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(3 points) T, Concepts:This worksheet teaches students how to determine the number of water molecules in a hydrate. Name: Kamaal Thomas |Date: January 4, 2011 | |Graded Assignment Answer: Can copper-plating be reversed? Score Conclusion The mass percent of water in copper sulfate pentahydrate is _______. Students chew bubble gum to remove sugar instead of removing water from a hydrate. The actual (true) value is 5, so the formula would be CuSO4 5H2O. Your name and the names of any lab partners. Has the Melford Hall manuscript poem "Whoso terms love a fire" been attributed to any poetDonne, Roe, or other? The copper sulfate moles should be the smaller. Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, The purpose of this experiment was to explore and evaluate the bonding properti, the percentage of water is various hydrates, (3) Determine if dehydrati, versible change, and (4) Determine the mathematical relat. In this activity, I will construct an electroplating apparatus and observe the process of electroplating. Write the goal of the lab or the question you tried to answer. Its weight before cooling was 0.02g (on my scales) less than its empty weight cold. Note from Mr. Cook: Use the virtual lab and watch the video I put on the homepage! ), Human error is always in effect, given that the laboratory does not function under ideal conditions. October 3, 2017 Heating will shift the equation of dehydration below to the right since it is an endothermic reaction. Natural Gas Hydrates, Fourth Edition, provides a critical reference for engineers who are new to the field. Lab 1: Determining the Empirical Formula of a Compound, Lab 2: Determine the Percentage of Water in a Hydrate, Lab 16: Gravimetric Determination of a Precipitate, Lab 14a: Separation and Analysis of Cations, Lab 18: Separation by Liquid Chromatography, Lab 6a: Standardizing a Solution of Sodium Hydroxide, Lab 33: Determination of Calcium Carbonate Content of and Anti-Acid Pill, Lab 28: Molecular Interaction in Ethanol and Acetone, Obtained crucible and lid (henceforth, the two are considered to be together unless mentioned otherwise), inspected them, and measured their mass: 36.1574g, Obtained equipment, set up ring stand, Bunsen Burner, clay triangle, and mesh pad. ), Not all of the water may have evaporated during heating (Also unlikely, for the same reason as the one above. The technique for this lab is based on actual geochemical analysis techniq. anyhydrous salt, which forms one half of the experiment, may not be Period 3 On an analytical balance, weigh a pea-sized sample of each of the compounds below on separate clean and dry watch glasses. The actual value of moles of water per copper sulfate is 5 moles and the percent composition of water in copper sulfate pentahydrate is 36.1% Variables: Independent Variable: Mass of crucible, cover and hydrated sample in grams Dependent Variable: Mass of water evolved in grams So the practical involved taking hydrated copper sulphate, heating it to drive off the water, weighing before and after, and thus calculating the number of water molecules of crystallisation, based on the respective molecular weights of the anhydrous salt and water. These compounds are not considered true hydrates as the hydration process is not reversible. The experiment was about creating solutions of standard molarity and measuring concentrations. * Hot plate The purpose of this lab is to determine the relationship between moles of copper sulfate and moles of water in a hydrate. which works out to: Chemical Reaction Lab Report The actual percent is ____. Still working on that - I'm going to leave a sample fresh from the bottle in a warm cupboard overnight tonight, and see if it gets any lighter. I was born December18,1963When would I graduate high school? (8 points) \[ \underbrace{\ce{CuSO4*5H2O (s)}}_{\text{Deep Blue}} \ce{->[\Delta]} \underbrace{ \ce{CuSO4 (s)}}_{\text{Ashy White}} \ce{+ 5 H2O (g)} \label{1}\], \[ \underbrace{\ce{CuSO4 (s)}}_{\text{Ashy White}} \ce{->[\ce{H2O (l)} ]} \underbrace{ \ce{CuSO4 (aq)}}_{\text{Deep Blue}} \label{2}\]. When this color change appears to be complete, add 3 to 5 mL of water and observe the color of the dissolved substance. Some compounds may possess some of the properties of hydrates without being true hydrates. Building on previous knowledge of ions and formulas from Part One & Two are included in the Exit Ticket and the Homework. Copper Sulfate Lab Report - 773 Words | Bartleby DOC Copper Sulfate Lab - Montgomery Township School District There are a couple sources of error during the experiment, one would be the fact that we aren't entirely sure that the water had completely evaporated from the Copper (II) Sulfate and the Magnesium Sulfate. You did what I thought of doing but didn't get around to do. 2. Is Brooke shields related to willow shields? 