Office Phone: 901-416-4540 His comments in no way violated his responsibilities to the district under his contract. According to the Liberty Justice Center (LJC), Thorne has since been reinstated as principal, but LJC is proceeding with a lawsuit against the school division because of the need to stand up to cancel culture. After sharing his message, the lawsuit says the principal was the subject of a professional misconduct complaint and internal disciplinary investigation. All Rights Reserved. Well, what happens when the marketplace of ideas becomes a forced monopoly? HUNT VALLEY, Md. Topics Shelby County Schools Barton Thorne Cordova High School Steve Mulroy University of Memphis Linda A. Moore Linda A. Moore covers education, South Memphis and Whitehaven. Barton Thorne - Principal - Shelby County Schools | LinkedIn Thorne was placed on administrative leave in mid-January after speaking to students and staff about freedom of speech with regard to major social media platforms removing or blocking posts from then-President Donald Trump and some of his supporters. Cordova High School Principal Barton Thorne was placed on administrative leave by the district in January after expressing concern to students over the way unregulated tech and social media companies have the power to control conversations and shut down discussions online. What happens when you do not have dissenting opinions, when you do not have an exchange on competing ideashow do you know if your ideas can stand on their own if there is no marketplace of ideas? he said. Office Phone: 901-416-4540 Email: mail_hide("215108", "sikesd", 0, "gro.21kscs") Barton Thorne, until recently the principal of Cordova High School in Memphis, Tennessee, was suspended after speaking to students about the dangers of big tech censorship. Office Phone: 901-416-4800 5 Things to Know About Principal Barton Thorne and His Case Against Vice Principal . In his video, Thorne expressed concerns about times in American history where a small group of people decided what you can hear. The principal stressed, however, that his speech was not in support of Trump, or the recently deplatformed social media app Parler, but solely about freedom of speech. Six weeks later, Thorne filed a federal civil rightslawsuitagainst the district and Superintendent Joris Ray. School Directory - TSSAA But every American should be concerned about a cultural trend to get rid of voices that disagree with popular viewpoints.Cancel culture isnt just stopping hate speech, its silencing legitimate speech protected by the First Amendment. Thorne said he was not making those comments because he favored Parler or Trump or anybody else who is being banned., The lawsuit alleges the school district directed Thorne not to talk to media even though the SCS policies permit employees to talk to media in their individual capacity.. Since the start of the school year, Principal Thorne has spoken directly to students through a weekly video message. Email: mail_hide("212822", "calleyjp", 0, "gro.21kscs") During his video message, Thorne explicitly denounced the Capitol riots, saying they displayed ignorance at the highest levels., I dont know too many people that are going to be okay with what happened, he said. We keep a close eye on China because of its influence now and the lessons we can learn from its ancient past to better our lives today. ITS NOT THEIR MONEY, BUT THEY DONT CARE, BIDEN SAYS INDIAN-AMERICANS ARE TAKING OVER THE COUNTRY, AND HE SEEMS TO LIKE IT. Culturally aware? In each class, program and pathway of study, students are being shaped into good citizens, critical thinkers, effective communicators and lifelong learners. It is not always pleasant to hear things that you might disagree with or discover that someone holds an opposing position. Memphis high school principal sues after being suspended for talking to Sonora High School encourages students to become life-long learners and contributing members of an ever-changing world. Cordova High School principal on leave for "free speech" video Principal Thorne asked the young people to consider what happens when other groups filter and decide what you can hear and know about. Office Phone: 901-416-4540 The principal of Cordova High School is suing Shelby County Schools. Principal Thornes experience is a frightening example of this trend. Virginia parents argue school ambassador program is discriminatory. Principal Thorne was put on administration leave January 12. Email: mail_hide("207974", "vandaslynch", 0, "moc.liamg") Barton Thorne, the principal of Cordova High School near Memphis, Tennessee, was briefly suspended (cancelled) after he stood up to the cancel culture dominating social media. While Principal Thorne was instructed not to speak to the media or the community about his