I have recently been put on the housing register and told I can now bid for properties in my area (Barking & Dagenham) but I have no . endobj /Contents 52 0 R We'd also like to set optional analytics cookies to enable us to analyseuse of our products and services using Google Analytics in order to help us improve it. How the Council's Housing Service uses your information. /C0_2 45 0 R Boston Borough Council is required to provide information to the Homelessness Case Level Information Collection (H-CLIC) under statutory homelessness legislation. /CropBox [0 0 595.349975585938 842] /C0_0 48 0 R /Parent 2 0 R Tips for bidding for a council home | Swindon Borough Council /ProcSet [/PDF] /C0_2 45 0 R 36 0 R 37 0 R 38 0 R 39 0 R 40 0 R 41 0 R] Help with home repairs and adaptations. /XObject << You now need to show photo ID when voting in person at a polling station. << >> Adverts will be added any day Monday to Friday as and when they come up and will run for a minimum of four days. /Type /Page >> >> >> Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) where the enforcement responsibility for landlords to provide an EPC for their property lies with Trading Standards at county level, and enforcement of only letting properties that meet the minimum standard of EPC E or above which lies with the district. /C0_2 43 0 R /ProcSet [/PDF] Properties and bid deadlines are advertised every two weeks online. Login Are you homeless or at risk of being made homeless? /C0_3 53 0 R /Font << >> You will be able to bid for up to 2 properties per week. Boston Borough Council has successfully secured 14.8m from the Government Levelling Up Fund to kick-start regeneration and secure further investment to the heart of the town centre. 42 0 obj Property exchange between council or housing association tenants. The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 came into force on 3 April 2018 and changed existing homelessness protection in a number of ways. However, on the supply side, it remains very difficult to make affordable housing development financially viable because of the additional costs associated with local flood risk; and the work of integrating culturally continues. Following the Alliance between East Lindsey District Council and Boston Borough Council, we have developed a joint Housing Register system and Housing Allocations policy for both. Information for landlords. Syston St Peters Court, Melton Road, LE7 2EN Advert no: CHW_1FBS_STP Type: Bedsit Beds: 1 1 Bed Bedsit, Communal Parking, WC Only, Shared Bathing Facilities, Sheltered Accommodation, Age Restricted 60+, Scooter Store, Multiple Properties Available. /C0_0 48 0 R The council might accept a local connection based on other family members. Procurement | Boston.gov 29 0 obj Please do not call the housing team for individual results. >> /C0_3 43 0 R /C0_2 43 0 R The supplier portal will be unavailable on Thursdays from 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. due to regular maintenance. the Council does not have any housing of its own (it is all provided by registered providers), any social/affordable housing is subject to a choice based lettings process (the individual has. << >> /Parent 2 0 R Housing. /Parent 2 0 R Sutton Council will be launching a new website to register for social housing. /C0_2 45 0 R Leaflet drops and inspections backed up this work, resulting in more tenants contacting the Council and a significant impact in improving housing standards and raising the quality and level of housing management in the private rented sector. Our department selects vendors through public bidding and processes purchase orders and contracts. /C0_2 43 0 R Caroline Killeavy, Chief Executive Officer of YMCA Lincolnshire: "The plans for the masterplan area, developed through strong partnerships between the public, private and voluntary community sectors who all have local residents needs in mind, are both inspirational and ambitious. This includes: Bostons approach is to combine a very proactive approach to inspections, and strong enforcement where necessary, with landlord engagement. << >> /MediaBox [0 0 595.349975585938 842] Delegation of decisions and authorisations - housing, South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership, Housing Information and Advice for Particular Groups. /MediaBox [0 0 595.349975585938 842] >> All council and some housing association