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Your people are very vulnerable when you lose your electricity. In the Gospel you heard how I read the Scriptures with authority. A good share of Americas microchips are made in Taiwan, and this would be a threat to your economy., Jesus said: My people, there are many threats to your people if the one world people try to force this digital dollar on your people. These one world people want total control over the digital dollar. You can also offer it up to help your relatives who are weak in the faith., Jesus said: My people, I am a God-man and I know how hard it is to be in pain in this life experience. Each soul is at a different stage of progress in loving Me and striving to be a saint in heaven. You can also help the souls in purgatory with your prayers. Such unusual cold is being brought down from the North by various jet streams. - April 8, 2023, Radio Rosa Mystica (Colombia) - Second Mystical Vision Given To Very Pious Colombian Nun and 12-Page PDF Document of Posthumous Testimony of Dearly Beloved, Pope Benedict XVI - Note By a soul - MaryRefugeOfSouls, Holy Week, April 2023 - Special Commentary - The Miracle of Garabandal and Other Personal Insights - My Visitation with Saint Gabriel Archangel in January 2017 - By A Soul - MaryRefugeOfSouls, Apostolate of the Green Scapular - JESUS CHRIST - "The time is short for all my children to prepare for the great trials that will befall the entire human race My beloved children, prepare now [Life Confession] while you still have time to do so My Divine Holy Spirit will guide you and unlock your subconscious memories so you can make a full and contrite confession." Pray to Me for the strength and courage to make this journey to a refuge for My angel protection. But once I left them when I died, then they fasted. Go and continue to spread My Good News among the people you will meet., Jesus said: My people, at every Mass when the priest uses the proper words of Consecration, you are witnessing a miracle of the Transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and My Blood. These evil ones, who want to reduce the population, will face Me in death, and they could be condemned to hell for their evil deeds., Jesus said: My people, I shine My Light of grace into every soul when you receive My sacraments. This took strong faith in Me for this exorcism to be successful over the demon. Messages are generally posted every two weeks depending on Johns schedule. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Be ready to endure more snowstorms. You had problems with your diesel fuels. I will not let man destroy all the people as well with nuclear bombs. St. John sent messengers to confirm that I was the Messiah. Jairus also had faith in My healing of his twelve year old daughter. You have seen a silver icon turn to gold some years ago. I am the only proper Judge because I look into the heart of your intentions to commit sin. around every place that commits abortion or euthanasia. You have heard how the Italian whistle blower has given testimony that he changed Trump votes into Biden votes using the Vatican rented satellites. You proved to yourself that you can use your will power to control the cravings of your body. Keep your focus on Me and you will have your reward with Me in heaven forever., Jesus said: My people, for those people, who did not yet make it to Confession before Christmas, I am giving you a reminder to have your soul cleansed of sin, so you are more worthy for My feast. It is very likely that the HAARP machine in Alaska has been causing your extreme weather. But the rich man said if someone from the dead would speak to the brothers, surely they would listen. If you think about how you got your jobs, I was helping you. You were right in comforting your family for the loss of Davids life. I told them many times that the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. If you have brownouts already in the summer for air conditioning, where will you get the extra electricity to power your electric cars? Put your trust in Me to get you through any of lifes pains and trials. It may be difficult to do your yard work, so you may have to ask for some help or pay someone to cut the grass. Pray for all of the souls of your family because you do not want any of them to be lost in hell., Tuesday, January 17, 2023: (St. Anthony of the Desert), Jesus said: My son, this was an interesting experience to visit an exorcist priest. Remember how I did not let the wine run out at the wedding feast at Cana. U.S. Grace Force and John Henry Westen on the New Revelations of Pope Benedict's Secretary. There is a beautiful church with the original image on the tilma of Juan Diego that you can see behind the glass covering. I pray to Our Lady as Mary Refuge of Holy Love that the Truth and Light of Heaven be bestowed upon everyone who visits this website. Be ready to come to My refuges when I will warn you. 3:17) My people, you have been going through some difficult days when it appears the evil people have stolen your election with no one to correct this theft in the courts. In either case you most likely will be called to My refuges where I will multiply your food., Jesus said: My people, you are seeing continuous damage from tornadoes and heavy rain that is causing floods. Then these same evil ones produce mRNA vaccines as a supposed cure as a solution to the problem. The storm struck fear in My apostles who thought we were going to drown. This manna is the forerunner of the Sacred Bread of My Body and Blood. So only receive Me when you are worthy in your soul. Your water level is in a small drought with six inches below normal. If your