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Gender Date: Unknown. The Silver Eyes, The Twisted Ones, The Fourth Closet. Mr. Renner | If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. At the end of seventh night, Fritz Smith is given a pink slip and fired. Fredrick is a huge FNAF fan, not only because horror games are his jam, but also because it is a series that just keeps on giving. DJ Dan | Phone Guy told Jeremy he would probably work the night shift again when Freddy Fazbears Pizza reopened. Jeremy Fitzgerald is a main character in BlueyCapsules. At the end of seventh night, Fritz Smith is given a pink slip and fired. Nightmare Animatronics After the end of Night 5, Jeremy receives a check for $100.50. The Freddy mask wont fool him, but the light will chase him away. Copyright 2023 FNAF Insider | An Avid Interactive Media Copany | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. Upon completing the night, Jeremy receives a check for $20.10 for overtime, as well as a newsletter that says the restaurant is closing. If thats true, he would have done that during the day or even earlier. Fritz Smith is a one-time security guard of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza and a second character whom the player played as in Five Nights at Freddy's 2. Before Foxy was created, his character was originally going to be a, Since the reveal of the final screen of the Lorekeeper ending in. Susie was the first from the MCI to die according to W. Chica's line. Jeremy Fitzgerald is the former Freddy Fazbear's Pizza security guard and the main protagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's 2. Bot Silo. It is strongly prohibited to be re-upload on to any other channels or platforms and we would personally file report to the user who did such actions (re-acting videos are permitted as exceptional under this category. However, after the release of the fourth game, many people believed the culprit was Fredbear after witnessing the Night 5 mini-game. This had lead people to once believe that Foxy was not actually evil and just checking on the guard, giving him a heart attack in the process by accident. Two Unnamed Therapists - Mangled via machinery by Client 46 off-screen prior to the game, mentioned. He is an out-of-order, worn down animatronic who is possessed by the undead soul of a child named Fritz. Charlie is mentioned by Henry a couple of times. Fritz Smith | Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki | Fandom Funtime Freddy | Fully Loaded Rabbit | Michael Afton is the first child of William Afton, and is the elder brother of Elizabeth Afton. Unnamed Person - Found dead in the vents, mentioned. Twisted Animatronics Foxy apparently sings the "Dum dum dum" song. We would be truly appreciated! But she betrayed Michael and used his body as a vessel for Ennard (gruesome stuff, but you can read all about it here). Strangely, he even sounds exactly the same as Jeremy when breathing with the Freddy Fazbear Head on. But, despite that, he still made it. HEY LOOK HOW FRITZ DIED!!(fnaf//Warning: Blood) - YouTube Classic Animatronics Fritz FNAF Guide - FNAF Insider As well as a set of teeth which appears to be the sharpest out of all animatronics; some of which are also gold. Lefty Foxy is a tall red anthropomorphic fox with two orange pupils and a wide jaw, and fox strings of hairs from the top of his head. Only the body of one of the first three therapists was actually discovered/mentioned, the rest are simply heavily implied. Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Bot - Dismembered off-screen prior to the game, body seen in the Utility Tunnels. If youre looking for Foxy's soul, look here. Montgomery Gator | Fredrick is a sucker for lore and hidden secrets, and since FNAF is abundant with both, it was a match made in heaven. (Now get out.) This page for the Five Nights at Freddy's 2 guard. Among his more notable tears is that of his left ear, which has been completely scratched off, and his original rips which have grown in size. Nightmare Mangle | But if you have a sinister robot in the office with you, keep the mask on until it leaves. Bot - Dismembered off-screen prior to the game, body parts seen in the Daycare Attendant's Room. Yeah, 'meh' is a good word for this theory. The character in there seems unique in that he becomes more active if the cameras remain off for long periods of time. Entertaining children.Singing to himself. One-Shot Bonnet | Bot model. However, if Fritz is Michael, this wasnt his last attempt to infiltrate a Fazbear location. Fazbear Entertainment | Fritz and Jeremy's death's || FNAF - YouTube Jeremy - While under the influence of Glitchtrap, used