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Packing a lot of Firepower for destroyers and blessed with a decent Reload buff to go along the excellent self-heal, Cassin and Downes may not have the monstrous burst damage output of their IJN counterparts but they can and will outlast them many times over while still being able to assist with AA. Grant +15% Torpedo to the entire vanguard. Values are rounded to the nearest whole number. One of the first healers you'll have access too and probably one of the first proper battleships as well; her DD secondary guns will keep your backline safe-ish from incoming fireships and her heal, while unreliable, will keep your vanguard alive and kicking for longer than no heal at all. Check the in-game calendar to see whats coming up! Fully afk. From there on, I would look at some good ships that can be used potentially for my PR grind. Achievements: The first is by completing achievements. Thus, they are at best a t1. If on mobile, tap View Code to show them. These also tend to consume oil, and also have a limited number of slots, so take care in ship selection here as well. 2K 62K views 1 year ago #AzurLane This last update changes the whole oil efficiency meta. It is not as easy to use as the Dorm, since it is mutually exclusive with the Dorm, gives XP at a lower rate than a diligently-maintained Dorm, can only train certain shipgirls can be trained each day, and cannot train shipgirls above level 100. This works out to a rate of 90 XP per oil. Average, as London Kai takes over her buffing duties while being considerably tougher and a lot more powerful. These parts can be acquired through battle or by completing missions and then dissambleing the gear you get. In terms of "hard" resources, oil is the main limiting factor on earning XP. Guide to Shinano: Best Gear, Equipment Build Guide + Tips. Leveling in Azur Lane: How To Do It Fast and Efficiently The best way here is doing a 1:1 fleet with a Ranger and a Cassin or Downes with 0LB. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Phoenix offers exceptional healer-free staying power at a bargain and that's relevant throughout the game, although if the going gets tough (or you want to clear faster), you'll want to tag in Minneapolis instead. Any single tanky vanguard can work like Portland or Yukikaze. (Kai), [General Purpose] Prototype Triple 203mm AA Gun (vs Light), Twin 203mm Main Zaragun (vs Medium), Prototype Triple 203mm Main Gun SKC (vs Heavy); 138.6mm; 40mm Quad Bofors; Research Hydraulic Gear; Toolbox, [Poverty] 203mm SKC (AP) or 203mm HE dual (HE); QF 120mm dual; 40mm Quad Bofors; Toolbox; Hydraulic Gear or Naval Camo. You can also get coins by dismantling ships and gear. Lets say, for example; this Nocturne Event will provide an extra XP boost to these four ships, Jamaica, Graf Spee, Vampire, and Belfast. The value of CL secondaries decreases steadily over time as more and more BB with it become available to you, and while a lot of Firepower doesn't really go amiss it's also all these two are offering; there's no shortage of nasty damage dealers out there, and most of them have more to their name than just that. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Lets go through all the ways to get oil. I am using the root method, I'll try to get a video of it but it's like it loops. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. We do no have any content whatsoever that needs that tankiness. PR Farm - XP Calculator; Sheet8; Copy of PR Farm - XP Calculator; Alt Copy of XP Calculator ; Copy of Alt Copy of XP Calculator ; Level 125 Stats Sheet Tech packs are used for two things: research and construction. They're often overlooked, perhaps because they're grays or perhaps because they're not very flashy, but they put out major league DPS while being the absolute cheapest in their hull class. None of these are particularly good at combat, so they work best when supporting two stronger shipgirls of their type. Event currency can be earned by completing event tasks or buying it with real money. Up-to-date news, tiers & guides for Azur Lane. Then, click on the Retire button and confirm your choice. Azur Lane Upgrade and Leveling Guide | Azur Lane The exception to this is if the event map has a favorable Siren setup, since Sirens give much better rewards than normal enemy fleets. Still takes way too long for each attempt with how bad the drop rate is. A couple of ships to reduce that oil cost will benefit you because you will not have to worry about running low on oil ever again. Youll need CP to build most things in Azur Lane. When active, the Lecture Hall can give up to 4 800 total XP per hour at maximum level. Azur Lane Wiki 470 pages Explore navigation Gamepedia Sign In Register in: Guides Best Places to Farm View source The following are the best Locations and Dungeons in the World Map of Azur Lane to farm. A very solid statline, a bargain basement price tag, a Firepower buff for cruisers, a smokescreen that won't accomplish much (but is better than Belfast's) and a smile to melt your heart. Do you like what Takao does? Cookie Notice May 2, 2021 0 The following are tips as to how you can easily farm for XP in Azur lane. I'm level 54. If you complete it with a gold rating, you'll earn 30 tech packs! 