The difference between Call of Cthulhu and Pulp Cthulhu is the difference between the motion picture The Call of Cthulhu and Raiders of the Lost Ark. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes is the Choose the values for all Characteristics (plus Luck) - derived scores auto-calculated. Not necessarily criminals, but at least scoundrels and pranksters. Otherwise this looks pretty god. If it would have been the same poison used by the Bandars (very specific), a hard roll would have sufficed. You may allocate skills to be above 100%. Determine half rating by dividing by 2 and record for each characteristic, round up. - Core Characteristic: Choose Either STR or SIZ Divide the scores amongst the characteristics. Rules that are specific to Pulp Cthulhu will be noted, so if youre familiar with the usual creation process you can skip ahead and look for the new bits! Maybe a "Heavy Hitter" talent instead? Shared experience. Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions. Adjustments: Contents: Pulp Cthulhu is a rules and setting book that adds oomph to the investigative adventures of Call of Cthulhu and resets the game in the 1930s. - Ideology/Beliefs (Are you religious? Clear editor. Handouts and maps are provided for the adventures. - Add 100 Bonus Points divided between the following skills: Anthropology, Appraise, Computer Use, Electrical Repair, Language Other (any), Library Use, Mechanical repair, Operate Heavy Machinery, Science (any). Adjustments: Choose core characteristic from the choices in the archetype. - Talents: Any two. - Add 100 Bonus Points divided between the following skills: Art/Craft (any), Charm, Climb, Diving, Drive Auto, Fast Talk, Jump, Mechanical Repair, Navigate, Pilot (any), Ride, Stealth, Survival (an), Swim, Throw. Dream Lore, Vampire Lore, Werewolf Lore, etc.). archetype for all those pulp heroes that don't fit neatly within any of the other archetypes. Choose one key connection out of your backstory, more can be created throughout game play. I was also thinking about using World United (Mythras) or Astounding Adventures (BRP) but the fun was in trying Pulp Cthulhu as is. You wronged them and seek reconciliation. Sanity losses may also be halved through an expenditure of Luck points (this proved invaluable in our playtest). Can't remember seeing him with a sword, but frequently with "tribal" weapons (bow, spear). Mike Mason and his team have forged an alternative set of rules for Call of Cthulhu which take the game out of an explicitly Lovecraftian milieu and move it into the broader world of the pulp stories of the '20s and '30s. Then, choose some Pulp Talents , within the parameters given to you by your Pulp Archetype! A wife? Roll and record (2d6 + 6)x5, re-rolling 1s, 2 times and record each outcome. An ambulatory and viscous slurry of wood cellulose and water, which somehow gained sentience and punches people despite not being solid. I'll do The Spider (and maybe Conan the Barbarian, Solomon Kane, and El Borak) this week if I get the time. Two Fisted - Core Characteristic: STR We've already been saving your edits, so if you DreadDomainJanuary 10, 2021 in Call of Cthulhu. The quintessential adventuring number two, who may embody aspects of the rogue, steadfast, or thrill seeker. Pulp characters are generally more robust than standard Call of Cthulhu characters - as they should be. This book contains new Pulp Archetypes, updated occupations, locations, equipment, factions, alien technology, power armor, as well as new rules covering cybernetics, genetic enhancement, space travel, and radiation. 2 - Quick Healer: natural healing is increased to +3 hit points . May spend Luck points to shrug-off points of Sanity loss, on a one-for-one basis. Otherwise this looks pretty god. Ignore penalty die for multiple handgun shots. I would have given most Pulp characters stats from 12-15, and then to use Mythras parlance Paragon characters (Batman etc) would be from 15-20. When applying your skill points to a value add it to the value it begins with! Hunter (May choose Weird Science). no risk refund guarantee Chaosium Unveiled: Inside Pulp Cthulhu Pulp Cthulhu | Chaosium Unveiled Watch on Choose the your archetype, see handout. Start the game with one weird science gadget. Able to collate facts quickly; gain a bonus die when making Intelligence (bot not Idea) rolls. Significant People: Fiancee Nita van Sloan, Scars: Scar on head that flares up at times