a guillotine paper cutter to commit suicide by slicing off his own face off-screen prior to the game, mentioned. Shadow Freddy | VR Sisters | But she encountered Glitchtrap, the digital ghost of William Afton. Bot - Dismembered off-screen prior to the game, body parts seen in the Utility Tunnels. He works for one night at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, where the Toy Animatronics are now possessed and going haywire, theorized to be the result of William Afton committing a series of murders at the new location. It is one of the most popular horror game franchises, even having hundreds of fan games. Fritzs story starts with another character: Jeremy Fitzgerald. Answer: While you might think that Fritz is Phone Guy because Phone Guy never calls him during his shift, I doubt thats true. At Least One S.T.A.F.F. Biography Information P.S. Bot - Bisected off-screen prior to the game, body seen in the Daycare Attendant's Room. But if his termination letter is anything to go by, he isnt the most hygienic guy around (more on this below in the Lore section). Music Man | It is likely part of Foxy's theme as a pirate. The One You Should Not Have Killed | Similar to Mike from the first game, Fritz was fired for "tampering with the animatronics" and "odor" upon completing the Custom Night. After Jeremy completes Night 6, he is presumably moved over to day shift. Sorry I've haven't been posting the holiday session gets really hectic and I'm currently working on a holiday special so look out for that :) He lured the remaining animatronics into Freddy Fazbears Pizza Place. Animatronics Everybody wants to be him. Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery, Five Nights at Freddy's: Survival Logbook, Five Nights at Freddy's Character Encyclopedia, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Freddy in Space 2 Fire Girl | Recurring Soulbrawler | Contents 1 Victims 2 Deaths 3 Kill Counts 4 Victim Gallery Victims It's also suspicious that there's a Night 6 phone call that's supposedly not relevant to Jeremy but every single sentence of that Phone Call is applicable to Jeremy so it's very counterintuitive to say they're not relevant to him all things considered. 1987Message given to Fritz Smith on the pink slip. Scraptrap | Nightmare Bonnie | Module:Five Nights at Freddy's | List of Deaths Wiki | Fandom Essentially, Jeremy and Fritz are the only ones who aren't Mike and even then depending on your interpretation of the gravestones he's them as well especially considering Fritz Smith was fired for the same reasons as Mike. : 8 Charlie: 12 Michael (FNaF 4): 14 Michael (sister location): 44 William (FNaF 4): 34 William (death date): 44 Elizabeth: 7 Henry (FNaF 4): 32 Henry (FNaF 6):113 (did the math. Toy Chica | Ballora | Jeremy receiving his paycheck from Five Nights at Freddy's 2. Foxy is the only animatronic who bears a hook in place of one of his hands, which can be seen in the cameras in Pirate Cove, as well as the West Hall when he rushes towards the security guard's office. Male But this is the Custom Night, and it can be a toughie. 360| FNAF Death of the First 5 Victims - William Afton Perspective In fact, he appears to be the most damaged animatronic in Five Nights at Freddy's. Once the Puppet gets outside, Charlie's body lays on the ground, and the damaged Puppet hugs her corpse, allowing Charlie to possess it. Date: Unknown. However, unlike Mike, Fritz was not given "general unprofessionalism" as a reason for his termination. Mangle | Afton Robotics, LLC | Gabriel ???? Fritz | Wiki | Five Nights At Freddy's Amino Recurring Elizabeth Afton | Five Nights At Freddy's Wiki | Fandom Timeline of every FNAF character death in order. In the story she's found and bought at a garage sale by Delilah as an alarm clock. Strangely, he even sounds exactly the same as Jeremy when breathing with the Freddy Fazbear . As the new security guard working nights, your job is to monitor cameras and make sure nothing goes wrong after-hours.The game's publicity blurb. Bots - Decapitated off-screen prior to the game, bodies seen in the Daycare Attendant's Room. During Night 6, Phone Guy tells Jeremy that the next day he will work the day shift and is to closely monitor the animatronics during a birthday party. Foxy the Pirate Bot - Died off-screen prior to the game, body seen in the S.T.A.F.F. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Battle at the Illuminati Headquarters (Earth-838), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Rockstar Chica | Minireenas | Why is Bonnie Not in FNAF Security Breach, He worked as a security guard at Freddy Fazbears Pizza, Hes the 3rd night security guard to work at the restaurant, Hes one of only two nightguards that never get a phone call during the game (the other one is Vanessa), Hes unkempt and has a funky odor (according to his employers, anyway). Unlike the previous guard, Fritz never recieved a call from Phone Guy. One of Foxy's quotes after killing the player in Ultimate Custom Night.Argh, ya never stood a chance! But theres a rumor he could be William Aftons son, Michael, in disguise. Fritz is a freckled boy with short, messy, dirty blonde hair with bangs, red and white striped shirt t-shirt, gray shorts, beige shoes with white socks. Molten Freddy Job Description Plushtrap Chaser | The Fox | Bots - Dismembered off-screen, body parts seen in the Warehouse. Or a fox, for that matter! She eventually meets her end in FNAF 6. Ella is the main antagonist of 1:35 AM. Mainline Games Date unknown. S.T.A.F.F. After she died in the hands of Circus Baby, William Afton sent Michael to free her in Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental. Funtime Animatronics Death doesn't have to be completely tragic because at least no character is suffering anymore, even the unnamed and forgot get their much deserved eternal rest. Frank the Diver | Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Battle at the Illuminati Headquarters (Earth-838), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Five Unnamed Children - Killed by William Afton off-screen, bodies seen. ---Personality:He believes that love makes possible the path of happiness and greater causes.Almost always,Fritz can see with sensitivity through things, making it possible to easily adapt to spiritual or everyday things in the world. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Dreadbear | In the Insanity Ending, he refers to her obliquely, when commenting on what William had already done "wasn't enough", and in the Completion ending, where Henry told Charlie, now inside Lefty, that he knew she would return, as it was in her nature to protect the innocent. When you remove the stud, you must fill the stud holes with a stud plug or cotton wool to keep them clean and free of debris. As the pizzeria burned down with Charlie in it, Henry assured her the time had come for her to rest. Glamrock Animatronics Maintain your flashlight batteries and if you see Foxy, shine the light at him several times. Orange Guy | Server S.T.A.F.F. But on his last day, Jeremy was moved to the day shift. Elizabeth Afton, Fazbear Frights He has the stereotypical pirate's appearance: aside from his eye-patch, he has three strings of hairs from the top of his head and a hook for his right hand. He is a young high school dropout working the dayshift at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Bots (1 Determinant, 1 Debatable), FNaF AR: Special Delivery Protagonist - 5 (1 Determinant, 1 Debatable). List of Deaths Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Here, he encountered Circus Baby, who his sisters soul possessed. Nightmare Freddy/Freddles | It should be noted as well that the sprite of the child resembles. Twisted Bonnie | POPGOES, Disambiguation pages Circus Baby | Ironically, Foxy is actually slower than the other robots. Circus Baby | Ella was originally a stage of Charlie specifically when she was a toddler however Henry had later repurposed her to be one of Charlie's toys. Fritz worked for one night, which became intense because he had to face more animatronics than Jeremy did (including the Toy Animatronics). At Least Three NGT Endoskeletons - Dismembered off-screen prior to the game, body parts seen in the Warehouse. Michael Afton | BlueyCapsules Wiki | Fandom If its Jeremy, this could explain why he doesnt appear in future games. Infected S.T.A.F.F. Be sure your step through the heart of madness.Withered Foxy guiding the player in Foxy.EXE. The Dog | S.T.A.F.F. Afterwards, the Puppet allowed Fritz to possess Foxy. He is the night guard employed by Freddy Fazbear's Pizza who worked the Midnight to 6 AM shift from Sunday, November 8th, 1987 to Friday, November 13th, 1987 before being moved to the day shift. This maybe the results from his long-time isolation, which partially decayed his body, as seen on his left hand which is completely bare, exposing the machinery underneath. Glamrock Chica is implied to have similarly attacked S.T.A.F.F. Additionally, before the fourth game's release and after the second game's release, a lot of evidence proved that Foxy was not responsible for the bite: Listen to my voice, and you will find the key.Withered Foxy guiding the player in Foxy.EXE. If they havent, remove the mask and restart the process (checking the vents and hall). Foxy | Antagonists Wiki | Fandom Moondrop Hologram | ! Bot missing its head. Dreamgeist | However, it is later confirmed by Scott Cawthon that this was not the Bite of '87, and was the Bite of '83. Fritz ???? Bot Silo. Bot - Died off-screen prior to the game, body seen in the S.T.A.F.F. In Ultimate Custom Night, a version of him simply known as the Fox also appears as the main antagonist of the Japanese series Bear of Vengeance (one of the intermissions that can be watched after beating a night). He befriended Fritz Valentino after meeting him in the alley between Pizza Hut and Freddy's, and the two shared a brief but heartfelt friendship full of adventure and tea parties. Fritz had to fend them off and survive until morning when the animatronics were less murderous. Victoria Snodgrass | Charlie stars crying even harder, and her spirit turns grey, and the Puppet ends the minigame with a jumpscare. Gabriel, Fritz, Susie, Jeremy, and Cassidy's cenotaphs, with Charlotte's on the hill. There's also the policy about what happens when the Animatronics get you, which suggests there were . Despite this, Foxy globally remains in a good state, and can also run significantly faster than the rest of the gang. Fazbear Entertainment would be more than eager to find a possible culprit and so Fritz is arrested for William Afton's crimes. Affiliation Recurring Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The Mimic | Martin Copper | Bots | The significant lack of papers on Jeremy's desk compared to Mike's may indicate that he is neater and more organized, although it may also simply imply that there was less paperwork needed in 1987, which may parallel with the restaurant's issues in the first game. Bot - Self decapitates. Foxbot | During June 26th, long before the events of the first and second games and after the events of the fourth game, a total of five children presumably named Gabriel, Jeremy, Susie, Fritz and Cassidy went missing at the pizzeria.Police suspected that a man dressed up in a costume resembling one of the animatronics, as implied on Night 6's phone call in the second game and lured them to a . Toy Animatronics Fritz Smith That also explains why Pirate Cove is closed down, and why Foxy was set aside. PlushBabies, Spin-Off Games At Least Four S.T.A.F.F. Hi. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Unlike the other animatronics, the screen doesn't shake when Foxy attacks the player. Self decapitated Driver Assist S.T.A.F.F. Spring Bonnie | Prolly used some kind of remnant, because the youngest he would've been in 1983-1985 if Charlie died around that . Attendant/Circus Baby S.T.A.F.F. Bot - Decapitated/Dismembered off-screen prior to the game, body parts seen in Vent Repair Room. Not what you were looking for? Toy Bonnie | What order did the children die? : r/fivenightsatfreddys Coincidence? This is Thesecret1070. Foxy's eyelids are now no longer always drooping, they widen in Foxy's attack animation. Local Residents missing from Hurricane, Utah. Answer: Its possible because Fritz Smith was fired for the same reason as Michael Afton after working at Freddy Fazbears Pizza: he messed with the animatronics and had a foul odor. One Night at Flumpty's | Lonely Freddies | Another possibility is that he is another alias of Michael Afton, and the odor is just his rotting corpse. Fritz Smith | Five Nights At Freddy's Wiki | Fandom Throughout the series, there are several different versions of Five Nights at Freddy's Foxy and his counterpart Mangle. Foxy is the first ever damaged animatronic in the franchise. Happs | Though he's been through hell and back in his short life, Jeremy is a contagiously cheerful individual with a totally radical outlook on everything. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Gabriel, Susie, Fritz and Jeremy: 8 Cassidy: 9 C.C. The Blob Thug Chica | He worked the night shift from the 8th to the 13th and survived countless attempts by the animatronics to kill him. Fritz Lore. S.T.A.F.F. But if you follow fan theories, his story suddenly becomes interesting as he could be Michael Afton, disguised so he can mess with his fathers homicidal animatronics. After 5 nights of working there, he was scooped by Ennard as it used his skin to blend in with the humans and escape. Since Fritz is a security guard with a twist, Ive chosen the counterparts below. Unnamed Person - Died off-screen prior to the game, mentioned. Jeremy eventually completes Night 1, but despite the low pay and clear danger, he continues his job for the remainder of the week. The game is played in his first-person perspective. NGT Endoskeleton - Dismembered off-screen prior to the game, body parts seen in Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place. Unlike his