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Quick story about Ducktales (2017). ,,I wanted to apologize, Louie" he started, totally surprising me ,,You're my youngest nephew and I love you. What good are schemes and plans if I can never use them?!" Della Duck (Disney) Donald Duck (Disney) Scrooge McDuck The woman Della sees staring back at her looks more like Della than she could have imagined. A reply which sends Della into a deeper shock than everyone else and makes her reply back: "Ok, Louie. Della takes a deep breath, Im sorry, Dewey. No one's supporting him anymore. Or better yet, isn't that what you heard Scrooge say on our first day at McDuck Manor, Dewey? Louie is then taken to their underground base led by an adult Dewey. ,,Huey! Maybe then, you'd still be in one piece and I'd probably be a better guy than I am today. Dewey grabs his Uncles hand and drags him towards a nearby exit, leaving the rest of the group behind. Della replies back: "Those are the rules, son!" Henry asked. Della Duck Tries (Disney) Fluff and Angst Angst with a Happy Ending "I don't get it," Launchpad said, "If everyone hates her so much, why is she coming?" "Because she's fancy, and Uncle Scrooge likes her," Dewey spat, kicking at the ground. Theory 2 (based on Disney's Lady & the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure): Possibly during the events similar to "GlomTales!" ", excluding the villains throughout, of course, as the hours pass and with nothing to keep him somewhat happy and entertained while still grounded, Louie suddenly begins to crack as he literally begins to develop a certain anger and hatred of his family. DuckTales FanFiction Archive | FanFiction Huey pulls out his notebook and starts jotting down some notes, According to my research, the Temple of Tuitia was an ancient Mayan temple that was dedicated to the god of time. Louie starts thinking about himself. So, why don't you just do me a favor and stay out of this, okay?" He wishes he could make everything better, but he knows that he cant. Concerned with Louie's situation and behavior, the family set up a meeting to decide how they should help Louie regain his confidence and make him a better person later on. Della Duck & Donald Duck (Disney) - Works | Archive of Our Own When Della tries talking to him about family and stuff, Louie reminds her about the note he left behind before running away about family being considered nothing more than just trouble while sarcastically asking: "Isn't that right, Scrooge? After some thought, Louie accepts. asked a voice in my head. ", excluding the villains throughout, of course, when Della, worried about her son, returns home to give Louie his Hobo souvenir as planned, Louie, despite still being upset and having developed a grudge against his own mother, somehow accepts the gift but refuses to move or talk to his mother or anyone else as he continues sulking with his back turned. who can go missing without anyone noticing? I heard a voice from behind the door. Lets just go.. ,,Here you go!" as well as You dont really have to go if you dont want to. Dewey says, Ill stay back with you, if you want., No, Louie shakes its head, its fine. Ella was found by Donald passed out ne After a particularly boring day at the Bin, Scrooge finds himself looking after three pre-teen boys who happen to be his nephews. ,,LLouie?" ,,There's more room here than in your old room and your brothers don't come in every five minutes.". "All you guys and anyone else ever saw me as was trouble, no good, the "evil" triplet! #heart I forgot that only those who want to take over the world can see me. ,,Where are you dragging me, angry Louie?!" I cant tell you, Dew. Della, Huey, Louie, Webby, Lena, Beakley, Fergus, Downy, and Matilda followed. Webby?! Why did Scrooge lock me in here? Not his brothers, not Webby, not his uncles, not Della. Later, when Louie's latest scheme involving disguising himself as Huey to evade the DT-87 backfires due to a call from the real Huey and after Della tells Huey not to describe anything to Louie since he hasn't earned, I imagine Louie responding: "Oh, I'm sorry. Louie moaned. "A rare and valuable one, said to have magical properties, able to help the person holding it travel through time. And now youre leaving! This was surprisingly easy, Della says, there shouldve been guards.. As the youngest of the three, he is often belittled for his unlawful evil schemes and called as the evil triplet. I want to read fanfics that focuses on this aspect of his personality. Louie was my beloved nephew, why should I be afraid of him? #fanfiction He doesn't know about the plot and he isn't that good in social situations. Thanks, Lou. I appreciate that. *Set in the same AU, where FOWL hasn't been defeated, Webby isn't related to the McDucks and Louie left when he was 14.