4 days into 6-4, 2 torp drops, zero yuudachi, that boss theme though. spots that can give you gold and you can farm for the Twin 113mm AA gun (the roomba gun) at the same time. Increases experience gained by CV/L by 15%, Increases Reload for CVL by 15%, does not stack with other command skills that have similar effect. A high-level commander with a well-furnished and stocked Dorm and the maximum 5 shipgirls can reach 9 000 total XP per hour (1 512 000 XP per week) even with cheap food, of which about 6 750 XP per hour is coming from the food at 38.4 oil per hour. You can also get tech packs from events and missions. AriPanda's Azur Lane Guide - Google Sheets It is limited to 3 runs per day (9 on Sunday). Azur Lane Farming Tier List (<w11) + Recommended PvP Comp for CN, JP The following are tips as to how you can easily farm for XP in Azur lane. If youre running low on oil, then step back and farm a more accessible stage like 7-2, such as a lower-level fleet. al-guides/Beginner Equipment.md at master - Github New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 2. ankulua.boards.net/thread/3/daemon-installation, drive.google.com/file/d/1vOeErjPfVC3X83r71I4bKMB5veJROida/view?usp=drivesdk. ), [General Purpose] Prototype 203mm Type 3 Mounted Gun (vs Light), Twin 203mm Main Zaragun (vs Medium), Prototype Triple 203mm Main Gun SKC (vs Heavy); 138.6mm; 40mm Quad Bofors; Research Hydraulic Gear; Toolbox. Supplies are used in the dorm to level up your characters. Battles can take longer, but you will earn more oil if you are victorious. Azur Lane Tier List April 2023 - Just Updated! - Azur Laner Instead I'm going to farm points/drops with exp as a bonus. Do you need more oil, gems, cubes, or any other resource for your Azur Lane account? Missions usually take less than a minute to complete, and you can get a good amount of oil for each one that you finish. If you are overpowered to the stage, go after three triangle fleets immediately. Your email address will not be published. If there's any mistakes, please tell me - I don't want to give out false information! Added a little script which could help you go from 1-1 to 3-4. Your first proper BBarrager, Pennsylvania has an okay statline and very nice barrage for both mobbing and bossing fleets (but preferably mobbing); since said barrage is timed you don't need to worry about giving her a fast gun to proc it often, with the added benefit of it being able to dispatch enemies on its own so you can point the main guns towards something else. Every torpedo launch has a 30.0% chance to launch another spread. Azur-Lane-Guides/AL Early Recommendations Guide.md at master - Github Your first good bearers of CL secondaries, owing to their high Firepower and Main Gun Efficiency (once partially retrofitted, that is; just DO NOT take the last two nodes). Juno. Ship type: BB BC BBV CV CVL CB CA CL DD SS SSV AR. Upon launching a torpedo spread, 30% chance to launch a second one. Average. You'll need CP to build most things in Azur Lane. How do people level up their shipgirls so much faster than me? - Azur Lane Backline: 3:1 for 11-4 or highest map you can do. Notable for being easy and doable with low level ships, only requires 3 mob fights to spawn the boss, and can drop Akagi/Kaga. Ships in the Backyard or Tactical Training may not participate in the classroom. Their damage is modified by 100% of the unit's FP. Use her a lot in every normal/hard fight; as long as you don't burn her out; another bonus if your shipgirl is main-fleet flagship; this gives her a ~3x XP boost -- the higher the level of your enemies, the more XP you win. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Huge thanks for putting the time into it, still having some troubles running it properly but I'm new to Ankulua in general so am blaming that. [General Purpose] Prototype Triple 152mm Main Gunn; 533mm quintuple conventional torpedo; 40mm Quad Bofors; Toolbox; Oxytorp, [Poverty] Twin 150mm tbtsk c/36; 533mm quadruple conventional torpedo; 40mm Quad Bofors; Toolbox; Toolbox. Another way to get decor tokens is to participate in events. While equipment boxes may seem tempting, they're practically never worth buying. Leveling ships requires them to earn EXP, which in turn consumes resources such as oil, time, various types of limited slots, and your attention. The main way of farming medals is by retiring old ships. Their role can easily be filled by Noshiro, Tallinn, Heinrich, Drake, and well its mobbing so we have to include Minneapolis and Neptune, unless you are braindead enough to think to even use ChinaWall in bosses. The main way to get merit is through the PvP mode, known as exercise.

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azur lane best map to farm