of great stress. Maybe its on your person, perhaps you have it stashed under a mattress at home, or in a bank. Though occupations may be anything, and you can work with your DM to come up with a custom occupation, Call of Cthulhu has a few occupations to choose from! But as the game got further along and things heated up, the pulpiness began to blossom. May spend 5 Luck to reduce poison or disease damage and effects by half. An investigator's credit rating starts at 0 and must be at least at the lowest level that the occupation provides. The H.P. I have updated the write-up above. Youll either have chosen your occupation from a list which will tell you how many points you have (usually EDU X 4, or EDU x 2 and another character X 2 ), or you will have worked out with your DM how many skill points your occupation gives you! A few archetypes note that they are able to take the talents Psychic or Weird Science. Pulp Talents. Access your saved characters, download investigator sheets, udate skills and characteristics and more. Key connections are especially helpful at aiding hero's in regaining sanity. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I simply stole Telepathy from the BGB which covers a lot of ground when it come to clouding the mind of men (reading thoughts, digging into memories, implanting false memories,etc.). I did not even know that your avatar was the Spider!! n$;u$)c$!S6>xEi.UtiN#R]2O%R(**[U-eHyy)yQuW)+sY"uLu8! Record important pieces of equipment and assets such as a car, residence, weapons and so on. Are all of the additional mechanics a bit much to throw at some first-timers. Cold Fire has only two powers, but it is a while since I read it - it being mainly an adventure. It did not feel right. Though in the case of pulp there's generally a lot more overlap than difference between them. PULP RULE Pulp archetypes add a bit more of a focused concept to your character, and give you some added benefits! Authors Mike Mason and Paul Fricker at Dragonmeet 2016. Privacy Policy. Pulp Cthulhu is very much low level pulp and the weird part of pulp is not very developped. For . A seeker of the hidden and the unseen realm. (e.g. Mr_Evil_MSc 5 yr. ago I like it as a way to spice up regular CoC. A person whose view of humanity is cold, stark, and in their minds rational. - Talents: Any two (May take the Weird Science talent), Hard Boiled Adjustments: 113 ratings12 reviews. I have Pulp Cthulhu and 7th edition, but its been a little while since I read them really thoroughly. (e.g. financially, they protected you through hard times, got you your first job). Following is a full, step-by-step for character creation in its entirety. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. These will be important character qualities like characteristics, but are derived from your other stats! Players may spend their Luck points to change the outcome of a skill or characteristic roll. I really wanted more things like The Shadow's abilities, etc. Pulp Cthulhu offers a sliding scale. - Add 100 Bonus Points divided between the following skills: Accounting, Anthropology, Cryptography, History, Language Other (any), Library Use, Medicine, Natural World, Occult, Science (any). They taught you something. Character Archetypes, contributed by Colin Chapman. the park bench where you first kissed, your university, your grandmothers home). Foolhardy to a fault, and often unable to understand why others are not as careless and ready to face danger and challenge as they are. Compatible with the new Pulp Cthulhu rules. 8d42ZC-aJ&Vk,BK+kB(Ld4 by]b0=OG=0jUvu*Y:a-uXm:+)g5Lr`]sQwSa. It showed me that Pulp Cthulhu was very light in gadgets. We have run scenarios with both. Lovecraft Historical Society is an international organization for fans of the author H.P. That's were as a group you need to agree on some ground rules and accept broad justification for some checks. Pointing at the background section of their character sheet, the player pleads that he haspartly educated by the Bandars and that he knows something about poisons. Daredevils for whom the stakes are never high enough, ready to bet large in order to feel the adrenaline. - Add 100 Bonus Points divided between the following skills: Animal Handling, Climb, Electrical Repair, Fast Talk, First Aid, Jump, Library Use, Listen, Navigate, Photography, Science (any), Stealth, Track. Character Generation | Cthulhu House Rules In rules terms Pulp does the following: Doubles hit points Adds a "Pulp Archetype" as a sort of second profession. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. For more information, please see our Your previous content has been restored. Beefcake 1d3 for unarmed combat, 1d6 for sword, etc.). on Classic there seem to be no issues apart from the pulp era not being listed in era . How? The Phantom and the Shadow would probably need a bit more (knife, sword, etc..). Femme Fatale You do this by consulting your Occupation! Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions. First, Roll 1D6, add 13, and multiply the result by five. - Talents: Any Two. - Core Characteristic: POW That may be the best way to showcase pulp stuff? G-Man - A dedicated and incorruptible agent of the FBI. For your convenience a variety have tables have been provided below that you can roll on to determine a part of your hero's backstory. CR 0 (Penniless): Cash: $0.50 Assets: None Spending Level: $0.50, CR 1 9 (Poor): Cash: CR X 1 Assets: CR X 10 Spending Level: $2.00, CR 10 49 (Average): Cash CR x 2 Assets CR x 50 Spending Level: $10.00, CR 50 89 (Wealthy): Cash CR x 5 Assets CR x 500 Spending Level: $50.00, CR 90 98 (Rich): Cash CR x 20 Assets CR x 2,000 SPending Level $250.00, CR 99 (Super Rich): Cash $50,000 Assets $5M + Spending Level $5,000. These are things like "Femme Fatale" rather than an actual profession. Natural healing is increased to +3 hit points per day. JavaScript is currently disabled. You do not have JavaScript enabled in your web-browser. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. Point Buy Characteristics method. Pulp 1930s and Down Darker Trails eras supported. . The place you were happiest (e.g. Pulp Cthulhu (Call of Cthulhu Roleplaying) - A person who stands apart from society, either physically as a hermit, or simply socially as a shut-in. Right now I'm exploring which would be a better fit for my friends and I. I don't mean to be a complainer, and I get some of why things like items and vehicles aren't coded in, but given that the archetype is a CORE mechanic of PULP cthulhu, and given that it was a paid, not a free add on, I am left bewildered why the functions of Archetype are not coded in the same way Career is. - Add 100 Bonus Points divided between the following skills: Art/Craft (any), Fighting (Brawl), Firearms (any), Drive Auto, Fast Talk, Intimidate, Law, Listen, Locksmith, Sleight of Hand, Spot Hidden, Stealth, Throw. If you play Call of Cthulhu, do you need this supplement? I like the Backstorysection. How? Below are some suggested archetypes for Pulp characters: Suggested Skills: Investigation, Notice, Persuasion, Streetwise, Tracking, Suggested Edges: Alertness, Attractive, Charmer, Investigator, Moxie, Photographic Memory, Suggested Hindrances: Curious, Doubting Thomas, Suggested Skills: Piloting, Repair, Shooting, Suggested Edges: Ace, Level Headed, Quick, Trademark Vehicle, Suggested Hindrances: Code of Honor, Enemy, Overconfident, Suggested Skills: Climbing, Intimidation, Area Knowledge (Jungle), Notice, Shooting, Stealth, Survival, Tracking, Suggested Edges: Alertness, Giant Killer, Man Without Fear, Marksman, Trademark Weapon, Woodsman, Suggested Hindrances: Arrogant, Overconfident, Suggested Skills: Fighting, Gambling, Intimidation, Knowledge (Tactics), Streetwise, Taunt, Suggested Edges: Ambidextrous, Block, Brawny, Bring Em On, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Fast Healer, First Strike, Frenzy, Iron Jaw, Nerves of Steel, Tough As Nails, Suggested Hindrances: All Thumbs, Obligations, Poverty, Ugly, Suggested Skills: Driving, Persuasion, Stealth, Streetwise, Taunt, Suggested Edges: Attractive, Jack-of-All Trades, Charismatic, Charmer, Connections, Strong Willed, Suggested Skills: Climbing, Investigation, Knowledge (Archeology), Knowledge (History), Lockpicking, Notice, Survival, Suggested Edges: Connections, Deus Ex Machina, Font of Information, Investigator, Scholar, Suggested Hindrances: Bad Luck, Curious, Glass Jaw, Heroic, Phobia (Snakes), Suggested Skills: Driving, Fighting, Intimidation, Investigation, Knowledge (Law), Notice, Persuasion, Shooting, Streetwise, Suggested Edges: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Command, Connections, Investigator, Strong Willed, Suggested Hindrances: Code of Honor, Obligations, Overconfident, Vow, Suggested Skills: Driving, Fighting, Investigation, Area Knowledge, Notice, Shooting, Streetwise, Suggested