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Citizens can submit their contact information via the hotline at 828-352-7724 or online at www.alexandercountync.gov/covid. The facilities have been deep cleaned and will reopen when it is safe for our employees and citizens. Alexander County Government offices are only staffed with essential personnel and most county facilities are closed to the public, with access to departments by phone or email. The health department continues to conduct drive-thru testing clinics on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 10:00 a.m., although there has been a significant decrease in testing. ONE YEAR LATER: Repairs continue after historic Alexander Co - WBTV One person is in the hospital. If positive, the test will then be sent to a CDC lab, which requires an additional 12-72 hours for results. There has been a total of 195 positive cases at the Alexander Correctional Institution, with 11 active cases. There have been 127 total deaths associated with the virus. Ninety-three (93) people have fully recovered. Alexander County has a 16.2 percent positive test rate, with a rate of 13.1 percent in North Carolina. Phone: (828) 632-9332 | Fax: (828) 632-0059. Peoples Drug Store is expecting shipments of monoclonal antibodies treatments as well as oral antiviral treatments this week, which can lessen the symptoms of COVID-19 for those who are authorized to take them. If your work hours have kept you from getting the COVID-19 vaccination, Peoples Drug Store is scheduling appointments for Thursday, April 8 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. The declaration also positions the county for potential state and federal funds if conditions worsen, said Ryan Mayberry, Chairman of the Alexander County Board of Commissioners. Due to contractual agreements, some images and/or databases on FamilySearch.org may only be viewed at a FamilySearch Center or FamilySearch Affiliate Library. The order limits how many people can be in a store at one time, requires stores to mark six (6) feet of distance for areas where people gather such as checkout lines, and requires specific cleaning measures for stores. The Alexander County Board of Commissioners issued a statement about the county being in the red tier in the states COVID-19 County Alert System for rapid community spread, ranking second of 100 counties in terms of positive tests. Alexander County remains one of 48 counties in the red tier of the states COVID-19 County Alert System for critical community spread. According to the NCDHHS dashboard, Alexander Countys current positive test rate is 16.0 percent, while the state has a rate of 10.4 percent. After installing the app, just enable your Bluetooth and Exposure Notification settings, and be notified if you have been in close contact with someone who has shared a positive COVID-19 test result in the app. UPDATE 3/18, 11:07 am: To help contain the spread of the virus, all county offices will be closed to the public excluding the Health Department, Department of Social Services, Sheriffs Office, Landfill, License Plate Agency, and Courthouse. To schedule your vaccination with the health department, visit www.alexandercountync.gov/covid or call (828) 352-7724. The 1860 population was 5,837; yet Alexander County ranked high per capita in the number of Confederate soldiers serving in the war.The county is named in honor of the Alexander family who were leaders in Colonial North Carolina. Unfortunately, the health department will not receive a vaccine shipment from the state next week, so no appointments will be scheduled until additional vaccine is received. For additional local information, visit alexander.k12.nc.us. hundreds of US newspapers It was named in honor of William J. Alexander of Mecklenburg County, several times member of the Legislature and speaker of the House of Commons. Sherry is preceded in death by her parents and brother, Jerry Sherry Elaine Gambill Knight, 59, of Millers Creek passed away at her home on Wednesday April, 20, 2023. Some of these facilities will have limited access. There have been two deaths associated with the virus. UPDATE, 07/23/21, 12:30 pm: Alexander County has a total of 4,506 confirmed cases, with 84 deaths associated with the virus. She said the health department has been very busy with planning, scheduling, and administering the vaccine. See All Obituaries. UPDATE, 8/14/20, 3:30 pm: The Alexander County Health Department has reported that 38 people are in quarantine with COVID-19, with a cumulative total of 324 confirmed cases. Read all about it on our website at www.alexandercountync.gov/north-carolina-to-remain-in-phase-2-of-reopening-plan-for-five-more-weeks. In 2003, the county celebrated its 156th birthday. In addition, avoid close contact with people who are sick, and put a six-foot distance between yourself and other people (i.e. There are usually three copies of a will: the original, the one copied into the county clerk's records, and the one issued to the executor. The health department is also administering third-dose shots for those who are moderately to severely immunocompromised. Since that time, the President has