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Woman Charged With Selling $11,000 Worth Of Body Parts To Man On Facebook, Lukas Van Ness' Dad Raises Eyebrows For Butt-Slapping Son's Girlfriend, FBI Has 'Zero Leads' In Search For Man Who Killed 5 Neighbors, Preschool Teacher Arrested For Murder During Class' Nap Time. Plus, Joe has an assortment of stories from CHINA! -----BEGIN REPORT----- While they freely . After all, laughter is the best medicine during these complicated times. Armstrong & Getty Podcast | iHeart See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information. Y2I5Nzc1MTIwZGQ4ZjJmOTNiZGRmYjRkZWFiNTU3ZmIwY2VmYzYyMzE5ZjRm Hour 1 of the Wednesday edition of The Armstrong & Getty Show features a moment of pride for Jack, Mailbag, an update on the day's news and more on the Biden Family Biz. Plus, Mailbag, the Biden 2024 announcement, and Jack ponders an important distinction. Plus, a very special message from MichaelAngelo regarding his recent absence. Theyve raised a son and a daughter to young adulthood and have a second daughter in high school. Armstrong & Getty Featuring Dennis Nakata | KUGN 590 | KUGN-AM ZTVkMmFhMjMxNWY2MDFhN2IzMzE2NjliZjhlNTViZmEyZDJkY2IzZDMwOTM5 Think this cause is cool? Plus, first big media story of the day drops! Armstrong & Getty One More Thing. All of the stations below provide reliable links to the broadcast edition of A&G each Weekday! Plus, Joe has an assortment of stories from CHINA! Joe Getty grew up in Chicagoland where he met and married Judy before both of them had graduated from college. The bigge. Do not sell or share my personal information. Armstrong & Getty are the hosts of The Armstrong & Getty Show, a nationally syndicated morning drive radio show hosted by Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty. Jack Armstrong & Joe Getty dedicate every broadcast to the idea that you can be informed and involved-without being angry. CLICK ON THE MAP TO FIND YOUR STATION iHeart Armstrong & Getty On Demand Snark, Mockery & Pity Snark, Mockery & Pity Apr 20, 2023 37 min We Are Not Ready Apr 20, 2023 37 min Hour 1 of the Tuesday edition of The Armstrong & Getty Show features Tucker's surprising exit from Fox News. The seriously injured returning home from war with immediate medical and emotional needs; Those suffering from post-traumatic stress (PTS) and/or traumatic brain injury (TBI); Physical and occupational therapy patients who are recovering and/or receiving medical care at military medical facilities; Transitioning warriors who are medically retiring and transitioning to civilian life. Hour 2 of A&G includes Biden's media notes, a joyful ditty, the newness of youth transitions and Tucker Speaks! Sports. The official, On-Demand podcast of The Armstrong & Getty Show! -----END REPORT-----. NGQ4YTRlYjBkZGU3YzNlZmY1MjZmMTM2ZTFkOGJlZGM2YzM3MWYwZDAwMzZl Plus 100,000 AM/FM radio stations featuring music, news, and local sports talk. NjNjYzVkMTNhNWNlOWY4NTc1MmFlYzcyNGQzMmQ1ZDY3MDkzMTE5MjAzMDcw The Armstrong & Getty Air Force Collection As a long-time F riend of A rmstrong & G etty, you're obligated to grab one of our fine tees, hats or a stickers! ZTZkZGY5M2QxMDVlNjFhZGIyODFiY2ZjNjUwMGRjMmNjYzExZDZkOGRmZDA3 KUGN is excited to bring The Armstrong & Getty Show to the Willamette Valley airwaves as KUGN News Talk 590's new morning show, featuring live local news breaks with Dennis Nakata. Hour 2 of A&G features a rather broadly framed question, our latest Kamala clip of wonderment, kids are talking about sex and Trump has an interesting choice for his running mate. The hugely popular weekday The Armstrong & Getty Show is wildly entertaining, informative and laugh-out-loud funny, with a mixture of political commentary, observations on local, national, and international news and reflections on social issues. Morbid is a true crime, creepy history and all things spooky podcast hosted by an autopsy technician and a hairstylist. Armstrong & Getty Podcast Play Newest Follow The hugely popular weekday The Armstrong & Getty Show is wildly entertaining, informative and laugh-out-loud funny, with a mixture of political commentary, observations on local, national, and international news and reflections on social