*. #problems While in prison he must learn to contend with the Duke of Making a Mess and his new life in prison. Thank you so much! tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (893), Legend of the Three Caballeros (Cartoon) (61), Dewey Duck & Huey Duck & Louie Duck (Disney) (329), Dewey Duck & Huey Duck & Louie Duck & Webby Vanderquack (281), Lena (Disney: DuckTales)/Webby Vanderquack (255), Dewey Duck & Donald Duck & Huey Duck & Louie Duck (Disney) (191), Scrooge McDuck/"Glittering" Goldie O'Gilt (117), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (189), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Donald Duck is the Parent of Duck Triplets | Donald Duck's Nephews (Disney), Della Duck & Dewey Duck & Huey Duck & Louie Duck & Scrooge McDuck & Webby Vanderquack, Donald Duck & Louie Duck & Gladstone Gander (Disney), Jos Carioca/Donald Duck/Panchito Pistoles, Scrooge McDuck/"Glittering" Goldie O'Gilt, Lena (Disney: DuckTales)/Webby Vanderquack, Dewey Duck & Huey Duck & Louie Duck & Webby Vanderquack, Della Duck & Donald Duck & Fethry Duck & Gladstone Gander (Disney), Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera & Fethry Duck & Gyro Gearloose, Ill make more stuff for them dont worry ;), But You Can't Stay Here With Every Single Hope You Had Shattered, Adventures of Light: A Kingdom Hearts Crossover (Version 2), Ansem Seeker of Darkness | Xehanort's Heartless, Animator vs. Louie was, well, impossible. Then he turned to me. Ducktales X Reader | Quotev Doesnt being rich solve everything? ), 1. Connors Birthday Present: The Day Before. They start to move forward, with Louie following closely behind. I asked his, full of rage. I screamed poorly. Rebels have a right to speak out for what they believe in!" There was so much on his mind. ,,Louie, what are you doing?" Louie feels someone pull on his sleeve, taking him away from the collapsing rocks. Della tries to stop him until she realizes she is stepping on the fragments of the things she broke and tries to piece them together again but it's too late and then she later kneels against Louie's bed and begins to cry as well, making her realize that what she had done was wrong as she fills herself with guilt. Della replies back again: "Don't overdo it, Louie! Im sorry Ive been so thoughtless. Why do you hate us so much? Dewey finally knows! The danger they had faced was real, and he couldn't help but wonder if they had bitten off more than they could chew. Or the episodes I use. Though it seems Louie has been keeping secret the real reason he's been working non-stop. Louie nods and follows behind him. ,,Why did you pick me?!" Thank you so much! How could we have brought him to this state? Then, Louie makes it out of the house and causes havoc in the city. Im sorry., Dewey lets out a frustrated sigh, Why not? {I A separate brotherly oneshot from my original book. The plane lands on the outskirts of the jungle and everyone gets off. Hopefully they can also help answer questions people may have from the main story! But there wasnt anything Louie could do, it wasnt his news to share. So what if this one is a dud?, Dewey Della says, Dewey, Im leaving.. Dewey and Iwe have some things to work out. Donald had made it a point when the triplets were younger to never, ever, swear. "Vacation" was not a word that existed in their family. Back in the real world, Louie, having regained his senses and sanity, is greeted and welcomed back with open arms by his family as they head back home to celebrate while working together to clean up the mess made by Louie earlier in the day. ", excluding the villains throughout, of course, as the hours pass and with nothing to keep him somewhat happy and entertained while still grounded, Louie suddenly begins to crack as he literally begins to lose his mind and go wild and raving mad. ,,Louie?" Suddenly, realizing how hard she was on her own child, Della puts her hand on her forehead and covers her eyes as she begins to cry for all the horrible things she had said earlier. 8. Louie and Lena decide to play Papa's Scooperia on the web. Marathons what's going on here? Trying to find the source of this mess, they later find Louie acting crazy like a wild animal and fail to stop him by any means necessary; given his ability to see the angles nobody else can. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (31), Legend of the Three Caballeros (Cartoon) (2), Dewey Duck & Huey Duck & Louie Duck (Disney) (31), Dewey Duck & Huey Duck & Louie Duck & Webby Vanderquack (28), Louie Duck & "Glittering" Goldie O'Gilt (17), But You Can't Stay Here With Every Single Hope You Had Shattered, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Dewey Duck & Huey Duck & Louie Duck & Webby Vanderquack, Scrooge McDuck/"Glittering" Goldie O'Gilt, Della Duck & Donald Duck & Scrooge McDuck, Dewey Duck & Huey Duck & Louie Duck (Disney), Duck Triplet chaos meets Duck Twin anarchy, Duck Twins | Twins Della Duck and Donald Duck (Disney), Jos Carioca & Donald Duck & Panchito Pistoles, Lena (Disney: DuckTales) & Violet Sabrewing & Webby Vanderquack, Della Duck & Donald Duck & Fethry Duck & Gladstone Gander (Disney), (my apologies to DellaDuckFreakingSucks06), The tags make it sound super depressing but I promise this is full of jokes, The real victim of this fic is Donald's bank account, The cousins are in this for all of