Think of Han, or Luke. Star Wars They chastised those who used heavy protection, only wearing minimal clothing, sometimes light armor, and brandishing light fast weapons like blades or, very rarely, small blaster pistols. Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. This also means its of the utmost disrespect and one of the most dishonorable things an echani can do to use a fallen warriors weapon. Echani hail from the frigid Outer Rim world of the same name. A massive feast, in which the now Adult Echanis whole family participated. The clan leaders are individuals who take on the responsibilities of the day to day running of a clan and is still quite capable of fighting. Cals first trip to Kashyyyk is kind of a bust, so he heads back to Zeffo, and gets another lead on a key thatll open the Bogano vault. This year, a few local restaurants and bars are teaming up on the holiday to bring you Star Wars deals and space-themed parties on Thursday, May 4. As previously mentioned, they were most likely failed Arkanian experiment, although they had long since evolved past that and away from their Arkanian creators. Sources indicate that females played a large role in their society. The Essential Ahsoka, Hera and Sabine Episodes to Watch Before With this generate tool you can generate star wars names yourself. Born in the streets, no stranger to getting her hands dirty, Teckla will do anything to make sure her belly is full and she has a shelter of some kind over her head. The crew fly to Bogano, a semi-uncharted planet full of cliffs and bogs (thank you, Star Wars naming conventions), to look for a vault of the Zeffo, a pre-Jedi civilization. Prerequisites: Echani Martial Arts, Echani Martial Arts Expertise, Martial Arts, Defensive Martial Arts, Improved Martial Arts, Advanced Martial Arts, Combat Reflexes. The Right of Ascension normally lasted for several hours, anywhere from two to eight hours. A minority of the Thyrsians opposed the rise of the Empire and believed they had been fooled by the Sith, hoping to revive the original Sun Guard before they had become so diluted. Please check your email to find a confirmation email, and follow the steps to confirm your humanity. The Echani has anatomy similar to humans, but a common feature is that they have light skin, white hair and silver eyes. Names That someone is Atos. Twitter 1 - A female with an Echani father and a Dathomirian mother. Furthermore, the two ends may be retracted, reducing size to Small. -I| OTHER ALIASES |I- Vyr Or run. May the Fourth: Star Wars-themed food & drink events in Tucson document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ). En route, Cal meets BD-1. Fallen Order mostly takes place during 14 BBY. Into Star Wars Roleplay Amino? This places Jedi: Survivor between the prequel and original trilogy, set during the same year as Obi-Wan Kenobi and roughly around the same time frame as Andor. Echani Language [7:30:24 PM] Casey: the martial arts feat from the Hero's Guide. Put in any existing name or word, and it will generate a Star Wars friendly name! Echani Proverbs That was no shooting star my child, that was the tear of a warrior, a warrior who somewhere [CI]has finished their final battle. WebThe Echani were a sentient species that lived in the galaxy. They do this the old fashioned way, by making sure the family controls key businesses and ruthlessly eliminating rivalsby execution or by marriage, whichever is more expedient. A good Star Wars name is memorable. The young Echani would meditate alone, in the family common room for 4 hours. And it barely mentions the weird space Rubiks Cube! Darth! A hand built weapon is part of the Echani. One thing stands in her way, however. SEX: Male They are graceful fighters who specialize in melee and unarmed combat, moving so fluidly Shes already caught the eye of a local crime lord looking to train up some new muscle. It traditionally makes no use of force techniques, weapons, or armor. He was kidnapped as a baby by an assassin who had killed his family and then trained him as a Seyugi Dervish. There are fighter pilots and there are fighter pilots. GENERAL INFORMATION While escaping, Cal breaks his lightsaber and heads to Ilum to source a kyber crystal (the shiny rocks that make a lightsaber a lightsaber). What was their first interactions with non-Echani like? Twilight Templars Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. In order to come up with a name for your character that will be just as memorable, weve got a few tips! WebYusanis, a master Echani combatant of the Republic world Eshan, was married to another woman to whom he had five daughters, while Kae, as a member of the Jedi Order was forbidden to form strong attachments. Honorary Echani, was an individual considered by an Echani or an Echani clan, to be honorable and worthy enough to become an honorary member of a clan. The significance of this was for the child to reflect on their life before this day, and their destiny afterwards. The Right of Ascension was a choreographed fight between the Echani and their Father. Echani Green Tea It seems like a vacuum-sealed ending, but Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Orders finale was colored largely by the context in which it came out: between the release of The Last Jedi, which suggested Star Wars could be a story about more than one dynastic family, and The Rise of Skywalker, which basically undid everything posited by its predecessor. The Echani People-or rather the Six Sisters are a neutral faction, not overtly giving credence or allegiance to one faction or another, instead remaining in the galactic sphere via commerce. (This technique may be implemented in other weapons, but requires 4 ranks in Knowledge [Echani] and in the appropriate craft skill; it may only be applied to melee weapons. Force Sensitive: No Among the assortment is the Luke Skywalker timepiece ($270), with a glowing green lightsaber as the second hand. Due to the same techniques implemented in the quarterstaff, the Echani