several others where cought in a Nuclear blast and survived? How will they respond to exposure to a foreign aphrodisiac plant? The jeagers Titan High Book 1: Journeys ( a Godzilla x Mothra story) High School AU SecretShipsandRelationships, ShipFanatic Chapter 5: The Escapeless Journey I don't know what it is cause I can't see it Matthew complained. Godzilla: soooo. Oh, baby, it's feeding time get the enfants, Madam Scylla ordered.Suddenly the trio felt a huge shake as something started coming up the hole. Whoa, whoa, sorry and doing it my way is good enough, you don't have to kill yourself, besides I like you alive, let's go back Matthew responded. Dean Battra questioned. Canon ships have more potential to explore compared to fanon ones. Battra's abdomen finally cracked from the intense pressure that Godzilla's attack produced. Ni wants to leave, San wants to stay, Ichi is making his choice. lol. Just what I thought it is uranium it's glowing green but the real question is what is it doing beneath our school, hmm, look you see these pieces here, they are uneven meaning they have been torn off Matthew whispered. Head Ripper: fine Head ripper sat down with us near the fire. Godzilla: as King of the monsters I'm ordering you to relax. What if Millie was trying to kill Blitzo that morning? With no egg to continue the cycle, she is reborn in a new world to start life from the vary beginning for the first time in 237 million years. Will she manage to earn his respect or will she simply break his nose if he calls her dearie one more time?The Big suprise awaits you in Chapter 30 :D Please leave comments :P (set during the filming of kong skull island; But timeline may not be absolutely accurate; Warnings are for Chapters to come. Godzilla x Mothra Edit - This article is already being rebooted and made anew, in progress. Matthew continued once more attempting to get the silk is off until he pulled really hard and then it came off. two months pass, and not a single word is heard from either kong, monarch, or madison russel--the human child with the ability to speak to the titans. Monarch lost the head of their organization, but gained the intel and proof to secure more funding what they needed now was skilled people to grow the team. "M-Mothra" Godzilla said, right as she pressed herself onto the head of his dick. When he arr Godzilla and Mothra have known each other since they were kids. or "How to Say I Love You with a Story or a Picture" Part 2, Kidzuki Kokone | Athena Cykes/Yuugami Jin | Simon Blackquill, Kamiya Kirio | Adrian Andrews/Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma, Draken | Ryuuguuji Ken/Mikey | Sano Manjirou, Ichijou Mikumo | Kay Faraday/Naruhodou Minuki | Trucy Wright, Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji/Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna, Garyuu Kyouya | Klavier Gavin/Houzuki Akane | Ema Skye, Sebastian Shvagenbagen/Victoria (Metal Family), Takami Keigo | Hawks/Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Toyomitsu Taishirou | Fat Gum/Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth/Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Nanjo Kojiro | Joe/Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom, You Issued the Challenge Now You Must Answer, Daughter of the King: Zilla (rewrite is up! You okay Sir Matthew wondered. I'm disappointed, Author does not know anything but does it anyway, I will make Rodan as powerful as possible, our pretty fire bird is an eldritch celestial being lmao, Godzilla (Legendary | MonsterVerse)/Mothra, King Ghidorah (Godzilla) & Original Character(s), Project Monarch (Legendary | MonsterVerse), Original Female Character(s) & Original Male Character(s), Popular Fanfiction Tropes the Series (based on the ColeyDoesThings videos), the king and the queen have a little princess, but really my family AU is all over the place, typical levels of violence of kaiju movies, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies. But what went as a mission turns Godzilla's life upside down as an Old enemy returns. Two sibling Gods, forced by the forever changing world, awaken once more. Titan High Book 1: Journeys ( a Godzilla x Mothra story) High School AU So small that it looked like the pebbles it buried itself in. After one last-ditch attempt with a Blackhole the planet was destroyed, and everyone except Godzilla, who somehow escaped and found himself in the world of Kaiju girlscan this new ruler come out as the king of the monsters in this realm? The kaiju world was not kind. As I and Mothra sat by the fire waiting for our food I started to question myself if I should tell her my feelings I tried to say something as natural as possible, but instead, I said. There is no denying the fated path. It could be too late by then, come on, G, please have common sense Matthew replied. After his demise, however, the human race knew no peace as strange beasts awoke all over the world, beginning the First Age of Monsters. A giant Creature came out of the ocean. But they did not fight the Kaiju who were the reason for their birth. There is no victory without her. After the battle with Godzilla a few days ago, Ghidorah contemplates their power over earth. Suggestions for events are greatly appreciated in the comments and, for those reading this, please give feedback to the sluthound that made this possible! Yeah, I totally did, how are the other Titans doing Matthew questioned.
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