recommended avoiding gatherings of more than 10 people. UPDATE, 6/25/20, 3:00 pm: Alexander County has 30 active cases of COVID-19 who are in quarantine, with a cumulative total of 80 confirmed cases. Alexander County Newspapers and Obituaries at LDS Alexander County has a cumulative total of 8.055 cases of COVID-19 since the pandemic began, with 729 cases in the last 14 days and 343 cases in the last 7 days. David served as Town Manager for the town of Taylorsville for twenty years, was a former Alexander County Commissioner, a former member of the Alexander County School Board, a member of the Central Alexander Fire Department and a faithful member of Sulphur Springs Baptist David Scott Odom, 52, Taylorsville, joined the church triumphant on Monday, April 17th, 2023. In addition, mass gatherings of more than 50 people are prohibited. The state has again designated Alexander County as a red/critical county in the County Alert System (see graph). All four cases have fully recovered. You may also call 2-1-1 or visit nc211.org for information and assistance. Approximately 80 percent of new COVID-19 cases in North Carolina are the Delta variant, which is highly contagious. All Alexander County parks, including Rocky Face Park, will be closed to the public. At a news conference on Wednesday, Governor Cooper extended the Safer at Home Phase 2 through July 17, and requires face coverings in public places, whether inside or outside, where physical distancing of six (6) feet is not possible. If the executor happens to be female, she is an "executrix." . Guest User. Index 1850-2010 over 14 million U.S. veterans and VA Five (5) people are in the hospital. Read the original press release below, which also contains additional local updates. Alexander Obituaries - Latest Obituaries in Alexander, NC - Echovita All of those test results have been negative with only one pending test result. Phone numbers will be listed on the signs, so please contact the department you need by phone to arrange an appointment. You can unsubscribe at any time. He was born on Friday, June 11, 1937, in Alexander County, to the late James Oscar Drum and Mamie Abernathey Drum. Teleworking is encouraged when possible. Obituaries in the News. Statewide, unvaccinated individuals make up 72 percent of hospitalizations and 83 percent of ICU admissions for Covid-related illness. Employees will also wear masks when interacting with coworkers or citizens. The following are the most historically and genealogically relevant populated places in this county:[6]. He was born on Monday, October 12, 1964, in Mecklenburg County, to the late Defoy Conley Simpson and Frieda Shore Simpson. There have been 108 confirmed cases in the last 14 days and 50 confirmed cases in the last seven days. Drum, Jr. James O. The health department has administered 8,134 total vaccinations and continues to vaccinate those in groups 1, 2, 3, with a primary focus on group 3 (frontline essential workers such as teachers, child care, manufacturing, public safety, government, food/agriculture, etc.). The statement also encourages citizens and businesses to abide by the mask mandate and 50 percent occupancy mandate. Five people are in the hospital. social distancing). As for the COVID-19 update, the Omicron variant continues to spread rapidly. The NCDHHS dashboard shows that Alexander County has a cumulative total of 3,856 confirmed cases, with 206 cases in the last 14 days and 89 cases in the last 7 days. With the recent FDA approval of the Pfizer vaccine, citizens should feel more confident in the vaccines safety. Ralph Anthony Chapman. The individual is doing well, but remains in quarantine. Enter your email below to receive a grief support message from us each day for a year. In addition to a shortage of critical care and intensive care beds, the hospitals are also experiencing staff shortages which is causing even more difficulty in getting patients admitted for care. 5 dead, including child, after floods at NC campsite - Charlotte Observer Creating an obituary on Echovita is free. She loved flowers, shopping, her family and her church. There have been two deaths associated with the virus. UPDATE, 8/3/20, 4:00 pm: The Alexander County Health Department has reported that 26 people are quarantined with COVID-19, with a cumulative total of 272 confirmed cases. Three people are in the hospital. On a state level, NC Governor Roy Cooper announced an executive order in response to COVID-19 that closes restaurants and bars for dine-in customers but allows them to continue takeout and delivery orders, effective at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 17. We would like to emphasize that the vaccine is more than 90 percent effective in preventing COVID-19, and at the very least, prevents severe symptoms or hospitalization for someone who is vaccinated but contracts COVID-19. Death Records are kept by Vital Records Offices or Alexander County Clerk's Offices, which may be run by the state or at the local level. Sadly, there have been 19 deaths associated with COVID-19. United States; North Carolina; Aberdeen Police Department . Locally, Alexander County has a cumulative total of 8,758 