I think that is very important to overload the top end. Here's the real story. Inside, in the deep part of your soul, how does this make you feel? Similarly, he was always the last person to leave the gym, meticulously ensuring that weights were put away and everything was in its proper place ready for the next group of athletes. He is a very humble and gracious person. However, while this kind of intensity can drive a powerlifters competitive performance, at times it can also be, as Tate puts it, a curse. I quit doing it. I transcribed it the best I could. Can you let us in on what the new fashion trend is going to be? he was the lightest man ever to squat 1,000 lbs. EFS: What do you think of static iso-holds? I told him that I didnt need money from my friends. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment . in a shirt. I told him if he could do 20 reps with 155s, I would buy 175s. Chuck Vogelpohl Talking About Squat Form : r/weightroom - Reddit In 1956 in Minneapolis my buddies and I, Walter Klock Smoking with Schwarzenegger, Art Labare A Powerlifting Legend You Need to Know, Jeff King: An update on a Bodybuilding Legend, Consent Management Platform by Real Cookie Banner. First, Dave Waterman fell off the bench three times. Or so I thought. Chuck, you had a very high tolerance to high volume, and you maintained it for your entire lifting career. Read on for more about Chuck V and this ridiculous 40+ set squat workout with loads over 300 lbs. I cannot stop training. Please be careful! For a while, I did some tough man fights and won a couple of tournaments, but got the power bug. In an interview we came across with Louie and Vogelpohl, Louie asks him how he got started on his series of world record-breaking lifts. EFS: How about the rack deadlifts? Louie:Your lifts kept going up, and you won your first nationals in 1987 in Columbus. Louie Simmons A lot happened from 1991-2000 at Westside. That's how we don't overtrain everything is governed by your maximum strength. I heard he passed in it broke my heart. Lets cover the icon of Chuck V. AKA Chuck Vogelpohl, the man who had to duct tape his ribs so they wouldnt pop out of his spine. money and all kinds of stuff, including a Dune Buggy. Louie:Many people started their own federations and were criticized, but there was a good reason for so many. ", Sign up to get the latest on sales, new releases and more, 2023 SET FOR SET. They hear stories about his intensity in the gym and some of the crazy numbers that he does. I see that a lot more info could be added to his Wikipedia page,, With respect to direct lat work, you will neither find it in the detailed 1982 article by Ron Fernando, disclosing, I was there, front row at the USF SunDome in Tampa covering the contest for The Tampa Tribune when Jeff, Dave was 7 years my elder and my teen years weightlifting idol. He became the youngest World bench press holder with 720 pounds at 20 years old. Copyright 2023 elitefts. Joey Szatmary is another popular fitness personality thats competed in Olympic lifting, Crossfit, and Strongman competitions. This keeps you from getting injured. raw bench at 275. It had a powerlifting room by itself, and I started to train with lots of guys like Kenny Patterson (KP) and Joe McCoy, but would work my way into your group. Marie Wegener - DSDS-Gewinnerin 2018 . George made 650 and missed 672 and then sat in the front row to watch KP make a 716 world record. I remember, at one point, Paul made 615, KP made 625, JM made 610, George made 625, Mike Wolfe made 620 (now 639), and Nick Winter made 700. Jim Wendler of 5-3-1 Fame, although it does not add up, trained at Westside. world record at 220. For example, on Wednesdays Chuck will bench before J.L and I. George said he wanted to lose weight and go down to a lighter class. Perhaps the lack of interviews is because people are scared of him. You pick the muscle that you need and that's what you train. Dave Tate has said during multiple YouTube videos that Chuck was always the first person in the gym setting the lift of the day up and he was the last person to leave the gym, in order to make sure that everything was put away and cleaned up properly. Chuck went on to call for 970 lbs on his third attempt, which would make the highest squat for his weight class of all time. Chuck:I had lots of good training mates who could push me, like KP and George Halbert, with the bench. And since you only have so long to complete a maximum rep 2 seconds, maybe 3 if you're very endurance minded you have to be fast to be strong. All Rights Reserved. I guess this is what George said is why he did not come to Westside for 2 years. That was nothing to you, and I knew then that you had what it would take to be great. Chuck was taught by the legendary powerlifting coach Louie