suspension, numerous district officials spoke publicly about him. 2023 Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association, Division I, Class 4A, Region 8, District 15, Division I, Region 8, District 17, Section 4, Division I, Class AAA, Region 8, District 15, Division I, Class AA, Region 8, District 16. Non-faculty, Member of Division I, Class AAA, Region 8, District 15, Justin Lay (Head Coach) Barton Thorne, the principal of Cordova High School near Memphis, Tennessee, was briefly suspended (cancelled) after he stood up to the cancel culture dominating social media. Home; About Us" Administrators; Family & Community Engagement . SCSs actions violate Principal Thornes First and Fourteenth Amendment rights by subjecting him to viewpoint discrimination. Forget the War on Stoves. I dont know of too many people that are going to be OK with what happened. Thorne is suing his school district and its superintendent for the suspension. InThorne v. Shelby County Board of Education, Liberty Justice Center is representing a Memphis-area high school principal suing his school district after he was placed on administrative leave for speaking with his students about the importance of free speech. Trump took to Twitter following the outbreak of violence to call on protesters to go home in peace.He denounced the violence as a heinous attack that defiled the seat of American democracy on Jan. 7. Thorne referenced McCarthyism, as well as a standoff between federal agents and a religious group called the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas during the 1990s. Email: mail_hide("209512", "burnsc1", 0, "gro.21kscs") 2. What happens when you do not have dissenting opinions, when you do not have an exchange of competing ideas? he told students. Full-time Teacher Terms under which this service is provided to you, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information, The Debt Ceiling Is About to Crash, And Mr. Magoo Is Behind the Wheel, Shut Down the Border or Shut Down Democrat Cities, The Military's Job Is Simple, but the Biden Administration Seems Awfully Confused About It, Hunter Finally Appears in Child Support Case, Judge Blasts Him for Concealing Income, Ireland about to execute free speech as in "kill it off permanently", Chris Coons Bends Over Backwards to Defend Joe Biden Running for Reelection, MSNBC Show Host Mocking Conservative Justices Speaks Right to Alito's Point. Cancel culture isnt just stopping hate speech, its silencing legitimate speech protected by the First Amendment. Think about totalitarian government. He should be saluted for educating the kids at Cordova High School instead of indoctrinating them. Principal Thorne has been with Shelby County Schools (SCS) for nearly two decades, dedicating his career to helping the families and students within his community. A native of South Memphis, Linda has . Email: mail_hide("212221", "cooperc1", 0, "gro.21kscs") After leaving Cordova after the 2010 season, he coached at Memphis . Anything less would be a disservice not only to Principal Thorne, but also to his students who are watching a real-life civics life lesson unfold before their eyes.. CORDOVA HIGH SCHOOL 1800 Berryhill Road Cordova, TN 38016 Main Office: 416-4540 School Fax: 416-4545 Barton Thorne, Principal Mary DeGruy, Vice Principal SCHOOL DIRECTORY Attendance Office: 416-2085 Guidance Office: 416-2120 Registration: 416-2143 Records: 416-2119 Bilingual Mentor, Ivan Borgos - 416-2145 Thornes suspension had resulted from a complaint from one or several unknown SCS employees, parents, or students, according to the lawsuit. This article by Joe Dodson was published December 8, 2022 on HUNT VALLEY, Md. Full-time Teacher, Robert Jacques (Assistant Coach) Click here. Barton Thorne of Cordova High School was placed on paid administrative leave after comments he made over the district's virtual learning platform. It was only after he filed a lawsuit, Thorne v. Shelby County Board of Education, on February 23 that Principal Thorne was reinstated. Full-time Teacher, Ashley Smithcoleman (Assistant Coach) Email: mail_hide("212213", "scalestr", 0, "gro.21kscs") The principal of a Tennessee high school has been placed on paid administrative leave after he made comments about free speech to students during a virtual announcement. - As leaders, we must be intentional about creating spaces for our students to discuss and process events that take place in our country and community.. By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies, revised Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Office Phone: 901-415-4540 Every Monday morning, Cordova High Schools daily announcement video features a principals minute where Thorne shares messages to inspire, educate, inform and challenge his high school students