Love Marriage and Astrology! Your roots, family background, childhood, inner emotions, immovable possessions, domestic life, the end of life and endings. Since you are a Venus person and the spouse is a Mars person, you are always going to be attracted to each other. > If you dont have all these condition gets matched with your chart but youve moon venus conjunction or mercury venus conjunction happens in your 5th or 7th house then also it indicates love marriage. As the 5th house, which is the natural home for king-like zodiac sign Leo, it denotes leadership abilities and authority in general. Libra is a movable sign, lord Venus signifies attraction, and love affairs. They could be your distant relative as well. The connection of two very strong and auspicious houses is considered extremely auspicious as per sidereal Vedic astrology. Soul Mates - Times of India 1st House:Identity, appearance, health, the physical body, vitality, temperament, and perspective. Therefore if Rahu is connected with the 5th house it makes you unpredictable in love affairs and if connected with the 7th house it gives relationship issues. Your spouse would take up the responsibilities of children and would defend them like a warrior but would be a bit of disciplinarian. Gemini is a dual sign, and its symbol, two-faced male and female. Required fields are marked *, 7th Lord in Different Houses: Love, Marriage, Husband or Wife. we all know the 7 planets. They represent the North and South node of the Moon. 6th House:The 7th lord in 6th house, they may be your colleagues, maternal relatives, they can be your enemies eventually, or some acquaintance of your enemies. It's a good sign of love marriage. You would learn a lot about love, compassion, and kindness in the company of your spouse. 7th Lord in Different Houses will results in 7th House as the native and his wife will have all the happiness and comforts of married life and will have excellent children. To enroll your seat, you should follow course joining link given below & if youve any question regarding love marriage topic then you can write in the comment section. Therefore, when Venus (Shukra) is in Leo, for Aries Ascendant, the spouse will be very creative, talented, artistic, attractive, and a person of royal tastes. Your marriage partner can give you advice and wise counsel you can seek his or her expertise for concerns you may have. In our kundli the most important house for love is 5th house. Thus if the 8th is connected with the 5th house or 5th lord then there can be a hidden affair but if it has no connection with the 7th house or 7th lord then the relationship might end in disappointment. When such Venus is the lord of 5th house and is placed in the 7th house, your love can definitely have a happy ending with a love marriage. Additionally, your marriage partner is quite competitive and business-like with a strong and commanding voice. The reason for that lies in many astrological indications. If you'd like to get in touch with me for a marriage consultation then check out this link. Third House. (Musnad Amad 11237)And God protects the faithul more than a caring Mother protects her child. If 5th house lord is staying with 7th house lord or 5th house lord is sitting in 7th house or vice-versa, signifies 'love marriage as 5th house is also called house of spiritual practices, and in a chart involvement of 5th and 7th is present, then it signifies the relationship as 'spiritual soul mates!' Therefore check your charts and find out about your relationships ending in marriage or break up. All the articles are based on the information given by Ancient Sages as seen from various classical sources which are addressed to Vedic enthusiasts. Vedic Astrological Combinations for Love Marriage - 11th house represents - fulfillment of desire to getting married with your special one . Since Saturn is a slow-moving planet, you are going to be married in your late twenties or thirties. Hence, this combination proves to be very gainful regarding investments and trading opportunities. Ancient source BPHS also mentions that such people with this combination are very faithful and righteous. the 7th house represents Marriage and the 10th house represents Career. You can read more about this in the coming slides. 12th house represents expenditure & loss of all, Saturn Sade Sati in Astrology :- Saturn Sade Sati is nothing but 7 & 1/2 years of Saturn transits over 3 houses zodiac sign & these 3 houses are one house before from your natal moon means 12th from moon house in birth chart, your natal moon house means your, Pinpoint weak houses in birth chart :- > 1st find out which hora you were born like sun or moon hora . 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As for the business, your partner would be good at a job that requires accuracy and precision. are now available in one service, Copyright 2023 - Astro-Vision Futuretech Pvt. The 7th lord Saturn in 5th house for Cancer Ascendant means that your spouse will have a serious outlook on life. Always know that this science and the latest religious revelations are separated from each other for more than 5000 years. When 7th lord in 5th House then always cause a Love Marriage What does 5th House Lord in 7th House mean? or even get married. So the houses in your astrological chart which causes death or death type suffering is called Maraka Sthana in your astrological birth chart. And if well placed it can make you live life like a Queen, you can be a good decision-maker, you have great control over your emotions and so you dont get carried