Simmons to have a critical eye in order to coach every one of this team mates. So, its okay to have somebody else help. WATCH:Chuck Vogelpohl's 1100-Pound Squat. This builds mechanical power. When most people think of the Conjugate Method, two training methods come to mind, max Payment methods: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and PayPal. Copyright 2023 elitefts. death notices nampa, idaho; metamask tax forms; alta at k station shooting; Media. They should put their weights away, help maintain their training environment, and take responsibility for making sure that other lifters in the gym are getting the coaching that they need. Then, I tore my triceps off. But, Marcus won best lifter. I recall showing up early, and you would always be waiting for me at the gym a half-hour or three-quarters of an hour before anyone else got there. 2023 Westside Barbell. Chuck Vogelpohl - Powerlifting Demon - NECKBERG Stay strong, Eskil, you fag. The name Jujimufu came from his AOL profile, and its been with him since. This consisted of a 1,050 lbs squat, 635 lbs bench press, and 820 lbs deadlift. Chuck Vogelpohl (242) squatted an all-time record of 1,110 pounds today at the IPA Iron House Classic in Columbus, Ohio. His bench presses, including his final one of 633 were all done as strictly as any shirted bench press I have ever seen. Youve seen it; when visitors come here and were getting ready for a meet. chuck vogelpohl powerpohl - marie-wegener-fans.de While in high school, Chuck crossed paths with the Louie Simmons of world-famous Westside Barbell based in Colombus, Ohio. I started Kenny Patterson at 14. They need GPP, so dragging a sled, pushing the Prowler, and using the wheelbarrow and strongman yoke. And I had never heard of jump stretch bands. out of the best shirts. Chuck V. You would know better than me. Lumberton is a very small town where if you wanted to take a girl out to impress her, you took her to Dennys. I began eating, giving my body all the protein and carbs needed to fuel the grueling workout chuck would put four of us through. In truth, Chuck is far from the person that people think he is. WHO MADE WESTSIDE IN THE 90's? | Westside Barbell I handed out 545 for 3 reps, of the now known JM Press, to him. I told John Inzer. New meets were coming up, and new records would fall. J. M. Blakely. Westside was never and will never be a gym, but rather a club. In doing so, they help paint a picture not only of who he is as a powerlifter, but also as a person. Dave and I wanted to do an interview with Chuck Vogelpohl for awhile and for several reasons. Our guys had always had it out for Waterman, after he had become the first 181 to bench 600 lbs., and said he not only was the greatest bencher, but also the best looking. Westside was all about pushing each other to the absolute limits. WATCH: The Truth Behind Training with Chuck Vogelpohl These guys could bench about 600 lbs. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Dave Waterman was one of our top rivals at money meets. But on that day, Rob beat Dave. A week later, Dick Hartzell came to town with the bands at a basketball clinic. This DVD was insane. Much like a rabbit in track. Westside was always evolving, through countless hours of intense work. Chuck V: A lot of good mornings, different kinds of squats and a deadlifts. Thread starter Sherro; Start date Mar 7, 2011; Tags chuck insanity . How To Get The Most Out of Your Westside Bands. To Tom Waddle, you talked George into coming. Check out the science. I asked him, What do you get out of lat pull downs? He said, Nothing, I just like to do them. I also asked him, What do you get out of those heavy pulls? He said they taught him how to strain. Louie:I had made a training tape that showed two young menone was to build benchthat was KP (Kenny Patterson). You have to build them like any other muscle. Men 275lb.Weight Class IPA World Record. He is known as the ninja, because of how he disappears and reappears all the time. He later changed it to 1000 pounds! In the original session, powerlifting legends Dave Tate and Chuck Vogelpohl put themselves and each other through a squat workout that, decades later, is still discussed in strength circles. record did not last long before George finally had a good meet. It was the original IPF, the father of the USPF. he would make you feel like a weak pussy. I saw him do 1,100 lb. Chuck:The wave system was already in placeusing 75 percent to 85 percent for 25 lifts, plus 25 pulls. Everyone got along well while training and partying. Laughing, Coan and Tate reflect back 20 years ago when everyone was trying to emulate Chuck with their beanie hats, popped collars, and cocky attitudes. This video shows how gritty Chuck was on the platform.During one of the wonderful Dave