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Sexton bought a condo about 10 miles from his longtime house in Crossville with his wife Lacey in July 2020 for $184,900, according to property records. Please note: Physical education uniform/lock fees, athletic fees, and some specific course fees (such as Drivers Education, Flex Physical Education, and Behind the Wheel) will still apply during the 2022-23 school year. Se proporcionar informacin adicional sobre la graduacin a los estudiantes y las familias este invierno y tambin estar disponible en, Pautas para los Das de Enfermedad Razones para Mantener a su Estudiante en Casa, En apoyo de nuestra prioridad de mantener a los estudiantes saludables y en la escuela, durante la reunin de la Junta Educativa del 9 de agosto, la Junta adopt formalmente la, Puede encontrar una lista de inmunizaciones/vacunas requeridas en, Enve todos los formularios de salud o comprobantes de prximas citas a la oficina de la enfermera escolar de su estudiante o por correo electrnico a, Invitacin para Unirse al Consejo Asesor de Padres (PAC), El PAC brinda a los padres y tutores la oportunidad de aprender ms sobre las operaciones, reglamentos, iniciativas y funciones de la Junta del Distrito 300. As such, we would like to provide parents with information regarding our sick day guidelines for the 2022-2023 school year. Una vez que se descarga la aplicacin, los padres y tutores pueden encontrar instrucciones sobre cmo usar la aplicacin en, Informacin sobre el calendario y el horario de campanas, Toda la informacin del calendario a nivel de distrito para el ao escolar 2022-2023 se puede encontrar en. Capital construction expenditures, on average, were about $300 less per student in high-poverty districts compared to low-poverty districts. El pago completo se debe pagar dentro de los siete das posteriores al comienzo del semestre o la temporada. The district and all students and staff will comply with all COVID-19 mitigation requirements imposed by IHSA or athletic/extracurricular conference officials, or competition host sites. Please note, high schools do not have school supply lists. Please keep this tag on your childs backpack for the school year. To ensure a smooth start to the academic year, each schools pick-up and drop-off procedures have been posted to their respective websites. Students who may be identified as close contacts to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 will not be excluded from attending school. Puede ver la lista de tiles de cada escuela visitando: d300.org/SchoolSupplies. Al regresar a la escuela, se le indicar que se siente en un rea especfica durante el almuerzo durante cinco das completos despus del perodo de aislamiento de cinco das (das 6 a 10). Parent Communication Guidelines for Issues Outside the Classroom. Parents and guardians should use these guidelines before having their child return to school, athletic or social activities for the following diagnoses: Strep Throat: On the appropriate antibiotic for at least 24 hours, Conjunctivitis: On the appropriate eye drops for at least 24 hours or cleared by a physician, New Unexplained Rash: Assessed by a doctor, especially if open and draining or spreading before returning. Una vez que se ha creado una cuenta, los padres pueden acceder al horario de su estudiante (cuando se publique) para el ao escolar 2022-2023. All preschool through fifth grade students will receive a bus backpack pass from their teacher for the new school year on their first day of class. Las personas tambin pueden llamar a la Lnea Annima de Informacin de Seguridad al (847) 551-8477 o enviar un correo electrnico a SafeSchoolTipline@d300.org. A pesar de que no es un organismo que toma decisiones, los comentarios del PAC se tendrn en cuenta en las futuras recomendaciones del distrito. Due to the volume of students the district transports daily, please understand that transportation change requests cannot be accommodated during the first few weeks of school. La ley de Illinois [105 ILCS 5/27-8.1] requiere que las escuelas excluyan a los estudiantes de la escuela hasta que presenten pruebas de que cumplen con los requisitos de vacunacin y examen de salud. In these messages, families were notified that their transportation information was available in, . Puede encontrar informacin importante sobre el programa de alimentacin y nutricin estudiantil para el ao escolar 2022-2023 en la Gua para Padres sobre Nutricin Estudiantil. Please submit all health forms or proof of upcoming appointments to the office of your students school nurse or via an email to health.forms@d300.org. In their own jurisdictions, teachers unions are already wielding their influence