Gaston County Library - Main Branch. Click the name of your preferred site (for example, the one closest to your home or work) to see the Early Voting hours available at that site. Ragan believes some of those early voters from 2016 have opted to vote by absentee ballot this season amid the coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic. Mount Holly Municipal Complex, 400 E. Central Ave. Gaston County Main Library, 1555 E. Garrison Blvd., Gastonia. Any voter can vote at any site. Dallas, NC 28034. The other candidate that you liked will have to do without your support and possibly lose the election because you were blocked by law from voting for them. Loading Do Not Show Again Close. This may take up to a few weeks after Election Day. GASTON COUNTY, N.C. Early voting began October 15 in North Carolina statewide. One Stop Voting Sites . Sunday voting will take place from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Oct. 30 only. If such recommendations are received by the Board 15 or more days before the last Tuesday in June, and each two years thereafter, it shall be the duty of the State Board of Elections to appoint the county boards from the names thus recommended.". Overview Thursday, October 20, 2022, begins the 17-day one-stop early voting period for the 2022 statewide general election. This is different than Election Day,where registered voters must vote at their assigned polling place. Must you belong to a political party in order to vote? . The local political parties will submit three names to the State political party chairman. North Carolinas 49,036Libertarians have no partisan primaries this year, so their members may vote only in the non-partisan elections underway this spring. Our principal functions include establishing election precincts and voting sites, appointing and training precinct officials, preparing and distributing ballots, voting equipment, canvassing and certifying the ballots cast in elections, and investigating any voting irregularities. You can reach Michael Banks at 704-869-1842, email and follow on Twitter @MichaelBanksNC. Curbside voting is available for eligible individuals. I dont think its going to be as busy as it was four years ago, but it will probably be close.. . He believes about 55% of this year's votes will be from early voting in the primary election. Each County in North Carolina has a Board of Elections. 2023 Early Voting - Lincoln Herald - Lincolnton, NC Address, Phone Number, and Fax Number for Gaston County Board of Elections, a Board Of Elections, at West Franklin Boulevard, Gastonia NC. Four early voting sites in Gaston County are open from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on all three Saturdays through Nov. 5. This in-person voting allows voters to cast their ballots ahead of Election Day. City Hall: 132 W. Virginia Ave. PAID FOR BY THE NORTH CAROLINA REPUBLICAN PARTY NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATE'S COMMITTEE Independent voters will have two options: Select a non-partisan ballot and vote only in the non-partisan races, such as City Council races. Voters are not required to show an ID. # 4 A list and map of the sites in your county will appear. : Hkd* A}A. Gaston County Early Voting Locations and Times, 2022-2023 Adopted Budget Ordinance and Fee Schedule, Walkability Assessment in the Vantine Neighborhood, Press Release- Council Adopts New Vision, Mission, Values, & Goals. 3 0 obj The in-person early voting period ends at 3 p.m. Saturday, November 5, 2022. Skip to Main Content. Early voting for the 2022 general election begins Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022, and continues through Saturday, Nov. 5, 2022. Early voting begins across North Carolina will continue through Saturday, Nov. 5. Each County in North Carolina has a Board of Elections. . I have received numerous awards for community service and hope to be . "These laws are for the young people," said Lindsay. In the 2020 General Election, early voting made up 82.4% of the total vote but that election statistic is very rare. Charge up your electric vehicle in downtown Bessemer City! And with early voting starting Thursday, here are five things to know: 1. We actually have a surplus, which is a good thing, he said. Select one of the partisan ballots and vote in those elections plus the nonpartisan elections. Welcome; Events; GOP Store HQ . You can vote early at any Early Voting site in your county. You may also let us know any feedback and questions with our contact form. Where to vote early Gaston County Board of Elections office, 410 W. Franklin Blvd., Suite 30, Gastonia Gaston County Citizens Resource Center, 1303 Dallas Cherryville Highway, Dallas Gaston College - Kimbrell Campus, 7220 Wilkinson Blvd., Belmont Our office is responsible for conducting all elections held in Gaston County. Gaston County Sample Ballot (North Carolina) - Ballotpedia Early voting begins across North Carolina will continue through Saturday, Nov. 5. Voters who receive an absentee ballot by mail may deliver their ballot to an election official at a one-stop early voting site during any time that site is open for voting. More questions? Gaston County Citizens Resource Center. One-Stop Voting Sites City News| You can only vote in the county where you are registered. Hours and days of the week in operation may vary by site. Voting at the polls: You won't need to show a photo ID to vote in person on Election Day. Name Gaston County Board of Elections Address 410 West Franklin Boulevard Gastonia, North Carolina, 28052 Phone 704-852-6005 Fax 704-852-6011 Same-day registrants must attest to their eligibility and provide proof of where they live. A lock icon or https:// means youve safely connected to the official website. Election Day may still be weeks. Rhodes, who wants to attend college and pursue a law degree, won a $500 scholarship. You can contact your state or local election administrator for an official sample ballot. Unsure if you are registered? endobj 2 0 obj <> 2020 General & Primary Election | Gaston County, NC 'We're slightly ahead of where we were in 2018': Gaston County sees an Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy, Gaston County Board of Elections office, 410 W. Franklin Blvd., Suite 30, Gastonia, Gaston County Citizens Resource Center, 1303 Dallas Cherryville Highway, Dallas, Gaston College - Kimbrell Campus, 7220 Wilkinson Blvd., Belmont, Partners Behavioral Health Management Auditorium, 901 S. New Hope Road, Gastonia, Thursday, April 28, through Saturday, May 14. % In 2016, the last presidential election, nearly 66,000 Gaston County voters cast ballots at early voting sites. During the early voting period, voters may cast a ballot at any one-stop site in their county. The picture below lists the various dates, times, and locations where you can vote early. Ballots will be kept securely and delivered to the county board of elections for processing. Gaston County Board of Elections Office , 410 W. Franklin Blvd., Suite 30, Gastonia. "If they don't vote, something is going to happen.". Box 1396 Gastonia, NC 28053. Phone: 704-852-6005 Fax: 704-852-6011. Check back closer to Election Day to see the Early Voting sites for your county! Donate Today! Resources for County BoardsNCSBE Public Files (FTP), Voter SearchCounty Boards of Elections InformationBallotTrax (Absentee Ballot Tracking)Voter Registration StatisticsView all tools and forms, An official website of the State of North Carolina. Please contact your County Board of Elections for more information. Become a precinct worker. Early Voting Locations - Dates (2022 Primary) (PDF) UOCAVA Election Notice (2022 Primary) (PDF) . Brought to you by Democracy NC, a nonpartisan organization that uses research, organizing, and advocacy to strengthen democratic structures, build power among disenfranchised communities, and inspire confidence in a transformed political process that works for all. Mount Holly Citizens Center, 400 E. Central Ave. There are key. Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. Information about early voting sites and schedules for the 2023 municipal elections will be posted as soon as it is available. Where to early vote Early voting in Gaston County will take place at four sites: Citizens Resource Center, 1303 Dallas Cherryville Highway, Dallas Gaston County Board of Elections, 410 W. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia Gaston County Library, 1555 E. Garrison Blvd., Gastonia The State Board asks that all voters respect the right of others to participate in the election. In many ways, primary election season for local offices in Gaston County will be more excitingthan the general election in November. We have poll greeting opportunities during early voting and election day. Look Up My Early Voting Sites. Early voting accounts for more than half of the overall turnout and continues to grow in popularity. Find out if you are registered to vote by entering your information into theVoter Search. The 2.53 million voters in North Carolina who arent registered with the Democratic, Republican or Libertarian parties can vote in the primary election along with the 2.5 million Democrats and 2.2 million Republicans. All rights reserved. Election Day may still be weeks away, but for those who want to get their civic duty done early the chance to vote in the 2022 elections starts Thursday, Oct. 20. Oct. 9 was the regular voter registration deadline for the 2020 general election. "Early voting is a convenient way to vote on your schedule," said Adam Ragan, elections director for Gaston County. . The party breakdown for a turnout can be a little tricky because of unaffiliated voters, Ragan says. To learn more, view our full privacy policy. 2021 Gaston County Voter Guide The voter must prove their residence by showing any of the following documents with their current name and address: Other photo identification issued by a government agency. 2023 Minutes are available following approval. Arabic/English: 1-844-YallaUS (844-925-5287) Vote - Gaston County Republican Party No more than two members of the County Board of Elections shall belong to the same political party. Your elections officials have implemented plans to minimize viral spread at voting locations. FAQs | Gaston County, NC For the 2018 General Election, early voting made up 53.72% of the total voting for that election. Individuals who are not registered to vote in a county may register and immediately vote at that same site. Voting Information - Gaston County Republican Party Life Sentence on the Installment Plan | FRONTLINE From Thursday, Oct. 15, through Saturday, Oct. 31. Weve had a ton of mailout ballots. Early voting began last week and runs through Oct. 30. Absentee Voting Information. More than 3,400 Gaston County residents got their civic duty out of the way by taking advantage of the first day of early voting on Thursday. Do I need to bring anything with me? You need to know the North Carolina county you live in. $10. Note that unaffiliated voters are not allowed to vote in more than one political partys primary. Reach Janiya Winchester at 980-319-6819 or Where to vote early Gaston County Board of Elections office, 410 W. Franklin Blvd., Suite 30, Gastonia Gaston County Citizens Resource Center, 1303 Dallas Cherryville Highway, Dallas Gaston College - Kimbrell Campus, 7220 Wilkinson Blvd., Belmont Partners Behavioral Health Management Auditorium, 901 S. Weve been really fortunate. I havent registered to vote. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy, Citizens Resource Center, 1303 Dallas Cherryville Highway, Dallas, Gaston County Board of Elections, 410 W. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia, Gaston County Library, 1555 E. Garrison Blvd., Gastonia. If you are independent and you happen to like a particular Republican candidate for sheriff and a particular Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, youll have to decide which candidate will get your vote.
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