Tate Tableltalk podcasts on YouTube, Renowned strength coach and former Westside Barbell lifter said that he had seen Chuck miss a weight in the gym, go up in weight and he would smash the greater weight for a triple. I had an 821-pound squat, and you had a 738-pound squat. Chuck V: I think people believe that they will be perfect after one year. At 19 he was the first teenager to squat 1000 and total 2400. So there were a lot of factors that went into it. For the time you jumped over the 242 class. George and KP were ruling the bench at Westside. And next weekend, we'll have five. In the warmup room, Dave said to me, I have never had even competition before, and I replied, You do now.. Let's just say I'm pretty sure. KP and I told him not to do it, just to F with him. One last thing: How do you like raw compared to gear lifting? And we almost never pull a deadlift off the floor, usually from pins until we go to the meet. Then there was Jim, who was very slow but not explosive. And we all know money talks, and nobody walks. hated me, along with his sister, or wife, or both, Im not sure. Or for people to tell /u/WeaponizedSleep to eat more. So when The Arnold came around, I walked up to him and said, I heard you are retiring, Glen. He got a big laugh out of that. But nothing happens. Dave Tate thought I was crazy, but that would soon change everything at Westside. You lifted, but did not do so good. The Missing Half of Your Deadlift - T NATION 1180 high or not is insane. Chuck squatted 1118 and deadlift after his 633 bench to total 2506. You earned it. George started losing body fat but kept his bench strong. You said you would like to do personal training along with your BJJ. You wanted me to gain weight into the 308 and break Paul Childress 1168-pound world record, but it was hard on my health. It does no good to be strong in the wrong exercises or put effort into the wrong muscle groups. His 1,180 lbs. Like nothing happened. Over the 45 minutes, they completed 43 sets with a starting weight of 330 lbs, then bumped it up to 390 lbs about halfway through. First, Matt Dimel broke my neck playing around in the gym. 2023 Westside Barbell. His name was Zippy in the gym, when the crazy came out to play. But that's how we are. wide, and the head ref. We had three world record holders. Chuck V: A lot of high rep work; a lot of static work. Because I nearly died in 91, I could not put things in proper order. You will se Chuck Vogelpohl, Mike Ruggiera, Louie Simmons and many more in a speed. But, an old back problem put him out of our great sport. I had a cage put in my back so that I could lift some good weights like 700-pounds raw squats and 750-pound raw sumo deadlifts with straps. Chuck Vogelpohl, a long-time Westside lifter who won his first National in 1987, was strong from the start, especially in the back and hips, but he had to overcome two plateaus. Sign up to get the latest on sales, new releases, killer workouts, actionable fitness content and more. I remember Mickey Tate was at Vanhorns gym one Sunday to bench with the rest of our top benchers. Cookie Notice Seeing how Chuck lifts and the weights he handles in training is truely impressive, not to mention the fact he is the lightest lifter to squat over a grand (1025 @ 220lbs) [yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, he lifts in the WPO so he is guilty of early weigh-ins, 2-ply canvas suits and briefs, monolifts, I mean SURELY we all could out total Chuck if we had all of . That was Westside in the 90s. The one in the guns and roses teeshirt. Chuck:Todays lifters, for the most part, are not as passionate as 20 years ago. Dave Williams of Liberty University was coming for a visit. But, George finally got it right. I knew by that time you had already broken your back twice, and had torn your right bicep entirely off, but nothing seemed to bother you. In fact, Tate admits that he was hardly concerned with the external component it was the internal intensity that mattered, and that he had to work with Chuck to regulate. I let my lifting do the talking. Some of these stories have led people to believe that he is some kind of crazed lunatic. I can guarantee it. KP jumped in like a good training partner. Back to Daytona and Waterman again, plus the giant killer, Markus Schick, was in the house. Can Jujimufu Complete Vogelpohl's Most Extreme Squat Workout Ever? George had a bad day but came through for some cash. This allows you to bring out your strengths. Not for the beginner. He then says, Youre right buddy. They said yes. and our And, of course, your four-wheeling on the weekends. Everyone should know that the amount of force you produce in a lift is determined by multiplying the rate of acceleration by the amount of weight lifted. KP was always on. EFS: What