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There, she watched many young crafters were carving away at big blocks of stone. Hi English learners, jumpa kembali dengan ContohText yang kali ini akan melayani salah satu contoh recount text tentang cuti. I wanted to buy anything I want. Dan kami pulang membawa banyak kenangan yang tak terlupakan dari Bali. Tujuan recount text adalah menghibur atau menginformasikan sesuatu kepada para pembaca. Kami bermalam di villa itu selama tiga hari dan menikmati pemandangan pagi dan sore yang sangat indah. It took about 1 hour and 20 minutes until we arrived at bali. Puisi Alam Indonesia: Keindahan Alam Yang Menakjubkan, Pantun Kesehatan Anak Sd: Mengajarkan Anak Untuk Hidup Sehat, Contoh Kalimat Antitesis: Memahami Konsep Dan Contoh-Contohnya, Puisi Bermajas Hiperbola: Mengungkapkan Perasaan Dengan Lebih Ekspresif, Pantun Ngucapin Selamat Malam: Tips Dan Cara Yang Viral Di Tahun 2023. Liburan di Taman Burung Bali bersama Keluarga. Contoh Recount Text Holiday in Bali tentang Pengalaman Pribadi My Holiday in Bali When I was in the second grade of senior high school my friends and I had a vacation in Bali. We took a rest first to get our body and mind fresh for the trip tomorrow. I went there by my family by car because my . We could enjoy the green and shady forest. Her first stop was at Batubulan, a center of stone sculpture. I bought some Bali T-Shirt and souvenirs. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan contoh recount text tentang liburan beserta artinya supaya Para Sahabat SBI bisa memahaminya dengan cepat. I went to Bali when I was the 2nd grade of senior high school. Trip To Bali. Aku mendapatkan banyak pengalaman yang mengesankan selama liburan. After that, she moved to the next spot. We had a wonderful holiday in Bali. Aku menghabiskan seluruh waktu di perjalanan bernyanyi, bercanda gurau, dan bermain permainan dengan teman-temanku. Sepantasnya saya asa tekor mengirik ketika mampu di Alas Kedaton, tapi ayah saya valid saya kalau akan baik-baik belaka. Ini tak jauh dari hotel kami dan hanya sekitar satu jam saja sampai ke sana. The last night of our camping was so cold, we made a campfire, sang song together and told spooky stories which made us fear. Contoh Recount Text. I had many impressive experiences during the vacation. Kamu bisa melakukan banyak aktifitas di sana, seperti bermain parasailing, banana boat, dan lain sebagainya. Then, we felt hungry, so we went to a restaurant. Lalu kami mandi dan beristirahat. The trip from Blora to Bali only took about one day, but it was quite exhausting because I had to sit along the way. Saya dan keluarga saya mengambil banyak foto di sana. Relif di batunya juga indah tapi aku tak begitu tahu ceritanya. There were two gigantic statues of Wisnu and his bird named Garuda. (3) Reorientation: Berisi penutup atau akhir dalam cerita. Kami tak ingin melewatkan saat-saat tersebut jadi kami mengambil foto dengan patung raksasa sebagai latar belakangnya. All about Recount Text Enjoyable Interactive and Attractive in Learning Recount Text Rabu 25 Januari 2012 Post Test - 02 Adam Salsa N. Recount Text Macam Macam Contoh Recount Text For Class X Ma Sma, Last Sunday My Friend And I Went To Lake Kintamani In Bali Bali Leisure, Anjas Aji Prayoga Recount Text Holiday In Bali, Type Of Text Recount Descriptive Dialog Etc Recount Text Holiday In Malaysia, Doc Yosephine Nurmalasari Yosephine Nurmalasari Academia Edu, Doc Contoh Recount Text Arya Kamandanu Academia Edu, Kata Mutiara Kebaikan Dibalas Dengan Keburukan, Soal Uts Penjaskes Kelas 10 Semester 2 Essay. Di sana juga berdiri tempat dimana orang-orang Bali berdoa yang disebut Pura. Sementara untuk nan mau belajar Bahasa Inggris mengenai tenses dan grammar, kamu bisa pelajari materi lengkapnya di daftar isi ContohText. Kami berfoto-foto dengan mereka. Text "My Holiday in Bali" When I was 2nd grade of senior high school, my friends and I went to Bali. We planned a vacation in Bali for four days. Pola Recount Text Tentang Liburan Keluarga di Bali The purpose of a recount is to inform, entertain, and/or evaluate. The next morning, my family and I decided to go to Kuta beach first because it was not really far from our hotel. Lalu, kami menemukan medan musik itu berasal. Pada liburan sekolah yang lalu, keluargaku dan aku pergi ke Bali. We leave home at Sunday. There also stand a place where the Baliness pray that called Pura. We were there for three days. We tried to go on foot, because it was one of the physical train. Required fields are marked *. When I was in the second grade of senior high school, my friends and I had a vacation in Bali. (2) Events: menguraikan apa yang terjadi di dalam cerita tersebut. Jadi kami pergi ke salah satu pasar tradisional di sana bernama Sukowati. Dia cukup puas dengan pengalamannya yang luar biasa di Bali. First day, we visited Sanur Beach in the morning. Then, we cooked the food for the lunch, had lunch together, tried to fish in the river but we got a sandal. We made a memory