to push back against schools reopening. During the last two academic years, the district maintained a public-facing COVID-19 data dashboard that tracked the number of positive cases in each school. The app can be downloaded from the Apple Store, Google Play, or at m.durhambustracker.com. . If you or your student experience any difficulties, please complete the Remote Technical Support Form. If you are aware of an imminent threat to school safety, please call 911 immediately and then complete the Safe School Tip Line form. Tambin se incluye un archivo de mensajes de aos escolares anteriores. Families new to D300 can create a PushCoin account by following the directions available, Student-related fees or charges can be viewed on the students PushCoin account. (tenga en cuenta: la elegibilidad para la exencin de cuotas se basa en el Reglamento de la Junta 4:140). Full payment is due within seven days of the beginning of the semester or season. continuarn recibiendo transporte en los das de inicio tarde. En apoyo de nuestra prioridad de mantener a los estudiantes saludables y en la escuela, durante la reunin de la Junta Educativa del 9 de agosto, la Junta adopt formalmente la Resolucin del Plan de Mitigacin de COVID-19 para el Ao Escolar 2022-23. , el distrito har la transicin de salidas tempranas mensuales a inicios tarde a clases. Adems, el PAC es una excelente oportunidad para que los padres y tutores proporcionen opiniones sobre los reglamentos del distrito y los que estn bajo revisin. Esperamos que estas pautas permitan que nuestras familias obtengan respuestas a sus preguntas y que los problemas se resuelvan rpidamente. Los estudiantes de preparatoria (y sus padres/tutores) pueden comunicarse con la oficina principal de su escuela preparatoria sobre la disponibilidad, las solicitudes y el pago del permiso de estacionamiento en caso de que tengan inters y no hayan recibido comunicacin. Parents of preschool students should refer to the preschool calendar). Today, the U.S. Department of Education (Department) released the Return to School Roadmap, a resource to support students, schools, educators, and Para obtener informacin sobre cmo ver el horario de su estudiante, consulte el siguiente tutorial paso a paso. El Manual para padres/tutores para el ao escolar 2022-2023 ya est disponible y se puede acceder haciendo clic aqu. Web4.1K views, 50 likes, 28 loves, 154 comments, 48 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from 7th District AME Church: Thursday Morning Opening Session Los padres deben configurar una cuenta PowerSchool SIS para ver los horarios de los estudiantes. District 300 schools will host open houses for parents and guardians in late August and early September. Please note proof of an upcoming appointment is acceptable if you cannot obtain an appointment before the first day of attendance. PushCoin account at the start of the semester or athletic season. Los pagos en efectivo en el punto de servicio se limitarn a $20.00. Las listas de tiles escolares para el ao escolar 2022-2023 se publican en el sitio web del Distrito 300 y en el sitio web de cada escuela. Other symptoms that prevent them from participating in school, such as: District 300 asks parents and guardians to use the following guidelines before having their child return to school, athletic or social activities: Fever-free for at least 24 hours, without medication, Free of vomiting and or diarrhea for at least 24 hours. Estudiantes que participan en Actividades Extracurriculares: El distrito y todos los estudiantes y el personal cumplirn con todos los requisitos de mitigacin de COVID-19 impuestos por IHSA o los funcionarios de conferencias atlticas/extracurriculares, o los sitios anfitriones de la competencia. to report concerns with bullying, drugs, weapons, violence, or self-harm in our schools in our on-going effort to keep schools safe. Para localizar los procedimientos de su escuela: Los padres y tutores pueden ver una lista completa de las fechas de los das de fotografas de los estudiantes y los das de recuperacin visitandowww.d300.org/PictureDays. Limited internet access Estudiantes que participan en Actividades Extracurriculares: El distrito y todos los estudiantes y el personal cumplirn con todos los requisitos de mitigacin de COVID-19 impuestos por IHSA o los funcionarios de conferencias atlticas/extracurriculares, o los sitios anfitriones de la competencia. If your student has fees this year, they will be posted to their respective PushCoin account at the start of the semester or athletic season. A principios de esta semana, el distrito envi un correo electrnico y una llamada telefnica a las familias de los estudiantes elegibles para el transporte en autobs escolar para el ao escolar 2022-2023. 