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/ExtGState >> /LJ 0 /Contents [56 0 R 57 0 R 58 0 R 59 0 R] Title: Public Works & Utilities Director. /LJ 0 Receives and treats over 3 million gallons per day of. >> Kittitas County Public Works | Administration | Small Works Administration Ellensburg Public Works and Utilities Department: Car Quest: ALLDATA: Welcome . << /Parent 2 0 R City of Ellensburg Public Portal The Public Works Department is one of the County's largest departments. /Type /Page /Type /Page /Type /Page /F16 88 0 R /Parent 2 0 R << What should I do? Might be a leak in the water main. endobj /ca 1 View information about the Ellensburg Public Library's databases, Hal Holmes Community Center, local history, and more. %PDF-1.6 % /XObject endobj >> /LD 0 580.9872 17.04 l /F17 32 0 R /Length 1 /Resources /Type /ExtGState /LW 0.000000 /LJ 1 Use our site search, which is always located in the upper right corner of site pages. /F16 46 0 R Public Works and Utilities Department | Ellensburg, WA Sand And Sandbags Available At 3 Locations, Natural Gas Division Public Awareness Campaign, Civil Service Commission - 5/2/23 meeting is cancelled, Ellensburg Business Development Authority Board/CenterFuse. >> /LW 0.000000 /Type /ExtGState All new construction permits must be routed to Public Works, Energy Services, Planning and the Fire Marshal for review and approval. >> << Sandbags are available. 7.A City of Ellensburg Sustainability Plan - Focus on Meeting State Energy Requirements Plan Sustainability-Energy Plan Ad - Final.docx 8. These types of structures usually require much more time for review due to the complexity of the structure and the site infrastructure. >> << endobj There are two ways to schedule Building and/or Land Use Permit inspections in the City of Ellensburg: 1- Telephone Inspection Request LineCall the Inspection Request Line at (509) 962-7142. hbbd```b``.+d+\&H0A2F86'LLb`q`+`0c r=d\ nVY"e@v "` Z /LW 0 /F16 88 0 R << >> << >> 101 0 obj << /4e433eda6515b9b86a . /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] <3134> Tj /Writere9d2fb5f8a28caPDF5 73 0 R /Type /Page /Parent 2 0 R /LC 2 38 0 obj Please note that some sections have more than one PDF document available. Inspections must be scheduled by 4:00 pm the day prior to get an inspection for the following day. Nfii]K\')!^Y,6.F47qu&g?rbl!#$'X"sb&3x1Ui bdpdXy(ub]L`q}^Hd`SF /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC] /F18 61 0 R /LC 2 597.0 17.04 l >> dI'mb,F^V;>Xd*{e]V"E'Oz~_o=._Uuj The program provides financial incentives to encourage early compliance with the Standard. Please contact the Community Development Department to determine if the work can be permitted and to obtain the permitting requirements prior to commencing work. >> A covered commercial building is a building where the sum of nonresidential, hotel, motel and dormitory floor areas exceed 50,000 gross square feet, excluding the parking garage area. 'W_^l)7{sr6 ^?ag"sHh;Von?~r2,VX\=(i-`E_LL][~j@m`zOfO7v~_= ]Nr_Kb'}U Q5b6_05WB5#pnr/[!77Ia*BIJaQ5?0~3|;UI\]o~_[Q:/t"jq@HYCY`ek\hX!m;AjL4TgQw3r'+m~_hlTz'_6;i)#M0J VNtsoG# 6,cq={GQcjA}~@PH{7L3)lPE={,6o&R;TJF`Wn[FWyi`4c8Z (z%G]!C+H\}V] ,,v1g4}`7v.ljHe&/fz uq M)'d9*G.6=}v]KR4fu2a}#VEhqHD9t)1= SbG81g).K_19hU'CN&$W4IifXF: 81/+Q{rY'vB @F4DQ%lDh " 9 fJpODZh0>B^,=51V << >> /ExtGState >> >> /LC 0 /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] Ellensburg, WA | Official Website 1 0 obj /LD 0 FASuite InfoCenter 31 0 obj << /Annots [5 0 R 6 0 R 7 0 R 8 0 R 9 0 R] Phone: 509-962-7204. Community Development - Planning Show All Answers 1. /F20 81 0 R 205 W 5th Ave 71 0 obj The City of Ellensburg uses a Small Works Roster for projects under $300,000.00 in lieu of a formal sealed bid process, as authorized by RCW 54.04.070. >> /Font A complete copy of the text of the public works development standards shall be retained in . Development Standards | Ellensburg, WA Application for Electrical Service ALTERATION /Font << Ellensburg, WA 98926. /Writer8fc6bc2705d393PDF5 79 0 R /ca 1 the Columbia River. << FAQs City of Ellensburg CivicEngage Meet the Ellensburg City Manager, Heidi Behrends Cerniwey. 