away. Lord of 5th House in 7th House in Astrology (5th House Lord in 7th How To Read Navamsa Chart In Vedic Astrology (D9 Chart) 2.5th and 7th Lord Conjunct or 5th and 7th lord has done sign exchange or Nakshatra Exchange or 5th and 7th lord is in Common features, These are also very notable Sign for Love Marriage in Astrology. If you are a Sagittarius ascendant then youll have Mercury as the lord of the 7th house, in which case youll attract intellectuals. --- Thanks for reading. In Astrology :- The 5th house signifies the heart matters and romantic feelings while the 7th house signifies relationship and marriage. Furthermore, The 5th lord in the 7th house is giving a direct aspect upon the 1st house or ascendant which influences the image of self of the native. Nevertheless, marriage would be the most important thing for both of you. 2nd House:Money, material possessions, material assets, self-worth, finance, speech, personal principles, and emotional security. On the whole, you will attract the perfect spouse who brings knowledge and optimism to your marriage. If 7th house lord is affiliated by tamasic planet then native may has multiple love affairs or relationship. They can be even foreigners. You want to interact with these people who can help you express yourself and enhance the creative side of yours. Since Ketu is in the 5th house, both you & your spouse would naturally be very creative but would need a lot of encouragement to explore it. So, your spouse would be well educated, well informed, well-traveled, or someone who has had many different experiences in life. In general, for all ascendants, the 7th lord in 7th, Your email address will not be published. The spouse would be working in the field of law, academics, or would be a public servant. Seventh House. The spouse would be well educated, well informed but would take time to believe in something his/her trust would take time to build so keep that in mind. It controls over water or fluids in our body like blood , all juices & anzymes in the body , besides also representing the emotional mind &. Last updated on October 19th, 2022 at 02:31 pm The positioning of the 1st house lord in the 3rd house in astrology means that the planet, which rules the 1st house or ascendant is located at the 3rd house from the ascendant sign. You would feel very loved and comforted in the company of your spouse. You would find a mentor, a guide, and a teacher in your spouse and so the chemistry you share with your spouse is similar to that of teacher-student. Capricorn: Saturn Second Outbreak of Coronavirus Prediction Came True, Upcoming Dasha Period will be good or bad, Planetary combinations for loyalty in relationships could you please describe it ? You want your spouse to enhance the creativity and entertainment in your marriage life. Seventh House Lord in Fifth House: 7th Lord Effects in 5th House As they are probably famous and successful, they like to visit the best places in town and wear expensive clothes. Love Marriage in Astrology | Marriage Astrology - Vedic Raj Astrology Ans Its not necessary that exalted planet will, Decoding The Secrets of Career Success Using 10th house in Astrology If you want to know about your career, Sun in 3rd House as per Vedic Astrology Sun is the main source of solar energy, giver of light, Effect of Planetary Transits over Different Nakshatras in Astrology :- Moon nakshatra is called birth nakshatra or janma nakshatra &, Planetary Transit using Ashtakavarga in Astrology Stage 1 Judging Saturn transit through Sarvashtakavarga Pointwise Running dasha -> Saturn, Vedic Remedies for Happy Married Life Using Karma Alignment Astrology If you are facing married life problem then definitely, Remedy of Bad Career Life as per Astrology : If you are facing career problem then definitely your running dasha, Astrological Remedies to win Court Cases :- Court cases are only possible when youve maximum planets are placed in 6th, How to Judge Married Life Using D1 and D9 Navamsha Chart in Astrology- Venus plays most important role in love, Significance of Houses in Vedic Astrology Vedic Astrology System has total 12 houses & these houses are also, Astrological Chart Analysis Basic to Advance Concept- Basic Concept Weve total 12 houses in Astrology System & these 12, Planets in Astrology :- Weve total 9 planets in Astrology, their significant meaning & role as per astrology given below, Does Exalted Planet always Give Good Results in its dasha ? Whereas the planetary association of planet Venus with following planets is also supportive for the love marriage: Moon. And due to the air element personality, they are emotionally unstable and take swift decisions. Also, they might be very direct and harsh when it comes to communication. Overall, this is an outstanding position for being in a marriage. other supporting house are 8 , 12 - for sex & bed pleasure but it also signify insult & loss of energy . Virgo: Mercury I personally believe that KP Astrology is the most accurate predictive tool of Astrology. 