2023-2024. The class of 2023 will celebrate graduation ceremonies on Saturday, May 20, at NOW Arena (5333 Prairie Stone Parkway, Hoffman Estates, 60192) as follows: Additional graduation information will be provided to students and families this winter and will also be available at www.d300.org/Graduation. Please submit all health forms or proof of upcoming appointments to the office of your students school nurse or via an email to health.forms@d300.org. Please keep this tag on your childs backpack for the school year. In cases of potential school violence or harm to a student or staff member, District 300 may confidentially contact the reporter to seek additional information to keep our schools safe. Parents and guardians should use these guidelines before having their child return to school, athletic or social activities for the following diagnoses: Strep Throat: On the appropriate antibiotic for at least 24 hours, Conjunctivitis: On the appropriate eye drops for at least 24 hours or cleared by a physician, New Unexplained Rash: Assessed by a doctor, especially if open and draining or spreading before returning. After an account has been created, parents can access their students schedule (upon its release) for the. El Centro de Comunicacin del Distrito 300 incluye mensajes importantes relacionados con el ao escolar 2022-23 que tambin se han enviado a los padres y tutores a travs de mensajes RCS. Should the matter not be resolved, parents can proceed through the subsequent steps outlined in theParent Communication Flowchart for Issues Inside the Classroomdocument. Families new to D300 can create a PushCoin account by following the directions available, Student-related fees or charges can be viewed on the students PushCoin account. Al regresar a la escuela, se le indicar que se siente en un rea especfica durante el almuerzo durante cinco das completos despus del perodo de aislamiento de cinco das (das 6 a 10). Tema Prioritario: Horarios de Estudiantes, Los horarios de los estudiantes solo se pueden ver utilizando, . Como recordatorio de nuestro mensaje anterior, el Distrito 300 requiere que todos los padres y tutores reconozcan que han recibido el Manual para Padres/Tutores del 2022-2023 completando un formulario de reconocimiento ubicado en el Portal para Padres de PowerSchool. The Easthampton School Committee has again rejected the districts top pick for superintendent who wrote ladies in an email, as the school board moved toward hiring an interim s Si est al tanto de una amenaza inminente a la seguridad escolar, llame al 911 de inmediato y luego complete el formulario de la Lnea Annima de Informacin de Seguridad. The class of 2023 will celebrate graduation ceremonies on Saturday, May 20, at NOW Arena (5333 Prairie Stone Parkway, Hoffman Estates, 60192) as follows: Additional graduation information will be provided to students and families this winter and will also be available at www.d300.org/Graduation. The district will not host or maintain a COVID-19 data dashboard as we begin the new school year. La generacin del 2023 celebrar ceremonias de graduacin el sbado 20 de mayo en NOW Arena (5333 Prairie Stone Parkway, Hoffman Estates, 60192) de la siguiente manera: Se proporcionar informacin adicional sobre la graduacin a los estudiantes y las familias este invierno y tambin estar disponible en www.d300.org/Graduation. Superintendent Susan Harkin invites all interested parties to apply for the District 300 Parent Advisory Council (PAC). (Please note: prior to August 16th, those with questions or concerns regarding the Parent/Guardian Handbook are directed to start with Step 3 of the Parent Communication Guidelines for IssuesOutsidethe Classroom document. We look forward to celebrating the first day of school with you on Tuesday, August, Some of the topics below may only apply to specific parent groups. . After an account has been created, parents can access their students schedule (upon its release) for the 2022-2023 school year. While not a decision-making body, the PACs feedback will factor into future district recommendations. The Durham Bus Tracker app provides an accurate method for parents and students to monitor the location of a particular bus and/or possible delays in the arrival at a specific stop. District 300 welcomes all students, parents, and guardians to the 2022-2023 school year! Additional information can be found on the high schools webpage: Students entering grades 3-12 will be prompted to reset their Rapid Identity password before the start of the school year. A series of recent incidents involving students in the Central Islip School District has left some