7H2O) Ratio (water to anhydrate): 7 to 1 3.) * Candle Water, the most common chemical on earth, can be found in the atmosphere as water vapor. If a chemical reaction occurred, write a balanced equation for it. Paragraph #2: What did you learn? This is appropriate for all levels of chemistry. temperature change caused by the reaction is hard to measure. This resource will come to you as a Google Doc. Once dissolved, fill the rest of the volumetric . Measured mass of crucible with anhydrous copper sulfate: 37.3005g Our first constant mass was 28.3208gand the average mass turned out to be 28.3222g. (3 points) So now the final thing left to do is estimate how big $\Delta W_0$ and $\Delta W_e$ are. Ferrous or iron(II) compounds can easily be oxidised to ferric Follow the directions below to complete the lab. Lab Report Is it safe to publish research papers in cooperation with Russian academics? Pre-made digital activities. In an evaporating dish, gently heat a small amount (0.3 0.5 g) of \(\ce{CoCl2*6H2O}\) crystals until its color changes to violet then to blue. My percent error is _____. Purpose and a brief description of what you did. Embedded hyperlinks in a thesis or research paper. In this section we will demonstrate the dehydration and re-hydration of cobalt (II) chloride hexahydrate. The formula of a hydrate can be determined by dehydrating a known mass of the hydrate, then comparing the masses of the original hydrate and the resulting anhydrous solid. There was no sign of $\ce{CuO}$ after the heating. A 'chemical' source of error is that the $0.08$ g. Now plugging in the numbers in Eq.$(3)$ I find $\Delta X=0.14$ mol water per mol copper sulphate. You'll be surprised at how much older kids like to color!This Science color-by-numbers activity includes 18 questions covering writing a formula from the name of an acid, hydroxide or hydrate or naming the compound from a chemical formula. Copper Sulfate's Water of Hydration Lab: Enrichment Activity. Hydrate: A compound that contains the water molecule. higher temperature change to the system. Minutes in set up time. 7. Instead, as seen calibration results, more of each was used. * Matches As such, there is always the possibility of inaccuracies with measurement, perception of measurement, inaccuracies of equipment, and other such errors. Calculate the change in mass for each sample. My background is a PhD in organic chemistry, so Im familiar with hazard assessment, and all the lab work I do with my student is something Ive done myself already. Is there any known 80-bit collision attack? From the masses of the water and anhydrous solid and the molar mass of the anhydrous solid (the formula of the anhydrous solid will be provided), the number of moles of water and moles of the anhydrous solid are calculated as shown below (\ref{4}, \ref{5}): \[n_{\ce{H2O}} = \frac{m_{\ce{H2O}}}{MM_{\ce{H2O}}} \label{4}\], \[n_{\text{Anhydrous Solid}} = \frac{m_{\text{Anhydrous Solid}}}{MM_{\text{Anhydrous Solid}}} \label{5}\]. DOC Copper Sulfate's Water of Hydration Lab Introduction to Formulas (FREE) Little or no prior knowledge of finding empirical formula necessary. Pour the used nitric acid in the waste container provided. Do Eric benet and Lisa bonet have a child together? Concepts covered include:Definition of a hydrateHow the chemical formulas of hydrates are written Nomenclature of hydratesHow to determine the formula of a hydrate with examleUses of hydrates, Students find the percent water, calculate percent error and using simple steps of 1-4 find empirical formula for copper(II) sulfate crystals. The mass was reduced to 7.58 g. What is the formula of the hydrate? What are the sources of errors in the experiment of determine of enthalpy change of hydration of copper ii sulphate six? Solutions: Nitric Acid (6M) This is a great lab to introduce or reinforce percent composition and empirical formulas. For sulphate salts, all are soluble except Lead 4 fun activities! Part B: Hygroscopic and Efflorescent Solids Furthermore, the Copper Sulfate and the distilled water had to be thoroughly mixed up by shaking the test tubes. Wt after: 8.22g To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Next, an excess of aqueous barium chloride is added to the aqueous solution of the unknown salt. Which is very close to the actual error you find. You should then decide if the compound is hygroscopic, efflorescent or neither using the change in the mass of the substance. Copper/Iron Stoichiometry Grace Timler AB1 October 3, 2017 Abstract The techniques used in this lab are quantitative transfer and vacuum filtration with the reaction of 8.001 grams of copper (II) sulfate, CuSO4, and 2.0153 grams of iron powder, Fe. Send me a message, I'd love to hear from you! . The goal of this experiment was to determine