This is what the insider said, in his own words, about Eisenhowers reaction when he was called in to be part of a team that would confront Area 51: Anyone accusing him of making this up is acting like a psychopath and should be shunned. I had been telegraphing for three days via electronic communication that I was writing the big one i.e. However, immediately after the abduction, Emery developed pneumonia-like symptoms with a fever that skyrocketed up to 105. What can be done, besides finding out the truth, whatever it is, and being angry enough to blow out a blood vessel, and in my case, raise my blood sugar into lunar orbit? We are taking elaborate precautions to ensure his future safety. Even when theyve been captured and taken down for 30 years, they still emit this energy that theyre harvesting from within inner space. Emery Smith Insider. Emery Smith, former Air Force field medic, also known as the Black Project whistleblower, alleges he worked in a deep underground biological facility located in the USA. And the craft was not hollow: it was solid. Emery Smith claims to have autopsied about 3,000 different types of ET humanoids. You are all a inspiration to bravery and I can only hope I will step up as you all have when and if the time comes, you are all great example of love and trust incarnate thank you Lisa. Safety, lve light and blessings sent to you and yours and to Emery for a speady and safe recovery. With that in mind, check out the text I got after having a long time to think about this and mourn his dog: We have recovered Raven who was thrown out of an SUV on the highway. He went on to Kirtland AFB in New Mexico, where he worked on and off-base at UNM Hospital as a surgical assist and paramedic. Once we entered into that community, there could be all sorts of rewards, including hyper-advanced technology they would teach us how to build. They were dated January I guess that was the air dates. That does not mean we are backing down. and all this is done by use of quantum AI technology. It never stops. I just got done having a text exchange with my insider, Paul. Theyre very seamless, and they give off an energy all of the time. These types of vehicles are so amazing, they are usually made in space through harmonics and frequency. UPDATE, NEXT DAY, 12/29, 1:06 PM: MIRACULOUS RECOVERY. The adversary very likely did not count on anything like this happening. He is rewriting entire branches of science and leading a new narrative of human history, one that includes races of highly advanced beings that we share earth and space with. Based on the number of operating rooms and floors in this one base alone, there are probably THOUSANDS of other employees doing the exact same job. Emery Smith, former Air Force field medic, also known as the "Black Project whistleblower", alleges he worked in a deep underground biological facility located in the USA. His oxygen level went down to 90 percent, which when coupled with the enormously high fever could very easily have killed him. Thank you for your committment, work and dedication for us all. ::PHUFF:: We cant handle it, gimme a break. Let's keep the smiling!Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Telegram for interesting and mysterious bonus content! You know, 90 percent are just tired of it. I strongly believe these posts were replete with willful lies and fabrications. quantum AI wants to control human domain, which means every thing about the human quantum ai want to control manipulate or destroy. So, these types of crafts are a little bit more advanced than the crafts that we hear about in popular culture, that you see on TV and whatnot. This was the same insider who had everything he owned stolen, with nothing left but an armor-piercing bullet on the countertop of his home. Tiny Mummy's 'Alien' Appearance Finally Explained Pauls body collided with the windshield, leaving visible cracks as you can see here. If you are fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and the secrets of extraterrestrial, you will us. Someone obviously ordered this attack. Theyre getting the energy from the vacuum of space. Does that mean that he can't have some accounts that he either fabricated or that aren't true through honest misinterpretation, confusion, or flat out lies on his part? Emery Smith III was born on January 28th, 1972 to his parents Emery and Dorothy Smith in Plainfield, New Jersey. With that being said, dont lose track of the massive work we just released on Christmas Day about mass indictments and targeted arrests of the Deep State. Our next update will go much more into Coreys latest experiences with various ET groups, but it was important that we get this out first. Definitely describes ice dart technology : a poisonous, toxix dart shot into the body, melts away, not detectable in the body upon death. WE ARE the GREAT ONES that were foretold and prophesied about! News; Tiny Mummy's . And it is a like a favor thing, or an even exchange of something for something. Tear