by taking photos together in front of a waterfall and then went home happily. On the second day, we went to a unique tourist spot which full of monkeys called Alas Kedaton. There were so many monkies. My father was right, there I took some pictures with the monkeys and they were friendly. Setelah bermain dengan burung-burung tersebut selama berjam-jam, perut kami keroncongan. That place was so wide. There were a lot of birds and they were not afraid of human at all so we could touch them. It was three wonderful days experience for me. Generic structure dari recount text (1) They perched on my arm and shoulder, and sometimes on my head. When I was 3nd grade of junior high school, my friends and I trip to Bali for vacation. Inilah 5 contoh recount text sangat. We played so many water sports such as banana boat, jetsky, speedboat etc. Ayah saya sopan, di sana saya menjeput beberapa foto dengan monyet-monyet dan mereka ramah. Contoh Narrative Teks Fabel Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya, Pengertian dan Contoh There is dan There are dalam Bahasa Inggris. I had many impressive experiences during the vacation. Ada begitu banyak monyet. Disana, saya dan kakak saya berenang di pantai, kedua orangtua saya namun makmur dipinggir pantai buat sangai. It was really a great place. In last monday, i holiday in bali island. They were so tame but sometimes they could be naughty. We left our school at about 08.00 a.m. Then, we checked in to the hotel. She enjoyed the tour to Singaraja so much. Sebenarnya saya agak sedikit takut ketika berada di Alas Kedaton, tapi ayah saya meyakinkan saya kalau akan baik-baik saja. Itulah tadi contoh dari recount text tentang libur batih. Oke langsung saja berikut Contoh Recount Text tentang My Holiday in Bali beserta terjemahannya. Kamu belajar bagaimana minuman the botol diproduksi dari tahap awal hingga terakhir. It was a great scenery. After that we continued our trip to Tanah Lot. There also stand a place where the Baliness pray that called Pura. It was a really great place. Contoh Recount Text (1) My Holiday in Bali. we cleaned the area and made sure there was nothing left except our footprint. The second day, we visited Bedugul Lake and Kintamani. We saw the beautiful sunrise together. Baiklah, itulah tadi salah satu contoh recount text tentang liburan ke Bali Bird Park beserta dengan arti terjemahan yang bisa dijadikan referensi tugas Bahasa Inggris. Karena tahun telah mulai gelap, kami lalu kembali ke hotel. We looked around in that Zoo, and also took pictures of those animals. Agar lebih jelas dibawah ini akan diberikan contoh dari recount text tentang liburan keluarga. We played so many water sports such as banana boat, jetsky, speedboat etc. Tanah lot was nice place. Kami bermain olahraga air seperti banana boat dan speedboat. contoh recount text holiday in Bali beserta dengan arti terjemahannya, 15 Ide Bisnis Online untuk Pelajar yang Bikin Cuan, 3 Contoh Recount Text Cerita Liburan Lebaran dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya, 130+ Ucapan Selamat Bertunangan dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya, 10 Contoh Iklan Makanan dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Gambarnya, 5 Contoh Recount Text Tentang Liburan Ke Pantai Bersama Keluarga dan Terjemahannya, 7 Contoh Undangan Tahlil Lengkap Siap Edit dan Print (Ms. Word). Agar lebih jelas dibawah ini akan diberikan contoh dari recount text tentang liburan keluarga. We were there for four days. Ombaknya cukup kuat dan hembusan angin sepoi-sepoi begitu menyegarkan. Kami sangat senang dan menikmatinya.. Hari terakhir, kami menghabiskan waktu kita di Sangeh. It came from a nice place, it was look like an auditorium. He was right; the monkeys were friendly and would not bite us. Oke langsung saja berikut Contoh Recount Text tentang Holiday in Bali beserta terjemahannya. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Lalu, kami kembali ke hotel dan membereskan tas-tas kami karena kami harus kembali ke Lampung keesokan harinya. Reorientation: Itu adalah liburan yang sangat menyenagkan untuk saya. On the last holiday, my family and I went to Bali. We were there for four days. Nun sukun bertemu , Soal Pembagian Bersusun Pendek Kelas 3 Operasi Hitung Perk, Geyeskyi 1993 dalam Munir 20132 mendefinisikan multimedia , Berita Acara Serah Terima Naskah Soal Ujian Nasional Un Mi, Memiliki nama lengkap Prof. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie dila. Untuk turis asing juga harganya lebih mahal, sekitar 23,5 dolar + 10% pajak untuk dewasa dan 11,75 dolar + 10% pajak untuk anak-anak. First day we visited sanur beach in the morning. Holiday in Bali. We went there by car. There, my brother and I swim at the beach, while my parents only stayed at the beach side to enjoy the sun. We went there by car. We saw so many tourists there. After playing with those birds for a while, our tummy rumbled. We went there by car. The day prior to my Bali, I prepared all the equipment to bring. We went to Lombok by plane.