parents accusing administrators of turning their backs on bullying. Full payment is due within seven days of the beginning of the semester or season. Are required to remain home for five days from the date of a positive test or the onset of symptoms. Please note, high schools do not have school supply lists. A parent must have a smartphone or tablet device to download the app. La ceremonia de graduacin de Dundee-Crown High School comenzar a las 10:00 a.m. La ceremonia de graduacin de Hampshire High School comenzar a las 2:00 p.m. La ceremonia de graduacin de Jacobs High School comenzar a las 6:00 p.m. (tenga en cuenta: los estudiantes de preescolar no siguen el horario de campana de inicio tarde del distrito. Haga clic aqu para obtener instrucciones completas sobre cmo acceder al Formulario de Reconocimiento de Haber Recibido el Manual para Padres/Tutores. Los eventos especficos de la escuela se pueden encontrar en la pgina de inicio de su escuela en la seccin titulada "Prximos Eventos". Un padre debe tener un telfono inteligente o una tableta para descargar la aplicacin. Auburn Hills, Michigan, April 28, 2023 BorgWarner is partnering with the School District of the City of Pontiac to provide proprietary sequential charging with its direct current fast chargers (DCFC) for the districts fleet of 25 IC electric school buses. Financial assistance for eligible course fees and eligible PE uniform/lock fees can be requested through a district fee waiver form which will be available on the. Payments for any fees or charges can be paid by eCheck or credit card at, Questions regarding student accounts, fees, or charges can be directed to, These updates will be sent out via RCS messaging and will also be included in the District 300Communication Center at. Thomas Peele Thursday, April 20, 2023, 9:44 am LAUSD pays $6.5 million to former student after administrators failed to report sexual abuse Students registered after July 29, 2022, may not receive transportation information until after the second week of school. Tenga en cuenta que las escuelas preparatorias no tienen listas de tiles escolares. Calendario del Distrito para Estudiantes de Knder a 12 Grado, Horarios de Campana para Das Escolares Regulares, Fechas de Inicio Tarde y Horario de Campana. Students registered after July 29, 2022, may not receive transportation information until after the second week of school. After an account has been created, parents can access their students schedule (upon its release) for the 2022-2023 school year. The Safe School Tip Line can be found on the District 300 homepage (located in the blue row of icons directly beneath the homepage slideshow image). Tambin puede ver una descripcin general en video de los requisitos de salud haciendo clic aqu. Hagaclic aqupara obtener ms informacin sobre el plan de aprendizaje remoto para estudiantes aislados. Tambin puede ver una descripcin general en video de los requisitos de salud haciendo clic aqu. Las Solicitudes de Elegibilidad del Hogar se pueden enviar para que se consideren comidas gratis o precio reducido. A parent must have a smartphone or tablet device to download the app. Students who are not up to date with health exams and immunization requirements will not be allowed to attend school until all required forms are submitted. If you or your student does not remember their password, they can attempt to recover it by using the Need Help link located on the Rapid Identity login page. Four students and five staff have contracted the virus. Para localizar los procedimientos de su escuela: Los padres y tutores pueden ver una lista completa de las fechas de los das de fotografas de los estudiantes y los das de recuperacin visitandowww.d300.org/PictureDays. Para obtener informacin sobre cmo ver el horario de su estudiante, consulte el siguiente tutorial paso a paso. Las listas de tiles escolares para el ao escolar 2022-2023 se publican en el sitio web del Distrito 300 y en el sitio web de cada escuela. Parents must set up a PowerSchool SIS account to view student schedules. Libre devmitos o diarreadurante al menos 24 horas. The app can be downloaded from the Apple Store, Google Play, or at. After more than a year of remote instruction during the coronavirus pandemic, Seattle Public Schools will offer in-person learning once again. WebAcross the country, students are preparing to head back to school for the 202223 academic year. District 300 has developed two communication guideline documents to ensure parents and guardians can resolve issues and receive answers to their questions as quickly as possible. El Distrito evala continuamente sus procedimientos de seguridad y hace los ajustes necesarios. One of District 300s