with broad themes and life advice from their principal. Email: mail_hide("216156", "ratlifftn", 0, "gro.21kscs") Taught various levels of English; coached softball and soccer; teacher-leader as a department chair and school . Office Phone: 901-416-4540 Facebook Page; . Home US School Principal Suspended for Talking to Students About Big Tech Censorship. The video addressed the dangers of the Big Tech Giants censoring speech. Think about McCarthyism think about totalitarian governments, think of North Korea, think of China. Copyright 2023 Liberty Justice Center. Suspended Cordova High School principal files lawsuit against district He said that consumers dont have the freedom to choose when it comes to social media, making it imperative that the government keeps them under control. Email: mail_hide("212820", "warnerdk", 0, "gro.21kscs") Office Phone: 901-416-4540 Clara Barton Elementary. On Jan. 25, Thornes lawyers sent a letter to SCS demanding that they publicly apologize for suggesting that he had done something inappropriate and immediately reinstate him. Opinion | Principal Thorne should have looked back in his history book 01/27/2023. Home - Clara Barton Elementary - Corona-Norco Unified School District PDF Mr. Thorne's statements were in line with the content of resources Email: mail_hide("212220", "cooperc1", 0, "gro.21kscs") According to the lawsuit, Thorne usually delivers a weekly speech to students to educate and inspire them. Thorne addressed his students a day after President Donald Trump was suspended from several Big Tech platforms in the wake of violence that erupted on Jan. 6 at the U.S. Capitol in Washington. This includes personalizing content and advertising. This isnt about Trump, he said. Email: mail_hide("207526", "casemt", 0, "gro.21kscs") Instead of punishing Principal Thorne he should be given a pay raise and a certificate of merit. And not whether or not you agree or disagree with the people being filtered, but can this happen to you one day?, READ: 5 Things to Know About Principal Barton Thorne and His Case Against Shelby County Schools, Your email address will not be published. The principal has retained legal counsel from the Liberty Justice Center, a national public interest law firm that defends constitutional rights. Colors: Forrest Green, Black, White. Barton Thorne is a career educator who currently serves as principal of Cordova High School for Shelby County Schools (SCS). Thorne is asking for unspecified damages. Excerpts from Principal Thornes Jan. 11, 2021, message to students: Case filings are available here:Thorne v. Shelby County Board of Education, Complaint, Feb. 25, 2021 Transcript of Principal Thornes Message, Feb. 25, 2021 Liberty Justice Centers Demand Letter to Shelby County Schools, Jan. 25, 2021 Press Release, Feb. 25, 2021. Full-time Teacher, Tasheba Crane (Head Coach) Coaches who have successfully completed the ASEP Coaches Education Course AND the TSSAA Online Coaches Training Session prior to May, 15, 2013 are not subject to this requirement. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Do not send us confidential information until you speak with us and receive authorization to do so. Barton Thorne. We have to be culturally aware and also have our students have an outlet so they can express themselves and feel value, Lowe told the Fox 13 in Memphis. High school principal sues over suspension after controversial comments to students about Capitol riot, free speech, Mother arrested for leaving children home alone to go to gym, police say, Suspect accused of kidnapping, raping child in South Memphis pleads not guilty, Whitehaven mourns loss of high school band director, City of Memphis takes formal stance on 5-year residency requirement for mayoral candidates, Thorne drew comparisons to the Branch Davidian standoff. Email: mail_hide("209514", "lewistj", 0, "gro.21kscs") Email: mail_hide("212940", "calleyjp", 0, "gro.21kscs") Cordova High principal on leave for controversial comments According to the lawsuit, Thorne says SCS violated his first and 14th amendment rights. Office Phone: 901-416-4540 According to the lawsuit, Thornes remarks were in his principals message thats part of a weekly announcements video. Thorne shared concerns about big tech companies' ability to control information on their platforms during a Jan. 11 weekly homeroom video message to students and staff at Cordova High School in . HUNT VALLEY, Md. (SBG) High school principal Barton Thorne, who was suspended last month over comments he made about free speech in the wake of the Capitol riot, is returning to work for the first time in six weeks. He should be saluted for educating the kids at Cordova High School instead of indoctrinating them. If you trust your teacher talk to your teacher about it. Email: mail_hide("212214", "cartermt", 0, "gro.21kscs") The cancel culture taking foot in America has now reached our schools, and I will not stand for it.. Office Phone: 901-416-4540 Suhr said the school needs to make up for damages against Thornes reputation. The principal of a Tennessee high school has been placed on paid administrative leave after he made comments about free speech to students during a virtual announcement. In a statement, Thorne stressed that free speech is under threat and that he will neither be silenced nor would he allow a students voice to be marginalized just because he puts forward a reasonable point of view. Office Phone: 901-416-4540, Michael Case (Athletic Director) Principal Thornes experience is a frightening example of this trend. Imagine that a public school administrator who is teaching kids to think for themselves. MEMPHIS, Tenn. (Feb. 25, 2021) A Memphis-area high school principal is suing his school district after he was placed on administrative leave for speaking with his students about the importance of free speech. Suspended SCS principal is sues on free-speech grounds Full-time Teacher, Chris Burns (Assistant Coach) Email: mail_hide("212946", "havrdass", 0, "gro.21kscs") Talk to your parents about it. What makes those types of systems possible is the restriction and elimination of the free exchange of ideas.. Im taking action because I meant what I said: Free speech is critically important and is under threat. Think about China. Full-time Teacher, Terrance Scales (Head Coach) "I have been released as the head football coach this afternoon by Mr. Thorne. Email: mail_hide("212217", "vinsonjr", 0, "gro.21kscs") Twitter first placed restrictions on a video the president posted, before temporarily suspending his account, an action followed closely by Facebook. Disclaimer: The materials contained in this website are for informational purposes and are not to be considered advertising or legal advice. This article by Joe Dodson was published December 8, 2022 on Thornes suit alleges SCS officials told him to remain silent while the district criticized him in the media. 3:50 The principal of Cordova High School in Memphis, Tennessee, is suing his school district and its superintendent for suspending him after he taught students about big tech censorship in the wake of the January 6 riot on Capitol Hill. Cordova High School The strength of the pack is the wolf. Principal Thorne has been with Shelby County Schools (SCS) for nearly two decades, dedicating his career to helping the families and students within his community. Emotionally charged situations, we have to sometimes temper back, recalibrate, think about the message were sending to our student, spokesman Michael Lowe told the television station. And so, if they can do that to a minorityor if they can do that to a powerful voice, it doesnt have to be a minoritywhat will stop them one day from doing that to you? Principal Barton Thorne. Email: mail_hide("215239", "vinsonjr", 0, "gro.21kscs") I think we all know what thats code for. Barton Thorne, who is in his fourth year leading Cordova High School in Shelby County, reportedly said during a nine-minute morning announcement that free speech is being threatened [] Thorne further referenced totalitarian governments, like North Korea and China.. Read More Most recent Think about North Korea. Full-time Teacher. Three Loudoun County parents say the school districts student ambassador program, meant to combat systemic racism, discriminates against students based on their race and viewpoints. Thorne v. Shelby County Board of Education, Newsmax: Daniel Suhr and former ASU student Tim Tizon discuss appeal of unlawful conviction, Former ASU Student Appeals Conviction for Distributing Constitution- Newsmax, New Lawsuit: Albuquerque vote to give taxpayer funds to Planned Parenthood violates New Mexico Constitution, Virginias Discriminatory Ambassador Program Courthouse News Service. He filed a lawsuit Thursday against the Shelby County Schools Board of Education and Superintendent Dr. Joris Ray. Office Phone: 901-416-7470, Barton Thorne (Principal) Email: mail_hide("212944", "havrdass", 0, "gro.21kscs") Office Phone: 901-416-4540 Full-time Teacher, Chance Talley (Assistant Coach) Office Phone: 901-416-4540 We write on behalf of our client, Barton Thorne, the principal of Cordova High School. He also criticized the Capitol riot, calling it ignorance at the highest level. He said that no matter what side you agree with, one should not practice sedition or attack the legislature. Virginia parents argue school ambassador program is discriminatory. Is SCOTUS About to Annihilate the Administrative State? Troy High School seeks to provide both a comprehensive liberal arts program and a specialized program of study for students of all