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Fontaine also alleged that the whistleblowers have clandestine motivative (sic), their accusations are all rumors, lies and hearsay, and the church is considering legal action to all involved.. He is also guilty of nepotism and spiritual abuse issues, same problems listed here. The Hogans agreed with Campbells assessment. But they are hiding wrongdoing, he said. Ron is reaping the harvest of all this. And one steamroller marching in lockstep when that is to their advantage. We lived and breathed that church and loved every bit of serving there. Despite these issues, several pastors from around the countryincluding Randall and fellow Calvary Chapel pastor Brett Bergstrom, and Watchman Fellowships James Walkerpraised the Hindts ministry on the churchs Facebook page. Thats true love. That still leaves the nepotist, drug taker, financial mismanagement, bullying pastor facing his own road to hell. Keep in touch with Julie and get updates in your inbox! SEA VIEW LEAGUE. Megachurch Founder Bob Coy Accused of Molesting 4-Y-O, Sexually Abusing Her Into Her Teens. Family of late pastor Chuck Smith sues Calvary Chapel Likewise, the high level of Biblical literacy Chuck and his cohort put into the laitys hands is also, more or less, the extent of biblical literacy the movement expects or even tolerates among CC pastors. But if we dont face it head on and do what we legally can to clear our names, then our daughters will grow up with parents who have clouds over their heads.. But The senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale's resignation comes amid reports of an affair scandal and admitting to cheating on his wife, Diane Coy. I would also have to disagree that grace is only for the repentant. We were very tight with the family too so I know what was happening and how awful some of them can be. They failed to do that, and Im better for it today. For decades, Laguna Beach has been a jinx for the Calvary Chapel movement, a network of 1,100 evangelical churches started in 1965 by Chuck Smith, who pastors the flagship church in Costa Mesa. Suit and tie? You are absolutely speaking truth. This is just sad. . Jaclyn, if that is your honest take, with all concern for your well-being and that of your family, please consider that you may have very well been taught those things by manner of manipulation and control by the very wolf who has now long taken advantage of and abused his power of position. According to a marriage certificate obtained by The Roys Report, Ron Hindt and Perez married Dec. 12, 2014, in Galveston County. My whole life was just ripped out from under me, Sabolick said. Come From The Calvary Chapel Scene Its actually very simple what happens. Calvary Chapel churches have little recourse for concerns about pastors because they follow Chuck Smiths Moses model, former staff and members say. I know that mega churches are not the New Testament church. Pastor Chuck Smith died nearly a year ago. Sometimes power , addiction or whatever the devil can use. This is a cultish environment, people are committed to their leader and his cause Nowhere, from Acts to Revelation will you find a pattern for mega churches. Most people have not wanted to even try to expose it because its just so much trouble to stand up to these people and their minions. There are more than a few paranoid types out there for whom Calvary Chapels end times fixation was not helpful. The allegations against Finch were first reported to the Calvary Chapel Association (CCA) in 2018, according to former church council member and volunteer pastor, Ted Edwards. This is endemic in the evangelical community seems to simply be a part of their system dominate authoritarianism. Wow I couldnt agree more, you really summed this up with such practical wisdom!! It is a culture of abuse and manipulation. The daughter of the deceased founder of an Orange County megachurch spoke exclusively to Eyewitness News about a family fight heading to court. This was all happening . Everybodys trying to hide everything when the church is supposed to be completely open.. When the 2018 report to CCA did not result in disciplinary action, former Calvary member Loretta Campbell in 2019 submitted 50 pages of testimonies and emails to CCA with accusations against Finch by former members and staff. I love our couple that went to Scotland but questioned Rons sending them to lead a church then, fortunately found here Ron didnt. Might the Jews of Jesus day have said the same? He and other former members told The Roys Report they had concerns about Perezs character. Were FINALLY seeing exposure to darkness that has been consealed for a very, very long time. This is the first the issues at Calvary Chapel Cary have become a public family feud. His past is ruining his present, including people in his household. Thats not christianity! Only he is Lord and savior. Lawsuit filed in family battle over Orange County Surely the Moses model requires a burning bush and audible voice from God. Okay, sure, but in the church with a plurality of elders ruling, you can make an appeal. On a recent Sunday, the 900-seat hall was barely half full. And you have to speak proto-Hebrew, and for sure not be sportin no skimpy-wimpy goatee. I am a Calvary Pastor with 30+ years of involvement in the Calvary movement and have never heard such a rule implied or enforced . His daughter has filed suit alleging elder abuse and neglect when Smith died. Pastor Raul Ries, the enormously impactful Calvary Chapel pastor who overcame a violent and abusive background to lead a thriving church in Southern California, released a Facebook video requesting prayer for a serious long-term illness. U.S. Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Splits From Association, Citing Old Testament Prophet 3:00PM EST 11/7/2016 Jessilyn Lancaster Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Pastor Brian Brodersen ( Brian Brodersen/Facebook) They have removed different churches at times from affiliation, some with less cause than this story represents. Its heartbreaking. Toward that end, the site requires that people use their full name when commenting. Matt said he initially tried to resign from Calvary Houston. I started to see a different side of him that I had never really seen before, said Charlie Quiroz, one of the churchs original members and a pastor for 20 years at Calvary Houston. Megachurch Founder Bob Coy Accused of Molesting 4-Y Most of the issues in your email were brought to my attention some time ago, and have been addressed with Pastor Rodney, Adams said. Sabolick, 46, blames the imbroglio on jealousy from his brother George, 50. This is the most unchristian organization Ive seen. However, the manner in which you portrayed him here is very problematic if not outright slanderous. This was shortly after Finch confessed to a drug addiction, then quit his rehab program prematurely and returned to the pulpit, Edwards told TRR. . https://www.phoenixpreacher.com/calvary-chapel-split-widens/. Every Calvary Chapel church is independent, so it really depends upon the leaders and leadership structure within a specific congregation. I believe his son, about the childhood abuse, he has nothing to gain by lying. Ron and Yanis relationship caused such a stir in the church, it led to the first exodus of people, former member Sandy Ryding described to The Roys Report. We didnt realize it was spiritual abuse by Ron until our eyes were opened & then it became so clear! But it seems likely to me that a person in a congregation like the one described would have definitions based less on their own unchecked emotions than on the word of a persuasive but untrustworthy teacher. Coburn retired a couple years ago and Hindt replaced him in regional CCA leadership. They erroneously believe that verse by verse teaching is the only way to learn Gods Word, so they can overlook and show cheap grace to the abusive pastor In a nutshellChuck Smith founded an amazing movement that unfortunately has serious flaws. However, some do concentrate for attack when the opportunity appears to wield power and see their agendas fulfilled. I thought I was to protect Matts feelings. ., Rebecca is not a worldly writer. She is a believer in Jesus with a proven track record of integrity. Heres a new update still not accountable- same tricks, different day. Calvary Last month, former childrens director Dawn Hogan sent all 50 pages of documentation to TRR, as well. In Marin, Sabolick and Sisco redecorated their storefront church and started going door to door seeking new members. If people like Jaclyn are seeking in good faith to show grace, then framing the issue this way may be more persuasive than assuming that they are merely operating out of emotionalism. This is so, so sad. . Youve probably seen me a few times. House has a criminal record and Ron and Yani Hindt have adopted her children. A friend of mine was at a thriving church and a good youth pastor. Evangelical Pastor Arrested on Child Molestation The concerns and testimonies from the former staff, deacons, and members are captured in 220 pages of testimonies, emails, texts, and other documents obtained by The Roys Report. Medrano declined to interview with The Roys Report. According to Loaiza, Hindt said Angela stood and yelled at Hindt in a restaurant, but that never happened. I dont want a sending church that operates in all these types of lies, Medrano told Hindt. The accusation related to improvements made to Loaizas home so he could house students for Calvarys School of Ministry. They tended not to be environments that were safe for people to be honest about their struggles (as the pastor appears not to be). Many who left were in leadership, on staff or graduated the school of ministry, or were with Calvary Houston since the beginning. He left that church and never did say much about it. 'God Will Not Be Mocked;' Bob Coy Resigned Over Multiple Counts Such infraction was major cause for them to take action. Ive seen multiple times where he used his hands on her, hed slap her, throw her to the ground, throw her onto a couch, Matt Hindt told The Roys Report. On the day TRR first attempted to contact him, Finch posted on Facebook that God told him many left you and wrote you off. But Finch added that God created him to stand out, would bless his faithfulness, and take him to new levels., Similarly, Shannel Campbell wrote in the comments, Watch out now. There is no accountability in the CC model. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of "Jesus v. Evangelicals: A Biblical Critique of a Wayward Movement" by Constantine Campbell. However, I dont understand why anyone remains in the congregation. Manderson says the church began paying some of the monthly annuities owed, but only after she retained attorneys. Harris County records show Perez was divorced twice. He added that Calvary Chapels also have a no talk rule for assisting pastors. Get up to speed with our Essential California newsletter, sent six days a week. Fired Pastor Sues for $15 Million - Los Angeles Times Everything (Dan) did was with Rons approval, he told The Roys Report. Thank you for saying this. Savanna 5, Santa Ana Valley 4. Some are new to the church and dont know about the long abusive history. Im sure its difficult to see an article critical of your church and your pastor. Whether the senior pastor is in charge or whether the elders are in