Things aren't the same when she wakes up. "Hey baby." I pick him up and rock him. There are times when the chapters are character divergent (such as making a canon homosexual character bisexual). The highest form of love. +16 more. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). "That was only the first part of your . 157K 5.6K 82. in which the feisty foster kid and the bitchy latina find themselves feeling things they never thought they would. Santana felt her lip tremble as they stared at each other, she didn't have the energy to bitch. dating the star quarterback, straight A's, loyal friends. The only thing Santana loves more than control is having none at all. When they meet, Santana knows Quinn is different but there are way too many guys who try to sweep Quinn off of her feet. 1.2K Stories. First though, she needs to figure out exactly what is going on between the Unholy Trinity. Please consider turning it on! Santana Lopez is absolutely crushed after breaking up with her girlfriend Brittany. Rachel said nothing, silently staring at the girl. Quinn: "You know I . tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit), Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. is there anything else? G!P Rachel visits Quinn at work and catches her in quite the compromising position. santana has a manny santos-esque glo-up and quinn feels threatened quinn thinks about her female friends in totally heterosexual ways santana thinks about her female friends in totally heterosexual ways Sassy Kurt Hummel slight AU Anxiety Depression ayo remember when sue said she was a dentist??? The glee club is buzzing with anxiety and nervousness, it was a couple of days after their a win in one of their many choir competitions and everyone is ecstatic, althou We all have a past and secrets, what would happen if these secrets and past were exposed? Also Snowberry cuz I love them and Dont judge. Her voice is pure need, and Rachel gives her what she wants. The Unholy Sirens Series - The Dark Secret Of McKinley - Chapter 2. After Barry goes back in time to save his mother from the hands of Reverse-Flash, he changes everyone's lives for good. If you haven't already, you should go read Part 1.. Fandom: Glee/DC crossover Rating: Hard R Warnings: Fic in a whole, will contain; Death, sexual abuse, physical abuse, violence, blood, hate speech. Work Search: Complete . Don't like don't read. 3 Notes / Hide. The New Berry (A Glee Fanfic/Ryder Lynn Love Story) 334K 5.1K 41. From a young age you always noticed Rachel would get all the attention from your dads, leaving you alone on the sidelines. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (284), Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray/Santana Lopez (16), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (18), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, brittana friendly but not endgame so read at your own risk, its hard to explain just don't get mad that they're not the main pairing, A Swan-Berry Catastrophe: Senior Year Edition, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, other ships and characters will be added when i'll get requests for them, So this is pretty much just filth with plot, Tell me again how Rachel being hyper sexual makes Santana want to settle her down, There will be Original characters of my creation, Rachel has three brothers she never knew about. Mr. Schue was told that Sam needs lots of affection and lots of sex, but he's been neglectful of the latter need. It wasnt uncommon for passers by to hear Sue Sylvester, award winning cheerleading coach who may or may not have been on horse tranquilisers, and who may or may not have once posed for Penthouse, yelling at her squad early on a Monday morning in dreary Lima, Ohio. Rachel's the first to come out of shock and notice that Brittany isn't moving. Work Search: tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Secrets by secretivetype (One-Shot) Santana's not a welcher. Follow Rachel's life as she experiences high school and what it's like for her best friend to carry her boyfriends child. Santana Lopez and Rachel Berry have always been best friends since childhood. A short one shot as the glee club verbally react to Brittany's "pregnancy". Finally, Quinn was ready to explode. Sargent Santana Diabla Lopez, with her team of officers, helps Rachel and her crew save the lives of their city. He sometimes gave into peer pressure and felt judged for joining New Directions. Santana and Rachel's D.V.D wasn't working so they went out instead. She hates Finn Hudson for stealing her best friend. Valentine's Day one-shot set in the same universe as Softer, Softest. Cory Monteith as Finn Hudson on "Glee." In which people underestimate Rachel and Santana inadvertently falls in love