vacancies are now advertised and let through choice-based lettings. /C0_2 45 0 R >> /ProcSet [/PDF] South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership. >> You are allowed to bid for one property every week. /XObject << Municipal Buildings, West Street, Boston, Lincolnshire PE21 8QR. << /Font << /Contents 83 0 R the Council does not have any housing of its own (it is all provided by registered providers), any social/affordable housing is subject to a choice based lettings process (the individual has to bid on properties) and. /XObject << See More Geoff Moulder Leisure Complex. << These optional cookies won't be set unless you enable them. New green spaces, improved pedestrian routes, artwork and other features seek to create an inviting, safe, accessible and enjoyable place for all, as well as offering significant environmental enhancements. >> Duty to refer. Boston Borough Council: 210,000: 4: Bracknell Forest Council* 40,000: 2: Braintree District Council: Social housing in East Lindsey consists of homes owned and managed by Social Housing Providers (Housing Associations). Homelessness. >> /C0_2 57 0 R /C0_0 48 0 R >> >> Rogue Landlord funding which has been used to target bad and criminal landlords, particularly those exploiting tenants. endobj /C0_1 44 0 R This was used to enhance leisure facilities and coordinate provision of English language teaching, to ease tensions and support indigenous and new populations. /C0_3 43 0 R >> /XObject << /MediaBox [0 0 595.349975585938 842] Borough and Parish Elections are to take place across the Borough of Boston on Thursday 4 May 2023. Housing. Apply for social housing - Gravesham Borough Council /Contents 79 0 R Please note: Our CBL service, where council properties are advertised, will be closing early this week due to essential IT work. Right to Buy: Buying your council home. x\}g2"#fA3k Z `1vK_Q3QQ'NDfwI?w Kbk~zIYse5no[7*b)EFF These optional cookies won't be set unless you enable them. /Contents 59 0 R /C0_1 44 0 R /XObject << /ProcSet [/PDF] /C0_0 48 0 R << /C0_2 45 0 R Boston Borough is set to benefit from 2.62million of new funding through UKSPF and REPF. /CropBox [0 0 595.349975585938 842] /MediaBox [0 0 595.349975585938 842] 19 0 obj /C0_0 48 0 R stream /C0_0 48 0 R Successful levelling up fund bids revealed | Local Government Chronicle Social Housing - how does bidding work? MoneySavingExpert Forum /C0_2 43 0 R Oadby and Wigston Borough Council Council Offices Station Road Wigston Leicestershire LE18 2DR Telephone: (0116) 288 8961 Email: CSC@oadby-wigston.gov.uk. If your bid has been successful, you will be contacted by a member of the housing team. /Type /Page /CropBox [0 0 595.349975585938 842] BBC ELDC Joint Housing Allocation Scheme 2021, Education Endowment Order re former Ludford CofE Primary School, joint BBC ELDCHousing Allocation Scheme 2021. Meanwhile Chestnut Homes is looking to build 74 homes on land north of Slippery Gowt Lane. >> A 'bid' is when you express your interest in a specific property or properties using the online choice based lettings system. We'd also like to set optional analytics cookies to enable us to analyseuse of our products and services using Google Analytics in order to help us improve it. You can bid for a property online via our choice based lettings online system. /C0_1 44 0 R /Type /Outlines << /Resources << /ProcSet [/PDF] Apply for rented social housing. Due to the volume of bids received, it is not possible to let you know why your bids have been unsuccessful. Search Boston Borough Council. If you need any help with bidding or would like someone else to bid on your behalf, you should let your localauthority know who will explain the options available to you. renting in the private rental sector and/or outside the local Boston area may be the best solution for some cases. >> /ExtGState << /Parent 2 0 R >> >> /MediaBox [0 0 595.349975585938 842] /C0_0 48 0 R Where available a photograph of the property or similar house type is provided and you can access information about the local area and facilities. /Parent 2 0 R /C0_3 87 0 R /Font << /Type /Page /MediaBox [0 0 595.349975585938 842] Boston Borough Council has long worked closely with its neighbouring districts and the county council. << endobj Housing benefit eligibility, apply for housing benefit and view your housing benefit Finding somewhere to live Finding a home, moving, if you are