Edges: Alertness, Connections, Investigator, Level Headed, Moxie, Suggested Hindrances: Bad Luck, Curious, Enemy, Heroic, Suggested Skills: Knowledge (Crime), Lockpicking, Persuasion, Shooting, Stealth, Streetwise, Suggested Edges: Attractive, Charismatic, Common Bond, Connections, Thief, Suggested Skills: Investigation, Knowledge (Science), Repair, Weird Science, Suggested Edges: Arcane Background (Weird Science), Deus Ex Machina, Gadgeteer, I Have One, McGyver, Rich, Suggested Hindrances: Arrogant, Big Mouth, Delusional, Overconfident, Suggested Skills: Fighting, Intimidation, Investigation, Area Knowledge, Notice, Persuasion, Shooting, Stealth, Streetwise, Taunt, Tracking, Suggested Edges: Alertness, Ambidextrous, Bring Em On, Combat Reflexes, Connections, Dodge, Followers, Hard To Kill, Jack of All Trades, Level Headed, Man Without Fear, Photographic Memory, Quick Draw, Strong Willed, Suggested Skills: Intimidation, Knowledge (Hypnosis), Knowledge (Psychology), Notice, Persuasion, Psionics, Suggested Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), Arcane Resistance (Psionics), Danger Sense, Mentalist, Strong Willed, Suggested Hindrances: Cautious, Glass Jaw, Pacifist, Suggested Skills: Climbing, Fighting, Intimidation, Area Knowledge (Jungle), Notice, Riding, Stealth, Survival, Swimming, Throwing, Tracking, Suggested Edges: Acrobat, Alertness, Ambidextrous, Beast Bond, Beast Master, Brawny, Combat Reflexes, First Strike, Fleet Footed, Frenzy, Giant Killer, Hard To Kill, Quick, Strong Willed, Woodsman, Suggested Hindrances: Heroic, Outsider, Savage, Suggested Skills: Fighting, Healing, Investigation, Knowledge (Science), Knowledge (Medicine), Notice, Piloting, Repair, Shooting, Weird Science, Suggested Edges: Arcane Background (Weird Science), Brawny, Combat Reflexes, Command, Followers, Font of Information, Gadgeteer, Inspire, Jack of All Trades, I Have One, Level Headed, Natural Leader, Rich, Filthy Rich, Scholar, Sidekick, Two Fisted, Suggested Hindrances: Code of Honor, Enemy, Heroic, Overconfident, Vow, Suggested Skills: Fighting, Guts, Knowledge (Aeronautics), Notice, Piloting, Repair, Shooting, Suggested Edges: Ace, Alertness, Gadget (Rocket Pack), Luck, Rich, Steady Hands, Suggested Hindrances: Curious, Heroic, Overconfident, Suggested Skills: Driving, Fighting, Area Knowledge, Notice, Streetwise, Tracking, Suggested Edges: Common Bond, Jack of All Trades, Mr. Pulp heroes are generally super competent and broad and their expertise, which is why I gave them but aside from a few signature skills, their skills are generally in the 40 to 60%. What did you do? Pulp Archetypes | Call of Cthulhu | Obsidian Portal Allocate bonus skill points. Compatible with the new Pulp Cthulhu rules. Add together Constitution and Size then divide by 5, maybe 3 or 2 depending on how the first combat goes. Plus, you have our If both DEX and STR are each less than SIZ. Do that two more times, then place the numbers youve achieved among Size, Intelligence, and Education. A brother? They also provide sample pulp villains and other characters as well as sample organizations for good and not-so-good in a pulp universe. Honestly, for some pulp stuff for characters like the Phantom I would certainly look at Con-X Paranormal Sourcebook for various things like Telepathic illusion and that kind of thing - unless you are using telepathy as a catch-all type power to cover a gamut of abilities? By They look bey9ond mundane reality, wishing to change the world around them. you lived through hard times together, you grew up together, you served in the war together). As a result, Call of Cthulhu characters are famously prone to short careers ending in death and madness. Allocate all of the skills points from the occupation. Hence my dilemma as to run either straight Call of Cthulhu or give Pulp Cthulhu a go. Once youve recorded all of these stats, also record (in a space right next to where youve been recording them- if youre on roll20, the character sheet ought to be doing this automatically) the HALF and FIFTH values of your characteristics! PC comes a bit short in that department. - Add 100 Bonus Points divided between the following skills: Art/Craft (any), Charm, History, Language Other (any), Library Use, Listen, Natural World, Occult. The RPGnet Staff. Tough and Street-Wise, and understands the saying To catch a thief, think like a thief. Physical and muscular, and doesnt mesh well with books. - Core