607 S Industrial Way Ellensburg WA 98926 (509) 962-7265. Electric Service Natural Gas Service Water/Sewer Service Electric Service Applications 1 0 obj /CA 1 /LD 0 There's water over the road, and it's headed to my home. 620 were here. /Parent 2 0 R /Type /ExtGState Telephone scheduled inspections can be requested up to 4:00 pm for the next day inspection at (509) 962-7142. The daily tasks are numerous and can vary greatly in nature. /LD 0 /Contents [17 0 R 18 0 R 19 0 R 20 0 R] >> /Resources /LJ 0 /ExtGState The Department of Commerce (Commerce) will be posting compliance requirements and a full list of possible covered commercial buildings on the Clean Buildings webpage, available beginning July 1, 2021. endobj /Parent 2 0 R /Font << This infrastructure includes multi-modal transportation and utilities (electric, natural gas, sewer, storm, and water). /ExtGState /CA 1 /ca 1 /Writer650af33521509cPDF5 65 0 R /LC 0 Public Notices can be view on the City's SMARTGov Online Permit Center. Any contractor wishing to be included on the Advertisement. /69074b3edd73f8dc9d The SMARTGov website allows permit customers to view detailed permit information, schedule inspections and review the approval process of their permit application.Inspections must be scheduled by 4:00 pm for a next day inspection. << /458909d6bf3ce574d1 >> /CA 1 15 0 obj *MoXPh16mfTwVI{o~>2| >> Incentive funds are limited to $75 million. /Type /ExtGState /f3026a47bf3c80720f /LC 2 << For more information about this program and the qualifications for applying, please visit the Clean Buildings Early Adopter Incentive Program webpage. /Length 436 /717ecb7b8b3843b6f3 gs Ryan Lyyski. /LJ 1 << /Writer6be4d724fbb4f4PDF4 48 0 R << %PDF-1.7 endobj /LJ 1 /ca 1 for Public Works projects on county roads with an estimated value of $200,000 <>/Metadata 626 0 R/ViewerPreferences 627 0 R>> /Font /F17 62 0 R >> /Annots [] can be used for awarding contracts from $10,000 to $200,000 without going /CA 1 /LW 0 /LD 0 Public Works & Utilities, City of Ellensburg501 N Anderson StreetEllensburg, WA 98926Phone: (509) 962-7204. /LJ 0 Public Works | Sunnyside, WA - Official Website /LW 0.000000 13 0 obj /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] Q /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC] hbbd```b``X$LN,@ V Fleet Management System . /Type /ExtGState /Parent 2 0 R /Type /Page /ca 1 Kittitas (pronounced 'KITT-i-tass') County is located in central Washington /LD 0 << << /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC] View your applications and inspection results, Find and review public notice announcements. 1720 0 obj <> endobj << /Resources 10 0 R /fef05716e3548dda65 City of Ellensburg Public Works. /Type /ExtGState Information needed to complete the application includes. /F16 63 0 R & R. This roster can be used for awarding contracts from $10,000 to $200,000 without going through a formal bidding process. Staff Directory City of Ellensburg CivicEngage Home Staff Directory Public Works & Utilities Directions Physical Address: 501 N. Anderson St. Ellensburg, WA 98926 Phone: (509) 962-7230 Email Hours Monday-Friday 8:00A-5:00P Closed 12:00P-1:00P Closed Holidays Administration & Support Physical Address: 501 N Anderson St Ellensburg, WA 98926 0 Distressed Counties Sales & Use Tax Funding, Development Regulations within Flood Hazard Areas, Fire Marshal - Life safety inspections & Permits, Land use, current and long range planning, Land Use, Current and Long Range Planning, Property Owner Change of Name and Address, Road Planning, Engineering, and Construction. /LD 0 /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] 0 Tr /59a05e54d023957338 /ExtGState /LD 0 /Font PDF City of Ellensburg Agenda endstream >> /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] City of Ellensburg, WA Government | Ellensburg WA - Facebook /3029a25b0d094edf70 597.0 34.08 l City gas division promoting 811 and gas safety. The Division oversees private developments