OR How dating Santana . Over twenty years, snapshots of that relationship are revealed on the same day--May 29--of each year. Will her player ways take effect or will she fall in Love? G!P Quinn and G!P Rachel are the best prostitutes known in New York. glee fanfiction rachel and santana g p - ALL the OG New Directions (+Sam and Blaine) have graduated - Finn isn't dead also, Kurt / Rachel / Blaine / Santana and Sam are sharing an apartment In New York, -Kurt, Rachel and Blaine are all at NYADA-Santana is working in a PR firm and sings in a jazz lounge as a hobby-Sam works for a record label working his way up the ladder, Puck / Finn and Brittany are in LA-Puck is doing a creative writing course and obviously cleaning all the pools in the LA area-Finn is doing his teaching training-Brittany is a laker girl and training to be a dance teacher, Mercedes is working on her soul album and is currently Memphis, Tina is living with Artie and Mike also in New York-Tina is studying fashion and costume design but still performs in school theatre productions-Artie is at film school-Mike is at dance school, also studying to teach dance, Quinn is at Yale studying English literature and drama, Here's the completely unnecessary group chat of the New Directions. They grew up together and Santana's always had a crush on her but never did anything about it until Junior year of high school when she asks her out. she accepts and everybody ends up in chaos and finn and puck are both jealous. Saying I Love You (Properly) by tatyana82 (Complete) Prompt for the 'Part of You, Part of Me' G!p AU- The first one was a two time thing, the second one, well, was no exception. joel michael singer coastal wealth fort lauderdale, how to know if a scorpio woman misses you, how to set boundaries with coworkers at work, no heartbeat at 6 weeks successful pregnancy. Qnntana 2 yr. ago. 9K 346 33. to go ba A noble family in the Victorian Era finds a strange and beautiful statue of a little girl. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (8), Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (1), Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray/Santana Lopez/Brittany S. Pierce (2), Santana Lopez/Brittany S. Pierce (eventually), Julian Albert/Caitlin Snow(one-sided/kissed), for now if I feel like writting them back together, to be fair I only did it so I can tease Santana a little, This is just a fun story no hate towards anyone, Pezberry friendship cuz its me I have to have Pezberry in my stories, Rachel has three brothers she never knew about, Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray/Santana Lopez/Brittany S. Pierce, She's also an professional swordsmen and Gunman, Noah Puckerman is scared of Amanda Davidson, Danielle Panabaker and Candice Patton are guest stars, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, brittany and Rachel are close like sisters, Sebastian Smythe is Barry Allen | The Flash, Brittany and Sebastian and Rachel were childhood bestfriends, Barry Allen and Rachel brother and sister moments, Rachel and the others are send to central city to help Team Flash, Rachel lies to her friends about her Powers, rachel is soft before santana encourages her to adopt some animal instincts winkwink, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, also mild Pezberry and Quitt in the beginning. The McKinley High Cheerios trained harder and longer than all of the sports teams they cheered for combined, and the proof was in the countless trophies, awards, accolades and scholarships they racked up year after year. 102K 5.7K 105. a After Sebastian Smythe threw a rock salt slushy in the face of Blaine Anderson, sending him to surgery, he is introduced to Rachel Berry in an M.J performance, only to f "How many times do you make the same mistake to realize it's not gonna work out?" Rachel's father is not who the great people of Lima think he is. glee fanfiction rachel and santana g p January 19, 2015. As they circle her, growing ever closer and ever fonder, their relationship builds into something more than Rachel ever believed she could have. Rachel walks in on Santana naked, Santana decides to punish her. Santanalopez Stories - Wattpad Very Santana/Charlie centric. They may be nine years apart in age, but that doesnt stop them from finding in each other love and understanding. Also no Troubletones storyline, The sequel to I Always Knew its You after realising that maybe she doesnt just love Brittany but is she strong enough to say it or will she walk away from this year with a sight of defeat, Written in my strange style I which anything said by or around Brittany is in the book and Ill be avoiding adult storylines if I can, First fanfic, don't know what I'm doing, not even close to finished but will see how you like the first taste of what's to come. g!p. After their loss at Regionals, and all the pain and drama of the last year, Rachel Berry realised she needed to make some changes but until she notices a difference in Santana on their return from summer break, she has no idea where to start. This work could have adult content. Rachel is hesitant at first, knowing how many girls go up to visit their boss when they're not on the stage but eventually falls for her charms. Complete master list of rachel to go on glee femslash fanfiction. 