issues. Plus, James Corden signs-off, those seeking mortgages are gonna get screwed and--what is the duty of a conservative? Hour 1 of the Thursday edition of The Armstrong & Getty Show features famous twins, Mailbag, BS in the Bay, See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information. The Armstrong & Getty Show, The Voice of the West, is dedicated to the idea that you can be informed and involved without always being angry. The two often recall back to their days as typical DJs, calling out soft rock hits and the occasional promotional radio stunt. The two began working together in 1992, hosting morning shows in Kansas, before taking their show to a bigger market in Charlotte, NC. $35.00 USD Calunicornia State Flag Men's Tee From $35.00 USD Sold out Joe's CASTIGAT RIDENDO MORES Men's T-Shirt $35.00 USD Jack Armstrong is a midwestern boy at heart. Plus, James Corden signs-off, those seeking mortgages are gonna get screwed and--what is the duty of a conservative? Contact Armstrong & Getty | Talk 650 KSTE | Armstrong & Getty Plus, we compare and contrast some of the most high profile music plagiarism lawsuits. Hour 4 of A&G features Clips of the Week (version 2). Live life today ON PURPOSE. ZjBjYWViNjBiNmNkZGI0NWRiODU5OGQ5YTYxMWUyODRhOTljZTI3OWFjMTY3 Armstrong & Getty are the hosts of The Armstrong & Getty Show, a nationally syndicated morning drive radio show hosted by Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty. Twitter: @aandgshow Language: English Contact: 910 AM 340 Townsend Street San Francisco, CA 94107 1-866-331-8255 Website: http://armstrongandgetty.talkradio1280.com/ Email: armstrongandgetty@yahoo.com Episodes A Music Forensicologist! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information. Call Us Studio Line: 415-295-KFTC (5382) Newsroom Line: 866-331-8255. Hour 4 of A&G includes the passing of Jerry Springer, more fun with Kamala, the words you simply cannot use and more! Join us for a heavy dose of research with a dash of comedy thrown in for flavor. Podcast @armstrongandgetty @aandgshow Photos See all Videos See all Plus, Joe has an assortment of stories from CHINA! NWIwNWUyMDQxMDM3YWEzZGI2MzkyZDQzMjAxNTM2MjM3OTZkODgzNzFiZDA4 Ron DeSantis Over Control Of Special District, Man Loses His Right To Vote Over Fake Craigslist Ad, Air Force Unit Loses Intelligence Mission Amid Document Leak Investigation, White House Security Nabs Toddler Who Squeezed Through Security Fence, Two Chinese Nationals Charged For Running Secret Police Station In New York, Crashed Saucer-Shaped UFO Photographed By NASA On Mars, Mom Spooked To Find Painting Of Her Son At Remote B&B, Viral TikTok Video Makes Your Phone Feel Colder, Dad Devastated To Learn His Wife Of 6 Years Is His Sister, Eerie Ghost Captured On Arizona Truck Driver's Dashcam, 28 Girls Hospitalized After Fainting While Playing With Ouija Board, Portland Cinco De Mayo Fiesta 5/5-5/7 @ Tom McCall Waterfront Park, 2023 Doggie Dash 5/13 @ Tom McCall Waterfront Park, Nickel Creek 7/7 @ Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Hour 4 of A&G features Clips of the Week (version 2). ZDg5MWNjZDkzMjRiOGM5ODhlZmE3ZGUwY2JjNWRhNzc3YzNmMWNhY2E5NjJm Hour 3 of A&G features the stunning sums of covid money spent on things non-covid. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information. Plus, Jack can't watch his son's flag football practice and our fearless leader forgets his most recent memorable event! MjdkMDJhZjg3NDJmZDVjYWM4N2ZlZGI1OTE2ZjFiMTg3MTE2M2E1ZmU2NWNm Hour 4 of A&G includes one man's idea about why Biden deserves a vote. The official, On-Demand podcast of The Armstrong & Getty Show! Hour 3 of A&G features the stunning sums of covid money spent on things non-covid. Hour 3 of A&G features our analysis of the Biden announcement. Armstrongandgetty Reviews - 1 Review of Armstrongandgetty.com | Sitejabber NTY1NzhjNzE2NDFkNDU0NTI5MjI3YmE3NGVlMmM4YWI0ZjlmMDE5NDdhZTdj Hour 1 of the Monday edition of The Armstrong & Getty Show features tales of Joe's cousin, SueDan. YmUzYjEyN2FjMzVjNmNmNDkzNWYwZjU2ZjQzMzI0NGZkNzFkZmIwNWUwYWJl ODZkZjE0N2EyOWQzZjlhMjQ2MjQ4M2IxZjlhOTU2OGMyYjgxNTFhODEyZTAx Its a lighthearted nightmare in here, weirdos! Tweets by @AandGShow. Plus, Jack can't watch his son's flag