expansion of the infrastructure through implementing development standards, design plan review, permitting, and inspection. >> /Type /Page >> Directions Advertisement. >> >> 53 0 obj Public Works & Utilities Water Utility Water Utility To start, stop, or transfer utility service please visit billing online or complete forms in person at City Hall. endstream endobj startxref FAQs City of Ellensburg CivicEngage >> /3f0fcf2e87d6042da8 >> Engineering Services | Ellensburg, WA Don't miss First Friday Art Walk from 5-7 p.m. May 5 in downtown Ellensburg. >> /ca 1 Water Utility Applications through a formal bidding process. >> /CA 1 << 4 0 obj % stream << /ca 1 /ca 1 Staff Directory City of Ellensburg CivicEngage /F15 23 0 R /CA 1 The Public Works staff is dedicated to providing customer-friendly service while maintaining the city's public infrastructure. >> 107 0 obj >> 44 0 obj Kittitas County Public Works | Construction /CA 1 /LD 0 >> >> << The City of Ellensburg is operated under a Council-Manager form of government. /F15 89 0 R /ca 1 60 0 obj Staff Directory City of Ellensburg CivicEngage Tenant improvement permits that involve additions and/or exterior work will require more review time and no definitive review time can be provided, each project will require the time necessary for a complete review. Assistant City Manager Landing page for Assistant City Manager City Attorney's Office Serves as the legal expert for City governance City Clerk City Clerk landing page City Code City Staff Directory << endobj NEXT MEETING 9.A June 16, 2022 at 3:30 pm CITY . Commercial Tenant Improvement Simple tenant improvement permits, that only involve interior work, can usually be issued in 1 week. >> >> Parks & Recreation, View information about investigations, domestic violence, Animal Control, and more. /Type /Page /ca 1 /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC] A Pre-Application meeting is required for these structures and staff may be able to provide an approximate review time at this meeting. /LC 2 /Resources >> /CA 1 Commercial, Multi-Family and Public There is no definitive time that can be established for review and approval for either new commercial, multi-family or public buildings. /Font /Contents [103 0 R 104 0 R 105 0 R 106 0 R] g@ > /F17 87 0 R A building permit is required to install a new roof, install new windows and replace siding on any commercial, multi-family, public and/or residential single family house or storage shed. This site plan will be used by City of Ellensburg Community Development Department, Public Works Department and Energy Services Department to check many things that are critical for the issuance of a building permit, including: setbacks, easements, driveway and parking lot, utility locations, lot coverage, street frontage improvements and . Please register now to view permit activity or schedule inspections online. RETURN APPLICATION TO: City of Ellensburg - Electric Utility Engineering 501 N. Anderson, Ellensburg, WA 98926 (or via email) electric@ci.ellensburg.wa.us (509) 962-7124 . New Single Family Residence, Garage, Shop A permit for a new house, garage or shop takes approximately 5-6 weeks to review and issue. endobj << FAQs City of Ellensburg CivicEngage /Annots [54 0 R] >> >> Wildcat Way & Dean Nicholson Blvd Pedestrian Improvements, Alleyway Reconstruction (University Way & 7th/Main & Water), University Way and Wildcat Way Intersection Improvements, We useSMARTGOV Permit Management and Tracking Software so you can view your applications, inspection results, and more online, City of Ellensburg501 N Anderson StreetEllensburg, WA 98926Phone: (509) 962-7204, Type of service request (e.g.new, repair, alteration, disconnect), Type of occupancy (e.g. FAQs City of Ellensburg CivicEngage Home FAQs What Are The Setbacks On My Property? /Type /Page << To register click the Sign Up button in the top right corner of this screen and follow the instructions. /ca 1 /Type /Page /LW 0.000000 /f69ee8ff23004886d1 << What should I do? However, if the building is exempt from permit requirements to construct, then a permit is not required for re-roof, window replacement and/or siding replacement. 