15 year old Ryley is adopted by a gay couple called Leroy and Hiram Berry. That is Main Pairing: G!P Santana Lopez X G!P Quinn Fabray X Brittany Pierce X Female OC Rachel. (fem!oc x quinn fabray) She just wants him to forgive her, and maybe he knows what she can do to get his forgiveness. Socially awkward Sam is a wallflower, always watching life from the sidelines, until two charismatic students become his best friends. Tike Rachel and Puck. Will things start to change now that she is seeing her in a new light? Not to help in any actual way, of course, Puck wasnt stupid enough to think that even for a second. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (20), Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray/Santana Lopez/Brittany S. Pierce (45), Quinn Fabray/Santana Lopez/Brittany S. Pierce (7), Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray/Santana Lopez (4), Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray/Santana Lopez/Brittany S. Pierce, Brittany S. Pierce/Original Male Character(s), Quinn Fabray/Santana Lopez/Brittany S. Pierce, More Santana and Rachel centric but I want to explore the group dynamic for the most part, Unholy Trinity and Rachel character study. Rachel Berry, a mid-level bureaucrat from the Parks and Recreation Department in Lima, Ohio, hopes to beautify her town (and boost her own career) by helping local resident Santana Lopez turn an abandoned construction site into a community park. Glee- Santana's younger sister by jessjbug 9.1K 121 41 Santana Lopez has a younger sister Brynn Lopez Brynn is starting high school she is going to the same high school as her older sister Santana who is going to be a senio. ONEIRATAXIA Un-Beta'd. "Think of the ratings," Puck says, though, and when it comes down to it, she can't argue with that. A compilation of requests I've received on my Tumblr for Glee. Rachel Berry Original Male Character (s) Polyamory Cheating During Canon Alternate Canon Angst and Fluff and Smut Consensual Underage Sex Bullying Original Character (s) Age Difference Domestic Violence Ren has just moved to Lima Ohio after being ostracized at his old school. . Making minimum wage while trying to support a growing boy is difficult, but all that changes when she answers a strange add in the paper to become a magician's assistant. G!P Rachel. Santana-centric, various pairings. Rating: R. Word Count: 32286. Thank you so much! Anything G!P- especially if there's no warning in the . tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Her hard work does draw the attention of a few, more specifically, the eyes of the Unholy Trinity. No one rocks the boat, and the status quo is as it always was. When I first watched Glee back in 2009 I would daydream of what songs I would sing in certain episodes and eventually those daydreams transformed themselves into the OC in this fic. I wanted to do my Own Glee Text after reading a lot of Great Ones. When the speed force finds out what Barry has done they strip him of his powers for good. The first two chapters are taken from the work this is based on a then Ill carry it on from the second chapter where that work ended depressingly, As Quinn and Brittany move into their senior year can they survive the long distance relationship with Rachel and Santana. Spoilers: All seasons. Sequel to my story "With three there is never just you and me." Girl Penis Rachel Berry - Works | Archive of Our Own Brittany and Santana have been dating since freshman year. Rachel motioned for Santana to situate herself on the bed before she climbed back up between the girl's legs. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (56), lie amongst your lies like tuna in the brine, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Quinn Fabray & Santana Lopez & Brittany S. Pierce, tagged pairings appear in the fic but this isn't really a shipper story, quinn is lowkey evil in this but very on brand for her season 1 persona, santana is in her edgy depressed teen era, santana has a manny santos-esque glo-up and quinn feels threatened, quinn thinks about her female friends in totally heterosexual ways, santana thinks about her female friends in totally heterosexual ways.
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