people do not rebel about taking your money, then you have already been taken over. You will see a new Mass introduced as a part of a one world religion. These companies can only be prosperous when they can make arms for any ongoing war. She also lived her life without sin in My Divine Will. around all military, around jails, around places of torture or abuse. While he keeps a daily copy of messages he receives on paper, there may be some delay in them being posted on the website. Not everyone will have the faith and endurance to keep up a refuge with what is needed. Establishing a digital dollar could be difficult to fit into your current economy. Call on Me to protect you and provide for your needs., Tuesday, December 27, 2022: (St. John the Apostle & Evangelist), Jesus said: My son, today you remember the time you went to Ephesus, Turkey where St. John was buried. These persecutions will become more frequent both on your website and on your Zoom program. The people were led by a cloud in the day and by a flame at night. Each stage of purgatory has its own suffering for the souls. I vanished from their sight, and they remarked how their hearts were burning inside with joy as I explained the Scriptures to them. My refuge people are ready, but many people may not be so prepared. So a man will leave his parents and cling to his wife, and the two will be as one flesh. My son, you are receiving My inner locutions every day. You have seen a lost piece of glass appear on your window sill when it was not there before. In the Gospel the people thought I had a demon, but I told them Satan does not cast out demons, or his kingdom could not stand. Be thankful that you can receive Me into your heart and soul at every Mass., Jesus said: My people, you remember My parable about the Prodigal son. This will be a miraculous building venture that angels will help me. I told the Pharisees that they water their animals on the Sabbath. This will definitely be a sign that the coming tribulation is almost at hand. I thank you all for opening your hearts, as each of you are a true blessing for loving our holy priests. You also have had other miracles of light on your chapel walls. This attempt to imprison Trump is a smokescreen or cover up of what the world bankers are planning to shut your banks down with a bank holiday. I am warning you that a time is coming when there will be a split in My Church. There will be an attempt to bring in the new world religion which is nothing more than a pagan service without the proper words of Consecration. You are all sinners from Adams sin, and I see all of you as equal, no matter how intelligent you are, or how rich you are. You can also pray for vocations to the priesthood, and for souls of the deceased in purgatory. In the Gospel you saw a mother who had a child who was possessed by a demon. Pray that your people can use gas run cars which most people own, because electric cars are expensive and it is hard to find charging places., Jesus said: My people, during Lent you are called to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Then, when I began physical therapy, success was measured by if I could simply stand for a few moments on my feet. You, My son, have been to Lanciano, Italy and Los Teques, Venezuela where you saw such miracles. It is up to each person whether they want to accept Me or not. When the American Dominion machines were shut down, this is when the vote numbers were changed. You are taking everything in faith to have this Conference, so enjoy your retreat. Leary, a retired chemist who lives in the suburbs of Rochester, New York, has published more than a dozen volumes full of messages allegedly from Jesus, Mary and the saints, warning about the coming of the anti-Christ. As you approach these end times, many of My messengers and visionaries will be given messages to prepare refuges for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. The angels are all around Me as they are praising the coming of My Feast of Christmas. There are two means of changing this election. I told you before that you can offer up your pain for souls on earth as well as for souls in purgatory. You saw the exact spot where I was born and it was marked by a star. In Turkey they did see colors before, which is why it probably is a sign that the HAARP machine caused this quake., Jesus said: My people, you are aware of how China is using slave labor to make products cheaper than in your country. But those people, who love Me and seek the forgiveness of their sins, can be with Me forever in heaven. I as the new Adam did not fall into the temptation of making stones into bread, even though I had fasted for forty days without food. I am warning your people in America that you are losing your rights, and you will be seeing more persecution of Christians. The large companies are trying to take away your freedom of speech that you have by your Bill of Rights. It is to make the readings of my Scripture come alive in your hearing. It is the big things in life, as your faithfulness to my Son, Jesus, that you must be strong and not disturbed. At supper they recognized Me at the breaking of the bread as at Holy Communion. Some more of these giants appeared after the Flood, like Goliath, but I helped the Israelites to destroy them with My miracles. I will protect My faithful at My refuges., Thursday, February 2,2023: (Presentation of the Lord, Candlemas Day), Jesus said: My people, it is a Jewish custom to their law that the first male child had to be circumcised, which replaced the first male lamb that was pure and was slain. If you buy anything that is not according to a liberal agenda, you could have your bank accounts brought to