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Shortly after, Real Raw News tweeted about inquiries to his family from "MSM watchdogs. UPDATE: TO FOURWINDS READERS January 13 2023, ~~~THE CHRISTMAS STORY by Patrick H. Bellringer~~~ 2022, NEW] PART10a: MESSAGE FROM CREATOR GOD ATON OF LIGHT-~~~FOR THOSE WHO SEE THE LIGHT~~~DECEMBER 21, 2022, [NEW] PART 9a: MESSAGE FROM GYEORGOS CERES HATONN COMMANDER IN CHIEF~~~MESSAGE TO ALL SOULS AND LIGHTWORKERS~~~LET THERE BE LIGHT AND GOD CREATED~~~DECEMBER 20., 2022, Send Page To a Friend WikiLeaks: Egypts New Man at the Top 'Was Against Reform', ANOTHER HIDDEN SECRET IN OBAMACARE 'RFID CHIP IMPLANTS', The Executed: Clones, Doubles, Actors, Transvestites Hiding in Plain Sight, Holographic or CGI, The Hillary Child-Sex Tape Is Worse Than You Can Imagine | The SATANIC SYNDICATE, Here is the List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was faking being arrested during an abortion-rights protest outside the Supreme Court. President Obama orders closure of the detention operations at Guantnamo Bay within a year, suspends hearings and orders a task force review of the status of the remaining prisoners, who number about 240 men. "It spreads on social media pretty much unchecked. Of those, 11 have been charged with war crimes in the military commissions. The "About Us" page for Real Raw News says Baxter is "a former mainstream journalist and former English teacher.". Another example was the hackers use of C2 dead drops, which are seemingly legitimate web pages that the hackers created, but which were surreptitiously encoded instructions to their malware. Around the same time, Real Raw News also caught the attention of NewsGuard. "I mean, this Real Raw News is literally a WordPress site. Many of these involved elites have been using COVID-19 as a guise for their crimes against humanity, using coded communications to let each other know their legal situations. Many of these involved elites are currently suited with an ankle monitor or microchip tracker. In 2017, Greig learned that Baxter, wearing a camouflage face covering, had made a video challenging him to a live debate about Nibiru and other related topics. And when the time is right, Trump will order the indictments unsealed, prompting a massive wave of arrests, with the accused tried in the field and sent to Guantanamo Bay for indefinite detention. The indictment against Wong and Ling charges the defendants with one count of racketeering conspiracy, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison; one count of racketeering, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison; three counts of intentional damage to a protected computer, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison; five counts of unauthorized access to a protected computer, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison; five counts of furthering fraud by unauthorized access to a protected computer, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison; two counts of access device fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison; two counts of identity theft, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison; one count of aggravated identity theft, which carries a mandatory sentence of two years in prison; and three counts of money laundering, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. EU. From 2004 to 2009, the military held tribunals to determine whether a detainee met legal criteria for wartime detention as a member of the enemy force. Cathy Robertson - https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post - Facebook Shinzo Abe was assassinated because he didnt mandate vaccines, sent 1.6 million doses back and gave citizens ivermectin., An image shows that following his resignation, Boris Johnson has escaped to the sea.. Arrests of Famous People Update and Gitmo March 10, 2021 The "About Us" page for Twisted Truth says the "Michael Baxter" on its bylines is "a former mainstream journalist" who worked for the New York Post, the Village Voice, and the Dallas Morning News, and that he "is also a former English teacher." As mentioned in the above videos human cloning has been confirmed and many of the elites you are now seeing are in fact clones or doubles standing in for themselves. Now, 30 remain. Other detainees left using various paths: Muieen A Deen Jamal-A Deen Abd al-Fusal Abd al-Sattar. RT @NotOpCue: On @CNN Sept 6, 2018 @JohnKasich confirmed @SenJohnMcCain's execution during a @ChrisCuomo interview, which explained the wrinkled flag on his funeral casket (traitor comms) days prior. Check this out! Bloot. gaat kinderen confronteren met Radboud Universiteit: "Niet gevaccineerd? on the Internet. We have won with DECLAS, the show is just for the sleepers and to reveal the hidden players! In time, the Bush administration bowed to pressure from the courts and released the names of many of the men and boys who were brought to the U.S. military detention center as enemy combatants. But by the time the Pentagon let the lawyers visit, hundreds of the detainees were already gone, many of them sent back to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Mid-2020 GITMO Update: Arrests, Indictments, & Executions. HMM News and the Humorous Mathematics Media Network do not make any claims as to the validity of the information expressed in the opinion section, however we do encourage the reader to do