Characteristic: CON Add together Strength and Size, then consult table 1 on page 23. (e.g. Adjustments: Mike Mason, Alan Bligh, James Lowder. Scholar I suppose you meant the Shadow, not the Phantom. May spend 10 Luck points to gain one further melee attack in a single combat round. May spend 10 Luck to avoid being "outnumbered" in melee combat for one combat encounter. These assets should make sense for the hero's credit rating. A person who disobeys the rules of society, openly questioning the status quo and mocking authority. Someone famous, you don't need to know them. Adjustments: It is a good idea to have 3 skills in the 40 - 80% range than 3 or 4 skills in the 90 - 100% range. Pulp Archetypes A few archetypes note that they are able to take the talents "Psychic'" or "Weird Science". One of my prospective players is particularly wary of the, uh, lethality CoC is known for. Call of Cthulhu Characters - The Dhole's House Add your STR and your SIZ together, then look up the result here: A backstory is important for all well rounded characters! 'Freestyle' point buy system. Occupational skill points cannot be spent on skills other than those listed as part of the occupation. Is there that much of a discrepancy or could it still be played as a straight horror game? Our motto is "Ludo Fore Putavimus" (We Thought It Would be Fun). For Hero and Satan, I should replace one talent with"Animal Companion". (you cannot exceed 99). Pulp Talents: text fields are added beneath the portrait box to record your hero's special abilities. Each Archetype grants a +1 step bonus to any one attribute of choice, grants 2 bonus edges of choice (ignoring all qualification . Privacy Policy | Terms of Service, by Mike Mason, with Bligh, Lowder, Tidball, White, Fricker, Baur, Sanderson and Kramer, Price: $44.95 (hardcover), $22.50 (PDF download). Ihave not yet triedto add traits, personality and background elements. You get an additional 100 skill points to distribute to skills appropriate to your archetype. Any experiences with Pulp Cthulhu? : r/callofcthulhu - Reddit - Add 100 Bonus Points divided between the following skills: Art/Craft (any), Animal handling, Fighting (any), First Aid, Intimidate, Language Other (any), Listen, Medicine, Navigation, Stealth, Survival (any, Track You idolize them (e.g. If you'd like to choose the talents randomly roll 1d4: Roll 1d10 on them tables themselves if you want to go random. Note: Some of these archetypes are problematic from a standpoint of modern sensibilities, but they're absolutely central to the source material. - Add 100 Bonus Points divided between the following skills: Accounting, Drive Auto, Fighting (any), Firearms (handgun), First Aid, history, Intimidate, Law, natural World, Navigate, Persuade, Psychology, Ride, Spot Hidden, Survival (any). Roll core characteristic, (1d6 + 13) x 5, re-roll ones. This application uses material with the permission of Chaosium Inc. We've already been saving your edits, so if you - Add 100 Bonus Points divided between the following skills: Accounting, Appraise, Disguise, History, Law, Library use, Listen, Occult, Psychology, Science (any), Spot Hidden, Stealth. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Overall there are eighteen archetypes to base your character upon. - Talents: Any two (smooth Talker talent recommended), Grease Monkey We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. We've already been saving your edits, so if you Swashbuckler His punches really pack a wallop. Pulp Archetypes Archetypes Below are some suggested archetypes for Pulp characters: Ace Reporter Suggested Skills: Investigation, Notice, Persuasion, Streetwise, Tracking Suggested Edges: Alertness, Attractive, Charmer, Investigator, Moxie, Photographic Memory Suggested Hindrances: Curious, Doubting Thomas Flying Ace Actual play of the game is fairly straightforward, though Pulp Cthulhu throws in a few rules to help pulp characters out. Regains an additional 1d10 Luck points when Luck Recovery rolls are made. This will be the number of points you have to distribute anywhere you please, to any skill! The book contains some pulp adventures too: "The Disintegrator", "Waiting for the Hurricane", "Pandora's Box", and "A Slow Boat to China". While some of the artwork is quite a bit better than some of the less inspired art in the book, the inclusion of ample photographs makes for a pleasing layout. - Core Characteristic: Choose Either DEX or APP