vibroblade deals an extra 4d6 cold damage when wound damage is inflicted. Within their borders and not during times of war they adhere to ritualistic discipline and etiquette making the battle a form of communication similar to art. Youll have no secrets left.. Society: Echani culture was rooted in combat and martial arts. I will add in individual clans as they get made or link their respective post here! You have studied the Echani martial arts extensively, and this knowledge allows you to strike your foe more accurately. An Aeta Ignias-kai claimed the offenders life forfeit and could, at any point in time, attempt to take the life of the offender, or claim the right to their own Aeta Ignias. Serokko is one of the fastest Wookiees you will ever meet, as fast as the wind and as blinding as a sand storm. Welcome to Star Wars Roleplay Amino, a semi-literate community for all! A Padawan studying under Master Plo Koon, Gil is determined to complete his training and rise to the rank of Master of the Jedi Order. Fire Dancers are a unique sect of Echani culture. While they lived primitive lives, they had developed advanced technologies like space faring vessels, eventually colonizing five other planets around their original homeworld of Eshan. [2] During the High Republic Era, when the Nihil attacked Valo, an Echani man who had come to attend the Valo Republic Fair had a run-in with Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh's pet targons, nearly being mauled before Jedi Master Stellan Gios held the large cats off so the man could flee.[1]. has created a cool tool that will help generate names. Echani gain a +2 species bonus to Sense Motive. Should their father be unavailable, by death or other circumstances, then the child normally participated in the Right with their paternal or maternal uncle. It rules. A weekly roundup of the best things from Polygon. Echani cuisine is very spicy and hardy compared to normal dishes throughout the galaxy. Affiliations: Outer Planets Alliance (Current) Special: Due to a cortosis weave in the quarterstaff, it retains its damage reduction versus lightsabers. RANK: Mercenary, Security There are lots of fun ones in there. The effect was obvious, the flesh was stronger - more pliable and fortified by powerful alchemical enhancement. The Count walked through the city, it's Stormtrooper Corp presence was minor, a couple of squadrons spread about following a path according to Leon's. Occupation: Smuggler One of the few people who have felt as much of a passion and interest within the echani, he helped make probably 65% percent of this post in all honesty. Their primary commerce should be to no ones surprise, weapons and armor. Pots of teas, Echani Wine, and other beverages would be passed along the family as they celebrated the past and future of the now fully recognized and adult Echani. First, Cal heads to Dathomir, home of the Nightsisters (a clan of Force users versed in the dark side). The remaining cultists discovered Darth Plagueis and swore fealty to him, believing him to be the fulfillment of their prophecy of the son of suns. However, when he was murdered, they changed their allegiance to Darth Sidious, despite his initial disregard for their skills. Homeworld: Echani hail from the frigid Outer Rim world of the same name. Star Wars They held a long-standing rivalry with the Mandalorians, with whom they shared many similarities. The largest and most affluent clans are the leaders on their respective planets and colonies. WebAlderaanian Anzati Aqualish Arkanian Balosar Besalisk Bith Bothan Cerean Chalactan Chandrilan Clawdite Clone Codru-Ji Corellian Coruscanti Darth Dathomirian Devaronian By any means necessary. Not all who fight require a weapon, or armor, but those who do swear by the craft of the aging Mandiah Mezeh. Tathra could feel it, the potential for even greater heights had This world shall be an altar, all the violence, destruction and blood wrought on its surface shall serve as sacrifice, war for the war god! The Echani also greatly respected opponents who bested them, as represented by the Echani's great respect for Revan. Click here to see our name suggestions & backstories ! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Game materials and content are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publishers and its licensors.All rights reserved. Siyndacha Karolle Aerin Tough love is synonymous with Atos Vode. Intent: Create a set of clothing that Darren will wear at all times. If you havent, the in-game recap of Fallen Order will come across as little more than a foggy supercut of snapshots and voiceovers. No one on Eshan has a kind word to say about Sod Bankir. Looking to make this character a take on a Force Ninja. Primeday, 1800 hours Eshan Meridian Standard Time 1. + HERITAGE: Like Eshan System Gender SoThank you Vess, for everything. Im pulling parts of this from [IS]because I think its well thought out and good to keep in, All weapons are important to an Echani. You know, classic Star Wars stuff. All these things and more would be focused upon. To an Echani, a combat between two people said more than hours of talking. Image Credit: Desert Dwellers - Even Amundsen. Media Name: The Almera Accord. These special quarterstaffs are the weapon of choice of the Echani Handmaidens. Physical Description: Echani are attractive near-Humans with pale skin, white hair, and pale blue eyes. They were considered to be direct opposites of the baseline Echani, being a much darker gray in appearance, brandishing pikes instead of blades, and being patriarchal in nature (they also adopted Thyrsian as their official language, instead of Basic).They opposed the traditional rule of the Echani Command, although they themselves were equally as traditional and religious, and along with fellow planet Bengali they began the Bengali uprising. Eshan WebThis is a list of Star Wars species, containing the names of fictional sentient species from the Star Wars franchise beginning with the letters A through E. Star Wars