zero and you could even face prison. I will preserve your canned goods and they will not spoil. One article on the internet gave a story that the Pakistan blackout was done to stop a sale of General Electric to the Chinese. The other means would be if I brought My Warning experience that could change some people to look into this fraudulent election. I love all of you and these ways are how you could show your love for your neighbor., Jesus said: My people, during Lent you could show Me how much you love Me by coming to daily Mass and even making some visits to My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacle or in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance. In the second temptation of Adam by the devil in the Garden, the devil said they would be like gods if they ate the forbidden fruit. Even if products can be made cheaply in China, it would be better to keep your jobs in America. You even refrained from eating sweets and candy during the whole week. Trust in Me to protect My faithful at My refuges, even as I had to go into hiding from the evil ones as well., Jesus said: My people, when you come to a refuge, do not be concerned with the looks of where you will stay. I thank all of you who cared and prayed for me. I am more powerful than the demons and the one world people. But now I am warning you that time to get food is quickly closing, and those people who do not store food now, may go hungry when there is no money to buy your food, and the stores may be closed or empty. Then I called the girl to rise, and she came back to life from the dead. Some people may die of fright on the day of the Warning. You need to have three months of food stored for each member of your family to be prepared for some global food shortages. It may appear that the evil ones are winning today, but after the tribulation, I will bring My victory over the evil ones and they will be cast into hell. She said even the dogs eat the scraps from under the childrens table. You used kerosene burners and your wood fireplace to heat your house. Be prepared for more disasters to come because you still have pro-abortion laws, especially in the blue states of the Democrats. When My apostles saw Me walking on the water, they thought I was a ghost. You have been given My messages of a possible World War III involving nuclear weapons. The smaller earthquake in Buffalo, N.Y. is almost at the same place where Buffalo received 100 inches of snow in two days. You will need to read more to understand this rite. At that time all refuges will have Holy Communion daily from a priest or from My angels. Even those four people, who carried the man on his mat, had sincere faith in My healing as well. There was great joy for restoring Lazarus to life for his sisters. When they control your buying and selling of food, I will need to call you to My refuges. My son, you knew her brother, Fr. Pray for such a change, or I may have to call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. Learn from this reading to follow My instructions, no matter what I ask you to do. Your ozone layer stops the UV radiation that could burn you up. It is bad enough that you are killing My babies with abortion, but this legalizing of all kinds of sexual sins, is right out of the pits of hell. If you profess your belief in Me and do not support abortion or the Covid shots, they will shut you down. She was grateful to see I was alive. At the end of your rosaries you could again pray the storm prayer for protection from any blackouts., Jesus said: My people, you are right that you will be seeing more natural disasters as punishment for your abortions and your latest Marriage bill. At the end of your life, I will say: Well done My good and faithful servant, come enter into the joy of your Master for all eternity in heaven., Jesus said: My people, just as you have a taste of heaven when you receive Me in Holy Communion, so I gave My apostles a preview of My Glorified Body that they would see at My Resurrection. You are the actors on this stage, and you have all of heaven and the souls in purgatory who are the audience watching your every action. You know the power of angels when in Israel one of My angels slew 180,000 soldiers who were trying to take over Israel. This is why you are seeing extremes in your weather. Cain was punished by being forced to be a wanderer without being able to grow crops from the soil. The Pharisees saw Me as a threat to their power over the people, so they decided to kill Me. I am looking intently upon you every moment of every day, even while you are sleeping. I love all of you for making an effort to follow your Lenten devotions., Jesus said: My people, I had to carry My cross to Calvary where the Romans crucified Me. During Lent you are making penances to avoid eating sweets and not eating between meals. Keep your souls clean with Confession and focus your prayers on helping souls to be converted into believers in Me. By doing all of these things out of love for Me and your neighbor, you can have a Lent that will profit your soul., Jesus said: My people, the Pharisees were critical about what foods they could eat. You also saw recently how the Antichrist was just crowned in Egypt by the Luciferians to follow what I did. I love the Lord so much and I always wanted to be with Him whenever I could. When you have time you could also buy some dried foods that come in #10 cans. Try to be present for all of these services. It will also be close to the time when I will call My faithful to My refuges. Michel again. around the sick in the world and around all the dying in the world; around all the elderly and abandoned in the world. When you address names for the