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The Bible is used only by Christian when other masons of various faiths perform. To begin with, both are based on Christian worship, and have been translated into many different languages over the years. There is also The Founders Bible Heirloom Edition. Old Bibles published between 1900-2000 are almost exclusively considered reading material and unless your copy was owned by someone famous, it is not worth further research. . What is Freemasonry, and what do Freemasons believe? Dec 8, 2008. See Tsoukalas, Masonic Rites and Wrongs, 7476, and The Masonic Lodge. The reenactment is centered around the Masonic legend of Hiram, who, as the Bible notes, helped King Solomon build the Temple (1Kings7:1345). The only Masonic Edition of the Bible with all these features: Masonic, Scottish Rite, and Eastern Star Records; Masonic Presidents; Freemasonry and the Holy Bible - Taking you through the internal workings of Freemasonry from the first to the thirty-third degree; Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Masonry; Order of the Eastern Star; Questions During this ritual, various symbols are displayed such as a square, compass, level and plumb rule. Now, we all know what a symbol is. Beginning in verse 19-20 the apostletells us that anything that is sacrificed to an idol is nothing. Copyright 2002-2023 Got Questions Ministries. Finally, there are also several other topics addressed in each book including prayer, faith and morality. I hope that one day, my own children will value the information contained within its covers not only about the Christian principles contained therein, but also about their own family history. This, combined with the experience dealing with antique books and access to historic auction records help judge the interest for certain types of Bibles in the antiquarian marketplace. In a Masonic Lodge, however, the Mason will find the name of his Deity within the Great Architect of the Universe.7. Masonic Regalia and Jewelry Is My Old Bible Worth Money? - Regency Antique Books These include meditations on faith, morality, duty, and service to others. 1. The text inside this edition has been modified from that which appears in standard Bibles; it includes excerpts from writings by prominent Masons such as Thomas Smith Webb, Thomas Dunckerley, and Laurence Dermott. This is an online Viewpoint articlefrom theChristian Research Journal. Note the following prayer offered in the monitor of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, which is characteristic of prayers in all Masonic Lodges. The Masonic Bible has been around for centuries and its popularity has fluctuated over time. The significance of both bibles for Freemasonry is clear: both provide religious guidance for members of the fraternity. Holy Bible (Masonic Heirloom Edition) - amazon.com Such versions often include illustrations of King Solomon's Temple, for example. As such, even those lodges who do not use it have adapted some of its teachings into their own practices. The Masonic Bible is a collection of sacred texts used by members of the Freemasonry fraternity. Yes, the Masonic Lodge Bible contains false teaching, the doctrines of demons. This might be the case relative to those places where it is not published or distributed, but that does not negate the fact that they do exist. They do this to get the blessings of the creator. Christianity and the Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge - Program 4 Fourth, continuing our tour of ritual, the third degree candidate plays the Masonic hero Hiram Abif in a dramatic reenactment, wherein he identifies with Hiram in Hirams death, burial, and raising.11 Christians should reject such practice and teaching because, first, believers should identify with Christ in His death, burial, and raising from the dead (see 1Cor.15:14), and second, Christ is in fact the only Savior (John14:6; Acts4:12). The Bible in the foreground of the picture, above, is a Geneva Bible from 1581. The masonic bible and the holy bible both contain the same core text, though there are some subtle differences in their textual content. Therefore, we have a principle thatall things are lawful for Christians, unless it involves sin. Although this Bible was published in the 1880s, it is in wonderful condition with original clasps. Generally speaking, one can find a copy of either type of bible at most major book retailers or through online vendors. That comment was important because it prepares us for verses 24-29. The Great Architect of the Universe, the giver of all good gifts and graces.In Thy name we assemble.And we beseech thee, O Lord God, to bless our present assembling, and to illuminate our minds, that we may walk in the light of thy countenance; and when the trials of our probationary state are over, be admitted into THE TEMPLE not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.5, Here the Great Architect assumes the role of a canopy deity, subsuming all individual deities (including the Bibles triune God) into himself in syncretistic fashion. Here one person prays to the Great Architect on behalf of all Masons gathered, who in turn see their individual deities represented by the Great Architect: Most Holy and Glorious Lord God! Many critics of Masonry, unfortunately, quote from books written by Masonic authors such as Albert Mackey, Henry Coil, and Albert Pike to build their cases. & A.M. of New Mexico, 1992),20. Is it wrong to own a Masonic Lodge Bible? It is an embossed KJV Bible It is my understanding that they are more common in the United States of America, Canada, and Great Britain; I also tentatively add that they might be common in Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. One of the exceptions to this guideline is if the Bible is finely bound or has some special characteristic which sets it apart from the crowd, it can have more collectibility. Trilogy in 1975, described here by the New York Times in its 2007 obituary for Wilson as a mind-twisting science-fiction series about a secret global society that became a cult classic., In the years since, Illuminati believers have claimed the secret groups responsibility for events like the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 (here). Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. Since the Free Masons have biblical foundations, it is obvious that they to would have a bible. While the Masonic Bible is used by Masons to learn about their faith, it does not contain any religious doctrines or official teachings from any religion. During official ceremonies, however, the candidate prays, with men who may believe in other deities, to the Great Architect of the Universe.. #1. It includes notable Masonic phrases and symbolism, such as references to the Supreme Architect of the Universe and the Great Light. Q: Why is a basic understanding of Bible genealogy . This is a question which has been asked for centuries, ever since man began to ponder the nature of both books. This verse is the conclusion to 1 Corinthians 10 which is concerned with eating or drinking anything that was sacrificed to idols (1 Corinthians 10:19-21, 25-28). These additional symbols have been incorporated into Masonic ceremonies for centuries and include items such as: These unique elements give insight into Freemasonrys interpretation of scripture, as well as its relationship with other faiths. Through these additional symbols, Masonry aims to challenge its members to think more deeply about religious texts from a variety of perspectives. The Masonic Bible is also available in a variety of formats such as paperback, digital downloads, ebooks and hard cover editions. Meanwhile, the Holy Bible takes a more straightforward approach with simpler words and phrases that are easy for readers to understand. But if anyone says to you, This is meat sacrificed to idols, do not eat it, for the sake of the one who informed you, and for conscience sake;I mean not your own conscience, but the other mans. is. When we evaluate an antique Bible, these are just a basic points we look at. It is known that no original manuscripts exist, there are only copies of the copies through translations and there is a possibility of many errors that have invariably sneaked in. So, whether you eat or drink, orwhatever you do, do all to the glory of God. When referring to the Bible, the term edition is most often used in correlation to publication, whereas version is most often used in correlation with its translation. Bill, we're glad that you're here tonight. Great Bible:Also, to take note, Henry VIII has possession of copies of the Great Bible that was chained for the purpose to foil overzealous worshippers. Q: Is a Freemason Bible any different than a regular Bible? There are a few rare exceptions, but if you have a Bible published AFTER about 1800, it is most likely worth very little as there were tremendous numbers of Bibles produced during this time. Those who think that they are sacrificing to a god are not sacrificing to any god. For instance, Elvis Presley's personal Bible, published in 1977, sold for $94,000 at auction in 2012. Over time, it has been interpreted in many different ways, but its basic message remains constant: that man should strive for goodness in his life and that faith in God will bring peace and joy. Masonic Morality 61 Part 2 Religious Secrets: Beliefs 5 The Plan of Salvation 78 6. Search the history of over 806 billion ed. . The Masonic Bible is often referred to as the Freemasons Bible or the Masonic Scripture. Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! The UK's only Masonic Bible, with bespoke presentation page and special introduction to Freemasonry and the Bible. Yes, the Masonic Lodge Bible contains false teaching, the doctrines of demons. However, due to its smaller circulation it is not as easy to find as the Holy Bible. Through them, different themes are explored. One of the ways that masonic propaganda exposes what they are, is their association with Islam through the Shriners, and how their resources and maps in this book never call the land of Israel by its name, but always Palestine, or Canaan, implying that the Israelites are just thieves of someone else's land. Please note that we do not provide complimentary evaluations on any Bible dated 1820 or later, unless it has some exceptional characteristic. Biblical historians and scholars often collect antiquarian Bibles for the various translations that have been printed all over the world. This page last updated: February 10, 2023. FREE DOWNLOAD: 100 FACTS ABOUT FREEMASONRY (ALMOST NOBODY KNOWS). The FreeMasons essentially use the Bible for the masonic altar, and they have used several bibles through the centuries for their rituals. No wonder, then, that the preface of early editions of the Kentucky Monitor teaches of savior figures overcoming evil figures, thereby redeeming their followers: The Hindus called him Krishna; the Chinese, Kioun-tse; the Persians, Sosiosch; the Chaldeans, Dhouvanai; the Egyptians, Horus;the Christians, Jesus; Masons, Hiram.12 This statement (though now expunged from current editions) is expected, given the Masonic teaching of Hiram. Rare Masonic Books With a beautiful imitation leather flexible binding, coloured page edges and its own slipcase, this is the ideal gift for a new Mason. To answer the question of whether a Christian should join the Masonic Lodge, we must first answer two questions: (1)What does Freemasonry (Masonry, the Lodge) teach regarding God and salvation? This is a valuable weapon to take down the Jews. While there may be some differences between how the two bibles are translated, they both provide guidance on living a moral life. Something went wrong. Let no one seek his owngood, but that of hisneighbor. Pierre-Eugne-Marcellin Berthelot, (born Oct. 27, 1827, Paris, Francedied March 18, 1907, Paris), French organic and physical chemist, science historian, and government official. Freemason Bible: The King James Master Reference Edition Masonic Bible, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). Candida Moss, a professor of theology at Britains University of Birmingham, (here), told Reuters via email that there is absolutely no evidence that ties the Douay-Rheims Bible to the Illuminati or Freemasons., Noting the fact that Freemasons and Roman Catholics are not historical bedfellows, Moss called the idea of Masons using this particular Bible extraordinary.. . It consists of two main sections, the Old Testament and the New Testament, and is considered by Christians to be the inspired word of God. Henry Pirtle, arr., Kentucky Monitor, 13th ed. 5. For further information Este artculo es una exclusiva en lnea de Christian Research Journal. The ones whose Masonic lodges used the Bible, the Bible that exists today is like all of the Bibles, a translated version of the actual Hebrew texts. Due to the long history of tension between the Masonic Order and the Catholic Church, use of this Bible by the Freemasons is extremely unlikely. The Standard Work and Lectures of Ancient Craft Masonry [ritual] (The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York, 1964),30. Among other things, it promotes John the The differences between the Masonic Bible and the Holy Bible are mainly in interpretation. The Masonic Order, also known as the Freemasons, are another historic secret society (here). Bill Mankin is also a Christian, He's a 32 nd degree Mason in the lodge in Boise. 1. In Romans 14:23 the apostle Paul said, "But . There are many types of antique Bibles that are collectible for various reasons. Freemasonry offers a way to reach the Celestial Lodge above.

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