about your diet? I remember you asked what I got out of using bands on the bar. The bench came from Kmart, it was about 8 in. Sometimes we'll do straddle-leg good mornings (one leg out in front) which simulates single and double-leg takedowns. My body was starting to fall apart. So let's say you squat 400 pounds. This could get my lifts only so high, but as usual, you came into our training and added putting chains onto the bar for Accommodating Resistance. KP said to me, Old man, you will never have 700 lbs. JM said it was like maxing out with a 3 in. Mind you; this was the mid-1990s before they were using chains or bands at Westside, not to mention, Chuck had recently had neck surgery. And so we named it the JM Press. They are not the same as most; you dont have a max effort day and dynamic effort day. and got to keep the bench. And the two were almost even for years. He was not happy to say the least. There are a number of YouTube videos on Lexen Extreme, Brandon Lilly, and 360 Cut channels which showed Chuck training ferociously after he left Westside Barbell in approximately 2009. I need to pull something heavier than I will pull in a competition. As long a gym isn't doing what we're doing, I know they have no chance to beat us. Rob Fuzz dog Fusner broke the 308 world bench record giving Westside three bench world record holders at the same time. His main training partners were Kenny Patterson and Gerry O. I need to be challenged. At that time, I ruptured my left patella tendon and would be out for some time. No third attempt because he hurt his shoulder. You'd train at 50-60 percent for speed strength with a bar speed of 0.8 meters per second. All right reserved. As we came into the lifting, all we heard my name called. I am very sensitive to anesthesia, and the doctor knew this, but somehow after giving me a shot to calm me down for surgery, I fell asleep and they gave me anesthesia. Tate alludes to the fact that it takes a village, and coaches should never let their egos get in the way of that community aspect of the sport. I became only the third to do it with two-hour weigh-ins. I should probably stay a bit more controlled. I did not think we would get out of that town alive. In all the meets that I helped him at man, I was exhausted. Joe McCoy was a young, great lifter at the time, winning a WPC world at 19 years old. For more information, please see our You also won your heavy weight division for your second belt. Then it made sense. Another one of Louie's favorite deadlift special exercises is the deficit deadlift. Chuck Vogelpohl would eventually not only break world records, but do so in three different weight classes. On the way to Tims, I had a talk about pain with Matt Dimel, my redheaded stepchild. Sprinkle in a lot of coaching time with Louis Simmons, Dave Tate, Steve Goggins, and Eddie Coan, and JL turned into a professor of the deadlift. I just liked to workout. This was the last time I lifted in a USPF meet. The original plan was to do 8 sets of 2 reps. Tony Ramos still holds the total and deadlift marks at Westside. Chuck Vogelpohl on his squat technique (circa 2003) - YouTube Chuck Vogelpohl explains his squat technique, this was filmed around 2003 in preparation for the WPO in 2004! I started applying everything I could, which means I started applying science to weights. Chuck Vogelpohl Squats All-Time Record | Powerlifting Watch The squat surpasses the old mark of 1,107 pounds which was held by Sam Byrd. While he was there, he told me he would pay me if I would show him how to use jump stretch, rubber bands. Dynamic Effort or speed strength is intermediate velocity. Westside has the box jumping record at 63.5 inches. After many tries, Tom finally won his first Senior Nationals. 1 April 2018 : r/powerlifting - Reddit The epitome of Vogelpohl's will to win was demonstrated in a head to head 40+ set squat workout with fellow Westside Barbell lifter, Dave Tate that you'll learn about below. One of his plateaus was a sticking point near to the top of the squat. George had a history of back problems and asked if it would be ok if he just did bench meets from here on out. I woke up three days later and spent another four days afterwards in the hospital. Chuck:Oh, yes. I remember, at The Arnold one day, we were leaving when I heard some young guy call out to me, Mr. I took Dave Tate with me. Kenny had a great lockout. So if you do approach him, dont expect to get a hug. Max Effort is what everyone seems to focus on, however, to get the most of your potential you need to employ both days. He is the man behind the JM Press. This was due to band training, now known as Combination Methods Training, a term coined by Dr. Mel Siff in Supertraining. I got George to use a cambered bar with an 11/2 in. This was 1986. Everyone