further research on their own and we hope that you will share your findings with us. These elites are attempting to keep their public image and legacy intact and have taken deals behind the scenes. Human Rights Tribunal International vs. Gates et al. Marval (LisaG) on Twitter: "RT @NotOpCue: On @CNN Sept 6, 2018 The defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the White Houses chief medical adviser, hasnt gotten his COVID-19 vaccine. Indictments coming | Gitmo bound | Names have been released - YouTube You'll have to use your own judgement, and be your own quality control. Held in law-of-war detention but recommended for transfer if security conditions met, Held in indefinite law-of-war detention and not recommended for transfer, How detainees were evaluated and transferred, Known to have died after being transferred (30 detainees). Visit our contact page. Join our subscribers list to get the latest news, updates and special offers directly in your inbox. UK. In these records you will find the most recent and the most authoritative articles on the topics, people and events that are shaping the criminal justice conversation. In the minds of many people, the roughly 780 men and boys who were held at remote Guantnamo are still nameless, identically clad men locked behind razor wire. They often fake a leg injury to get a large cast/brace over the monitor to conceal it easily. "But I just dont think thats the case anymore.". So before we get started, let us first understand that before Trump was POTUS GITMO (Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp) was a fraction of the size it now is. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The department is also grateful to Microsoft, including Microsofts Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) and Digital Crimes Unit (DCU), to Google, including its Threat Analysis Group (TAG), to Facebook, and to Verizon Media, including its Paranoids Advanced Cyber Threats Team, for the assistance they provided in this investigation. We found that the "Michael Baxter" behind Real Raw News previously ran at least three other websites and associated YouTube channels that, while now mostly purged from the internet, also promoted far-fetched conspiracy theories about everything from the mythical planet "Nibiru" to alien visitations. Nor was the scope of information it now offers available in 2011 when The Times updated hundreds of detainee dossiers with classified files from 2004 to 2008, which Chelsea Manning, a former Army intelligence analyst, sent to WikiLeaks. Click open Detainee 768, Ahmed Muhammed Haza al-Darbi, and you can read about the man who was the most recent to be released. "We will keep fighting. However, they also employed publicly available exploits and tools, including the following common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE): CVE-2019-19781, CVE-2019-11510, CVE-2019-16920, CVE-2019-16278, CVE-2019-1652/CVE-2019-1653, and CVE-2020-10189. But the organizers name wasnt "Michael Baxter." A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Official websites use .gov ", Hours later, PolitiFact also received Tuffins brief emailed response to an inquiry in which we shared our findings about Tuffin and Real Raw News. This illustration shows stories published on Real Raw News beside stories published on twistedtruth.net and someonesbones.com. Operation Warp Speed, a military vaccine delivery operation is believed to secretly be these indictments unsealing for mass arrests via the military for crimes against humanity, treason, and other high crimes . "Healthy pilots are suffering from myocarditis and dropping dead on flights because of the COVID-19 vaccines. ), https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/mid-2020-gitmo-update-arrests-indictments-executions. Thats a really sort of dangerous form of evidence, because its unfalsifiable, and its a really strong tactic.". The fake news media may even label many of these Rommel deaths as COVID-19 to push their narrative on the sleeping masses in order to keep as many fear-mongered as possible. This is the only way to neutralize malicious nation state cyber activity., Todays announcement demonstrates the ramifications faced by the hackers in China but it is also a reminder to those who continue to deploy malicious cyber tactics that we will utilize every tool we have to administer justice, said FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich. Klaus Schwab Arrested Tuesday, 16 November 2021, 10:33 AM In "Geopolitics". According to the majority opinion, the . The investigation was conducted jointly by the U.S. Attorneys Office for the District of Columbia, the National Security Division of the Department of Justice, and the FBIs Washington Field Office. A June 30, 2017, YouTube video shows a live discussionbetween David Greig and "Michael Baxter" (YouTube/dazzathecameraman). A Sept. 1, 2021,story from Real Raw News made a Pants on Fire false claim about Air Force pilot resignations. One detainee was sent to the United States for trial and is now serving a life sentence in a federal prison in Kentucky. In dozens of comments posted to Real Raw News as "Michael Baxter," Tuffin has defended the accuracy of his work and the credibility of his unnamed sources. The four indictments that were filed reveal Project Clemenza targeted a group that was loyal to the . ", The author of Twisted