highest priorities for the 2022-2023 school year is to keep students healthy and in school. May return to school five days after the onset of symptoms or testing positive, if fever-free for 24 hours. En estos mensajes, se notific a las familias que su informacin de transporte estaba disponible en el. 211 Information from the Fox Valley United Way, PowerSchool SIS and Schoology Information, District 300 welcomes all students, parents, school year! Cualquier cambio que se le deba al estudiante se aplicar a la cuenta de comida del estudiante. Puede ver la lista de tiles de cada escuela visitando: . La lista completa de cuotas escolares, incluyendo las que se han eximido y las que an estn vigentes, se puede encontrar aqu: Se puede solicitar asistencia financiera para las cuotas de cursos elegibles y las cuotas elegibles de uniformes/candados de educacin fsica a travs de un formulario de exencin de cuotas del distrito que estar disponible en la pgina. In addition, a direct link to theCommunication Centercan be found on the District 300 homepage (located in the blue row of icons directly beneath the homepage slideshow image). The district will, A listing of required immunizations/vaccinations can be found at, Please submit all health forms or proof of upcoming appointments to the office of your students school nurse or via an email to, Invitation to Join the Parent Advisory Council (PAC). El uso de la aplicacin es puramente voluntario. During the August 9 Board Meeting, Superintendent Harkin will review the mitigation plan with the Board. After additional review, the advisory committee will forward its final recommendation to the school districts board of trustees later this spring, Carson said. WebFor the 2022-2023 school year, District 300 has scheduled ten (10) late start days on the following Wednesday mornings: To access a PDF document containing Late Start dates and times, please click here. El Distrito evala continuamente sus procedimientos de seguridad y hace los ajustes necesarios. La lista completa de cuotas escolares, incluyendo las que se han eximido y las que an estn vigentes, se puede encontrar aqu: Programa de Cuotas Estudiantiles del 2022-2023. Cada inicio tarde a clases tendr un horario de campana retrasado de dos (2) horas para todas las escuelas de K-12. Si usted o su estudiante no recuerdan su contrasea, pueden intentar recuperarla utilizando el enlace "Need Help" ubicado en la pgina de inicio de sesin de Rapid Identity. Parents are not required to tell District 300 if their children are vaccinated, and it will only come up when a positive case of COVID is in the schools, and the district has There is no cost associated with the app; however, associated data charges may apply and will be the user's responsibility. Accin Necesaria de los Padres - Formulario de Reconocimiento de Haber Recibido el Manual para Padres/Tutores, Si usted o su estudiante no recuerdan su contrasea, pueden intentar recuperarla utilizando el enlace "Need Help" ubicado en la pgina de inicio de sesin de Rapid Identity. Liberty Elementary School District to shift to 4-day school week. Financial assistance for eligible course fees and eligible PE uniform/lock fees can be requested through a district fee waiver form which will be available on the D300 Student Fee webpage (please note: fee waiver eligibility is based on Board policy 4:140). Como recordatorio, se alienta a los estudiantes, padres o miembros de la comunidad a utilizar la, Lnea Annima de Informacin de Seguridad. Updated 9/23/2020 9:00 AM. Un padre debe tener un telfono inteligente o una tableta para descargar la aplicacin. El personal de la escuelano realizar el rastreo de contactos. Parents must set up a PowerSchool SIS account to view student schedules. Parent Communication Guidelines for Issues Inside the Classroom. Para el ao escolar 2022-2023, el Distrito 300 ha programado diez (10) das de inicio tarde a clases los siguientes mircoles por la maana: Para acceder a un documento PDF que contiene fechas y horas de inicio tardo, haga clic aqu. The infrastructure development is the first for BorgWarner that takes advantage of the Click here to view the District 300 student dress code for the 2022-2023 school year. Upon returning to school, will be directed to sit in a specified area during lunch for five (5) full days after the five-day isolation period (days 6-10). View a complete list ofopenhouse dates and times by visiting, Parent Action: Parent/Guardian Handbook Acknowledgement Form, District 300 requires all parents and guardians to acknowledge they have received the 2022-2023 Parent/Guardian Handbook by completing an acknowledgement form located in, If you have any questions or concerns