is an American Male Echani Names Nic Adriss Rulhes Agend Sem Oogad Zin Denkas Natic Okkem Udha Muh Dros Luss Bren Zalke Umo Dos One that uses credits instead of fists. Once the tea was finished brewing, the 14 year old stood, and took the hot pot of tea in their hands, not by the handle, but by the sides of the hot pot. But because galaxies are pretty big, some Jedi survive. Star Wars If she asks you if you care for a game, be very sure you will win. I built her [I]by hand, crafting the hilt over weeks of trial and error. A tenth stance does exist, Fire Stance, and it is used primarily by the aptly named Fire Dancers who will be discussed later. There are 13 achievements and trophies in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor about combat. Scheming, they say. Homeworld Of course, now that most of this is no longer Canon, it can really go in any direction, as long as its an interesting one that really fleshes out this awesome species and makes them ever more interesting upon revisit. WEIGHT: Middleweight Introduced in Fallen Order, theyre a criminal organization that operates on the fringes of the galaxy. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor opens with the sort of cinematic thats de rigueur for big-budget video game sequels: a recap of its predecessor that barely recaps anything. The Second Sister murders Cals friend. Consider it errata: the style described in the Hero's Guide is Imperial Martial Arts). Their official language was Basic, but they were known for being rather quiet and observant, valuing physical communication over oral. Your email address will not be published. We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. Robert Berg has been a geek for as long as he can remember. Echani Order | SW5E - Star Wars 5e Fallen Order mostly takes Traditionally cooked slowly for hours with large variety of spices, hardy vegetables such as potatoes and onions, with plenty of meat, commonly chicken. All Echani children, regardless of profession, or family, were taught the art of combat at a young age. The duel was initiated by someone giving a challenge, either for honor, or glory. You are using an out of date browser. So we treat our weapons with respect. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Echani personalities vary greatly, much like Humans, but most are perceptive and thoughtful. It is akin to a spoken language to them and Its used every day for almost any reason, arguing, getting to know people, having fun, flirting, even dating, and proposing. Designation This, however was simply a tactical skill arising from living in a culture where combat was seen as something akin to a form of communication.[2]. She is cripplingly shy. Youd better bet they force Star Wars Jedi: Survivor to tie into it all somehow. Star Wars and Fossil Launch Limited-edition Watch Collection The couple would exchange vows, which could be anything from a deceleration of love and protection, to a poem of how their love for each other was what drove them as warriors. The Echani art had three tiers, each relying on foundations, and featuring higher forms than the previous one. The Star Wars timeline is generally filtered into years before the Battle of Yavin (BBY), as seen in Star Wars: A New Hope, and after (ABY). Echani culture held the belief that combat was the only means to truly know someone, a pure form of expression where words were swept away, allowing for action to reveal the true nature of the people involved. If they were Canon, how would they interact with eras like the High Republic or Age of Resistance, and would the Thyrsians believe that their son of suns would be Vader, Kylo Ren, Snoke, Maul, or even the revived Palpatine? When a member of the command either retires or passes on the selection for a new member takes place as a honor-bound planet wide tournament between both clans and individuals with the winner being the new member of the Echani Command. WebEchani. A traditional Echani marriage was actually a simple affair involving the couple, the elder, and the parents of the couple. In this manner, battle was seen as a form of communication similar to art. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Han Slowlo. Aruzan [ edit] An Aeta Ignias was preformed with a strict code of honor, if any participant violated any of the preset rules of the duel or any of the traditional rules, such as attacking an opponent while they were down, or striking in zones considered off limits (such as strikes 'below the belt') and won via these methods, a relative of the one lost, could claim an Aeta Ignias-kai, known as a Vengeance Strike. Argazdan Argazdans were a green-skinned humanoid species native to the planet Argazda. Echani vibroblades are often ornately decorated, and many are customized for individuals. This gives rise to a society with no room for lying, and furthers the mentality of wearing minimal or light armor to show their bodies and body language. Echani names make use of several punchy syllables and often incorporate N, M, D, or K sounds at the end of these syllables. Han Slowlo. Safe in interstellar space, Cal destroys the Holocron. The first being that Echani had silver-white hair and silver eyes, Echani names tend to lack hard consonants, but are otherwise as variable as human ones. Child 1-11; Young Adult 12-15; Adult 16-40; Middle Age 41-59; Old 60-79; Venerable 80+. Not conquerors or warmongers, theyre quite peaceful which is somewhat ironic given the fact, almost all of their culture revolves around combat in some fashion. The Echani | Wiki | Star Wars Roleplay Amino Amino For defense, they relied on armor and personal shields. Their fighting style focused more on agility and movement, and so anything that hampered their freedom of movement would be avoided.[2]. Still, a couple questions that could still be expanded on include: Did their society revolve around Cortosis, which planets was it found on, and what was the Echani mining industry like?
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