down those walls, so we can start to rebuild!!!!!! I did not want to say a single word about what we had done until at least one episode had already aired. If you didnt know about that, you can search on you tube, there are lots of information from whistleblowers who worked for cia, fbi, private secret services. Wandering between this world and the dark side is very dangerous. By doing this attack, they are absolutely, 100 percent signaling that Emery is telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It was mostly tissue specimen examination, and dissecting and taking parts of specimens. Also Like you, David, I long to work from home in my own business but I havent figured that out yet. It is safe now to donate. Thank you both for all the hard work you do and for informing all of us of what truly is going on. That means that some aspect of the Deep State already has a program where even one employee, in only 3-4 years of time, can personally autopsy 3000 different ET bodies. Your [url]Watersprite[/url]. The reason this and the previous articles have been so lengthy is that the data will be scrutinized far more in the future if this comes to pass. He seemed very uncomfortable and scared to death during the interviews but I believe him because being a Gaia subscriber I investigate every single piece of info I can get my mind on :). And were just asking ourselves, What is going on? With that being said, here is some of the documentation we gathered from Emerys visit to the Eisenhower Medical Center in Palm Springs. He goes on to claim to having worked on number different types of downed flying saucers, which he claims are constantly emitting an amazing energy from space some 30 years after being captured. Smith claims that this technology which is thousands of years ahead is being suppressed from public knowledge. Instead of slowing down or steering away, this driver maintained his collision course and actually accelerated. They are trying to punish him for coming forward, and it only further proves he is for real. 2. Emery , Im just a guy from Belgium. Instead, we see a barter system. In case anyone tries to question this aspect of the story, Eisenhower was the best emergency care he could find for the area. Researchers hope their new research will settle debate over the origins of Ata, a naturally mummified infant found in the Chilean desert. After I leaked his intel in David Wilcocks Brakes Sabotaged: Was It the Dark Alliance?, his house was burglarized to the bare walls. The things he has told me over the last ten years may seem quite sensational, but they line up precisely with what we end up hearing from many other insiders. Good. I kept his identity so secret that I didnt even give him the pseudonym of Paul until very recently. We are very, very grateful that Emerys dog Raven was not killed, and that he was able to get the dog back. We NEED THE LIGHT! Even if you dont believe in this sort of thing, please send Emery your thoughts and prayers for a full and fast recovery. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I am using this blog post to make sure you are aware of some things. For some time we didnt hear very much. According to the CIA agent, Eisenhower was shocked. The Alliance will make its moves regardless of whether I am involved in any of this or not. These crafts can actually go interdimensional. These attacks reek of desperation on behalf of the Deep State. The story had an unexpected twist, well after I first heard the news. The fact that this is in the hands of higher dimensional beings, beings of LOVE AND LIGHT, how could they be in FEAR? they hide themselves in deep underground, built deep living cages. Thankfully, he survived with only concussions and whiplash. If they were watching his finances through covert means publicized by Edward Snowden, then they knew he had gotten very close to absolute zero. Breaking News: Inside Secret Biological Facilities with Emery Smith And it was later on that I figured: If this stuff got out, what a blessing it would be to change the world, and to help all the animals of the world, and clean all the oceans, and to cure my family of cancer, and all these things were just flying through my head. It is a miracle that he wasnt injured more greatly. Youre all right. But for some reason, inside this cylindrical opening was where the beings actually were, and its open. We spoke on the phone and he said he had the remarkable intuitive sensation of feeling contact from many thousands of people, all at once. We have enough light workers, starseeds, volunteers and light here to help those with the transition!!! I witnessed many different craft in these projects. Apparently, one of the key forms of payment we have been receiving for many years now is samples of dead bodies from ETs all over the galaxy. Nothing else is online yet. All I know is I had to to go in there, take this part of this tissue, of dissect this nerve, or take this blood sample from this specimen and then send