regarding the handbook, please refer to the , High schools have communicated parking permit information to families with registered email accounts. We look forward to celebrating the first day of school with you on Tuesday, August 16. Full payment is due within seven days of the beginning of the semester or season. Como recordatorio, se alienta a los estudiantes, padres o miembros de la comunidad a utilizar la Lnea Annima de Informacin de Seguridad para reportar preocupaciones sobre intimidacin, drogas, armas, violencia o autolesiones en nuestras escuelas en nuestro esfuerzo continuo por mantener las escuelas seguras. will continue to receive transportation on Late Start days. Como recordatorio de nuestromensaje anterior, la Superintendente Susan Harkin invita a todas las partes interesadas a solicitar ser parte del Consejo Asesor de Padres (PAC por sus siglas en ingls) del Distrito 300. Campbell added two more gold medals to her trophy case Saturday. may contact their high schools main office about parking permit availability, applications, and payment should they have interest and did not receive communication. District 300 requires all parents and guardians to acknowledge they have received the 2022-2023 Parent/Guardian Handbook by completing an acknowledgement form located inPowerSchool Parent Portal. to confirm their students' most current bus stop information. Las preguntas relacionadas con las cuentas, cuotas o cargos de los estudiantes se pueden dirigir a, Actualizaciones del Superintendente Harkin, Estas actualizaciones se enviarn a travs de mensajes RCS y tambin se incluirn en el Centro de Comunicacin del Distrito 300 en, For information about how to set up an account, please click here, For information on how to view your students schedule, please view the following step-by-step tutorial, Parent Communication Flowchart for Issues Inside the Classroom, Click here to view the District 300 student dress code for the 2022-2023 school year, Please click here for more information regarding the remote learning plan for isolated students, You can also watch a video overview of the health requirements by clicking here, For complete details, including meeting dates and times, pleaseclick here, please fill out the formavailable hereby September 1, 2022, To access a PDF document containing Late Start dates and times, please click here, To access a PDF document containing Late Start bell times for each grade level, please click here, Applications are available on the following webpage, Important student nutrition and meal program information for the 2022-2023 school year can be found in the Parents Guide to Student Nutrition, As the start of the school year approaches, menu calendars for all schools will be available on this page, The Parent/Guardian Handbook for the 2022-2023 School year is now available and can be accessed byclicking here, For complete instructions on how to access the Parent/Guardian Handbook Acknowledgement Form, pleaseclick here, Parents/guardians can access all opt-out forms by clicking here, Pautas de Comunicacin para los Padres para Problemas Fuera del Saln de Clases, Pautas de Comunicacin para Padres para Problemas Dentro del Saln de Clase, Haga clic aqu para ver el cdigo de vestimenta de los estudiantes del Distrito 300 para el ao escolar 2022-2023, Resolucin del Plan de Mitigacin de COVID-19 para el Ao Escolar 2022-23, Hagaclic aqupara obtener ms informacin sobre el plan de aprendizaje remoto para estudiantes aislados, Tambin puede ver una descripcin general en video de los requisitos de salud haciendo clic aqu, Para acceder a un documento PDF que contiene fechas y horas de inicio tardo, haga clic aqu, Para acceder a un documento PDF que contiene los tiempos de campana de inicio tardo para cada nivel de grado, haga clic aqu, Las solicitudes estn disponibles en la siguiente pgina web, Puede encontrar informacin importante sobre el programa de alimentacin y nutricin estudiantil para el ao escolar 2022-2023 en la Gua para Padres sobre Nutricin Estudiantil, A medida que se acerca el comienzo del ao escolar, los calendarios de men para todas las escuelas estarn disponibles en esta pgina, El Manual para padres/tutores para el ao escolar 2022-2023 ya est disponible y se puede acceder haciendo clic aqu, Informacin sobre el permiso de estacionamiento de Dundee-Crown High School, Informacin sobre el permiso de estacionamiento de Hampshire High School, Informacin sobre el permiso de estacionamiento de Jacobs Parking High School, Programa de Cuotas Estudiantiles del 2022-2023, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated).

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is district 300 going back to school