5th Lord in 7th House 5th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 7th house as the native will have well behaved and successful children who will live abroad and attain an eminent position there. Eleventh House. Your spouse is most likely self-driven, goal-oriented, and passionate. However, people like you criticize yourselves a lot. The 7th house of the astrology chart deals with your spouse. If you are a Virgo ascendant then youll have Jupiter as the lord of the 7th house, in which case you attract people who have a broad perspective on life. Hence Libra sign needs attention, and this makes it likely to get into lovemaking. His partnership will prosper and he may occupy a high position in government. The spouse would be like a friend to you. This makes them, in fact, also very helpful as they reach out to anyone, who has issues and try to resolve them, in order to avoid the issue from growing and spreading in society. If the 5th Lord is Located in 7th House or 7th Lord is in 5th house in a Watery Zodiac Sign, the Chance of Love Marriage is Extremely High. 7th house represents - marriage . If you were to evolve from old Vedic science and adopt the latest religious teaching, the leap is worth more than 5000 years of human evolution. Now wherever you have Libra sign in your horoscope, there you need to maintain balance. If there is any sort of relation between 8th House Lord with the 5th or 7th House Lord, then there is a yoga for affair and the love relationship is surrounded by mystery or these relationships . Therefore, you might fall in love, marry another one, and after some time, you may feel like you havent married the right person, or you are just not feeling fulfilled in a relationship. Now an afflicted Venus will give love affairs. 2nd house represents after marriage spouse will become your one of family member. e.g. 11th house represents fulfillment of desire to getting married with your special one . Also, your partner is very much into sports, or he, or she, is someone who will help your children be in sports and be competitive. The spouse would be working in the field of media, marketing, or could be a writer. This makes them play games or lie at times to experience life. 9th House:You may marry a person from a different community, they can be interested in religion and philosophy, they like literature or higher studies. In my view, its really important every couple should know each other before tying knots. So, weve total 12 bhavas or houses in vedic astrology, Each of these house is occupied by one zodiac or rashi sign ,, Astrological Chart Analysis Basic to Advance Concept- Basic Concept Weve total 12 houses in Astrology System & these 12 houses has their own significant meaning LIKE >1st house health >2nd house wealth , family >3rd house will power , strength, skills, efforts, small network circle >4th, Planets in Astrology :- Weve total 9 planets in Astrology, their significant meaning & role as per astrology given below Sun, What is Astrology ? Your spouse will be so fun, creative, and stable, hence, your attraction to them will be rather sudden and honest. Firstly, the 7th house signifies masses, public, and society, as it is the exact opposite house of self, which is ascendant or the 1st house. The 7th lord Venus in 5th house for Scorpio Ascendant means that you will attract love and affection from others, especially from your spouse. On planet hierarchy, mercury is called Prince who believes in fun and enjoyment and if it is connected with the 5th house or 5th lord or Venus it can give multiple love affairs. The spouse would be working in a leadership role of some kind e.g. Since Sun is in the sign of Gemini, the spouse would be creative & playful but would have an authoritarian communication style, and would motivate you and your children to pursue your passion. Analyse the 7th Lord in D1 Birth Chart and Check the Position in Navamsa Chart. Get marriage horoscope report to know when will you get married and who would be your bride/groom. If the Moon is sitting in the 7th house as the lord of the 5th house: They are emotionally attached to their spouse and business. Planet of affection, governing the house of marriage and sitting lifted . Your parents can bring this relationship as well. Scorpio: Mars As the 5th house lord of leadership abilities gives aspect upon the 1st house of self, it indicates having high levels of self-confidence. As the 7th house belongs to the triangle of desires, the placement of the 5th lord of romantic feelings in the given house indicates that such a native is very sensual and romantic from the heart. They are fond of talking, joking, mimicking, singing, and networking. Here we are discussing Love Marriage, so I will explain the role of signs in getting into love affairs. In male native chart, venus represents wife & for female, Significance of Houses in Vedic Astrology Vedic Astrology System has total 12 houses & these houses are also called as Bhava as per Vedic Astrology. The 7th lord Venus in 5th house for Scorpio Ascendant means that you will attract love and affection from others, especially from your spouse. How To Check Love Marriage In Astrology - THEVEDICHOROSCOPE.COM The planets ruled by each sign are given below: Aries: Mars Taurus: Venus Gemini: Mercury Cancer: Moon Leo: Sun Virgo: Mercury Libra: Venus Scorpio: Mars Sagittarius: Jupiter Capricorn: Saturn Aquarius: Saturn Pisces: Jupiter 8th House:When 7th lord in 8th house, your spouse can be interested in research, they may like the occult, they can be working people. Signifying a fixed sign gives strong willpower and determination to accomplish any task. As Mars is in Virgo, for Taurus Ascendant, the spouse is hyperactive, impulsive, nitpicking when it comes to love, and a perfectionist. So, your spouse would be someone who is senior to you in age or mature in life and would be a disciplinarian to the children. It will be ruled by a sign. 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Vasant Kunj, New Delhi Talk to Astro - How to see love marriage in Kundli or Horoscope
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