She was a 26 year old house wife, not a Sherlock Holmes fiction writer. To bad the blood thirsty murders want her executed and think she was guilty cause she had a boob job. Routier and her husband, Darin, divorced in 2011. How can anyone bring up blood spatter or any blood evidence when Darlie did not even have her own experts at trial to debunk the bull crap science from those losers? Davis, who has prosecuted more than 20 death penalty cases in Dallas, Collin and McLennan counties, said its unusual that Routier still remains on death row. . Cooper said that Potkin and Benjet will be particularly valuable in attacking all of the forensic science presented by the state. Most men in Texas death row are executed in under 10 years anf shes been there for 23 years. I followed this trial & have done a great deal of research about these heinous murders. I think the guy drugged her with what was on the sock, and then when the kids started waking up he shut them up. I think its an outrage that the justice system can put someone on death row for 20 years just because the police and detectives were too lazy to do their jobs! She inflicted her wounds after she ran down the alley and planted the sock. If there was any credibility to this information, especially if it would lead to Darlies conviction being overturned, it would have been done a long time ago. The autopsy report will tell you the knife did not go all the way through his body. But prosecutor Davis said Routiers supporters cherry-pick pieces of evidence to support their theory that shes innocent. I dont know how she has made it this far. Jurors do decide cases based upon whether or not they approve of a defendants actions. Most men in Texas death row are executed in under 10 years anf shes been there for 23 years. What hung her was when her mother and husband went behind her back and hired Doug Mulder under the condition he not implicate Darin in the crime. Watch his interviews, read his statements he has changed his story so many times over the years he can not even keep up with those lies anymore. You also spent time with Darlie after the murders & didnt once see her mourning for her children ?? My favorite quote When the heart rules the head, passion takes over reason. Archie Williams was convicted of that crime but, like Routier, always proclaimed his innocence. I figured nothing was the evidence. Just take your KKK racist Darlie loving self to the grave already. But all of a sudden she just up and snaps one night, making a God-awful bloody mess of her white carpet? Logic would dictate that those who he spoke to were all very questionable characters that werent exactly those who were brand new at breaking laws. Ps. Bad police work, close minded prosecutors, problems with the court reporter, location of the trial and then that lovely jury that had their mind made up from day one. So DOES media prosecution. The federal court judge has not yet ruled on the recent DNA results." If the judge denies further motions from Darlie Routier's attorney, then that court will go ahead and set a date for execution." "Even if by some remote chance, Darlie won an appeal, was granted a new trial for Damon's murder, and acquitted, the District Attorney theres a reason this has been held up, and honey, it aint sexism. After cutting herself, she stabbed Damon a second time, inflicting the fatal wound and momentarily set the knife down on the carpet, making the imprint. Y does she have a bruised arm? Darlie Routier Still Insists She's Innocent 2 Decades After Being There was blood on literally everything she touched. If anything, stop for these boys. Why was Jimmy Patterson leading a murder case when he was a narcotics cop? Had a dog that barked at everyone. That is the one detail you have refused to expose in this case, why? darlie routier 2022 update. A very sloppy unprofessional job done by the police, apologies if I should say law enforcement, Im from the UK & we say police to cover similar. Each time, her story was a little different, said attorney Toby Shook, who served as a prosecutor on the case. Cron worked there from 1963 to 1993 before becoming a crime scene consultant. I believe that seeing cases from the inside out for many years of my life gives me an ability to speak reasonably and responsibility on cases such as this one. She is innocent. have you ever lost a child? BTW, I am 100 percent against the death penalty. It is like you people thirst for the death penalty and negative media coverage just to be able to point the finger at anyone. The entire story Davis gave about this case was a complete joke. An entire window, bricks and all, was removed from the house and used at the trial. The innocence project turned it down, but her lying ass mom keeps saying it like it might happen. But you must know that now. Just curious: if you turned out to be dead wrong and it was proven that someone else committed the murders, would you have the balls to apologize to her face? Darlie deserves a new trial at the very least. While eveidence being tainted by investigators them selves, they verbally claim justice ,yet facts speak volumes, fact is she will over come a biased injust