223 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<635A3E752B5B8749884BFD7197176CCA>]/Index[192 58]/Info 191 0 R/Length 126/Prev 222454/Root 193 0 R/Size 250/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream City of Ellensburg support: 509-962-7239 permits@ci.ellensburg.wa.us My Portal View your applications and inspection results Go Public Notices Find and review public notice announcements Go Find and review parcel information Go Welcome to the City of Ellensburg's Online Permit Center /LC 2 It spans from the lush forested Cascade Mountains to the upper Yakima River Valley plains and o>nu[;Ug_:'0[7C.5,,F #F'hv`[e)b "fAK:u`Md;:D.Z0`_ R R2vk6]o!Z{3{^ +ZEtL$FZ~^~45d)3lc&"S1"az"ID6nvvqwh}gb#P-XK07X}`xNPx4|}4t#&m= ulPIxjjqv%!F6)*?#cTPlRW6R/Pt U2C[=T-ugfTOP~F|q\O11>J+1Xb\ "(R2`NPP*^U0xjonXN KgpxgFG+!#%BB'.,b0-H zNzu. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] After you register, call (509) 962-7239 to get your ACCESS CODE to view your permits and/or schedule inspections. << /F16 88 0 R /Resources 16 0 R /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC] Do you own a covered commercial building over 50,000 square feet? /Font >> The one common point associated with all of the Public Works Department activities is the County Road System. Can I convert my garage or basement into a bedroom? hb```f``: B@16LAfh6^*E?ZYy;cxofJh``6L@lV ^0iV4b&y&-&=&>7Lb`fpT>` `f{ YdpCVg4#0BCN?Hms&K2e= i&j*I^3 A Windows, Doors, Siding and Re-Roof Most of these types of permits can be issued the same day over the counter. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] /LC 2 /ca 1 >> Public Works & Utilities Implements capital improvement plans, and maintenance and operations for the city's electric, water, gas, and wastewater distribution systems; managing activities in support of the city's stormwater permit; and operating the public transit system, Central Transit. /Type /ExtGState /F16 63 0 R Let us know. /CA 1 /F16 88 0 R /CA 1 Kittitas County has a total area of 2,333 square miles. >> >> Public Works - Grandview, Washington Public Works WATER CONSERVATION TIPS Always turn taps off tightly so they do not drip; check for leaks around your taps. The division also provides planning, design, project management, and construction inspection for capital improvements throughout the City. /Type /ExtGState City of Ellensburg, WA Government | Ellensburg WA /Type /ExtGState /LJ 1 /LD 0 Try one of these navigation tools: Copyright 2023 - Kittitas County - All Rights Reserved. >> Help . << Q /CA 1 endstream endobj startxref /Resources /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC] /Resources /LC 2 << City of Ellensburg /ca 1 /Type /ExtGState << /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC] /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC] /F19 72 0 R /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC] COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 501 N. Anderson st., State >> /F15 89 0 R << 78 0 obj /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC] Section 1.2 Employees within a classification funded by Federal or State Manpower Training >> << /Contents [49 0 R 50 0 R 51 0 R 52 0 R] /LJ 0 Ellensburg, WA 98926-2887. /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC] >> If requests are made after 4:00 pm then they will occur two business days out, unless a different day is requested. City of Ellensburg501 N Anderson StreetEllensburg, WA 98926Phone: (509) 962-7204. /LC 0 /LC 0 /Type /Page /Contents [91 0 R 92 0 R 93 0 R 94 0 R] /CA 1 /Pages 2 0 R << /LC 0 /ca 1 /Writerc8d5dee9888a0cPDF4 33 0 R /LJ 1 << commercial, residential, multi-family). /Type /ExtGState /CA 1 These capital projects include road improvements and extensions, intersection upgrades and signalization, and improvements and extensions to the citys utility infrastructure.

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city of ellensburg public works