cases of COVID-19 since the pandemic began, with 940 cases in the last 14 days and 509 cases in the last 7 days. UPDATE, 6/12/20, 5:00 pm: Alexander County has two (2) new cases of COVID-19 this week, with a total of five (5) active cases and a cumulative total of 45 confirmed cases. When the Civil War began, Alexander County was 14 years old. Of the 700 total cases, 554 people have recovered. Alexander County Government urges everyone to continue staying at home as much as possible, maintain a social distance of at least six (6) feet, practice good handwashing, and clean and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces and objects. The county encourages everyone to continue practicing the 3 Ws wait six feet apart, wear a face covering, and wash your hands but these safety measures are even more important for those who are unvaccinated. Accident victims are forced to deal with hospitalization, medical treatments, missed work, and lost income, often while trying to manage . Alexander County, NC - Scott H. Hines, Register of Deeds. June 22, 2022: North Carolina removed about 4,000 cases identified from home tests, which are not included in the state's case count. UPDATE, 11/02/20, 8:00 pm: The Alexander County Health Department has reported that 154 people are in quarantine with COVID-19, with a cumulative total of 973 confirmed cases. Alexander County remains one of 48 counties in the red tier of the states COVID-19 County Alert System for critical community spread. According to the NCDHHS dashboard, Alexander Countys current positive test rate is 15.5 percent, while the state has a rate of 10.5 percent. Recent Alexander, NC Obituaries Alexander obits and death notices from funeral homes, newspapers and families. The health department offers vaccinations, boosters, and third doses. In addition, two community testing events are scheduled for August 8 and August 13 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Freedom Baptist Church on Sulphur Springs Road in Hiddenite. The county strongly encourages the wearing of masks for those visiting county buildings and other indoor public places. A total of 39 people have been tested for the virus, with 15 tests being negative. Listed below are libraries in Alexander County. This website requires a paid subscription for full access. Sadly, there have been eight (8) deaths associated with the virus. Roughly half of North Carolinas counties have reported at least one confirmed case, with Mecklenburg County having 104 cases to date. She was a former resident of Princeton, WV. You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. The Governors executive order requires face coverings in public places, whether inside or outside, where physical distancing of six (6) feet is not possible. Middle and high school students may operate under the hybrid Plan B or the virtual Plan C only. Alexander County Sheriff's Office. More information on specialty courts for this county is provided on the left menu. Check the. Of the 973 total cases, 786 people have recovered. Barbara worked in the furniture industry for most of her working career. The owner of this site is using Wordfence to manage access to their site. The five (5) active cases are under quarantine. Approximately 150 Alexander County residents have been tested for COVID-19. Alexander County DSS Congregate Meal sites will be closed; however, meals will still be delivered. Obituaries in the Alexander NCGenWeb Archives. According to local data, there have been 54 break-through cases among those who are fully vaccinated since June 1 with an estimated break-through rate of 0.39 percent (less than half of one percent). UPDATE, 03/02/21, 3:00 pm: Alexander County Assistant Health Director Billie Walker presented a COVID-19 update at the March 1st meeting of the Consolidated Human Services Board. Paul "Jeff" Jefferson "Slick . View Alexander County Register of Deeds marriage license requirements, including acceptable photo IDs, application details, and office hours. Here is a list of health, business, and news resources regarding COVID-19 coronavirus: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), NC Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS). Hiddenite Arts and Heritage Center316 Hiddenite Church RdPO Box 311Hiddenite, NC 28636-0311Phone: 828-632-6966 E-mail:info@hiddenitecenter.comFacebookWebsite. Full Obituary. UPDATE, 7/7/20, 4:00 pm: the Alexander County Health Department reports that 48 people are in quarantine with COVID-19. The county has also established a local Coronavirus Hotline (828-352-7804) for up-to-date information about resources, assistance, and news. There has been one death associated with the virus. The order also helps streamlines the unemployment insurance process to help those who are out work. There have been six deaths associated with the virus. If your family must gather, we encourage you to limit it to 10 people or less. Alleghany County Sheriff's Office . UPDATE 5/26/20 3:00 pm: Alexander County has six new confirmed cases of COVID-19, with a total of eight active cases and a cumulative total of 28 confirmed cases.

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