Don't know much the Shadow (unfortunately never been published in France, we just know the movie), but for the Phantom (many french-translated comics) I remember he mainly uses his two guns (maybe he shouldn't have any malus when using both of them at the same time? It differs from D&D and other games of the genre by creating a horrifying world inspired by Lovecraft's writings, and characters in the game (like characters in the story) are drastically outmatched by the dark forces they face. Each archetype has a Core Characteristic (Or a choice between two or more pick one!) The next part of Pulp Cthulhu walks players through the process of creating characters for the game which are skew towards pulp archetypes. no risk refund guarantee And what about sidekicks? (e.g. Call of Cthulhu is a widely played, cherished and acclaimed role playing game set in the worlds of H.P. Dreamer You can have more grounded games, with Indiana Jones-type characters operating on a purely human scale, or you can embrace the madness and go for a feel more like Doc Savage, The Shadow or even Hellboy. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Roll core characteristic, (1d6 + 13) x 5, re-roll ones. Paste as plain text instead, - Talents: any two (Strong Willed talent recommended), Egghead Steadfast The adventurer wants a life of excitement and thrills, and cannot exist within a normal, mundane job! - Core Characteristic: Choose Either DEX or APP This is all on Unity. I would give Indy a bit more Strength. Adjustments: All in all, I'm fairly familiar with it. Very nice. It really hits the nail on the head for running horror-flavored adventure because it allows players to get away with just enough crazy shenanigans while still maintaining the real possibility of death and other serious consequences. These archetypes (including, for example, adventurers, explorers, eggheads and sidekicks) help ensure that the characters which are created will "fit" into a pulp universe. It will have awarded you 100 skill points which you may spend on specific skills it lists, in addition to your occupational and personal interest skills. Gangster - Hard-bitten member of the Mob. - Core Characteristic: INT - Add 100 Bonus Points divided between the following skills: Art/Craft (Acting), Disguise, Fighting (any), Firearms (any), First Aid, history, Intimidate, Law, Listen, Mechanical Repair, Psychology, Stealth, Survival (any), Track. ordinary Call of Cthulhu detective, relies more on deductive reasoning and a powerful intellect. Personal interest skill points may be spent on the hero's credit rating as well, and used to bring the hero's credit rating above the occupation's credit rating range. What? Multiply your INT x 2. These archetypes are designed to be a core foundation of the character and you'll choose from a variety of types including the Adventurer, Egghead, or Hard Boiled. There are 10 types of backstory details, if possible fill in detail for at least the first six. I'll do The Spider (and maybe Conan the Barbarian, Solomon Kane, and El Borak) this week if I get the time. They love to lurk under the hood of a car, They have a can do attitude, and are able to make the most of what they have on hand. Point Buy Method, Create Investigator (7th ed.) Seeker One of them is the Two-Headed Serpent for Pulp Cthulhu (CoC 7th edition). - Talents: Any two. Pulp Archetypes by Occupation - Craig Pay Personal Interest Skills Begins the game with a Mythos Skill of 10 points. It's the game you love, but characters are on steroids and this time, just maybe, they stand a fighting chance. Call of Cthulhu does not often play with tokens on a map, or record specific movements distances. 40th Anniversary Investigator Sheets - Chaosium Possibly also someone being overshadowed by another, who lacks the maturity to be the true, solo hero themselves. If the GM buys it he could rule that the Phantom can tryanextreme INT roll. A collection of yours like baseball cards, or stamps. I thought about it but Indy is not a big guy and to get +1d4 damage he would need STR 65 and it would give him Build 1. . Adjustments: Gallent, heroic, action oriented, they often fight fair or by a code, though they can be boastful and noisy. Oct 2015. or allow him twice attacks/turn?). (e.g. (e.g. Good call. A NOTE: When your occupation specifies Firearms or Fighting but no specialty (such as Fighting (Brawl)), then it is up to you to choose or add in a specialty!