homeless, sheltered housing, affordable. /Contents 70 0 R endobj /Type /Page Sheltered and supported housing. endobj endobj /Font << << Bidding Prospectus and Expression of interest now available. Please note you will only be able to bid for properties that are suitable for your housing needs and match your allocated priority housing band. >> >> /C0_3 57 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.349975585938 842] If youre unable to bid for a property which meets your eligibility requirements, this may be because the information held on your application is incorrect or not up to date. /CropBox [0 0 595.349975585938 842] 37 0 obj MHCLG funding to support the Housing Enforcement team in taking an evidence-led approach to inspections. /MediaBox [0 0 595.349975585938 842] /CropBox [0 0 595.349975585938 842] endobj /CropBox [0 0 595.349975585938 842] Tenants With District Heating Pre-Payment Meters. +2. 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; Luton Homefinder Choice Based Lettings We can help you apply for social housing, understand your Right To Buy, or advise on private tenancy and housing associations. /Contents 86 0 R >> >> Council leaseholders. endobj PDF East Lindsey District Council - Housing Allocation Scheme >> /MediaBox [0 0 595.349975585938 842] /Pages 2 0 R The executive order establishes equitable procurement goals in support of minority- and woman-owned businesses. % /XObject << endobj /CropBox [0 0 595.349975585938 842] /C0_0 48 0 R 'Team Lincolnshire' has seen joint working on housing for some 18 years, covering homelessness and rough sleeping, the private rented sector, stock condition surveys, disabled facilities grants (on which there is a single framework agreement and . Social housing (housing register) Information and advice about applying for social housing in Boston and the housing register Boston Borough Council and East Lindsey District. << During the bidding process, the system will check whether you meet the eligibility requirements for each property. >> Approach to strategy and joint working. %PDF-1.5 >> >> /XObject << Bidding - Chesterfield Social housing (Council housing) Homelessness. /ProcSet [/PDF] /C0_2 45 0 R /Resources << >> >> /ProcSet [/PDF] >> /Font << /C0_2 43 0 R >> All about the housing services available in Elmbridge, including information on finding a place to live, help and advice, advice for private landlords, resolving problems in your home, housing help and support for older and vulnerable residents and our housing policies and strategies. /Type /Page Join the housing register - www.kingston.gov.uk - Royal Borough of << Plans for 167 new homes submitted to Boston council >> /C0_3 43 0 R We've matched the postcode to London Borough of Barking and Dagenham . endobj Our website uses necessary cookies to assist with your use and navigation of the site. /C0_2 45 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.349975585938 842] /Resources << Last post: 12/02/2021 at 10:01 am. If you have not been contacted within 14 days of the closing date for bids, it is unlikely that your bid has been successful. Boston Borough Council's planning portal shows two plans along Church Green Road, in Fishtoft, from Walter Pearson and Sons (Farms) for 93 homes. /ProcSet [/PDF] /C0_4 45 0 R /XObject << The new website will bring many benefits to users, including quicker and easier . endstream >> There are no set 'bidding cycle' days when properties will be advertised. /Font << /Font << Council homes | Royal Borough of Greenwich /C0_2 43 0 R /Font << /Contents 82 0 R About half of the population live in the town of Boston. /Type /Page This feature is only available to registered users, Click here to login if you have already registered. /C0_0 48 0 R /Pattern << /C0_3 45 0 R /Parent 2 0 R You will still be . /Contents 77 0 R You can withdraw a bid at any time during the bidding cycle (see below for more details). >> We apologize for this inconvenience. >> Information for tenants. /MediaBox [0 0 595.349975585938 842] /Parent 2 0 R /Type /Page >> Changing Places Fund: local authority allocations - GOV.UK These optional cookies won't be set unless you enable them. We'd also like to set optional analytics cookies to enable us to analyseuse of our products and services using Google Analytics in order to help us improve it. /Type /Catalog This week's #BostonHomechoice magazine is now available to - Facebook