four seconds, Della Duck & Dewey Duck & Huey Duck & Louie Duck (Disney), the rest of the family are minor characters, Post-Episode: s02e24 Moonvasion! The family proceeds to welcome him back with open arms and tears of joy without hesitation including Della. What if that scene in GlomTales where the villains break into Scrooge's mansion went a little differently? I'm justscared.". Why is it our business? Huey finally asked, quietly.Louie pressed his face into Uncle Donalds side.Because they were your mother's.Deweys throat closed.Uncle Donald hadnt talked about their mom in years. They all look around, noticing the tension in the air. ,,Hey Louie" she said, looking at the floor ,,I decided to check on you and what's going on here?!". Meanwhile, Scrooge and the others are still looking for Louie around the city until they reach the same spot on the corner where he was last seen before being confronted by the gang. After some time thinking about it Glomgold came up with the greatest plan of all to finally best Scrooge McDuck which was to kidnap his daughter to make her his wife and the mother of his children so he can have a family of his own. who gets laughed at and ridiculed by everyone, including his own family? They were careful to sneak back in, and everyone was quick to go to bed, feeling the same exhaustion. ,,Oh! Love at first sight would change the interactions around, wouldnt it? However, during the meeting, Louie suddenly finds himself unexpectedly visited then kidnapped by dark demonic creatures having emerged from a portal and dragged into their world. You can't just leave, Mom. I love you a lot., I love you too, Louie replies, Im here for you, no matter what., Dewey smiles and gives Louie a pat on the back. They're on the lookout for an artifact supposedly driving people mad in a supposedly haunted underground laboratory and Drake's been ordered not to bring his Darkwing persona on this trip. Huh. He then looks over at the kids, Were gonna have to go through the jungle, so just stick together and call out if you need something.. Did he really think it didn't affect me? When Della tries telling him how this is affecting his family and promises to reconsider his punishment, Louie simply replies: "You should've thought of that before you ruined my life and took away everything that was important to me. Della shouts back: "Don't talk back like that to me, young man!" While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Please consider turning it on! Theory 4: Possibly during the events similar to "GlomTales! Louie replies back in anger: "All I ever hear is nothing but rules, rules, rules! Interfere with what? ,,I don't have anybody left but you." "It was a gemstone," Della answers, still eyeing Louie suspiciously. Reader is male!! ", ,,Forgive Webby, but I'm the real Louie." Della and Scrooge are quick to move in, whereas Donald helps all four kids across and inside. And just like back then, she is willing to do whatever it takes to protect him from himself, even if it means she has to repress every storm and shiver down her spine whenever she looks at the moon. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works As days pass, everybody begins to grow worried about Louie when they notice something different about him considering he hasn't moved or left his room much since the night he was grounded despite everybody's best efforts to cheer him up somehow, which includes relieving him of his grounding, asking him to join them on another adventure, bringing him souvenirs including treasures from recent adventures, but nothing works. (Disney: DuckTales 2017). Cover i #bad NOBODY HAS PERMISSION TO REPOST NOR DOWNLOAD MY FANFICS!! Even if he was possessed, somewhere inside him, our Louie was still sitting, we had to see him quickly before something bad happened. When Louie makes himself known to everyone after his return, the family proceeds to welcome him back with open arms and tears of joy without hesitation including Della. 9. Then, the gang proceed to capture them, rob them, and later, decide to hold them for ransom when the leader realizes that one of his latest victims is none other than Scrooge McDuck. The Spectral Scopes of Bjrn Gyrfalconsson! But ove Louie Duck, or as he is now called, Louis O'gilt is a runaway and a heister. #broke Ducktales Magic AU (Fanfic) - TV Tropes The triplets may not have gotten to spend their birthdays with their mother but they got one of the best birthday presents of all. Louie Duck (Disney) "Glittering" Goldie O'Gilt Scrooge McDuck Huey Duck (Disney) Dewey Duck (Disney) Webby Vanderquack Scheme Team other characters to be added - Freeform Unreliable Narrator Self-Esteem Issues Louie is not super kind to himself Louie Duck Needs a Hug (Disney) POV Multiple other tags to be added as we go "Thank you, Webby. I asked. Investigation Im just gonna be taking a trip, to figure out who I am., Deweys voice rises, So thats it? Scrooge did his best to clear away every reminder of his niece after she disappeared. Better yet, you should've thought of that before you left us for some