charge, the issue comes down to the character and conduct of the person or persons in charge. I hope it doesnt push you away from the faith altogether. Rodney and Elvira have been devouring sheep for decades, when people catch on to their deceiving religious charades they leave the church and a new unsuspecting crowd comes in through the revolving doors. My attitude is: No victims, no case.. Thats called journalism, which by the way, was practiced by some gospel writers, like Luke, who talked to eyewitnesses and investigated everything.. https://www.phoenixpreacher.com/the-calvary-chapel-chronicles-4/. Michael Newnham, a former Calvary Chapel pastor and blogger, who has researched and exposed abuses within Calvary Chapel churches for 20 years, told TRR that Calvary pastors are beyond accountability. Yet others stay because their spouse refuses to leave or their kids like the childrens church Scandal is a word often heard used in recent months by U.S. bishops regarding the best ways to provide pastoral care and communicate authentic church Things got serious when Greg Laurie chastised pastors for not participating in Harvest Crusades just because of his desire to be linked with Purpose globalist pastor, Rick Warren. What she reported are first-hand accounts by people who were on the inside at Rodney Finchs church. READ the testimonies and I think youll agree my friend. Hindt accused Loaiza in private meetings, former deacon Paul Ryding and his wife, Sandy, told The Roys Report. What I do not understand is why people continue to support the clowns. WebThey have found a new church home with a pastor who was fired by the new leadership at Costa Mesa who has planted his own church not far away. Raul Ries Pastor, Bio, Wiki, Age, Family, Wife, Son, Illness, Salary Which is sad. Times staff writer Rivenburg reported from Orange County, and special correspondent Horowitz reported from Marin County. Schurr 10, Alhambra 0. Theres is a Biblical law of sowing and reaping. And that There Can Be No Salvation Outside of Calvary Chapel. Thank you for saying this. At 16, he left home, sprouted an Afro haircut and joined a local folk-rock band. I have attended this church about 7 times and was about to make it my church. I love my brother, but I love my Lord more, George Sabolick said in a recent interview. Brian has many times clearly expressed his views on KWAVEs Pastors Perspective and in other places. Scandal: Florida's Worst Religious Leaders But from the top is not good. The cheap grace that youre referring to is the anemic human grace that enables predators like Rodney to continue with their cycle of deception and narcissistic abuse. Read Jude 3 & 4. Ryding also said that Hindt told her Loaiza had misappropriated funds and warned her not to associate with Loaizas ministry. Sabolick showed perhaps a carelessness in finances, Smith said. Why Are So Many Departing From Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa? Another is the absurd denial that his denomination is a denomination why is this necessary? A few years back when Brian Brodersen dared to lightly challenge some Calvary Chapel traditions by suggesting that it might be wiser to dial back a little on the End Times hysteria or that it might not be the best choice to teach verse-by-verse on Sunday mornings through some OT books such as Leviticus, the Old Guard in the CCA decided to drive Brodersen out of the Association. They should have unconditional loyalty to him, and never make him look bad.. Supporters of Joe Sabolick have picketed several services and some have moved up north to join his new church. Great! Calvary Houston celebrated its 30th anniversary in November. Church Finder Calvary Chapel Has his gospel message been called into question or where is the fault in his teaching? Eventually, the lead pastor will decide the loss of income will spur his exit. Actually, I correct myself they will lift a finger, such as Don McClure in this case, to help cover up the sin when it involves one of their own. The nurse wouldn't do it and told him not to call 911," said Manderson. Are these comments filled with love? Loretta Campbell likened the Calvary Chapel community to an established network of brothers or good ole boys network.. Don McClure did not return calls for comment. Santa Ana Calvary Chapel 10, Costa Mesa 0. But Matt told The Roys Report that his fathers abusive behavior was not confined to church relationships. Janette Manderson, Smith's daughter, spoke exclusively to Eyewitness News on behalf of her 87-year-old mother, Kay, who suffers from dementia. Calvary Chapels are completely independent when that is to their advantage. Ron Hindt and CCA leader Don McClure decided they could quell the criticism if they ordained Matt Hindt in time to officiate a wedding for Ron and Yani in February 2015, Matt Hindt explained in his 2019 letter. Remember Papa Chuck and his Moses Model? OBrien, Henry, and Riviera declined interviews. Nothing. I said, If you wanted to, you could say he misappropriated funds, but I would never do that.. No Moses model. Hear! Im posting this from the same county where Calvary Chapel began. Burnett has since declined to comment on the case. This story has been updated to correctly report the date of a meeting that occurred in May 2019 and clarify who authored the statement Matt Hindt wrote to the church. I actually thought the younger pastors acted much more mature than the older ones who were saying Bro all the time and being prideful. You will often find that board members are hired and fired at the whim of the senior pastor, Newnham said. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Anything to distract people from these serious allegations and his abusive actions/behavior. High school baseball and softball: Wednesdays scores I didnt want to believe the Pastor I knew for 20+ years could be getting off course either but when evidence starts piling up, it gets very difficult to maintain a steady course without adjusting the sails. I could see how Ron might hide his marriage to Yani for a time. Someone like Michelle Fontane must be making good money, and her husband is an assistant pastor according to their website Only Jesus saves not a man. You dont know what your talking about. asks for prayer for debilitating illness I cant imagine you earnestly believe that is the intent of the article and comments here. 17 SoCal hiking trails that are blooming with wildflowers (but probably not for long! This meeting was recorded and the audio given to The Roys Report. An associate pastor at an evangelical megachurch in Dubai, the super wealthy Mideast city, has issued a lengthy, open apology to those, A former Calvary Chapel pastor and speaker is serving jail time in Virginia on multiple charges related to child sexual abuse, records, Rebecca Hopkins article detailing the existence and abuses of Calvary Chapel South Bay Pastor Chet Lowes boot camps was sadly not too, Another example where the CC mosaic model produces abusing narcissistic pastors that somehow are never held accountable. (The statement) was, We have a lot going on right now, Matt Hindt said, and described a need to focus on our family and our daughters health. I can say now, I witnessed the same. No one is perfect and Pastor Rodney is the first to admit that. Fine. This report and the testimonies cover a lot of ground, but its nearly impossible to uncover all the abuse that has taken place. The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines scandal as an attitude or behavior which leads another to do evil. The church staff found out Finch had left drug rehab early because the facility didnt need the second installment of $25,000, Henrys testimony states. Theyve been brainwashed into believing theres no good churches in the area. The hyperlinks to the testimonies in this article are an extremely critical part of this story. Gods grace has the power to transform a life, the imitation grace that you referencegives license to abusers like Rodney to continue adding to their victim count. Aliso Niguel (14-13, Division When Sabolick came home in mid-August, the board refused to reinstate him. ET. Rodney is a master deceiver, liar and manipulator. CC Pastor Jim Kempner's conviction of hiring a In Smiths 2000 book, Calvary Chapel Distinctives, Smith writes that pastors should be like Mosesin touch with God, receiving His direction and guidance. And elders should support the calling and work of the pastor, Smith writes. Pastor Chuck His own son was an amazing teacher bringing people to Christ. Finch also raised money for projects that were never completed, including a building project called the Nehemiah project, chair purchases, and a parking lot, said the Edwardses. Smith had terminal lung cancer. There is an undertone of anti-intellectualism in the movement that disparages accredited theological seminaries, just like there are still lingering purists within CC that cling to the KJV because they dont understand textual criticism (which does not fit into their simple expository approach). Great! Smith was a brotherlike King David a great one, but an exceptionally flawed one too. "The board is holding on to everything of dad's and not giving it to us," said Mandrson. Edwards said he couldnt lie from the pulpit and resigned. Yet one of those board members, Doug Hoffman, said he merely stood up for a church youth director whom Hindt had fired. A $300-million (minimum) gondola to Dodger Stadium? Yes, he chose to leave, but only after several others on the CCA Council targeted him, made it clear they didnt want him on the council, and generally made things miserable for him. I would say that Chucks failed prophecies stemmed from one of the strengths you listed: the focus on Israel in their dispensational interpretation of the Bible. What sort of article would it be if all of these he said/she said statements were removed and only complete untwisted truth with actual proof was presented. For over 25 years he has faithfully spread the true gospel to 100s of thousands throughout the world and by using the Word of God has been too effective for the Kingdom of God. Hindt also had issues with how Loaiza submitted other expenses. We would do well to emulate Jesus, not Chuck Smith (or David). Quiroz told The Roys Report that the board approved the housing expenses, and that all the other expenses Loaiza submitted had been settled. I wasnt involved in these meetings but, I did witness Christ working through Ron. And so common; not just a mega church thing. They add that many people have asked the church board and the CCA to hold Hindt accountable for his abusive leadership, but Hindt remains in both positions. Has that ever really been true? Opinion: What is Revivaland is it Happening at Asbury? He must be destroyed! But hammering out a compromise might not be so simple, despite Smiths hopes. Former members and staff at Calvary Chapel Cary say the Moses model and pressure not to report issues have exacerbated problems with Finch. I verified this story with a former employee of CCCM who said it was understood by staff that Chuck had two affairs. Audio of this meeting was obtained by The Roys Report. The Bible is clear that we need to confess our sins to one another. Where is the love for the MANY people Ron Hindt slandered, ran off, told not to come back, and point blank lied about, fired, let go, and misrepresented?

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