it away for testing. Its not like a lot of buttons; theres no steering wheels or cockpit like everyone thinks there is when you walk in these. They pulled off about 50 Meters away and took my dog and accelerated away! This has been the means that they want the public to have minimum fear of their appearance by exposing themselves in a control and limited ways. June 28, 2021 Emery Smith - Secret Space Super Soldier Exposed as A Fraud Please check out this video series by 'Vanilla Sky Dreaming' where she exposes Emery Smith as a complete fraud. They could clean up the big mess out in the Pacific Ocean, all that garbage floating around, miles and miles and miles. This is all very real. Coreys life was threatened. If Emery had a big ego, why did he absolutely refuse to come forward for ten years until he was threatened with imminent death? But I'm skeptical of his stories lol. Ships with such high capabilities will have tech beyond our imagination. Ive done over 3,000 different specimens: not whole bodies, but just different parts of body tissues and whatnot to send for testingthey were testing everything. The ER in Palm Springs could not admit him until 7AM the following morning. Just half an hour after we released Part Two, one of our top insiders we have been calling Paul was nearly killed in a head-on collision. We respond to how were treated. Stars George Noory Emery Smith See production, box office & company info Watch on Gaia with Prime Video Channels Add to Watchlist Photos Add photo Top cast George Noory Self - Host Emery Smith Its all about Ego and Money.. And for that, we have to give them something they dont know, which we have. Fort Bragg soldier charged had alleged 'operation' to remove minorities from easter NC. If you so choose, you can visualize him surrounded with white, healing light. Emery Smith on David Wilcock's Gaia Resignation Letter and Related Could it be that the Cabal has put nanites in vaccines? (Im not a preper really but anybody can use this maybe even in a nebulizer)! (New Free Movie!). Taken together, the threats and attacks we collectively went through all appeared to be a coordinated operation from a force outside of Gaia or its employee base. I learned all about Karma from you. Only a half-hour after this intel was posted, Emery suffered a head-on collision while driving his SUV in Topanga, California. this article. It was not Gaias fault that Emery went through these threats and violent incidents. None of this should ever have been made public, but since it now has, it is important that I clarify a variety of issues that many people have already jumped to conclusions about. Maybe some are getting mind-controlled, too. Its almost like a person who has been locked in a room their whole lives, never allowed to see the outside world, finally being set free. Emery Smith - Television Host - Gaia Inc. | LinkedIn I believed that he would not be safe unless he did so, as "Publicity is Protection." A series of very violent and suspicious events occurred soon after he decided to come forward on Gaia. Excelling in all of his classes at . Emery was made directly aware of the presence of gigantic ET motherships under the Antarctic ice from his own time working in various black-ops programs. Along with what theyre doing in spaceyou know, as far as trading with other humans and extraterrestrials. Aston Villa transfer news: Smith Rowe a target for Emery How is the Collective Consciousness expected to fully shift if we are not given the full truth?!?! This kind of a move, however, just reeks of desperation. One of the best in the world for lungs and kidneys. Satan plays the long game. xoxoxo. But there are also other craft that are interdimensional, that can change shape; so, they might come in the form of light, and they can manifest and change their atomic structure to become solid. Tompkins testimony is of almost singular importance in establishing the origins of the Secret Space Program during WWII for the US, as one example. Nothing about this incident appeared on this website until October 22nd, 2017, two months and one week later. Emery Smith's former fianc says he is a fraud and a liar?Truthseekers is produced by Spectral International, LLCFollow Steven Cambian on twitter : @stevencambianJoin our Patreon : by paypal :\u0026redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVhiLWMyZVlkczNONGtZancwWUZTUVpsdlZyZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsb3Rzdkh5NF94TWZRU2ZZcHZBTjFqQUFjcTQ0V2xNQ2VSdHdfSnRGOWthcUNIbnV1U3lmcldaX01VVzRVRGZ5TXlBOTBnWWFiSkJoZUx0ay05amtNa0RWRHF2QXZCc2pueDFaWmNqZ3BWNnBXc1hVbw\ to the audio podcast : our Discord server : us : TRUTHSEEKERSHOW@GMAIL.COM Very soon after this was released, Emerys home in New Mexico was broken into, and everything was stolen or otherwise destroyed. PUBLIC APOLOGY AND CLARIFICATION FROM DAVID WILCOCK REGARDING GAIA INC. False statements, assumptions and conclusions have been circulating regarding Gaia and my resignation from Gaia that I want to correct.