football practice and our fearless leader forgets his most recent memorable event! And, the real reason why Tucker was fired. Therefore, he surmised someone having 150 close . Hour 3 of A&G includes Joe's latest edition of California Is Crumbling. Plus, we'll take another listen to Kamala clip of the day, Joe has a pair of interesting stories about college and more! Hour 1 of the Wednesday edition of The Armstrong & Getty Show features a moment of pride for Jack, Mailbag, an update on the day's news and more on the Biden Family Biz. 85559; The Daily. Hour 4 of A&G features some political posturing, an interesting report on the Ukraine War, a piercing and some jail timeas well as the new Ai-generated anti-Biden ad. Im fortunate to have fascinating conversations with the most insightful people in the world, and on my podcast, Im sharing those conversations with you. Win A $100 IKEA Gift Card Courtesy Of IKEA West Sacramento! In addition to flights home for the holidays, Warrior Foundation Freedom Station assists injured warriors year-round with a variety of programs, including adaptive sports, outdoor therapy, wheelchairs for warriors, vocational projects, education scholarships, mentorship and career guidance, work wardrobes, and more. So Many A&G Band Names Tees! Hour 3 of A&G includes the reality of electric cars, the teacher's union boss testifies during a Congressional hearing, military analyst Mike Lyons talks about the tanks going to Ukraine, and more! Stephen never admitted to the allegations, but apologized, saying that the calls were misplaced and accidentally played on his Good Day show.[4]. Hour 4 of A&G features Clips of the Week (version 2). YWZkYmU1NmFiY2UyODQyNWM1MmMxNzE5YmI2ZmZjNjc3ZTBmIn0= Trust in the media is at an all-time low. The show is hosted by Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty. Hour 1 of the Tuesday edition of The Armstrong & Getty Show features Tucker's surprising exit from Fox News. The official, On-Demand podcast of The Armstrong & Getty Show! Win Tickets To See The Black Crowes May 6th At The Venue At Thunder Valley! About Armstrong & Getty | Talk 650 KSTE Plus, we compare and contrast some of the most high profile music plagiarism lawsuits. Add-in a bit of trans-activism & Taxonomy and changes to the McDonald's menu set the web afire! Jack has made a few curious statements the last couple weeks which has piqued my curiosity. The Buck Sexton Show. YjFiYTY1ZWI4MmNkMGMyMmE4MDNiMDY0MGFjN2FiZDAyMjY4NWQ5NzljOGI4 He has stated in the past that talking about personal issues on the show was therapeutic for him and he has done so when talking about his son. Hour 4 of A&G includes more on Tucker Carlson's exit from Fox News, followed by the other big-time cable TV news firing! Text 415-295-KFTC Email Jack & Joe mailbag@armstrongandgetty.com Follow Email mailbag@armstrongandgetty.com Text Studio Line: 415-295-KFTC Reply STOP to cancel. Armstrong & Getty On Demand. Plus, James Corden signs-off, those seeking mortgages are gonna get screwed and--what is the duty of a conservative? News Radio 1190 KEX - Portland's News & Talk, Your Home For The Beavers Jan 11, 2023 28 min. I have found their social commentary important for the philosophical zeitgeist of the conservative movement.Bravo.Why do you lie?Is it your greed? Music, radio and podcasts, all free. Let's keep it simple! Plus, we compare and contrast some of the most high profile music plagiarism lawsuits. Please rate and review the podcast if you enjoy it. A Music Forensicologist! Armstrong and Getty cover the rest of the stories not covered during the regular broadcast. Armstrong and Getty's comedic delivery, great guests, and super-charged . See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information. 1 review for Armstrongandgetty, 5.0 stars: 'Jack Armstrong and Joseph Getty operate an old timey talk radio program wherein they discuss the news and hot topics of the day in what they refer to as infotainment. Accept no substitutes! Plus, we compare and contrast some of the most high profile music plagiarism lawsuits. eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiZGRlMjNiY2ZjZmU5YzYwZGVmNmQ5ZTU4YmZiMGVjNDIw

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