Truth, which has not posted an article since February 2020, also goes by "Michael Baxter." (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.). web pages When the U.S. military realized how young they were, they moved them from the adult detainees housed in Camp Delta to a reform-school style detention site called Camp Iguana. Real Raw News stories carry the byline of Michael Baxter, a pseudonym. CHUCK SCHUMER ARRESTED & AT GITMO RUTH BADER GINSBURG ARRESTED & EXECUTED Also: Crimes Against Humanity, List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions PETER STRZOK ARRESTED & AT GITMO ELIJA CUMMINGS ARRESTED & EXECUTED JACINDA ADERN ARRESTED & UNDER HOUSE ARREST TOM HANKS ARRESTED & EXECUTED RITA WILSON HANKS ARRESTED & EXECUTED This information is far from complete. Military Tribunals at GITMO: A Partial List of Those Believed Named in Youll have to use your own judgement, and be your own quality control. Human Rights Tribunal International vs. This is why we must help everyone we know raise their vibrational frequency, overcome cognitive dissonance, take the Red Pill, and defeat indoctrination. From 2009 to 2010, the task force, made up of six agencies, took a new look at the then-remaining 240 detainees and recommended some for prosecution, others for transfer with security arrangements and a third group for continued detention without trial. Show all files, Uploaded by Below we can see Ellen DeGeneres with her SMART Monitor on. Many had been handed over to the United States by allied Afghan and Pakistani security forces early in the U.S. invasion meant to crush Al Qaeda and topple the Taliban. The Secrecy Behind Military Tribunals at GITMO This reply was deleted. He is so obviously concealing an ankle monitor and this just makes it undeniable. The military has arrested dozens of public figures including Hunter Biden, former Attorney General William Barr, and billionaire Bill Gates and several of them have been hanged, sent to the guillotine, shot by a firing squad or otherwise executed. In an interview with PolitiFact, Greig said that he was inspired to begin his own online fact-checking in 2011, after New Zealand had a deadly earthquake, promptingthe spread of numerous fear-mongering claims. The docket is one of longest continually updated digital projects undertaken by The Times. Of course, none of that is true. Shortly thereafter, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia issued arrest warrants for the two businessmen. He wore the camouflaged mask throughout his live discussion with Greig. Washington, DC In other comments, Tuffin has repeatedly instructed readers not to trust the mainstream media, including networks that cater to conservative audiences, like One America News, Fox News and Newsmax. Past 8 days Tuesday night June 29 & June 30 early morning hours. The real Biden was executed for his crimes long ago along with Clinton.". It started publishing in late December, with stories alleging that FEMA had purchased assault rifles from China, and that Trump had indicted Fauci. We could not confirm Baxters employment history or journalism credentials. GITMO Arrests, Indictments and Executions~ - LuddyDundrums Forty remain there today, while the. They were later indicted on December 14, 2009, in the Southern District of . That type of spread can be especially misleading, misinformation experts said, because it happens divorced from the disclaimer thats buried on Real Raw News"About Us" page. military tribunal | The Marshall Project "It's not likely that Hillary Clinton's reputation would be harmed by a headline reading Hillary Clinton Hanged at Gitmo, which is obviously fake.". The details contained in the charging document are allegations. This is also how the white hat clones/doubles filling in for the indicted elites will exit the movie we are all watching. 20006, Florida 402,424 non-sealed indictments. At least one since-deleted article from Real Raw News, about the mythical planet Nibiru, was copied word-for-word from a previous article on Twisted Truth. on February 26, 2020. The following video will show you a few who were served the letter. ZATERDAG 17-4-2021 DUTCH DIGGER NEWS REPORT - WEER EEN DIT GAAT HARD BIJ JE BINNENKOMEN !!! That said, I stand behind the articles and the sources who risk their safety to share information.". The disclaimer is tucked in the "About Us" page and not highlighted on individual stories, a tactic that misinformation experts said is common among pages that promote falsehoods. Dec 10, 2020 - 17:22. Former Guantanamo Bay detainee sues Canada for $35 million over - CBC De wanhopige oproep van een dochter-GRAAG DELEN. Click To View: Full Document - Human Rights Tribunal International vs. ANTIFA et al. X22 REPORT: Pieces Have Been Moved Into Place, Treason Doesnt Pay Well In The End Ep. 727-821-9494, Hangings, guillotines and Gitmo: Going behind Real Raw News sensational (and fabricated) headlines, How Real Raw News became a force for misinformation, and why it matters. Most importantly, buried beneath one March article that made claims about Hillary Clinton, Guantanamo and a psychedelic drug popular with QAnon, PolitiFact found a link to a GoFundMe set up in March that raised more than $10,000 for Real Raw News. On the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA} Gewoon. "Its not hard for someone who simply wants to make stuff up and spread misinformation. Spread