conviction, and here deceased children,true murderer, has probably committed more violent cases unpunished. Kee is an Altoona native whose maiden name was Mauk. I thought IP only took cases with DNA evidence? Its is very clear to me however that the police and prosecutors used Darlies lifestyle, ie, breast implants, blonde hair and her personality to pre judge her. Darlie murdered her kids and the evidence points to her only! Horrible, judge mental person.. The grandparents you are all fucking disgusting human shit. Scan this QR code to download the app now. A deal was in fact made, and Darin was not implicated in the crime. Matt, next time you can save yourself the trouble of the copy-paste job; Im very familiar with the transcripts, including the appellate court decisions. He also lied when he said he didnt help his son Damon because he had no pulse. 10 , 2023 10 , 2023 harry potter builds a city ship fanfiction 10 , 2023 harry potter builds a city ship fanfiction It was over the surviving son where she lost custody of course. THRS NO WAY A MOTHER CUD BE LAUGHING SMACKING GUM THROWING A PARTY ON TOP OF HER TWO SONS DEAD BODY. That is not spatter and they say it shows she was already stabbed by the time the kids blood was on it. As was Darlie's DNA inside the sock. Am sure she has sure chunked up over time. It will never happen. That sentence is usually with a confession. Perfectly said ! I think the authorities new it wasnt Darlie who did it.They are either protecting Drain or someone known to them.No woman,even a crazy one will cut her neck because of the scar it would leave.Every thing I have read says,someone else is guilty! Having fake boobs and jewelry shouldnt get you convicted. It appears that Darin was friends with the lead investigators son, who just happen to be up for some very serious charges, including a drive by shooting. Watching you crazy ass liars and criminals loose your shit will be icing on the cake. Yup, Stephen Cooper needs to turn that case over to a new lawyer and have fresh eyes looking at her case. Darlies behaviors played a big role her conviction. We are obviously holding on our positions. The book said it was darlies sock. In June 2011, Darin and Darlie got a divorce. You could see she had no remorse.. And all tears where fake. Its all of YOU wholl pay for rushing to judgment because a woman cried her heart out at her babies grave, then managedin a time of utter griefto celebrate what wouldve been her sons birthday. #justice4darlie. The attitudes and condemnation without proof. That Miss Parris who was interviewed during if documentary is a complete fool. I dont believe Darlie slumbered peacefully while her kids were butchered five feet away. First her first Attorney did a very poor job putting on defense. Show us one time that useless operator ever offered Darlie any assistance even after she told her over and over Devon was dead and her other son was dying? At least be creative if you plan to lie. Hope good finally prevails for her and the family she lost . How you or anyone can think Darlie is innocent is beyond insane. No way, Texas would never execute an innocent person! Darlie Routier And The Real Story Behind The Murder Of Her Sons When seeing her talk you can clearly see she loved them with all her heart just by her body language which tells all. Ive taken 911 calls for 25 years. There have been many cases where the was prosecutorial misconduct!! Time to do whats legally & morally right. DNA testing is not done. Very sad!!! If so, Cooper isnt saying. Why has she been protecting and covering for him all these years? Something for the media to talk about after this covid 19 crap. As I have not read all the transcripts, etc. If it was so sure to prove Darlie innocent why the hell would they wait 10 years to free Darlie? Bad taste can be a determining factor ?? I wouldnt be surprised if law enforcement even planted evidence in this case. Pathetic liar is all Darlie is. With luminol, the quicker the reaction and the darker the color, the more recent the blood was present. Have you ever heard of auto correct smart ass?? None of this proves she murdered her children, just like the silly string at the gravesite 8 days later. Someone came in here and intentionally did this. Did he accuse her as soon as he saw what happened? That was a circus put on a by a bunch of mail in it prosecutors and especially that blood spatter expert who walk in on that scene and basically proclaimed Darlene guilty. As far as Routier coming homeyou can wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which gets filled first. 69. Theres a few drops of the boys blood on it and Darlies DNA inside it. If the press would have shown the ENTIRE video from the cemetary, you would see that the clip they media showed was taken completely out of context. they found a block away with the kids blood on it, the stupid fuck detectives didnt Its as if they dont realize someones life is on the line. If youre going to invest a couple million dollars on experts, testing, and your timeyou bet shes positive of his innocence & that she can prove it. They got approved to go through it.
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