abilities and backgrounds. This is about speech.. Lawsuit: Memphis School Principal Suspended After Teaching - Breitbart Suhr told Sinclair his firm had reached out to the school district several times before filing the suit, but the school never responded in a substantive way.. After more than a month, and even after the Liberty Justice Center had reached out to the school district multiple times, Thorne had heard very little from school officials and had no resolution to his case. Office Phone: 901-416-5300 Full-time Teacher, Vandas Lynch (Assistant Coach) They further constitute a breach of Principal Thornes employment contract.. You may be in agreement with the people who are doing the filtering, but its just one moment away from somebody else being able to filter you. Daniel Suhr, managing attorney at Liberty Justice Center appeared on C-SPAN's Washington Journal to discuss the vaccine mandate challenges being heard by the U.S. Supreme Court on Jan. 7. What happens when the marketplace of ideas becomes a forced monopoly. The state of Texas is also considering a similar law. A Tennessee high school principal is on administrative leave after he told students they should be alarmed by the recent crackdown on free speech on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. To schedule an interview, contact Kristen Williamson at[emailprotected]or 773-809-4403. The video addressed the dangers of the Big Tech Giants censoring speech. This isnt about Trump, he said. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. What sort of fruit salad nonsense is the Office of Equity and Access? We use cookies to understand how you use our site and to improve your experience. In his role as principal, he delivers a "principal's message" to his students as part of the weekly announcements' videos. With the horrific events from last week at our U.S. Capitol, we have to ensure our children, teachers, and school staff remain in a consistent environment that promotes safety, cultural sensitivity, and represents the highest level of excellence, Harris said in a statement, according toCommercial Appeal. He was then placed on paid administrative leave where he has languished for six weeks without any closure to his case, the filing says. Weve got a pretty simple ask: we want Principal Thorne to be not just restored to his job, but restored to his reputation. Principal Barton Thorne called it "shocking and disappointing" to be removed for speaking to students about the First Amendment. Email: mail_hide("209515", "robertgjacques", 0, "moc.liamg") Full-time Teacher, Tasheba Crane (Head Coach) Giving the example of McCarthyism, the principal encouraged students to Google about the issue or ask their social studies teacher. Its shocking and disappointing that I was removed from my job for speaking with students about the First Amendment, Principal Thorne said. In an interview with The Epoch Times, Paxton pointed out that since these companies can decide who to allow and ban on their platforms, there is no other choice but to regulate them to maintain fairness. Office Phone: 901-416-4540 Oh, So That's Who Decided Joe Biden Would Run for Re-Election. He pointed out that American history is rife with examples of small groups of people deciding what others should hear. Wimberly took to Twitter to announce his dismissal from Cordova. Free speech was being threatened, he alleged, by the actions of. High school principal Barton Thorne reinstated following civil rights Full-time Teacher, Antonio Wilkerson (Assistant Coach) Email: mail_hide("186438", "setlerkr", 0, "gro.21kscs") Phone: Email: Degrees and Certifications: Mary DeGruy. This information is not intended to create, and receipt of it does not constitute or create, an attorney-client relationship between the Liberty Justice Center and/or any lawyer with LJC with any reader or recipient of this information and LJC does not make any assertion regarding available attorneys in your jurisdiction. School Principal Suspended for Talking to Students About Big Tech Censorship, Copyright Policy and Infringement Notification. Many of you have complained that you never see our content in your news feeds. Email: mail_hide("208846", "layjo", 0, "gro.21kscs") [I]n democracies, we talk about the marketplace of ideas. Shelby County Schools are the only public schools in Tennessee that have not resumed in-person learning. Theres only one way to fight back and thats by subscribing to my FREE weekly newsletter. Linda A. Moore. Thorne is suing his school district and its superintendent for the suspension. He filed a lawsuit Thursday against the Shelby County Schools Board of Education and Superintendent Dr. Joris Ray. Thorne stressed that his talk was not in support of Trump but was about freedom of speech. And he is absolutely correct.