stupid dream about exploring space. "I hope you all come back soon." Downy said. Somehow, reminders keep turning up. 4. This story covers, exclusively, the crossover aspect of only Disney & Square Enix, as well as adding a bit more meat to the Disney worlds. Rather than to reprimand him, Della chooses to simply talk to him with passion as she kindly apologizes for everything she put him through and promises to do the best she can to be a better mother, which he truly deserves, just as long as Louie promises to do the same thing in return, which he agrees to and which earns him a relief from grounding too. More like "shock you", if you will, alright?" Louie Duck and the Emotional Rollercoaster! The big issue? Episode: s03e05 Louie's Eleven! Charlotte had really grown out of her shell with Scrooge's help. He said ,,What's the harm in playing with them like they did with me? ,,You attacked me first, pink bow" Louie laughed. ,,And I can't charm here?" Hurt Louie Duck (Disney) - Works | Archive of Our Own Now, he had to worry about what he could and could not do. #family Soon, Webby is making her way into the kitchen, a big smile on her face. Everyone is in the living room, worrying about Louie and waiting for him to hopefully return home as they lament on their failure of finding him. Without hesitation, everyone rushes over to hug and kiss him as they express how much they've missed him until Della finally approaches him. then/or: "At least, travelling through time to steal treasures in a Time-Tub would start me thinking about what do with my life later on, instead of getting on some stupid rocket to pursue some stupid dream about exploring space while abandoning one's family and never coming back!" #ducktales Della takes a deep breath, wiping away her tears. Regarding his relationship with Della, there's In Time by Amora Risa that does explore Louie and Della's relationship (Taking place between seasons 2 and 3) and sadly shows that their moment in Moonvasion didn't automatically fix Louie's issues (in the fic anyway) with Della. Well, here's a thought. Familiar Bog The walk back to the plane is quiet, with Dewey and Donald way ahead of them, Della was lagging behind with Louie. This allows Della to reveal that she got Louie a new phone during their search for him in the city and had brought many souvenirs from their last adventure should one of them ever break in order to make it up to him somehow for a start. DuckTales | Fanfiction Romance Llewelynduck Louie COVER ART ISN'T MINE!!! Dewey Duck & Huey Duck & Louie Duck (Disney), Della Duck & Donald Duck & Scrooge McDuck, Other Ducktales 2017 Characters (mentioned), Episode: s03e18 The Fight for Castle McDuck! He soon finds out the two boys where his clones who also been hurt by Fowl. In an alternate realitywhile planning another trip to Big Rock Candy Mountain, Huey falls sick and is forced to stay at home. During custody, each one tries to talk some sense into Louie about his actions and decisions, but Louie refuses to listen further. I need to find myself, and I cant do that with you guys., Fine! Dewey snaps, Go find yourself. Unbeknownst to them, Scrooge and the others have heard the whole thing. Upset and hurt, Della reprimands Louie telling him that she has had enough of his ugliness and negativity, only for Louie to reply: "You should've thought of that before you grounded me and took away all of my dreams! ", turns around, and walks away. All characters belong to Disney, etc. Using her magic, Lena transformed the flipverse characters they created for the restaurant to look like them b. louiexlena flipline ducktalesxflipline +7 more # 13 White Lies and Secrets by Lololgirlol 3.6K 64 7 In an alternate reality where his brothers cross the line, Huey is fed up and reveals a shocking secret to his mother and uncles. But were in a dangerous situation right now, and we need him to be brave and push through it. Della responds. Its meant to be dangerous.. You're nothing but a wannabe and that's all you'll ever be unless you have somebody around telling you what to do all the time.". Alternatively-Louie gets magicked into a five year old, and is just so confused. The triplets were soon in their triplet bunk bed, and Louie felt the exhaustion he felt go away suddenly as he stared up at the bed above him. He knows his mom means well, but he also understands Deweys concerns. When all hope seems lost, Louie finally manages to use his angle-reading ability for a good cause and save everyone from danger in the end. 10. Then, the 2 reconcile again as Louie spends the next 3 days in his room during his grounding but provided with better treatment this time though. He shouldn't have kept that stupid doll A mysterious temple curses Louie, and the boy is changed back into a duckling. At that pointI started to hesitate. Oh, God! LOUIE! Louie looks over to see Dewey trying to turn a lantern on, Are you okay?. ", Then, Della storms out, slams the door shut, goes to her own room, slams her own door shut as well, and leans her back against it.

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