takes shots at Westside. Note: You can read the full interview here on Westside Barbells website. EFS: You have a reputation for being intense and hardcore. Chuck V: I usually pull above the knee, but it depends. Chuck:Yes, I was tired of cutting weight and just put on 10 pounds. As they went set for set during this workout, Dave realized he miscalculated Chucks disdain for losing. Sign up for our newsletter and get new articles sent straight to your inbox weekly. I put the bands over my shoulder and knew this could change the world, and it did. He works up to 405lbs on the bar, bands at the top ar. Box squats become a love hate rerlationship, long story short,I left the prison August 1998 with a 600lb bench press .. with the shirt, a 785lb and a 600lb dead lift. The next week, we had 175 lb. The first time Vogelpohl hit a 1,000 lb squat during a competition that was at IPA (International Powerlifting Association) Nationals in 2001 in his home state of Ohio. wide bench. So if you have no triceps, in this workout you're going to train tris. Since his new video is out and we knew thered be a lot of questions about his different training style we thought that this would give you an inside look at why he does what he does. If you have seen the amazing documentary Westside vs the World, you know that Chuck returns home to train again with Louie Simmons and Westside Barbell.Powerlifting entrepreneur Mark Bell posted a great tribute video to a 1260 lb reverse band squat that Chuck did in preparation for another world record breaking meet shortly after this overloaded training lift. For speed strength, for a power or Olympic lifter and even a sportsman, do box squats with 40-45% bar weight plus band tension in the bottom of 10% and at the top, 20%. Rob lifted and tore his peck completely off in his opener, and was then gone for good. Dave was very explosive and also very crazy. Percentages work well with beginners and intermediate lifters; they need guidelines and somewhere to start. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. chuck vogelpohl powerpohl chuck vogelpohl powerpohl Youve got to be dead on; especially with heavy weights. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. You must switch up the exercises to avoid the law of accommodation. Then in his next meet, he broke the world record twice, with 744 and then 766. Westside Barbell - Dynamic Day in 2000 - YouTube EFS: At meets, you get a little worked up before you lift. It shows in how he takes immense pride in caring for his training environment and for his fellow lifters. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Tate encourages coaches to lean on one another. I told him we were going to Texas for the meet and he said he would come along to report it in the magazine he was writing for. It's child's play. I said sure. Chuck. How high are those? Once the body learns how to maintain position through straining it will lead to big PRs. But Ive been adding a lot more chain work to help with my building my stability. Chuck would pick on me in a sence and tell me I was to weak to be a Powerlifter, He would tell me I did not have the drive to succeed jn the sport. This put a real kick into our training in the squat and deadlift, but also the bench. Lou loves the sled, but I never do it. bench. total at 63 years old, 20 years after I had retired, making top 10 for 30 years and a USPF Elite Total for 37 years. Chuck V.: Well I should point out that I did perform a max effort day and dynamic effort day for almost twenty years. Abs aren't really made in the kitchen unless that's where you train. If you can jump higher you can run faster. It was always for money, and it was mostly a team thing. squat at 264 lbs. At that point, we were lifting at many meets and kicking everybodys asses. If any of the multiply lifters were required to squat bellow parallel to get their lifts passed Im sure they would be able to alter their suit or what not . Compound sets will get you there. would only use 45s. For example, on Wednesday's Chuck will bench before J.L and I. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. As was Anthony Clark, a big star, looking to his 800 lb. He became the youngest World bench press holder with 720 pounds at 20 years old. Note: During the BFCM sales period all sales are final.Thus, no returns will accepted. Who Is Chuck Vogelpohl? | Powerlifting Watch He would do 1,000 crunches a day and too many lat pull downs to count. Chuck:Louie, I am like you. Little did I know, I would return again for yet another 20 years, But, lets talk about the men who made Westside what it is today. Jumping is explosive power. But, we finally killed the rabbit. But that was a good reason to try it unofficially.
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