the love. DELIVERING RAW, UNADULTERATED TRUTH IN NEWS REPORTING, Add, Follow, & Share Operation Q's Articles On: All Platforms, Disclosure Red Pill Links Package: Good vs. Update on US Military Arrests: November 2022 Over 700 arrests were made through the United States. "Antifa was already inside the Capitol with floor plans dressed as Trump supporters" on Jan. 6, 2021, proving the attack was 100% a setup.". Youll also find the files of the men who died there, and an emerging category of those who have died since their release. He cites unnamed sources who he claims are in day-to-day contact with Trump, and others who he claims are at Guantanamo Bay. Equally, there has been numerous documents published on the. Also in August 2020, the same federal grand jury returned a third indictment charging two Malaysian businessmen who conspired with two of the Chinese hackers to profit from computer intrusions targeting the video game industry in the United States and abroad. The alleged criminal scheme used actors in China and Malaysia to illegally hack, intrude and steal information from victims worldwide, said Michael R. Sherwin, Acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia. Fact Check: List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions Is False He issues corrections when he makes spelling errors or gets someones title wrong. With searches for "Michael Baxter" and "Nibiru News," PolitiFact unearthed more information about the man behind Real Raw News and the other sites. "Some of it is standard boilerplate misinformation, particularly around the COVID stuff But this one is also like a lot of QAnon inspired or adjacent, militaristic content. The indictment against Zhang and Tan charges the defendants with two counts of conspiracy to commit computer fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison; two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison; five counts of wire fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison; nine counts of intentional damage to a protected computer, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison; four counts of unauthorized access to a protected computer, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison; two counts of aggravated identity theft, which carries a mandatory sentence of two years in prison; and one count of money laundering, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. Humanity's current behavior reflected in a satirical Het voelt net of ik de taal niet meer spreek Niels Bruijnis - Psalm 25: Bevrijding uit het Grand Jury - The court of public opinion. "That if you go on Google, and you cant find the story anywhere, that is confirming to you that its true. Click To View: Full Document - Human Rights Tribunal International vs. Actor Tom Holland is confirmed to have died.. Boys named Assadullah, Naquibullah and Mohammed have entries, too. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Clear explanation . Over the years, about 780 men were held there. The indictment alleged that Wong and Ling worked with various hackers, including Zhang and Tan, to profit from the hackers criminal computer intrusions at video game companies. So before we get started, let us first understand that before Trump was POTUS, Now, if you are not aware of these indictments I am referring to, that makes perfect sense because they are still sealed and not yet public knowledge. un-verified-gitmo-update-arrests-indictments-executions_2020_files.xml: 16-Mar-2022 14:32: 1.7K: un-verified-gitmo-update-arrests-indictments-executions_2020_meta.sqlite: 16-Mar-2022 14:27: 20.0K: un-verified-gitmo-update-arrests-indictments-executions_2020_meta.xml: 16-Mar-2022 14:32: 1.1K A Times team has revamped an online database that makes it easier to learn about the roughly 780 prisoners who were taken there, including the 40 who remain. This includes royalty, prime ministers, presidents, the Vatican, and all Rothschild controlled central banks. Gitmo Inmates' Constitutional 'Rights' - The Heritage Foundation In August 2019 and August 2020, a federal grand jury in Washington, D.C., returned two separate indictments charging five computer hackers, all of whom were residents and nationals of the People's Republic of China (PRC), with computer intrusions affecting over 100 victim companies in the United States and abroad, including software development companies, computer hardware manufacturers . In addition, three detainees are held in indefinite law-of-war detention and are neither facing tribunal charges nor being recommended for release. Times Insider explains who we are and what we do, and delivers behind-the-scenes insights into how our journalism comes together. "Oil pulling improves overall oral health, strengthens gums, helps prevent cavities, whitens teeth and reduces plaque. Click To View: Full Lawsuit - Cyprus A. Parsa, The AI Organization vs. Google et al. Now that I work for The Times, I am part of the team that overhauled it. DETAINEES CHARGED WITH 9/11 ATTACKS. Of those, 11 have been charged with war crimes in the military commissions system 10 are awaiting trial and one has been convicted. Well, those who are not executed via military tribunal at least. Mid-2020 GITMO Update: Arrests, Indictments, & Executions. *These men were held in the C.I.A. International Committee of the Red Cross, via AP (. The following video will help you understand how Trump was able