predecessor, though, Fritz didnt receive any pointers from Phone Guy. Fazbear Funtime Service No not really, the graves as I said can't be for the night guards because you knowSuzie is a thing and the guards were all male. Nine Unnamed Local Residents of Hurricane, Utah - Killed by Vanny off-screen prior to the game, mentioned in The Alley Ending newspaper. Shadow Bonnie | One-Shot Security Breach: Fury's Rage Dominic | Phantom Animatronics | Unless you have no other options (or a death wish), there is just no reason to take such a dangerous job. Chica's Magic Rainbow | The in-universe Foxy the Pirate character is implied to be the main antagonist of the Freddy Fazbear brand, as seen through promotional material. The mother/Mom figure is nowhere to be found, theyre either dead, divorced from William, abandoned them, or just assed a way from age or a common death unrelated to Faz-Bear ent. One possibility I've thought of is what if due to his tampering with the animatronics he would not only be a perfect scapegoat for the Bite of 87 but also could be held suspect for the supposed tampering of the criminal facial recognition software. I am an admin of this site. Arr, so much more spacious in here! Sea Bonnies | Foxy is the only animatronic which can be seen actually moving on camera. Various counterparts of him appear in the novels, and it's very likely he'll have a counterpart in the upcoming film. Glitchtrap | Timeline of every FNAF character death in order. : r/GameTheorists - Reddit Answer: If you want to use studs, first, you must get your farrier to drill threaded holes in your horses shoes. Overall, he is very similar to Mike and the other protagonists. The in-universe Foxy the Pirate character is implied to be the main . During the early days of Five Nights at Freddy's it was commonly theorized that Foxy was responsible for the Bite of '87 as his jaw is broken, which could be a result of biting down a customer, and his sharp teeth and elongated mouth make him the most capable of serious damage. We hear from Phone Guy in FNaF how there were "victims", but says that he's not implying they died. Five Nights at Freddy's | List of Deaths Wiki | Fandom The message given to Fritz,Five Nights at Freddy's 2. Golden Freddy | (Revived by head replacement. The Missing Children | FNaF: The Novel Wiki | Fandom The FNAF Ultimate Guide and graphic novel shines more of a light on Fritz and the other MCI Victims, though whether you take this as canonical to the game series is up to you. Unlike Mike, however, he seems to show some fear and anxiety during gameplay, as heard in his sharp and heavy breathing when he puts on the Freddy Fazbear Head, although this could be the design of the head interfering with his breathing. Fritz's Death Fnaf - YouTube A possible explanation as to why Fritz is dead in FNAF 6 At first, Foxy was commonly mistaken as a female, due to his feminine name, similarly to, A bug exists that can be exploited to make any night that involves Foxy being active a lot easier. An unknown number of Fazbear Funtime Service users are attacked by their special deliveries, and assumedly a corresponding amount of Fazbear Funtime Service replica animatronics as well. Date: Unknown. Five Nights At Freddy's Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Animatronics Charlie first appears in the Take Cake to the Children mini-game, albeit unnamed, and with no distinguishing sprite design.She is crying outside of Fredbear's restaurant, with Fredbear himself serving cake to the other children. Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Charlotte Emily or Charlie is the daughter of Henry, the main protagonist of the Book Trilogy, and the child that becomes the Puppet. The Game Over screen from Five Nights at Freddy's 2, shared by Jeremy and Fritz Smith. 8-Bit Baby | Probably but he would make a good candidate for a scapegoat at the very least. Unnamed Employee - Killed by spring lock failure off-screen prior to the game, mentioned. Five Nights at Freddy's is an indie point-and-click survival horror game series made by Scott Cawthon. Leo - Missing for at least several months prior to the game, mentioned. XOR DJ Music Man I may stay a whileOne of Foxy's quotes after killing the player in Ultimate Custom Night. Souldozer | Afton Family Bot - Decapitated/dismembered off-screen prior to the game, body parts seen in the Fazcade. Other Date: Unknown. Occupation Charlie's age in the books does not line up with the timeline. S.T.A.F.F. Classic Animatronics He is an out-of-order, worn down animatronic who is possessed by the undead soul of a child named Fritz.

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fritz fnaf death