the product of copper (II) sulfate with iron. The water present in the latter case is called water of hydration or water of crystallization. If youve read this far, Im already grateful, but Id be even more so, if anyone could suggest where the difference between 5 and 5.18 is coming from. We would call this copper sulfate pentahydrate. Compounds to be tested: \(\ce{Na2SO4*10H2O}\), \(\ce{FeCl3}\), \(\ce{KAl(SO4)2}\), \(\ce{CaCl2}\), \(\ce{CuSO4}\). What are the qualities of an accurate map? Introduction Given the data presented above, findings showed the experimental percentage of water within the hydrated salt to be: 47.10%, The accepted percentage of water within hydrated copper sulfate is:36.07%, As such, the percent error within this measurement is30.57%, The experimental stoichiometric ratio between copper sulfate and water was found to be: 1:5.314, The accepted stoichiometric ratio between copper sulfate and water is: 1:5, The percent error within this measurement is 5.909%. * Salt This document includes the pre-lab, procedure, data table, and analysis questions. The date the lab was performed or the date the report was submitted. It is soluble. What will be the effect, on the mass of the residue, of overheating the hydrate so that the compound decomposes. Materials: Also, suggest some reasons why your number might be off from the true number. Another possibility would be to get more accurate equipment, to replicate the experiment within a dehumidified environment, and/or perform the experiment using a larger crucible (to reduce the possibility that spatter from the hydrated salt could leave the crucible). Fill half of the flask with distilled water, add the stopper for the flask, and lightly shake the flask, until the copper sulfate pentahydrate fully dissolved. ). Step 1: Find the moles of the Copper Sulfate anhydrate (white powder). $X$ is the desired answer. Chemistry Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for scientists, academics, teachers, and students in the field of chemistry. Heat for 5 minutes using a single-cone blue flame. How to force Unity Editor/TestRunner to run at full speed when in background? This mass was taken before the substance was heated. The following steps are followed: Approximately 3g hydrated copper sulfate is weighed to the closest milligram. In this lab, the student will determine the percentage of water in the hydrate by comparing the mass of the hydrate to the mass of the anhydrous salt. A larger effect is decomposing copper sulfate to copper oxide and sulfur trioxide. * Iodine 1. -Pre soaked popsicle, Graded Assignment This means part of the copper (II) sulfate would be turned into a gas, sulfur dioxide. Percent error **hint set up the table with percent composition for water** Percent error = actual % experimental % X 100 = ____ % actual %. Solved Name Formula of Hydrates Lab Report Data and - Chegg All rights reserved. The techniques used in this lab are quantitative transfer and vacuum filtration with the reaction of 8.001 grams of copper (II) sulfate, CuSO4, and 2.0153 grams of iron powder, Fe. Materials: Crucible and lid (or use aluminum foil if you don't trust children to drop the lids), electronic balances, bunsen burners, tongs, strikers, clay triangles, ring stand and ring. The name of this compound is "copper sulfate pentahydrate". Measured mass of crucible again: 36.1571g, Measured mass of (hydrous) copper sulfate: 2.1614g, Measured mass of crucible with (hydrous) copper sulfate: 38.3189g, Heated crucible with hydrated copper sulfate for 3 minutes, before increasing heat, and heating it for 5 more minutes. PDF Experiment 1 Hydrates This lab will go in your lab book. Record the exact mass of the dish with the hydrate to the nearest 0.01 gram. This error is almost completely determined by the error in $W_e$. What is "water of hydration" and how does it affect me (you)? Also, to see the color of each reaction determining the amount of energy released using our color scale. Do you have pictures of Gracie Thompson from the movie Gracie's choice. Observations on structure, texture , wetness, etc. Use this picture to get the mass of the anhydrate (white powder). Write the chemical formula of the hydrated form of your unknown sample. Measured mass of crucible with anhydrous copper sulfate: 37.3005g. Cool (approximately 10 minutes) and get the mass of the anhydrate (white compound). You will be able to easily integrated it into your Learning Management System. 3. For this step, you are just changing your grams of copper sulfate anhydrate (white powder) to moles using factor labeling. Some compounds like carbohydrates release water upon heating by decomposition of the compound rather than by loss of the water of hydration.

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copper sulfate hydrate lab sources of error