to use evidence of adrenochrome and child trafficking on all countries around the world to get them to capitulate to the plan. President Donald Trump was in a presidential limousine as he left his Jan. 6, 2021, rally at the White House Ellipse. Someone is always getting arrested. I turned to The Docket in my years at The Miami Herald. President Trump's Executive Order on Strengthening the Child Welfare System for Stikstofbeleid GESLOOPT door Van Meijeren, motieven kartel EXPOSED | FVD. The defendants associated with Chengdu 404 employed sophisticated hacking techniques to gain and maintain access to victim computer networks. Carol Rosenberg is the only journalist devoted full time to covering the U.S. naval base at Guantnamo Bay, including detention operations and military commissions. The websites About Us page features a disclaimer saying it contains humor, parody and satire, but the author has repeatedly defended his stories as truth. Commanders would brief reporters regularly, and guards would come forward to speak with pride about their service there but were not allowed to name the men in the orange uniforms. The Rothschild Family. The danger of the vaccine. This can be clearly confirmed by the following visuals, identifying a significant amount of expansion for what is expected to be tens of thousands of new ex-elite prisoners. Still, Tuffin takes great effort to pass off his stories as fact-based reporting, separating his work from what is frequently seen on other websites with similar satire disclaimers. There are more documents, notably updated intelligence estimates assembled for the parole-like board that began evaluating Guantnamo cases in earnest in 2014, as well as more links to other sources and, for those charged, live links to the military commissions cases. The indictment alleged that Wong and Ling conducted the affairs of Sea Gamer Mall, a Malaysian company founded by Wong, through a pattern of racketeering activity involving computer intrusion offenses targeting the video game industry in the United States, France, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea. PolitiFact researcher Caryn Baird contributed to this report. on their way to Guantnamo Bay, information we gleaned from the portion of the Senate Intelligence Committee study that was declassified in 2014 on the agencys black site program. January 29, 2021. "We stand by the story and the info in it," he wrote after a reader pointed to fact-checks debunking his story about Air Force pilots resigning. ", Gregory, the senior analyst at NewsGuard, said that of all the websites he has helped review, Real Raw News "is the first time I can recall where theres been such dedication to the hoax.". And in a tagline posted at the bottom of some stories, he has claimed that PolitiFact and other fact-checkers have "waged war" against Real Raw News. Public records and other publicly available information show the authors real name is Michael Tuffin, 53, who lived in Texas as recently as July and has also lived in New York. The FBI executed the warrants in coordination with other actions by several private-sector companies, which included disabling numerous accounts for violations of the companies terms of service. Majid Abdallah Husayn Muhammad al-Samluli al-Harbi, Salah Abdul Rasul Ali Abdul Rahman al-Balushi, Saeed Ahmed Mohammed Abdullah Sarem Jarabh, Sheikh Salman Ebrahim Mohamed Ali al-Khalifa, Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman Abdul Aziz al-Baddah, Nasir Maziyad Abdallah al-Qurayshi al-Subii, Sulaiman Awath Sulaiman Bin Agil al-Nahdi, Abdul Hakim Abdul Rahman Abduaziz al-Mousa, Abd Al-Razaq Abdallah Hamid Ibrahim al-Sharikh. Miley Cyrus ARRESTED SERVING LIFE. Real Raw News was created in April 2020, according to domain registration records. WATCH MORE! The website is called Real Raw News, and it bills itself as an "independent publisher" that "explores content often avoided by the mainstream media." On Sept. 14, 2020, pursuant to a provisional arrest request from the United States with a view to their extradition, Malaysian authorities arrested them in Sitiawan. Operation Q. Jun 22, 2020; 6 min read; Mid-2020 GITMO Update: Arrests, Indictments, & Executions. He has said the same thing about Pelosi, Hanks, former CIA director James Brennan, Rep. Adam Schiff, and Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. New York Times Updates Database That Tracks Gitmo Detainees - The New REVEALED: Google & USAID Funded Wuhan Collaborator Peter Daszaks Virus Experiments For Over A Decade. Hennep en Graviola geneeskracht van Moeder Aarde. Mid-2020 GITMO Update: Arrests, Indictments, & Executions. Five prisoners are facing capital charges related to the attack on the United States that occurred on September 11, 2001. This illustration shows a screenshot of the homepage of Real Raw News as it appeared on July 12, 2021, with edits added to emphasize the false nature of the headlines. By Sarah Almukhtar, Carol Rosenberg, Charlie Savage, Andrew Fischer, Rachel Shorey, Andrei Scheinkman, Alan McLean, Jeremy Ashkenas, Archie Tse, Jacob Harris, Derek Willis, Jeremy Bowers and Margot Williams. Uitleg wat artsen virus noemen gevolgen zijn David Icke already knew in 1998 what to expect. In it, Baxter told Greig that he launched someonesbones.com and Nibiru News around 2014.

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gitmo arrests, indictments