living or the dead in your prayers, your graces are directed specifically to these very souls. You will always have water and your wells will not run dry. At the time of tribulation you will receive a consecrated Host from a priest or My angels. Trust in Me to protect My people and bring you into your reward., Jesus said: My people, in the Gospel the rich man had all of the pleasures of life, but he did not help the beggar, Lazarus with even the scraps from his table. In order for Me to answer your prayers sooner, you need to have faith that I can help you. St. Peter also said he would die for Me, but I told him that before the cock crows, he would deny Me three times. Wednesday, January 6, 2021 (St. Andre Bessette) Jesus said: "My people, I have told you in previous messages that no matter who wins your Presidential election, you will eventually be taken over. Rejoice that I came as a God-man to bring salvation to all those souls who will accept Me., Friday, December 23, 2022: (St. John of Kanty), Jesus said: My people, today in the Gospel you read about the birth of St. John the Baptist who was the last prophet of the Old Testament. In the vision you saw a large black abyss that represented hell. The more you can forgive people, the more graces you store up in heaven. This is why your prayers for peace are greatly needed., Jesus said: My son, you remember well how hard it was to suffer a major ice storm in 1991. Trust in Me to protect My faithful from the evil ones., Wednesday, January 25, 2023: (Conversion of St. Paul), Jesus said: My people, I gave Saul a miraculous conversion by My Light which blinded him. Some liberals are calling you terrorists to give you a bad name. In the vision I am showing you more snow coming, and it is coming in large amounts wherever the rivers of water in the atmosphere combine with the cold from the north. When the sons money was gone, he hired out on a farm feeding the pigs. I will then renew the earth and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven. I have warned your people that you could see more bad storms with blackouts during the rest of your winter. You need to have three months supply of food in your house for each member, because the stores may become empty, or you may not have the chip in the body to buy your food. I am using visionaries to share the faith of My Good News when I died and resurrected to bring salvation to all those people who accept Me into their lives. She was so happy to see Me, but she did not recognize Me until I called her name, Mary. But those people, who do not make an effort to help others, did not help Me, and they will suffer in hell for not loving Me. This is part of the reason that you are seeing one disaster after another. November 21, 2022 VERY IMPORTANT COMMENTARY Explaining The Second Coming Of JESUS, The End Times, The Immaculate Conception, And The Wedding Feast Of The Lamb By a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls, VIDEO Facing Imminent Nuclear War Instructions and Remedy for Radioactivity from GOD, MaryRefugeOfSouls PDF Download: English Collection (Lorenas Messages, 2015-2021) The Way To Follow Army of Saint Michael Archangel // Descargar PDF: Coleccin en espaol (Mensajes de Lorena, 2015-2021) El camino a seguir Ejrcito de San Miguel Arcngel, Video Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Latin-American Mystic Lorena Holy Communion in the Hand February 16, 2022 MaryRefugeOfSouls, Three Videos Latin American Catholic Priest has Vision during Holy Mass of Jesus Christ and in Tears Cries, No more Holy Communion in the hand!, Spiritual Warfare Prayers for Ancestral Curses and Evil Generational Spirits, Including Resources for Inner Healing, Zazzle Collection: Essential End Times Religious Images (Refuge Stickers) Compiled by a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls. FAIR USE NOTICE: I am not associated in any way with Holy Love Ministry, Locutions To The World, Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), Prophet John Leary, Our Lady of Emmitsburg, or any of the other chosen messengers or website links that I provide on this blog. I called to the storm: Peace, be still and there was a great calm. With the evil ones ruining your country, you could soon be in a communist dictatorship. You witnessed heavy rains at Thuys refuge and you got stuck in a river of water on the way to the airport. The second thought is that the heart shape of this mirror is reminding you to obey My Commandments of loving Me and loving your neighbor as yourself. Your spiritual desire is to be with Me in heaven for all eternity. You will definitely be called to My refuges before the Antichrist declares himself. The evil ones will be killed and sent to hell. So be patient and trust in My power that My faithful will be in My Era of Peace after My victory over the Antichrist and the evil ones., Wednesday, December 21, 2022: (St. Peter Canisius), Jesus said: My people, in this vision you see a shadow of Myself on the cross to indicate that My purpose for coming to earth as a God-man, is to bring salvation to all of mankind with My sacrifice on the cross. Camille said: I thank you John for noticing me in the light that went on and off. I told her how she had five husbands and she was living with another man. You can come to Me in the priest in Confession so you can be cleansed of your sins with the priests absolution. They will have a hard time keeping jobs and they will be dependent on your society for help. You will soon have your money turned into a digital dollar when you will need to give allegiance to the Antichrist, or you will not be able to buy or sell anything.

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